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What is the CICO diet? All about the calories-in-calories-out diet – TODAY

Have you ever heard that losing weight is simply a matter of eating fewer calories than youre burning? This is whats referred to as the calories-in-calories-out method, or CICO. The idea is that a pound is equivalent to eating about 3,500 calories, so if you want to lose about a pound a week, youd need to shave 500 calories from your daily routine, either by eating less, exercising more or a combo of both.
It may sound reasonable, but peoples individual experiences vary considerably so its impossible to accurately predict how much weight youll lose based on this math. When it comes to managing your weight, calories count to some degree but they dont all count in the same way.
The CICO diet isnt a book or an eating plan endorsed by a health expert or celebrity. Its an approach that involves eating fewer calories than you burn. The idea is that as long as you stay within a calorie range that's in line with your body's needs, you can eat what you want and still lose weight (or maintain your current weight). To stay on track, people often use a calorie counter app when following a CICO diet. But managing weight with calorie restrictions isn't as simple as it sounds.
Heres what we know about calories and how they pertain to weight loss.
You can think of calories as the energy derived from food. Calories come from any food you eat, whether thats an orange, orange juice or orange soda. However, the way the food is processed makes a difference. In this example, the orange is much more filling than the orange juice or soda.
Certain foods are especially filling, which means that the calories from those foods give you a lot of bang for the buck. The satiety index is a ranking that indicates how filling a food is based on equal calorie servings of numerous foods. The rankings show, for example, that calories from boiled potatoes are seven times more filling than the same number of calories from a croissant. Calorie-for-calorie, fish is more filling than beef or eggs. Oatmeal is more filling than bran cereal.
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Rather than focusing solely on calories, its better to be aware of your calorie needs and to develop an understanding of how calories from various foods make you feel. Managing your appetite with filling foods that are also in line with your bodys calorie needs is a good way to manage your weight and your hunger levels.
Over time, weve been eating much more of our calories from heavily processed foods, like sodas and packaged snacks, such as potato chips. In fact, Americans eat about 60% of their calories from highly processed foods. While convenient, we rely on these foods at the expense of other, more nutritious foods, like fruits and vegetables. Some studies also report that processed foods may be linked to unintentional weight gain and related problems, such as higher blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.
In a study published in Cell Metabolism in 2019, researchers pitted a whole foods diet against a processed one. Twenty people went on both diets for two weeks, and while the meals varied dramatically, the calories, sugar, fat, fiber, carbs and protein were the same on both. Once meals were served, people were allowed to eat as much or as little as they wished.
Heres what happened: On the processed food diet, participants ate many more calories (averaging an extra 500 calories per day) and they gained an average of two pounds. They ate faster, too, which may indicate they werent filling up sufficiently, or it may mean their brains didnt have a chance to compute that they were full. Theres also the possibility that its especially easy to consume these foods quickly. Think about how fast you can eat a snack bar made with oats compared to a bowl of steel cut oatmeal.
Meanwhile when those same people went on to eat the whole foods diet, the opposite occurred; they lost two pounds. In other words, the quality of those calories mattered when it came to gaining or losing weight.
One factor that gets ignored in a CICO model is the fact that there is some variability in the number of calories that you actually absorb from whole foods compared to processed ones. So for example, if youre tracking your calories, there may be slight differences in the number of calories that you think youre eating compared to the number youre actually absorbing. This can work to your advantage if youre eating mostly whole foods and potentially to your disadvantage if you arent.
Studies that examine dietary patterns point to the fact that adults who consume the most servings of whole grains have lower body weights. One possible explanation is that calories from whole grains arent absorbed as efficiently as calories from refined grains. In one study involving both men and postmenopausal women, participants were assigned to diets with varying amounts of fiber, whole grains and refined grains, but the diets supplied each person an amount of calories meant to keep weight steady. After six weeks, people who were eating whole grains experienced a lift in resting metabolic rate, which means they burned more calories when they were inactive. They also excreted extra calories in their stool. Together, this led to a daily deficit of 92 calories.
Studies involving nuts have similarly found that we dont absorb as many calories from these foods, which may be why as part of a Mediterranean Diet theyre also linked with healthier body measurements.
Liquid calories are especially problematic because theres good evidence that your body doesnt compute them in the same way it computes calories you chew, so sodas and coffee drinks arent as likely to fill you up. If you drink these routinely, you may wind up in a calorie surplus because you still need to eat (and therefore, consume calories) to combat hunger.
It's important to remember that regulating your body weight is a dynamic process that involves not only the calories and quality of food you eat, but other factors as well.
Some of the other factors that can affect your weight include:
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What is the CICO diet? All about the calories-in-calories-out diet - TODAY
Honey Bee Nutrition Might Be Key To Healthy Colonies – Texas A&M Today – Texas A&M University Today

To prevent future managed colony losses, the team will look for ways to strengthen bee colony immunity by feeding them more nutritious diets.
Getty Images
A newly fundedTexas A&M AgriLife Researchproject seeks to slow population losses among more than 2.6 million managed honey bee colonies in the U.S.
Honey bees provide pollination services that uphold $16 billion in U.S. agricultural crops. However, managed colonies have seen annual declines. Those include a 40% decline as recently as 2018-2019, said Juliana Rangel, AgriLife Research honey bee scientist in the Department of Entomology, Bryan-College Station.
The declines are attributed to several general issues, including poor nutrition and susceptibility to pathogens and diseases, said Pierre Lau, AgriLife Research graduate assistant and a Texas A&M Universitydoctoral candidate in Rangels laboratory.
