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Research confirms soups and shakes plan is most effective in obesity fight – Nottinghamshire Live

A anti-obesity study has revealed that total diet replacement therapy suggested by government medics to combat diabetes is more effective than traditional NHS weight-loss treatments.
Total diet replacement (TDR) involvesreplacingall foods with specially formulated products such as soups, shakes and cereal bars, providing between 8001200 calories per day.
The results coincide the UK Governments latest drive to tackle obesity, alongside the newly-announced programme to fight type 2 diabetes both of which are linked and can increase the risk of complications from Covid-19.
The University of Oxford programme DROPLET compared an NHS nurse-led programme with The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. This research proves that TDRs are a safe and effective way to lose weight.
Results show participants lost an average of one stone 10 lbs after one year roughly three times greater than the usual NHS obesity care. This new study also now shows that the majority of that weight loss is sustained three years on.
Crucially, as well as being placed on TDR, those in the study were also referred to The 1:1 Diet consultants for personal support and motivation.
Mark Gilbert, nutritionist at The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, said: There is no other obesity treatment, outside of surgery, that has this much supportive research for substantial, sustained weight-loss success and improvement in related health issues such as type 2 diabetes.
"Our diet has actually been shown to reverse symptoms of the disease by restoring the normal function of the pancreas.
As the nations health and wellbeing continues to be top of the agenda due to COVID-19, this study further shows what can be done to alleviate the pressure off the NHS and to tackle the ongoing problem of obesity and its associated health problems.
Mark Ormrod, 50, from Wantage, Oxfordshire, was an active participant in the DROPLET study.
He said: When I was selected three years ago to be part of this weight-loss study, it couldnt have come at a better time. I needed to do something about my weight and general health as I was nearly 20 stone.
I was lucky to be put on The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and what a positive life changing experience it has been. I have lost more than six stone through the programme and have continued to maintain my weight. Im fitter, healthier, and a lot happier.
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Research confirms soups and shakes plan is most effective in obesity fight - Nottinghamshire Live
Starting Year Three of Walking | Journal-news | – Martinsburg Journal

That gray haired, bearded old man seen walking the streets of Charles Town since August 1, 2018 is now that gray, long haired bearded older man, starting his third year of same.
As is normally true, over that span of time some things have changed, while others have stayed the same. Here are some of my observations.
The Ranson Civic Center, where I walk indoors in the winter, closed just when the nice weather hit. That timing worked well for me.
I see quite a few more walkers now than I did when I first started. Women outnumber men. Ms. Jenkins, Rhee, Jeanne, Lee, and Sharon are ones I see walking regularly.
I have met some of the neighbors along the way, keeping our social distance as they talk to me from their porches or lawn chairs. Regulars include Shirley, Lacey, Bob, Linda, Roger, Locke, and others including some that I do not remember their names.
I walk mostly downtown in the morning, never at the exact same times. I walk when I get up. Im retired. Those times vary. In the early evening, I walk more south to north, down to the Charles Town park and back. Even in the heat of the evening, the shade on those streets (South Church, South Mildred, and South Samuel) provides me with a relatively cool walking environment.
I find it very peaceful walking those streets. The quiet is very obvious, broken only by an occasional dog barking. My only challenge is the walk to the park is all downhill, and by the time I am starting to get tired, the walk back home is all uphill. It was recommended I drive to the park, walk uphill first, but driving to walk somehow doesnt seem right.
My daily totals are somewhere in the five to six-mile range, though I dont have any fancy device to count my steps or my miles. At my age, I care more for the exercise than the stats. I do know I have probably walked farther in 2020 than I have driven. I dont walk to lose weight, though I have lost weight in the process.
Early in this abnormal pandemic year of 2020, it was eerie how few cars were on the local roads at whatever time I walked. It was also apparent that there were not very many people downtown even during the week when businesses normally had been open. That has picked up, obviously, in recent months.
Most people along the way are friendly. Several have mentioned that they see me walking all the time. That would be correct. A few mentioned that I now look like Moses. That reference is to my vulnerability to Covid 19 (combination of diabetes and old age) and my lack of a recent haircut, not my dislike for my favorite barbers at Collins Barber Shop.
I have watched daily the building of another house from empty lot to becoming someones home. I have discovered a small but quaint neighborhood library box just around the corner and have contributed to its literary selection with two books I wrote. I have met a neighbor who has completed constructing an elaborate and beautiful rock garden nearby.
You might be surprised to find the most notable new form of sidewalk debris by far are Covid 19 masks. The most disappointing finding to me is the number of brick sidewalks that are untended and inhabited by weeds to the point where the beautiful bricks are barely noticeable.
There are certainly points along my travels that always make me smile. For instance, a big old white dog on South Mildred barks once or twice but will not move from whatever shady area he had found on that particular day to bother me any further than that. I realize that particular dogs days as a killer watchdog have long passed.
A full weekend parking lot at the Carriage Inn makes me smile and lets me know tourism is back on the rise. Theres that always welcomed friendly wave from Walter as he tends the yard at his church along my way.
I witnessed the taking down of a huge tree with the tree trimmer standing off to the side and running the operation like he was playing a video game. I thought I had witnessed a catnapping, but that turned out to be a false alarm.
Overall, walking is very good exercise. Give it a try. It takes no equipment, no manual, and no special clothing. The first step is the most difficult. After that, it is just getting out and doing it.
Give old Moses a wave if you see him walking by. That too will put a smile on my face.
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Starting Year Three of Walking | Journal-news | - Martinsburg Journal
Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How Spiderman Plank Exercise Can Help You Lose Belly Fat (Watch Video) – LatestLY

