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Consumers Turn to Plant-Based Foods During the Pandemic – The Beet

As we round the corner on month seven of life during a pandemic, a few lasting truths appear to be emerging: One is that we need to adopt better hygiene, since frequent hand-washing and wearing masks can stop the spread of the virus. The other is that we need to eat better, and if the industry forecasters are correct, American consumers are vastly embracingmore plant-based foods and leaving animal products out of their carts, as awareness about where our food comes from has grown. Americans are choosing healthier food, as well as that which won't impact the planet, and they care more about the way their food is processed.
This new plant-based food trend is driven by flexitarians more than strictly vegan approach since more people are adding plants to their plate than swearing off all animal products. But sales of plant-based foods have outpaced other categories by more than five to one and sales of meatless meat rose 35 percent since the pandemic buying spree began.
If there is a small silver lining to this lastinghealth crisis, it's that we are taking better care of our health by eating fewer animal products and choosing more plant-based options. Since the start of the pandemic, 23 percent more Americans are consuming more plant-based foods, and the sales of plant-based meats is expected to top $1 billion for the first time ever this year, according to the Good Food Institute which reports on trends of plant-based eating. Meanwhile, sales of meat and poultry are down for the first time in six years.
That kind of consumer awareness could just lead to longer life spans in this country, as a shift toward a more plant-based diet is known to be healthier, linked to lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity (and related diseases), hypertension, and cancer.A plant-based diet has also been shown to be helpful in losing unwanted weight.
Ryan Andrews, MS, RD, Principal Nutritionist and Advisor for Precision Nutrition, and author of Drop the Fat and Live Lean, A Guide to Plant-Based Eatingwho works to coach clients on how to switch to healthier habits and adopt plant-based nutrition, has seen a shift in awareness among consumers about where their food comes from, and a desire to eat cleaner, leaner and have less impact on the environment with the choices they make.
"There has been a big shift, especially since the pandemic, in how people are eating," Andrews said when I interviewed him on the topic ofnutrition choices during a pandemic. "People are starting to think about where their food comes from. And if you think about where food comes from, it's going to lead you to a more plant-based diet. Because animal productsare terrible for you, terrible for the planet, and terrible for animals."
Andrewsadds that more people now "have the bandwidth' to pay attention to where their food originates, or is processed, and how that affects their health and the planet. This was due in large part to the myriadstories about thousands of meat plant workers who in May and June were getting sick from COVID-19, in hotspots across 39 states, that forcedthe closure of meat plants. Consumers reacted by turning away from animal products to try plant-based meats instead.
"This has been a pivotal moment and a chance for people to start to think about where their food is coming from," says Andrews. That might only go as far as: 'I wonder who is touching my food?' and 'Is it going to make me sick?' and 'Could I get coronavirus from my food?' " (A recent study found that coronavirus can live for up to three weeks frozen on meat, but so far no confirmed incidents of coronavirus being spread on food have been reported.)
"Different people and different groups are coming at it from different angles," Andrews continues. "To say people are thinking about farms and animals is a stretch, so it's not about that necessarily. But anything that gets people thinking about food and where it comes is a positive thing."
During the pandemic, celebrities have expressed the importance of plant-based eating for the sake of human health and the planetas well as to put an end to animal crueltyand Lewis Hamilton, the Formula 1 driver who is an outspoken advocate of plant-based eating, just announced he will be racing in a new series of cross countryraces in a partnership with Electronic E, the sustainable electric car company, on terrain that has been most dramatically affected by climate change, to raise awareness of what people can do to help slow or turn back the global warming and climate change crisis.
"It's interesting that now, months after the pandemic first hit, there is definitely a higher level of awareness about what is happening on the planet and how our diets connect to that," says Andrews. In his book he said there were more people who believe they've seen signs of alien life in the universe than have chosen to eat a strictly vegan diet. So the growth is not about pure veganism as a way of life, but about adding plant-based foods for health and the planet.
'I'll do an informal survey when I speak to a group about nutrition and ask: Who cares about the animals? And 100 percent say they do. But when it comes to investigating where their food comes from, and the impact their food choices have on their health and the planet,it's a smaller group since they are aware of the impact food has on animals and the planet but they are not all ready to give up all their favorite foods. It's easier to add plant-based foods instead, so that's where I encourage people to begin," he adds.
"Theylove the idea of just adding more and more plant-based foods to their diet, and eventually that leads to less and less animal products. I call itPositive Dietary Displacement."