Lau is also the project leader. To prevent future managed colony losses, his team will look for ways to strengthen bee colony immunity to disease pathogens by feeding them more nutritious diets.
The project is supported by aU.S. Department of Agriculture pre-doctoral fellowshiptitled Optimizing Macronutrient Contents in the Honeybee Diet as a Mechanism for Pathogen Defense.
The research team includes Lau, Texas A&M graduate student Alexandria Payne, undergraduate students Cora Garcia and Jordan Gomez, and Rangel. Spencer Behmer, AgriLife Research professor in the Texas A&M department of entomology, is also part of the team, as is his postdoctoral research associate Pierre Lesne.
Cups with different macronutrient mixes are presented to bees in these small cups.
Texas A&M AgriLif
Researchers will focus heavily on macronutrients, which are those nutrients in the highest demand by a healthy body for proper metabolism and physiology, Lau said.
His teams work will be to first understand the varying amounts of proteins and lipids, or macronutrient ratios, present in bees diets. They will work to optimize an ideal diet with varying ratios of macronutrients, then they will observe physiological benefits to bees that receive increasingly nutritious dietary mixes.
Commercial honey bee colonies succumb especially to Nosema ceranae and deformed wing virus. Nosema ceranae, a fungal pathogen, causes a fatal intestinal disease, while deformed wing virus causes death due to developmental complications in heavily infected adults, particularly due to crumpled wings.
Besides pathogens and diseases, Lau said, honey bee declines within agroecosystems which describe most agricultural crop scenarios can also come from parasitization, poor queen health, pesticide exposure and landscape fragmentation.
As such, in addition to immunity, the researchers will investigate how nutritional changes affect expression of genes that mediate proper honey bee development and growth.
We know that pollen is the most important source of nourishment for bees, but as a field of research, we have a poor understanding of all the macronutrients that make up pollen, Lau said.
At the same time, Lau and collaborators, in an unpublished study, were able to determine the nutritional content of certain pollens. In the same study, they noted that honey bees preferred pollen with a lower ratio of protein to lipids, or P:L ratio, than what would be currently available in the beekeeping industry. Moreover, Lau said, existing research shows that organisms naturally seek out pathogen-fighting nutrients in their surroundings.
Does this mean that honey bees can alter their macronutrient intake to self-medicate and increase their tolerance to a pathogen, given the availability? Lau said. It could also be that the role of lipids is more significant than we understand.
Additionally, Rangel said, honey bees need certain plants in the vicinity to help them with physiological processes. Those include metabolizing certain macro and micronutrients.
We know that honey bees need variety in their diet, Rangel said. But, to what extent are certain nutrients required, or even sought after, by the bees for proper nourishment?
Can we introduce supplemental macronutrients that allow honey bees to self-medicate in the presence of pathogen infections? Lau added. This will be our focus for the next two years.
Read more about theTexas A&M Honey Bee Research Program , and follow Rangels lab onFacebook.
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Honey Bee Nutrition Might Be Key To Healthy Colonies - Texas A&M Today - Texas A&M University Today
Nature of Things: Birds adapt to urban lifestyle as natural habitat shrinks – The Ledger

Tom Palmer| Special to The Ledger
Add the diets of some birds to list of impacts from Floridas population growth, as more of the countryside gives way to new subdivisions.
It seems some wood storks in South Florida have been adapting toliving near urban areas by shifting from a diet that historically consisted of fish to whatever they can scrounge among human food leftovers or offerings, a group of Florida Atlantic University researchers found during a two-year study.
The study compared the diets and reproductive success of storks that nested near urban areas with those that nested in more natural areas deeper in the Everglades.
The results were that the urban birds were eating more regularly even if their diet and the food they brought back to their nests sometimes consisted of hot dogs, waffles and other human-related foods. As a result, they were producing more young.
Wood storks in more natural areas are at the mercy of water levels that sometimes make it difficult to efficiently forage because the fish are too spread out in wet years. They didnt prosper or reproduce as well as the urban birds during the study period, the researchers reported.
When I was reading this, I was thinking about the pair of sandhill cranes I saw last year in a convenience store parking lot near the edge of the Green Swamp.
When I first began birdwatching more than 40 years ago, you had to travel into the countryside or to a state park to see sandhill cranes.
Now thata lot of the former countryside is covered with rooftops, the cranes have adapted by learning to forage near populated areas because, to be frank, there isnt any place left for them to look for food in many parts of Florida.
The downside of this is that I see more road-killed sandhill cranes than I once did.
Im not the only one who has noticed this.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissions Florida Wildlife Research Institute has been conductingresearch that involves fitting some cranes with colored leg bands or radio transmitters to get a better idea of their movements and their fate.
They are also accepting reports of sightings of either road-killed or banded sandhill cranes. To learn more about the program, go to
One more thing, keep in mind that it is illegal in Florida to feed sandhill cranes, and directly feeding wildlife is generally discouraged. Installing bird feeders is OK, though.
The main reason for this is that when wild animals directly associate people with food, they tend to lose their natural fear of humans and can become aggressive. There have been reports of cranes heavily damaging screened porches in search of expected food.
Besides birds can figure out how to find food, sometimes in unexpected ways.
I remember when some of were on a birdwatching trip in South Florida many years ago and found it entertaining to watch boat-tailed grackles pluckingdragonflies and other insects from the grilles of parked diesel rigs.
Another bird species that has become a common sight in urban areas is the white ibis.
White ibises were once proposed by state wildlife officials as a species of special concern until some legislators threatened to cut the agencys budget.