Whenit comes to weight loss, exercise, diet and good sleep play an important role. When we hear of the word exercise, we tend to directly relate it to working out in the gym with the help of equipment. However, it must be noted that free bodyweight exercises are more effective and can work more effectively on different parts of the body as more efforts are applied in an equipment-free workout. In this week's weight loss tip,let's discuss spiderman plank exercise that can help burn stubborn belly fat.Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph? Identify Your Body Type Before You Start Weight Loss Diet and Workout.
Spiderman plank is the combination of both isometric and isotonic where muscle group shorten and contracts too. This calisthenic exercise help to tone up the lower as well as the upper body. If you are working out at home, spiderman plank should compulsorily be included in your routine. But before you move to perform spiderman plank, you should perfect your form with a regular plank.Here's how spiderman plank exercise can help in fat loss.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Chickpeas to Lose Weight.
In spiderman plank, the movement of bigger muscle groups like glutes and hamstringsis involved, which expedites the fat loss process in the body and also helps tone muscles. People who exercise in the gym should also include this workout as it helps loosen tight muscles. Spiderman plank primarily targets the abdominal muscles and helps strengthen the core. This exercise even works on the oblique muscles. Performing three sets of 15-20 repetitions in each set can significantly help in losing visceral fat and reducing belly fat.
Spiderman Plank Exercise Proper Form
Spiderman plank can also help reduce back pain and also improve your body posture. This exercise can indeed help in weight loss,but squats, push-ups and some high-intensity interval training exercises should also be incorporated inyour routine. Also, be sure to follow a healthy diet for a good result.
(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 05, 2020 11:01 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How Spiderman Plank Exercise Can Help You Lose Belly Fat (Watch Video) - LatestLY
Diet companies are banking on you feeling sh*tty about your post-isolation body –