This may not be popular in the vegan community, but more consumers want to eat more plant-based foods without swearing off all meat and dairy, he says, and that's what he sees when he coaches people who want to eat better. "To me, it's not a binary issue, of animal products versus no animal products.People just want to eat better to be healthy."
Some people might think, 'I need meat to be strong or healthy.' and since I don't want to dismiss anybody from the start and say that is false and it's a myth, instead I will work with them to help them understand that you can get protein from plants and you can get calcium, iron, magnesium, and all your vitamins and nutrients without needing to eat animal product. But it's an educationwhen I start working with people, and individuals come with a set idea of what they need.
"Everything from genetics to digestion to food preference comes to play. Individuals walk in with their own preconceived ideas of what they want or need to eat, and there is nuance to helping them give up foods they are used to eating. Maybe some people need one thing or another [to start]. Then they learn about how plant-based eating is healthier and they are ready to move more in that direction," he adds.
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Consumers Turn to Plant-Based Foods During the Pandemic - The Beet
Neman: Where I stopped reading the email –

Where I stopped reading the email:
In these unprecedented times, we are all feeling additional stress, from concerns about catching a frightening disease to wondering how we are going to educate our children as we work from home. And that is why it is especially important now, more than ever, to look after ourselves, slow down and take the time to think about artichokes
How was your weekend? I hope you are staying healthy!
It is a difficult time for us all. Studies show that Americans have gained an average of 16 pounds since the beginning of the COVID-19 virus. But our scientists at Nosuch Laboratories have been working hard on developing healthy and nutritious ways to satisfy our anxious cravings with foods that are healthy and nutritious.
Everybody loves chocolate, right? Youre probably familiar with carob, the natural chocolate substitute. Now were happy to announce the introduction of CARE-OB, a new healthy alternative to carob
Good morning! In these unprecedented times, we are all finding ways to eat right and stay healthy. Fiber is beneficial to us all, and is an important part of any diet. That is why I am superexcited to introduce our new line of cabbage-based liqueurs
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Neman: Where I stopped reading the email -
I Had a Heart Attack at 49, Went Vegan, and It Saved my Life – The Beet

Doug Schmidt loved to eat meat and ate it every day, until at the age of 49,out of the blue, he suffered his first heart attack. "No one expects to have a heart attack at age 49," he said. In the hospital, near his home in Rochester, NY, he made the decision to follow the American Heart Association's dietary guidelines and cut way back on meat and dairy and switch to amore whole-foodplant-baseddiet. Then, just a few months later, he was sent back to the hospital barely able to breathe, and the doctors told him he could have another heart attack any minute.
After getting through that ordeal, Doug knew it was time to take matters into his own hands and not trust that the AHA had the right approach. He and his wife started doing more research while he was recuperating and found out that a plant-based dietbased on whole foods and zerooil was the healthiest way to go for someone in Doug's position: No meat, no dairy, no animal fat whatsoever. "She wanted to keep me around," he recalls. Eventually, he adopted a completely vegan diet which ended up saving his life. Within weeks of going full-on vegan, he started losing weight and his blood work improved. Every three months he checked in with his doctor and within 3 years he was completely back to normal healthy levels of cholesterol and other markers for cardiovascular disease.
All in all, changing to an oil-free whole food plant-based approachhelpedDoug lose sixty pounds and change his entire life, including changing his career path (he is still working as a school teacher) to focus more on educating others about how to start a plant-based diet of their own, for whatever their reason may be. The Beet chatted with Doug on Zoom andhe sharedhis entire journey over the past 9 years since he got healthy, including the challenges, the rewards, the motivations, theexact foods he ate to get healthy, and what inspired him along the way. Here is his play-book including the helpful movies to watch, books to read, and more.
DS:"I had a heart attack at 49, and nobody expects to get a heart attack at 49. All the research showed that if I didn't change my eating habits, I would have another heart attack within five years. Initially, I found Dr. Caldwell Esselstyns work on preventing and reversing heart disease, and at first, I said 'Thats too extreme, I'm not going to do that.'
"So the first year I followed the American Heart Association guidelines, which said I could have a little meat, I could have dairy, I could have eggs, and I ended up in the emergency room with a threat of another heart attack. After that health scare, I took things more seriously but still, the switch didnt happen overnight. It took us about three years to get fully on board. I switched my diet to save my life, but you know that there has been the added bonus of helping the environment and helping the animals, so its allowed me to walk a little softer."