Now I see small flocksforaging in front yards all over my neighborhood in a fairly urban area of the county.
Like the cranes, they have fewer natural areas they can use, so they survive however they can. Their population is reportedly stable.
As I mentioned last week, the annual fall bird migration is well under way.
Some of the species that migrate through or to Florida are shorebirds.
If you see a flock of shorebirds at the beach, give them some space and do not do as some uneducated people do and run at them (or allow their children or pets to do so) and scatter them.
They have flown hundreds of miles and need all of their energy to survive the season until they return to their nesting grounds.
Observe any posted areas set up to protect bird colonies and urge others to comply.
This is especially important in Florida, where a combination of increased coastal development and increased population have combined to push wildlife including shorebirds out of their historic feeding and resting areas.
By all means watch birds, learn about them and enjoy seeing them, just do it from a respectful distance.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has launched a new website that provides a way to report gopher tortoise sightings anywhere in Florida to give state biologists more information on the location of tortoises and active burrows. The site also provides a way to report dead or injured gopher tortoises.
These animals occur in upland areas throughout the Florida peninsula. They are protected by state law/ Their burrows also provide refuges for a variety of other species of wildlife.
The site provides information on permitting information when gopher tortoises exist on proposed development sites to allow people to verify whether work in gopher tortoise habitat is properly permitted.
To check out the site, go to
Check out Tom Palmer's blog
See the rest here:
Nature of Things: Birds adapt to urban lifestyle as natural habitat shrinks - The Ledger
The 8 Foods to Eat to Reduce Your Lifetime Risk of Breast Cancer – The Beet

Breast cancer is thenumber one cancer among women in the US, afflicting about 276,000 women a year, or 1 in every 8 women over their lifetime, which is why so many of us are searching for ways to reduce the risk of a diagnosis. On a positive note, whendetected in the earliest stages breast cancer is 99 percent treatable to a five-year cure.Even betternews: Eating to lower your lifetime risk of breast canceris as simple as choosing a whole food, plant-based approach.To be clear, nothing you eat directly causes or prevents cancer, but new research shows that you can lower your risk by thelifestyle choices you make.
"Preventative dietary measures includereducingthe intake of alcohol, red meat, and fat while increasing intake of fiber and vitamin D as well as phytoestrogens from various food sources," according to one study that looked at the role of diet and breast cancer risk. All in all, nutrition impacts 35 percent of all breast cancer cases, the study found.
Thisstudy specifically links meat and dairy to an elevated risk of breast cancer:Women who ate just one-quarter of a cup of full-fat milk or dairy a day had an increased risk of breast cancer. Doctors encourage patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle of daily exercise and a minimally processed, low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. Whole foods, high in fiber and rich in antioxidants are crucial to reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Adding more fiber and antioxidants to your diet is the best way to reduce your risk of breast cancer. The best part is you may be eating these foods on a daily basis already. Here are the best antioxidant-rich and fiber-packed foods to reduce your risk of breast cancer, according to the latest studies.
Decreasing the number of fatty foods in your diet and replacing them with whole foods will reduceyourrisk and have been shown to improve the survival rate of breast cancer patients. Onestudyshowed that a low-fat diet reduces the risk of death from breast cancer by 21 percent. Adding fiber and antioxidantsfound in fruit and vegetablesto a diet low in animal fat is optimal for breast health. Women on a high-fiber diet were 8 percent less likely to develop breast cancer, compared to those who ate less fiber. An increase in dietary fiber lowers blood sugar and estrogen levels in the body, which is key to slowing or halting tumor growth.
Fiber-rich foods typically are also high in antioxidants, which are notonly important for preventing breast cancer butin treating it as well. Antioxidants contain nutrients that boost your immune system and protect againstfree radicals, which are molecules thatdamage tissue and can lead to cancer growth. Antioxidants also block the cancer-causing effects ofcarcinogensand can help women in remission lower their risk of reoccurrence.
So whether you're genetically predisposed by having one of the genetic markers, or recently diagnosed for the first time, or are recovering from breast cancer treatment, a plant-based dietis known to improvebreast health, according to a growing number of recentstudies.
Dark leafy greens, such as broccoli and kale contain a chemical calledsulforaphane that has anti-cancer properties, according to studies. Onestudy found that sulforaphane in broccoli not only possesses anti-cancer properties but also restricts tumors from growing in the lab and can prevent cancer from spreading. Kale is packed with antioxidants since it is high in vitamin C with 80 mg in one cup, which preventscancerfrom forming in the lab.Researchshowed the carotenoids in kale canboost the body's immunity against diseases andstop free radicals from damaging cells that can lead to cancer growth. Women who ate the most carotenoids had the lowest levels of cancer in that study. Carotenoids are found in vegetables such as carrots, corn, and tomatoes
This may come as a shocker to most people, but soy foods don'tincrease the risk of cancer, new studies have found, but may even help to prevent it. Incorporating soy foods like tofu, miso, edamame, and soy milk once a day forover a lifetimereduces the risk of breast cancer because the phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen actually suppress the amount of actual estrogen in the body. Isoflavones are the soy protein often linked to breast cancer but whole food sources, such as tofu don't have high enough levels of it to trigger cancer growth. Soy supplements are known to have high levels of Isoflavones, so if breast cancer runs in your family, you may want to stay away from concentrated levels or supplements. A small amount of plant-based phytoestrogens appear to be protective, so your best bet may be to just eat a regular serving of edamame or tofu a day.