DS:"Once we [my wife Shari and I] made that full conversion over to a whole-foods plant-based with no oil once we did that, all my blood work numbers came in line.
"My total cholesterol dropped down to under 150. My blood sugars all dropped in line. I lost 60 pounds, I went from 225 to 165 pounds. Once the weight started dropping off,as I consistently ate clean plant-based foods, the better my numbers got.
"I had a great doctor, who would take blood work every 3 months and he could tell if I was staying on track with my diet.My doctor would know if I hadnt lost weight, hed know if my cholesterol was still high. And as soon as I started eating properly, all those numbers came down and came in line. So it really was miraculous, once that started happening. With those health benefits, that was sort of all the encouragement I needed to keep going."
DS:"I had my heart attack just before we met, so she wanted to keep me around. So she was very instrumentalin my making theswitch. She took the E-Cornell plant-based nutrition course and she would read andsay to me:"Oh, we got to stop eating this! Oh, weve got to stop eating oil!" And I replied "Really?" But she helped me transition the most, because we did it together. She also had all the same health benefits as mI had. She lost 30 lbs and her numbers also all came in line and she felt healthier."
DS:"We really didn't see a lot of the weight loss until we hit that no oil phase. In the first week of not eating oil, she lost 5 pounds. Then it just started dropping off after that"
DS:"Pretty much every day. Dairy was definitely all throughout our diet.Pecorino Romano went into just about everything I made. Actually, when I had the heart attack, we moved to an 8-acre farm, and we decided we were going to grow a lot of our own food or as much as possible. That included raising chickens, not for the meat, but for the eggs. When we made that transition over, now we had chickens, but we werent eating the eggs. We werent going to just give those chickens away, but we weren't going to eat them either.
"So they just lived out their lives on the farm, being chickens. It was interesting to interact with them, they were great creatures to interact with. We now laugh, when we look at our pantry right now and see that it doesnt look like what it did ten years ago. The things that are in there are like, My gosh! How 'Hippy-eating, Kombucha-drinking' our pantry looks now. We just laugh."
DS:"I was a baker in a previous life. I used to be a bakery trainer for a major supermarket chain, Wegmans, before I became a teacher. So I can bake anything, from Croissants to Danish to Cakes, and I also have a sweet tooth. So that was sort of hard. I asked myself "how do you make a dessert without all that added sugar, without all the added fat or the eggs, or the dairy"? Especially because the cornerstone of most pastry is eggs, as well as butter, and dairy. So it was tough to make that change.
"Probably the hardest thing to give up was the cheese. The meat wasn't too hard, but you know, the cheese, which we used to put on everything. Andthen we had to figure out ways to get away from that taste addiction."
DS:"Oh, yes, Im still baking. For eggs and dairy, I don't think of it as substituting eggs and dairy because they serve as a certain component. Whether its eggs for a binder or for a lift in a product orfor addingfat. So, I look at things I can use instead, for fat, for binders, and for leavening. So for instance instead of fat, a lot of it now comesfrom using nuts.
"I used to make a French Pear Tart that was totally decadent, and it contained a lot of eggs, butter, and dairy in it. I make that same tart now with crushed nuts, oats, and a little maple syrup for the crust. For the filling, I use flax meal to make the typical flax egg, and thats enough to act as the binder. So I do things like that.
"I look at ways of incorporating beans to give a creaminess, not just black beans but white beans, to give creaminess in a filling. Also using those old skills and substituting non-dairy milk, I can make a simple custard that tastes just as good as the old one, but without any of the animal products. I found some workarounds for most of these things."
DS: "It hasnt changed too much. Typically I have an oat-bowl in the morning, with lots of fresh berries strawberries, blueberries, raspberriessome flaxseed, Lately, weve added [plant-based] yogurt to our breakfast mix that we make in our instant pot. For the base, we start with a soy-based yogurt as the culture, and we just use soy milk and put it in the instant-pot overnight, and the next day when you wake up, you have about 4, 5 cups of fresh yogurt. Then we also have a bowl of steamed kale with some balsamic vinegar on the side and thats breakfastand thats also basically lunch. We eat two meals a day. For dinner, it's whatever we're creating at the moment. A lot of bowls, stir-fries, soups, and salads, depending on what we're in the mood for. Right now we're preppingour second cookbook, so it's whatever we're cooking for the cookbook is what's typically for dinner."
DS:"Our first cookbook is called Eat Plants, Love: Recipes for a Good Life, and the second one that will be coming out this fall is called Eat More Plants, Recipes from the Good Life Challenge and we had some of the people who took our 10-day challenge contribute recipes to it."
DS:"Right now, were taking Complement, which is done by the guys from Plant-Based Athlete. It gives us our B-12, our D3, and also K2, which is for heart health, specifically for me. It has all the stuff we need, and it also has magnesium and other essentials. Initially, we were taking K2, D3, and B1 separately, but we figured we might as well get it all in one package."
DS:" I always tell people it is going to be hard, because you're giving up a lifetime of eating habits, so take it a bit at a time if that's the kind of person you are. Or you can just go all in. You know the first thing we tell people is that dairy is probably the most addictive and is what most people strugglewith.
"But you'll also immediately see results. We do our 10-day challenge, in which we say just do it in ten days because you can do anything for 10 days. That really gets people clean in 5 or 6 days, they feel the results. We tell people going 75%plant-based isnot giving you 100% of results. The only way you really see results is going all in.
"We also tell people,youre going to struggle, relapse, or fall off the wagon, as some people say, but it's okay, you have a chance at the next meal to eat healthily. Just keep working at it, its like any habit, you have to practice it to make it easier. And the longer you do it, the easier it gets."
DS:"One that really hit home was The Game Changers. And,Forks Over Knives of course is a good one. The one that actually made me go vegan was the one Joaquin Phoneix narrates, Earthlings. Its the movies opening with the definition of Earthlings that really made me stop and think. Its saying that it's humans arrogance to think that we're the only sentient beings on Earth.
"Any creature that lives on this Earth is a sentient being, they are all earthlings, which really hit home to me. You can't go back [to eating animal product] if you're true to your morals about animal welfare. I don't know how people can revert back."
DS:"It's that I walk a little bit more softly on the earth. Whether that's in my interactions with people or interactions with animals, I know that eating this way helps everything and everyone. It helps the environment, it helps the animals, and I know I'm not hurting anyone.
"That next step for me is to be gentle, generous, and kind, and giving that to the humans I interact with. So it is to walk softly on the earth, or gently. That sort of encompasses everything. My wife and I talk every once in a while, and we ask each other: Would you ever go back to eating certain things. For instance, I loved eggs. I loved meat, but when you think about where these things came from, and those abuses that those animals go through, you cant let go of that idea. For me, that mantra is walk softly on the earth."
Original post:
I Had a Heart Attack at 49, Went Vegan, and It Saved my Life - The Beet
What you need to know about grain-free dog food and possible connection to fatal heart disease –

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) Theres an old expression that you are what you eat, and in the case of your dogwhat he or she eats may be causing them to develop a fatal disease.
When it comes to dogs, grain-free diets are a big thing, but there are real concerns about grain-free dog diets.
Grain-Free its a market that food makers are capitalizing on. It includes food as well as treats as owners try and keep their pets away from grain believing its a healthier lifestyle for their canine friend.
But, the FDA says it is seeing a worrying connection between grain-free dog food and deadly heart disease.
The FDA has noted an association or correlation between dogs on a grain-free diet and a particular kind of disease called Dilated Cardiomyopathy, said Dr. Charles Livaudais, a veterinarian at Harmony Animal Hospital in Apex.
The disease literally causes the heart muscle in a dog to become thin and weak making the heart pump inefficiently.
Livaudais said, signs of it include exercise intolerance, lethargy, increased breathing rates, panting and weight loss.
Although more research needs to be done, the working theory is that the potatoes, peas, lentils, and other legumes, the grain-free dog food might be stripping away a dogs ability to absorb Taurinean amino acid that helps build muscles. Since the heart is a muscle, its affected.
Livaudais says the damage caused by grain free diets might not be permanent.
When it comes to grain-free diets and the association there, if it is caught in time, the damage seems to be reversible if we take the dog off the grain-free diet, he said.
However, he said, the reversal has varied from dog to dog, but it would seem to take weeks to several months.
Whether its 100 percent reversible is a fair question, said Livaudais. We dont know that.
Veterinarians recommend your dogs food contain a protein source be it beef or chicken as well as traditional ingredients.
It probably makes sense to utilize a diet that has more standard carbohydrates that include grains at this point, said Livaudais.
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All You Need To Know About Ketogenic Tablets And Their Benefits – South Florida Reporter

The Keto lifestyle. Its the new celebrity in the world of diet and weight loss plans. This low-carb diet that turned heads when it announced thats also high-fat (for quicker fat burning and weight shedding), everyone joined the bandwagon almost immediately.