Berries are rich in antioxidants and contain anti-inflammatory properties, but the most powerful berry against. breast cancer is blueberries. Blueberries improve brain and heart health as well as reducing cancer risk and are high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and flavanols, which are helpful compounds that work to detox the body from pollutants and cellular damage from free radicals. Studies show thatphytochemicals and nutrients increase antioxidant activity in the blood and help your body repair cell damage that can lead to cancer growth as well as prevent DNA damage on a cellular level. Eating berries and deep-hued fruits and vegetables every day help your body stay on top of the cellular damage caused by the stress of oxidization that comes from toxins in the environment or the food we eat.
Researchers discovered that women in Asia are about 5 times less likely to develop breast cancer than those who live in North America. Possible explanations include the fact that green tea consumption is higher in Asia and has been found to decrease risk by about 30%,
In one study researchersdiscovered that those who drink one green tea daily, have a lower overall risk of cancer. Doctors stress that patients shouldn't substitute green tea for any cancer treatments or medications but should opt to drink one glass daily along with your regular course of treatment.The antioxidant, EGCG in green tea is what makes this hot beverage so powerful: A study showed that an EGCG supplement can decrease breast density in young women, which in turn reduced the risk of cancer.
"Walnuts contain multiple ingredients that, individually, have been shown to slow cancer growth, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytosterols," says one leading study. "In previous research, consumption of walnuts has slowed the growth of implanted breast cancers."
Omega-3 fatty acidshave been shown to help fight inflammation which in itself is beneficial in avoiding heart disease and a host of other chronic conditions, but it is also linked to cancer. Onestudy showed that adding walnuts to your meals daily may slow the growth of breast tumors. Walnuts are the most studied nuts and researchers believe that even7 whole walnuts a day are enough topack major health benefits. Specifically, nutrients such as ellagitannins, melatonin, and gamma-tocopherol in walnuts are believed to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can ultimately lead to cancer growth.
In the lab, "white mushrooms have been shown to block estrogen synthase enzymes which fuel tumor growth,and researchers found that when comparing 1,000 breast cancer patients to the same number of healthy controls, those who ate more than just one half of a mushroom per day experienced a 64 percent risk reduction over women who ate no mushrooms," a study found This powerful effect from such a tiny amount makes us want to eat mushrooms every day of our lives. Sneak them into your smoothie or salads!
Eating garlic and onions in large quantities may protect against breast cancer, according to a new studyout of Puerto Rico. The authors looked at women 30 to 79 and found that those who ate "moderate to large" amounts of garlic and onions had the lowest rates of breast cancer. Other cancer risks were also found to be lower, including lung, stomach, and prostate, possibly due to the flavonols andorganosulfur in garlic and onions which have been shown to prevent cancer cell growth. Sofrito, a popular base in Latin American cuisines, uses tons of garlic and onion along with a variety of peppers. The study found those who consumed sofrito once per day had a 67 percent reduced risk, compared to those who never consumed it. Researchers found that Puerto Rico, where garlic and onion is a staple of the cuisine, has the lowest breast cancer rate among womenin the U.S.
Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, is known for relieving inflammation and pain but also for having an effect on lowering the risk of breast cancer. A study found "curcumin has chemopreventive and antitumoral activities against some aggressive and recurrent cancers," the study said.Another study found curcumin not only stops tumor growth but also prevents malignantcancers fromspreading: The "anticancer effect" of curcuminrelates to the fact that it appears to half "cell cycle and proliferation," as well as"cancer spread and angiogenesis," the study says, which is how the body supplies new blood vessels to a tumor.
Studies say that along with avoiding meat and full-fat dairy, you should stay away from all fried foods, pre-packaged baked goods and junk food to cut down on saturated fats and trans fats in your diet as well as lowering your alcohol intake. Alcohol consumption has been known to increase estrogen levels in women andjustthree drinks a week is enough to increaseyour risk of breast cancer by 15 percent.
Meat is not only high in fat but when it gets cooked at high temperatures it releases toxins that are known to cause cancer. Processed meats and cold cuts are high in fat, salt, and preservatives, meaning you should limit or avoid intake to lower your cancer risk. The samestudythat found drinking 1/4 of a cup of milk led to a 30 percent increase in the risk of breast canceralso discovered that drinking one full cup of milk per day,drives up your risk from 30 percent to 50 percent. So the more milk you drink, the higher your breast cancer risk.
An overall healthy, balanced diet filled with whole plant-based foods is proven to be the most beneficial for overall breast health and reduces your lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. We'll see you in the produce aisle, buynig mushrooms.
See the original post:
The 8 Foods to Eat to Reduce Your Lifetime Risk of Breast Cancer - The Beet
Your guide to eating plant-based food – Times of India

Are you thinking of making the switch to a more plant-based, conscious diet? Well, youre not alone. Plenty of people across the world are now understanding the benefits of consuming more plant-based food on a regular basis. As the name suggests, a plant-based diet essentially involves eating more food thats been derived from plants and cutting back on animal products, including dairy and meat. Of course, it doesnt mean cutting back on meat entirely. There are several ways to make some little swaps and tweaks each day as you work towards a more sustainable way of life. Here are a few.Snack on nutsMake sure to incorporate nuts such as California walnuts into your daily routine. Walnuts provide plant-based protein (4g/28g), fiber (2g/28g) and are the only tree nut with a significant amount of omega-3 ALA (2.5g/28g). Not only do they keep you full, but they also work as a wonderful plant-based snack. Need we say more?Use meat as a sideIf youre finding it difficult to stop consuming meat, you can try preparing it as a side dish instead of the main feature. While a curry or a hearty casserole can be the main, you can toss some meat into a salad on the side and top it with crushed walnuts for a nutritious boost.