But did you know that Ketogenic tablets are a great source of that extra push your body will need to really get rid of fat? Well-known in India, and now a growing phenomenon across the globe, here are some benefits of Ketogenic Tablets.
Benefits Of Ketogenic Tablets Keto Guru
Amino acid L-Glutamine, also known as Glutamine for short, is responsible for keeping your digestive tract at its healthiest. This is due to the fact that it is able to support the intestinal walls and strengthen them.
When this occurs, irritated tissues are pieced back together so that digestion becomes smoother and on track. As a result, food breakdown will be more efficient and fat storage decreased.
Glutamine is whats called protein building blocks. They are the very core components that allow proteins to strengthen and, as the phrase goes, build your muscles. If your goal is to say goodbye to fats, bank on protein.
Why? Because muscles are what cause fat burning. When your muscle mass and muscle tissues are in excellent condition, and fat have become glucose, the higher the chances that your body will be able to break them down and set them on fire, so to speak.
This is something we all want to hear, isnt it? How to make our bodies metabolism work faster than they are at the moment. Well, theres a natural booster to assist your dieting and exercising for a higher metabolism speed the Keto diet and Ketogenic pills.
Through protein reinforcement, your bodys TEF or Thermic Effect of Food increases as well. TEF is the manner in which calories are utilized as food is processed and nutrients are absorbed. Thus, an enhanced acceleration in metabolism takes place.
The healthy kind of appetite suppression, of course. One of the reasons why you constantly snack is because you often feel those hunger pangs kick in every now and then. By the way, the irony is that the more you eat unhealthy food, the hungrier youll get.
If youre the type who constantly loves grabbing something to munch on while working at the office or chilling at home, then Ketogenic Tablets from Keto Guru are going to be your BFFs. Theyll aid in suppression appetite and leave you feeling full from one regular meal to the next.
Another benefit of Ketogenic supplements is that theyre great for stabilizing blood pressure. Protein can help in reducing excess insulin that your systems dont really need, and accordingly, blood pressure will lower to its normal. Or as close to the normal rate as possible.Remember, the higher your insulin levels, the greater the risk of incurring high blood pressure. So keep it at a minimum with these supplements.
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All You Need To Know About Ketogenic Tablets And Their Benefits - South Florida Reporter
The Fight for the Center of the Plate – Progressive Grocer

Plant-based or cultivated seafood is a small sector, but a growing one, according to The Good Food Institutes 2019 U.S. State of the Industry Report on Plant-Based Meat, Eggs and Dairy.
In 2019, there were numerous product launches, including New York-based Good Catchs plant-based tuna, which debuted at Whole Foods Market, Thrive Market and Fairway Markets. Meanwhile, New York-based Ocean Hugger Foods showcased its own plant-based tuna, Ahimi, and launched a plant-based eel product at the National Restaurant Association show. The new product is created by altering the texture and flavor of eggplant to resemble that of freshwater eel, or unagi.
Family-owned Van Cleve Seafood Co., based in Spotsylvania, Va., launched a plant-based line, Wild.Skinny.Clean, with Crab-less Cakes and plant-based pink shrimp. Tyson Ventures investment in San Francisco-based New Wave Foods, the first major investment by a conventional meat company in the plant-based seafood space, opened a door for the Springdale, Ark.-based meat company. For a company like Tyson, seafood has been out of reach in the past, because of production systems. Plant-based seafood can be produced in the same facility as other plant-based meat products, however, making it practical for Tyson.
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The Fight for the Center of the Plate - Progressive Grocer
Oregon States Jermar Jefferson hopes a beefed-up diet leads to more time on the field, less on the sideline – OregonLive

Oregon States Jermar Jefferson is coming off a sophomore season where he ran for 685 yards and eight touchdowns.
Not terrible, but not what Jefferson had in mind following a record-setting freshman year in 2018.
Injuries and health played a big role in Jeffersons production decrease. So shortly after the 2019 season ended, Jefferson went to work on a game plan.
Jeffersons big problem, it turned out, was simple. Eat. Eat more.
What college boy doesnt like to eat, and eat a lot? Jefferson, for one. Its not that he was opposed to food. Just wasnt a priority.
I was barely eating twice a day, Jefferson said of his diet in 2019. Honestly, I dont know why. I just wasnt hungry, I guess.
Jefferson said its ideal for him to weigh around 215 to 217 pounds during the season. Jefferson struggled to maintain that weight last season, which he felt went back to his eating habits.
OSUs strength and conditioning staff reviewed Jeffersons food intake, and told him its simply not enough. What Jefferson was eating was OK he says fast food was only a meal or two a week, though hes trying to cut that to zero he just needs more of it.
Now Jefferson is eating three meals a day, and then some with addition of snacks. His calorie intake has increased significantly.
Jefferson isnt alone on revamping eating habits among Oregon States football players. The team went through a five-week course on nutrition education this offseason, according to OSU sports dietitian Toni Langhans. The goals include increasing their awareness as to what food can do for overall health, and collaborating with teammates particularly roommates about nutritional goals.
Something as small as switching portions of different types of food can make a huge difference in performance and energy levels, Langhans said.
Jefferson believes it was health last year that caused him to miss three games and see decreases in carries (97) and yards (695) from his freshman season. Because in general, Jefferson said felt everything about his game was better in 2019 than 2018.
Honestly, I was a lot stronger and smarter during the game, but the injuries just messed everything up, Jefferson said. The game started to slow down for me. I started to notice things like certain glitches and when certain stuff was about to come.
Jefferson said it wasnt until the game at Arizona, the eighth game of 2019, where he began feeling close to 100 percent. Coincidentally, Jefferson started three of the final five games and had two 100-yard games, and nearly a third against Oregon.
Through two years at Oregon State, Jefferson has run for 2,065 yards and 20 touchdowns.
Jefferson says he isnt the best running back in college football, but I feel like I have the potential to be that No. 1 in the national, for sure. To get there, some of the improvements are obvious, such as video study and weight room developments.
Jefferson feels like hes fast and adding to his speed. His strength is the short burst, the side-to-side twitchy speed as Jefferson calls it. Running straight ahead, Jefferson says hes underrated, while admitting hes probably not as fast as OSU speedsters Jesiah Irish or Anthony Gould.
I can give them a run, though, Jefferson said.
Jefferson said he has not given any consideration to opting out of the upcoming season due to COVID-19 or the NFL Draft.
I want to play this season, Jefferson said.
Another decision on Jeffersons horizon is whether hell play, then take the route of Isaiah Hodgins and declare early for the 2021 draft. Playing a position that it is known for having a limited shelf life, a big junior year could make Jefferson attractive in pro football.
Jefferson said hes made no decision along those lines.
Im just taking it day by day for football and school and see what happens, Jefferson said.
Whatever happens, whenever it happens this season, Jefferson must do it without Artavis Pierce. Jefferson and Pierce became a formidable 1-2 backfield punch the past two years, but Pierce has graduated, now a practice squad member of the NFLs Chicago Bears.
This years Pierce for Jefferson is expected to be junior B.J. Baylor, who has shown promise the past two years. Jefferson said outside of a game where he gets hot, he prefers to share the load with another running back.
I would like to keep my reps between 20 and 25, because 12 games, or eight games, is a long season, Jefferson said. I gotta figure out how to keep my body healthy.
--Nick Daschel | | @nickdaschel
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Oregon States Jermar Jefferson hopes a beefed-up diet leads to more time on the field, less on the sideline - OregonLive
Looking to get healthy? Powell Nutrition has shakes, juices and teas for better lifestyle – Knoxville News Sentinel

Al Lesar, Shopper News Published 7:00 a.m. ET Sept. 9, 2020
Powell Nutrition offers shakes and teas for healthier lifestyle Knoxville News Sentinel
Had the coronavirus pandemic hit three years ago, Tonya Wilde probably would have been a mess.
Thats when Wilde was opening her two gyms Total Fitness Kickboxing in Powell and on Kingston Pike.
But, having run those two businesses since 2018, she understands that she can only do so much.
Thats why the delays in getting the doors open to Powell Nutrition (3533 W. Emory Road, in the strip mall near KARM) havent worn on her.
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The Powell community is excited for us to be open, said Wilde, who finally got things going in early August. The COVID situation held up our product. There really wasnt anything we were able to do about it, so we couldnt stress out.
Powell Nutrition will feature high-quality plant-based protein shakes, juices and teas serving as meal substitutes. Whether its gaining muscle, losing weight or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Powell Nutrition has the product to help.
The most important part of the experience is for our staff to ask the right questions, Wilde said. When we know your objective, we can find the right product. Its all about building a relationship.