Find meat substitutesTo keep yourself away from eating meat as much as possible, you can use meat substitutes. A blend of chopped walnuts and mushrooms is an excellent meat substitute because of their texture and unique taste, so experiment away!
View original post here:
Your guide to eating plant-based food - Times of India
Exercise and diet are more important than ever with COVID at large – Salon

If your life these days is anything like mine, a pre-pandemic routine that included regular exercise and disciplined eating has probably given way to sedentary evenings on a big chair, binge-watching reruns of your favorite TV series while guzzling chocolate ice cream or mac 'n' cheese.
But let's not beat ourselves up about it. Several doctors I spoke with recently said most of their patients and many of their colleagues are struggling to maintain healthy habits amid the anxiety of the pandemic. "The Quarantine 15" (pounds, that is) is a real phenomenon.
The double challenge of protecting our health, including our immune systems, while battling unhealthy temptations "is a struggle everyone is dealing with," says Dr. David Kilgore, director of the integrative medicine program at the University of California-Irvine.
Well before COVID-19, more than 40% of U.S. adults were obese, which puts them at risk for COVID-19's worst outcomes. But even people accustomed to physical fitness and good nutrition are having trouble breaking the bad habits they've developed over the past five months.
Karen Clark, a resident of Knoxville, Tennessee, discovered competitive rowing later in life, and her multiple weekly workouts burned off any excess calories she consumed. But the pandemic changed everything: She could no longer meet up with her teammates to row and stopped working out at the YMCA.
Suddenly, she was cooped up at home. And, as for many people, that led to a more sedentary lifestyle, chained to the desk, with no meetings outside the house or walks to lunch with colleagues.
"I reverted to comfort food and comfortable routines and watching an awful lot of Netflix and Amazon Prime, just like everybody else," Clark says. "When I gained 10 pounds and I was 25, I just cut out the beer and ice cream for a week. When you gain 12 pounds at 62, it's a long road back."
She started along that road in July, when she stopped buying chips, ice cream and other treats. And in August, she rediscovered the rowing machine in her basement.
But don't worry if you lack Clark's discipline, or a rowing machine. You can still regain some control over your life.
A good way to start is to establish some basic daily routines, since in many cases that's exactly what the pandemic has taken away, says Dr. W. Scott Butsch, director of obesity medicine at the Cleveland Clinic's Bariatric and Metabolic Institute. He recommends you "bookend" your day with physical activity, which can be as simple as a short walk in the morning and a longer one after work.
And, especially if you have kids at home who will be studying remotely this fall, prepare your meals at the beginning of the day, or even the beginning of the week, he says.
If you haven't exercised in a while, "start slow and gradually get yourself up to where you can tolerate an elevated heart rate," says Dr. Leticia Polanco, a family medicine doctor with the South Bay Primary Medical Group, just south of San Diego. If your gym is closed or you can't get together with your regular exercise buddies, there are plenty of ways to get your body moving at home and in your neighborhood, she says.
Go for a walk, a run or a bike ride, if one of those activities appeals to you. Though many jurisdictions across the United States require residents to wear masks when out in public, it may not be necessary and may even be harmful to some people with respiratory conditions while doing strenuous exercise.
"It's clearly hard to exercise with a mask on," says Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases at Stanford University's School of Medicine. "We go hiking up in the foothills and we take our masks with us and we don't wear them unless somebody starts coming the other way. Then we will put the mask on, and then we take it off and we keep going."
If you prefer to avoid the mask question altogether, think of your house as a cleverly disguised gym. Put on music and dance, or hula-hoop, Polanco suggests. You can also pump iron if you have dumbbells, or find a cable TV station with yoga or other workout programs.
If you search on the internet for "exercise videos," you will find countless workouts for beginners and experienced fitness buffs alike. Try one of the seven-minute workout apps so popular these days. You can download them from Google Play or the Apple Store.
If you miss the camaraderie of exercising with others, virtual fitness groups might seem like a pale substitute, but they can provide motivation and accountability, as well as livestreamed video workouts with like-minded exercisers. One way to find such groups is to search for "virtual fitness community."
Many gyms are also offering live digital fitness classes and physical training sessions, often advertised on their websites.
If group sports is your thing, you may or may not have options, depending on where you live.
In Los Angeles, indoor and outdoor group sports in municipal parks are shut down until further notice. The only sports allowed are tennis and golf.
In Montgomery County, Maryland, the Ron Schell Draft League, a softball league for men 50 and older, will resume play early this month after sitting out the spring season due to COVID-19, says Dave Hyder, the league's commissioner.
But he says it has been difficult to get enough players because of worries about COVID.
"In the senior group, you have quite a lot of people who are in a high-risk category or may have a spouse in a high-risk category, and they don't want to chance playing," says Hyder, 67, who does plan to play.
Players will have to stay at least 6 feet apart and wear masks while off the field. On the field, the catcher is the only player required to wear a mask. That's because masks can steam up glasses or slip, causing impaired vision that could be dangerous to base runners or fielders, Hyder explains.
Whatever form of exercise you choose, remember it won't keep you healthy unless you also reduce consumption of fatty and sugary foods that can raise your risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension all COVID-19 risk factors.
Kim Guess, a dietitian at UC-Berkeley, recommends that people lay in a healthy supply of beans and lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds, as well as frozen vegetables, tofu, tempeh and canned fish, such as tuna and salmon.