Wilde, who has an athletic background dating back to her high school days in Karns, has been a believer in protein supplements. Some current clients in her gyms have had weight-loss success.
Kenna Lyle of Knoxville gets started on a healthy concoction.(Photo: Submitted)
Add in more than 100 flavors from which to choose and the possibilities abound.
Ive always believed that you cant outwork a bad diet, Wilde said. Were going to be here to give everyone a healthier choice.
Wildes favorite is the cookies and cream shake. Then theres the Vanilla Elvis, the Dolly Parton, and a banana nut bread that smells just like the real thing.
Ive seen the change in attitude that comes with the changes with the body, Wilde said. Before I got involved with this, I did my own research. I tested the product and I love it.
No matter the nature of the business, whether its service-oriented like a gym or product-oriented like Powell Nutrition, the basic premise doesnt change.
Not only are the options at Powell Nutrition tasty, they're colorful.(Photo: Submitted)
It takes the same work ethic in both places, Wilde said. The goal is to make the customer happy. If someone walks in the door, somebody better say welcome.
With her staff of at least five employees, Wilde spent July in the training mode. They visited Bearden Nutrition, a sister store, and learned how that established business functions.
I learned how important the flow is, said Wilde. The whole flow of the process has to be comfortable for the customer to feel good about the experience. When you can get everything set up the right way, and have your staff in the right places, the whole flow will work.
Wilde has leaned on a mentor, Lori Case, who is from out of the area but has experience in making a place like Powell Nutrition work smoothly.
Shea Coker serves a customer at Powell Nutrition. "The most important part of the experience is for our staff to ask the right questions, Tonya Wilde said. When we know your objective, we can find the right product. Its all about building a relationship.(Photo: Ruth White/Shopper News)
Lori stressed that I need to be patient, especially during COVID, Wilde said. Everything will happen, its just a matter of making it fall into place.
Powell Nutrition is open 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday.
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Looking to get healthy? Powell Nutrition has shakes, juices and teas for better lifestyle - Knoxville News Sentinel
Weight loss diet just got exciting with this incredible low-calorie celery soup recipe – Times Now

Weight loss diet just got exciting with this incredible low-calorie celery soup recipe 
New Delhi: A good soup sure does possess the ability to cheer you up. Soupsare delicious and can be highly beneficial if consumed in moderation. They can help you lose weight, preventcold and flu, and boost the immune system. But, you must note that its excessive consumptioncan raise unhealthy levels of sodium in the body. Nonetheless, several vegetable soups that have a balanced amount of all the nutrients are healthy andeasy to digest. Furthermore, they have the ability to keep you hydrated and are easy to digest. It is one of the foods that is highly recommended if working on a weight loss diet. Add celery soup to your weight loss diet and enjoy the benefits of this food by trying this recipe.
Here is the original post:
Weight loss diet just got exciting with this incredible low-calorie celery soup recipe - Times Now
Immune-Boosting Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Cold – Mpls.St.Paul Magazine

In a season when we would usually be out cheering on our local sports teams, we are spending more time at home and repeating a new mantra: Wash your hands, practice social distancing, wear a mask.
But what if you could play offense instead of defense to fend off colds and viruses? What if adjusting your daily habits could build your immunity to help your body fend off illness, not only this year but every year?
Thats not only possible, says Katie Moksnes Bowman, its something she encourages her patients to do every day.
Stress is the number one way we increase inflammation in the body, says Moksnes Bowman, a licensed acupuncturist and Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) for Northwestern Health Sciences University. She says inflammation can affect digestion, sleep patterns, pain, and your bodys immunity.
The key to improving your immunity is to reduce inflammation in your body.
The amount of stress that has been created from the pandemic is causing issues for people physically and emotionally, she says. In Chinese medicine, your digestion matters, sleep matters, your immune system matters.
When I am in practice with a patient, we talk about sleep, bowels, diet and movement at every single treatment. I really want to work with them where theyre at.
She sees patients ranging from professional athletes to seniors with mobility issues and everyone in between, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment.
In Chinese medicine, we really view the body as a whole, she says. For example, if a patient has shoulder pain, Moksnes Bowman proceeds knowing the shoulder does not work independently from the rest of the body.
"The amount of stress that has been created from the pandemic is causing issues for people physically and emotionally. In Chinese medicine, your digestion matters, sleep matters, your immune system matters." Kate Moksnes Bowman, Northwestern Health Sciences University
If you are not digesting your foods properly, if youre not getting a good nights sleep, she says, I can do a ton of work on your shoulder, but its not going to repair well.
To help patients improve their health and build their immunity, she suggests small changes in diet and exercise, such as drinking enough water, reducing caffeine and sugar consumption, adding anti-inflammatory foods to their diet, and getting more movement every day.
I am not going to overhaul your whole diet, she says. If you do not want to stop eating pizza, I cannot make you stop eating pizza. But she might suggest that you try goat cheese on your pizza or sample a cauliflower crust.
I see myself as a reminder person, she says. I have patients come in and I say, How did your diet go this week? Did you eat something green? That means a plant, you know, not a green Jolly Rancher.
That question always gets a laugh, but the point is that little changes can make a difference in reducing inflammation and improving immunity.
When we are talking about diet and exercise, both of those things reduce inflammation and so does sleeping. Sleeping is a time to repair your body, Moksnes Bowman says. Asked what tops her list as the most important step, she says: Its not a hierarchy for me. Its more of a circle than a list, because all of those things are going to influence the next thing.
Small adjustments in diet and exercise are something patients do on their own between clinic visits, where Moksnes Bowman and other practitioners offer a range of therapies, from acupuncture and massage to cupping, Gua Sha, herbal medicine and even recipes to help improve your immunity.
If you have a lot of stress and are getting the common cold five times a winter, I would suggest you consider herbal medicine, she says. She advises against buying supplements in the grocery aisle. Seek a health professional who is specialized before taking Vitamin D, C or Elderberry syrup. They are all really good things, but theyre not always the right thing for everybody. Its always important to make sure you are taking the right amount.
Creating good sleep habits and a good sleeping environment are important, too. If you are on your phone or watching TV at night, the blue light from the device stimulates a part of the brain that doesn't allow you to fall asleep as well, she says.
Improved diet and exercise, combined with acupuncture or other types of Chinese medicine, can reduce inflammation over time by increasing blood flow and releasing endorphins, which Moksnes Bowman describes as that calm, happy hormone. That is our own bodys way of reducing pain in the body.
And that calm, happy hormone can lead to a good nights sleep, as described in a text from one of Moksnes Bowmans patients, who said: I cant believe how much my sleep improved by getting acupuncture.
The results arent anecdotal, she says. Sleep-tracking devices demonstrate that acupuncture can improve sleep; they record how well and deeply you are sleeping and if you are waking frequently during the night.
And while youre getting those extra ZZZs, your body is resting and fortifying its immunity.
One of the side effects of social distancing and working from home has been an increase in loneliness. Moksnes Bowman says that after a brief shutdown of the NWHSU Bloomington Clinic several months ago, she noticed two things when the clinic reopened: Patients who had missed appointments were in pain, and they were lonely.
People wanted to talk for so long, she says. I made my treatments a bit longer so patients could just talk, because people were feeling lonely.
She and other practitioners frequently refer patients to therapists, Tai Chi or Pilates instructors or others when they see an opportunity to help the patient move, relax or sort things out. Taking a deep breath and getting some release is also good for building a sense of well-being.
Think of amping up your immune system as the ultimate DIY project. Add some green to your diet, make sure you drink enough water, cut out some caffeine and get enough sleep for starters, and then add some acupuncture or massage. Together those steps can help fortify your immunity.
And keep in mind that this year, none of that replaces the need to frequently wash your hands, socially distance wherever possible and wear a mask when its not.
Located in Bloomington,Northwestern Health Sciences Universityis a pioneer in integrative natural health care education, offering degree programs in chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, massage therapy, medical assisting, medical laboratory programs, post-bac/pre-health, radiation therapy, and B.S. completion. At press time, itsBloomington clinicis open to the public and services include chiropractic care, Chinese medicine, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, Bloomington Clinic offers integrative, natural care for the entire family in one location.
Each monththe Bloomington Clinic providers host a Provider Talks webinar that discusses topics from foot health to the ABZzzzs of Sleep to Promoting Health through the Seasons. Learn more about the webinar serieshere.
Telemedicine is a convenient way to care for yourself during these unprecedented times. Appointment times vary depending on the service. Providers are part ofNorthwestern Health Sciences University, a non-profit industry leader in integrative and natural healthcare education that provides access to the latest evidence and state-of-the-art technology so you get the natural solutions you truly need.
See more content fromNorthwestern Health Sciences University.
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Immune-Boosting Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Cold - Mpls.St.Paul Magazine