"Start with something really simple," she said. "It could even be a vegetable side dish to go with what they're used to preparing."
Whatever first steps you decide to take, now is a good time to start eating better and moving your body more.
Staying healthy is "so important these days, more than at any other time, because we are fighting this virus which doesn't have a treatment," says the Cleveland Clinic's Butsch. "The treatment is our immune system."
This KHN story first published onCalifornia Healthline, a service of the California Health Care Foundation.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
Originally posted here:
Exercise and diet are more important than ever with COVID at large - Salon
Past employees at F-Factor say the office culture was toxic and eating was policed – Business Insider – Business Insider

For years, F-Factor which promises customers that they can "eat carbs, dine out, drink alcohol, work out less" and stay slim on founder Tanya Zuckerbrot's fiber-heavy regime has been the in-the-know diet for well-heeled Upper East Siders and celebrities, including Megyn Kelly, Olivia Culpo, and Katie Couric.
Zuckerbrot charges some clients up to$15,000 for a startup packageand serves up diet tips and scenes from her jet-setting lifestyle to her 119,000 Instagram followers. She seemed to have it all: books, a line of powders and fiber bars, a $22 million Park Avenue apartment, and a handsome second husband, the corporate real-estate investor Anthony Westreich.
Now former F-Factor employees are coming forward to Insider with allegations about the company's work environment, including claims that employees' eating habits were policed by Zuckerbrot in a manner that was diametrically opposed to the carefree image F-Factor projects to its users. Some employees also said Zuckerbrot engaged in office behavior they found inappropriate and told sexually explicit jokes that made them uncomfortable.
"These allegations [are] all either false or misleading,"Zuckerbrot said in a statement to Insider.
Read the rest here:
Past employees at F-Factor say the office culture was toxic and eating was policed - Business Insider - Business Insider
The pandemic diet: Next year’s fun and events rely on today’s choices for area arts groups – Denton Record Chronicle

Leaders of North Texas arts nonprofits met Wednesday to talk budgets.
As the nation emerges, Punxsutawney Phil-like, from pandemic shutdown, performing and visual arts groups want to continue hosting exhibits, staging plays and celebrating festivals.
But with an economic downturn shuttering businesses and thrusting workers into unemployment, nonprofit groups might be doing all of that on a smaller budget. On Wednesday, the Dallas-based Business Council for the Arts hosted an online forum to talk fundraising and budgeting in the time of COVID-19.
Panelists for the virtual gathering included Betsy Lewis, the development director for Cedars Union, a cooperative that serves artists with studios and a maker space; Holly Hull Miori, the development and alumni relations director for the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies & School of Arts and Humanities; and Kaitlin Guthrow, director of sponsorships and nonprofit relations for North Texas Giving Day Communities Foundation of Texas.
The panelists said arts groups are funded by big donors often corporate sponsors who donate thousands of dollars to programs and events as well as individuals who give less than $100.
I would say that theyre both equally important, Guthrow said. Those big donors can help propel your mission further, and help you reach your goals faster. But you dont want to become too dependent on a small number of large donors. If I had to pick between one $1,000 donor or 10 $100 donors, I would choose the latter every time. Because if that one drops off, particularly in a challenging year like this year, then youve got to start completely over.
Miori said shed take a hybrid, of big and small donors. The big donations generate publicity and dollars, she said.
But these small gifts bring a lot of momentum with it, and they tend to be with you for a longer time, Miori said. These gifts tend to be with you 10, 20 years and they can also be better planned giving prospects.
In other words, individuals who give smaller amounts over a decade or longer plan to give cash, equity or property more often than companies do.
I would add that a sponsorship is not necessarily big and the individual donation is not necessarily small, Lewis said. The healthiest way to approach it if youre in an organization that has the staff and volunteers for it is to diversify just like a stock portfolio, so that your fundraising efforts are not completely dependent... on one avenue of fundraising.
Denton nonprofits have been weathering the COVID-19 storm. Founder and director of local documentary film, music and photography festival Thin Line Joshua Butler said his team canceled in-person screenings and all live music showcases last March. Instead, Butlers new business, Falcon Events, screened films online, at the festival website.
Virtual, for one, is cheaper, Butler said. So you automatically have a reduced budget across the board. Thin Line is in a good position where we can pivot quickly. We dont have employees or staff. The virtual festival is pretty inexpensive. I dont have to worry about hotel rooms and hospitality and car services.
Screening the festival online brought in an audience that tripled 2019 attendance. More than 7,000 people signed on to the Thin Line virtual fest.
Thin Line is free and is funded mostly by corporate sponsors.
Every single one of those sponsors got a lot more eyeballs than they would have in the screening spaces, so they got a lot more value.
Butler said the 2021 festival will be virtual, too.
Were going to be virtual next year and then see what the next year brings, he said. We know other nonprofits arent in a position to pivot like we did. I started Falcon Events to do virtual conferences and Thin Line was its first event. For us, our costs for next year are reduced. Basically, all we have to pay for is the content.
Panelists said that while COVID-19 was a sucker punch for nonprofit arts groups, the pandemic reminded leaders and volunteers of analog methods for staying in touch with donors and North Texans who come to their exhibits, performances and programs. Donors told nonprofit board members and directors they enjoyed handwritten notes, and leaders said they found ways to use promotional merchandise that didnt work before the pandemic. Bumper stickers that arrived with too-small text turned into swag to stuff bags and envelopes with. Reluctant board members dropped the word fundraising from their vocabulary and instead made thank-you calls to donors that often yielded more giving.
Guthrow said small donations will likely still make up the bulk of charitable giving and support for arts groups. In about one week, Guthrow and her team will preside over a sprawling, daylong fundraiser that will generate millions of dollars for thousands of nonprofits.
North Texas Giving Day is all about inspiring individual giving, she said. You look at what the largest component of philanthropy in this country is, its individual giving every single year. To the tune of about 70%. Foundation grants make up about 16[%], corporate giving [is] about 5[%]. So individual giving really is the bulk of it. Never underestimate the power of small donor because if you look at last year, what the community of North Texas donors raised was $50 million for over 3,000 nonprofits. Sixty percent of those gifts were under $100.
Miori said nonprofits have to evaluate their successes and their failures. The Ackerman Center is part of the University of Texas at Dallas, and Mirori said the center has enjoyed support from the community, but not as much from university alumni. The center has elected to put more resources into promoting the center among graduates.
Weve staffed up to do better, and were getting there, she said. Weve had to continue to do things to make alumni want to come back [and give] ... We celebrate a $2 gift and we celebrate a $1,000 gift.
Miori said shes getting a lot of questions about raising money during a pandemic. Her answer: Its time for creative people to use that creativity to keep fulfilling their missions.
Were making it up as we go, she said. Were writing it all down, and hopefully well never have to do this again.
LUCINDA BREEDING can be reached at 940-566-6877 and via Twitter at @LBreedingDRC.
See the article here:
The pandemic diet: Next year's fun and events rely on today's choices for area arts groups - Denton Record Chronicle
The pandemic diet: Next year’s fun and events relies on today’s choices for area arts groups – Denton Record Chronicle

Leaders of North Texas arts nonprofits met Wednesday to talk budgets.
As the nation emerges, Punxsutawney Phil-like, from pandemic shutdown, performing and visual arts groups want to continue hosting exhibits, staging plays and celebrating festivals.
But with an economic downturn shuttering businesses and thrusting workers into unemployment, nonprofit groups might be doing all of that on a smaller budget. On Wednesday, the Dallas-based Business Council for the Arts hosted an online forum to talk fundraising and budgeting in the time of COVID-19.
Panelists for the virtual gathering included Betsy Lewis, the development director for Cedars Union, a cooperative that serves artists with studios and a maker space; Holly Hull Miori, the development and alumni relations director for the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies & School of Arts and Humanities; and Kaitlin Guthrow, director of sponsorships and nonprofit relations for North Texas Giving Day Communities Foundation of Texas.
The panelists said arts groups are funded by big donors often corporate sponsors who donate thousands of dollars to programs and events as well as individuals who give less than $100.
I would say that theyre both equally important, Guthrow said. Those big donors can help propel your mission further, and help you reach your goals faster. But you dont want to become too dependent on a small number of large donors. If I had to pick between one $1,000 donor or 10 $100 donors, I would choose the latter every time. Because if that one drops off, particularly in a challenging year like this year, then youve got to start completely over.
Miori said shed take a hybrid, of big and small donors. The big donations generate publicity and dollars, she said.
But these small gifts bring a lot of momentum with it, and they tend to be with you for a longer time, Miori said. These gifts tend to be with you 10, 20 years and they can also be better planned giving prospects.
In other words, individuals who give smaller amounts over a decade or longer plan to give cash, equity or property more often than companies do.
I would add that a sponsorship is not necessarily big and the individual donation is not necessarily small, Lewis said. The healthiest way to approach it if youre in an organization that has the staff and volunteers for it is to diversify just like a stock portfolio, so that your fundraising efforts are not completely dependent... on one avenue of fundraising.
Denton nonprofits have been weathering the COVID-19 storm. Founder and director of local documentary film, music and photography festival Thin Line Joshua Butler said his team canceled in-person screenings and all live music showcases last March. Instead, Butlers new business, Falcon Events, screened films online, at the festival website.
Virtual, for one, is cheaper, Butler said. So you automatically have a reduced budget across the board. Thin Line is in a good position where we can pivot quickly. We dont have employees or staff. The virtual festival is pretty inexpensive. I dont have to worry about hotel rooms and hospitality and car services.
Screening the festival online brought in an audience that tripled 2019 attendance. More than 7,000 people signed on to the Thin Line virtual fest.
Thin Line is free and is funded mostly by corporate sponsors.
Every single one of those sponsors got a lot more eyeballs than they would have in the screening spaces, so they got a lot more value.
Butler said the 2021 festival will be virtual, too.
Were going to be virtual next year and then see what the next year brings, he said. We know other nonprofits arent in a position to pivot like we did. I started Falcon Events to do virtual conferences and Thin Line was its first event. For us, our costs for next year are reduced. Basically, all we have to pay for is the content.
Panelists said that while COVID-19 was a sucker punch for nonprofit arts groups, the pandemic reminded leaders and volunteers of analog methods for staying in touch with donors and North Texans who come to their exhibits, performances and programs. Donors told nonprofit board members and directors they enjoyed handwritten notes, and leaders said they found ways to use promotional merchandise that didnt work before the pandemic. Bumper stickers that arrived with too-small text turned into swag to stuff bags and envelopes with. Reluctant board members dropped the word fundraising from their vocabulary and instead made thank-you calls to donors that often yielded more giving.
Guthrow said small donations will likely still make up the bulk of charitable giving and support for arts groups. In about one week, Guthrow and her team will preside over a sprawling, daylong fundraiser that will generate millions of dollars for thousands of nonprofits.
North Texas Giving Day is all about inspiring individual giving, she said. You look at what the largest component of philanthropy in this country is, its individual giving every single year. To the tune of about 70%. Foundation grants make up about 16[%], corporate giving [is] about 5[%]. So individual giving really is the bulk of it. Never underestimate the power of small donor because if you look at last year, what the community of North Texas donors raised was $50 million for over 3,000 nonprofits. Sixty percent of those gifts were under $100.
Miori said nonprofits have to evaluate their successes and their failures. The Ackerman Center is part of the University of Texas at Dallas, and Mirori said the center has enjoyed support from the community, but not as much from university alumni. The center has elected to put more resources into promoting the center among graduates.
Weve staffed up to do better, and were getting there, she said. Weve had to continue to do things to make alumni want to come back [and give] ... We celebrate a $2 gift and we celebrate a $1,000 gift.
Miori said shes getting a lot of questions about raising money during a pandemic. Her answer: Its time for creative people to use that creativity to keep fulfilling their missions.
Were making it up as we go, she said. Were writing it all down, and hopefully well never have to do this again.
LUCINDA BREEDING can be reached at 940-566-6877 and via Twitter at @LBreedingDRC.
Read this article:
The pandemic diet: Next year's fun and events relies on today's choices for area arts groups - Denton Record Chronicle
Wes Moss: You dont have to work forever, but you can use your talents – Atlanta Journal Constitution

Dr. Hinohara was still treating patients and clocking 18-hour workdays up to a few months before he passed away. He clearly loved what he did, and he was fortunate to have a sense of purpose saving lives.
Possibly my favorite piece of wisdom he shared was the concept that when you have a long life expectancy, you can spend the first 60 years working for you and your family, then the next 40 years working for the greater good and contributing to make the world a better place giving you a sense of greater purpose.
Remember the Gallup Work Engagement Study?
Lets be realistic about the world we live in today. Only 1 in 5 people truly love their work like Dr. Hinohara did. Most big companies call you family, but in the end, they serve their shareholders. Surplussing is one of the new and more despicable terms for sugarcoating when a company needs to lay people off theres a surplus of humans here, so lets reduce the surplus. Not to mention, from ages 55 to 65, you may not have the choice to keep working at your primary job.
The result? One in 5 people in the U.S. downright hate their jobs, another 3 in 5 could take it or leave it. So, 4 out of 5 workers dont share Dr. Hinoharas love of work and a sentiment to never retire.
Keep in mind I wrote You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think, so Im a little biased toward Americans being able to stop working at their current job long before age 105. However, one of the main components thats paramount to an early and happy retirement is having multiple activities/projects/endeavors that youre passionate about working on. I call these, core pursuits. Its something that Dr. Hinohara clearly had down pat.
Put core pursuits at the center of your retirement planning.
First of all, losing the dignity of work isnt easy for most people. Remember the study from Harrys that said the No. 1 predictor of a mans happiness is his job satisfaction and his feeling of impact at his company and career? Americans, both men and women, love to work and love to earn if their productivity is channeled in the right direction.
It isnt easy to replicate the energy, challenge and accomplishment you get from work its almost like rigorous exercise. The workout or run may hurt, but it makes you stronger, and healthier. In some respects, continuing to work, particularly at something you enjoy doing, offers similar benefits.
Just look at Jimmy Buffett. He made a living of singing about wastin' away again in Margaritaville, but when you look at the empire that hes built with his music, beverages, real estate, restaurants and other merchandise, its easy to see that this guy works his tail off to sell the idea of a relaxing life to others. And based on his success and his reported half-a-billion dollar net worth, its clear that hes not just in it for the money these days.
The end result of working similar to a long run or workout at the gym is very difficult to replace. So, the HROBs Happiest Retirees on the Block of the world re-create their work stimulation by deploying a long series of core pursuits.
Maybe yoga, gardening, fishing, hiking, biking, running, walking, golfing, going to church, crafting or art ends up not being enough. Thats OK. Maybe you can transition your skills into a very involved volunteer role or lower-paying nonprofit job. Maybe its starting your own small business. Consider a teaching, coaching or mentoring role. Write a book. Start a website. Join a band. Become a tour guide or historian in your town. Put your cooking skills to use to feed your community. Your core pursuits can lead you to a more fulfilling future while adding life to your years.
Get going and get growing.
I get what Dr. Hinohara was saying, but beyond following a sparse diet and taking the stairs, his advice to work forever just wont work for most Americans. We have to work and save so we can have the economic freedom to follow our passions. Its something thats typically unrealistic if you have a new mortgage and are trying to raise a family. Happy retirees find themselves in the opposite position. They can take on a job or career thats focused on feeding their soul rather than financing their family.
Remember Dr. Hinoharas reflection that once youve raised your family, the next phase of your life (60-plus) can be focused on you and the greater good around you.
Curiosity killed the cat, but a lack of curiosity is what kills the happy retiree.
Wes Moss has been the host of Money Matters on News 95.5 and AM 750 WSB in Atlanta for more than 10 years now, and he does a live show from 9-11 a.m. Sundays. He is the chief investment strategist for Atlanta-based Capital Investment Advisors. For more information, go to
This information is provided to you as a resource for informational purposes only and is not to be viewed as investment advice or recommendations. This information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. This information is not intended to, and should not, form a primary basis for any investment decision that you may make. Always consult your own legal, tax, or investment adviser before making any investment/tax/estate/financial planning considerations or decisions.
Original post:
Wes Moss: You dont have to work forever, but you can use your talents - Atlanta Journal Constitution