Illustration by DAra Nazaryan
Some states were barely one week deep into lockdown when quarantine 15 jokes arrived on the socials. Maybe the meme fairies were just trying to make a lighthearted joke while the world burned, but the punch line threw shade we really didnt need. The possibility that we could look different after an uncontrollable virus took over the world was hilarious, apparently. El oh el, amirite?
And it should surprise exactly no one that the weight-loss industry immediately jumped on quarantine as a marketing tool. A random sampling of seven diet companies Instagram posts between March 12 and July 14 found that at least 20 percentand up to 80 percentof the brands content used threats of stay-at-home weight gain to sell us their products.
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If youre thinking, Who cares?! Businesses want to make money and Ill hand it over if they help me lose my quarantine weight! then (1) all these words are for you, boo. And (2) using food to cope in tense times is a very normal reaction (and, honestly, a privilege).
We shouldnt feel weak or lazy for practicing a little Doritos self-care. Soothing ourselves shouldnt lead to a negative self-talk spiral. Its hard enough to block out body-image concerns in a normal time, says human COVID-19 survival kit (and my actual therapist) Rachel Gersten, LMHC, co-founder of Viva Wellness in New York City. Now, most of what wed normally turn to is gone. Food as comfort is whats left, for a lot of us, and its fine to just enjoy it.
By posting aggressive pep talks on grabbing this chance to perfect our bodies, diet companies also trigger setbacks in disordered eating. For people trying to deal with legitimate stress-induced eating disorders, being told now is the time to trim down can undo important progress.
When youre no longer convinced your body is a problem, the problem is solved.
Look, its true that excess weight is associated with many health conditions, but the proven biological connections arent crystal clear. We dont yet know what exactly leads to what, and being overweight isnt a solid measure of health. Plus, weight loss alone wont make you healthier. What will: a relationship with food that doesnt involve calorie math, restrictive eating, or working out just to burn off snacks.
Im not saying you need to magically fall in love with the way your thighs look in shorts rn (they do look good tho!). The key to dismantling a system that makes $ off your insecurities is IDing diet thirst traps and excluding yourself from that narrative. When youre no longer convinced your body is a problem, the problem is solved.
Please contact the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) help line at 800-931-2237 if you believe you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder and needs help. For crisis situations, text NEDA to 741741 to be connected with a trained volunteer at the Crisis Text Line.
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Miley Cyrus Reveals She Quit Her Vegan Diet For Health Reasons, Was ‘Running On Empty’ – Women’s Health

Miley Cyrus has been a vegan for years, but she just revealed in a new interview that shes stopped the diet because it was negatively impacting her health. But, she says, shes not happy about it.
Miley dropped the knowledge on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Wednesday. I was vegan for a very long time and Ive had to introduce fish and omegas into my life because my brain wasnt functioning properly, she said. Miley said she also was having intense hip pain that she thinks was due to her vegan diet.
FWIW: Miley knows some people arent going to be happy with that news. Vegans are going to come for me and thats OK. Im used to people coming for me, she said.
Miley said she followed the strictest [vegan diet] youve ever known from 2013 to 2019, and her first non-vegan meal was cooked by her ex-husband Liam Hemsworth. My ex-husband cooked me some fish on the grill, she said. I cried, like, for a long time. I cried for the fish it really hurts me to eat fish.
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But while she doesnt exactly love eating fish, Miley said its really improved her health and her thinking. Now Im so much sharper than I was and I think that I was, at one point, pretty malnutritioned, she said. I remember going to Glastonbury [music festival] and that was a show that I lovedI loved my performancebut I was running on empty. Shes also added gluten back into her diet, BTW.
Miley said its really terrifying to leave veganism because of the backlash she might receive, but she wants people to know that she still loves animals. I have 22 animals on my farm in Nashville, Ive got 22 in my house in Calabasas, Im doing all I need to do for the animals, she said. But when it comes to my brain you cant be vegan and be this quick.
So, Miley now considers herself a pescatarian (i.e. a vegetarian who eats fish). Thats where Im at, she said. But, in true Miley style, shes open to other eating plans. Im experimenting a lot with my diet, and my body, and my routine and my exercise right now, she said.
And yeah, Miley called it: She's already getting served some haterade on Twitter over ending her vegan diet.
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Miley Cyrus Reveals She Quit Her Vegan Diet For Health Reasons, Was 'Running On Empty' - Women's Health
Patrick McEnroe Has Branched Out From His Meat and Potatoes Childhood – Grub Street

Patrick McEnroe broadcasting while dreaming of sushi. Illustration: Margalit Cutler
For the last couple weeks, the ESPN broadcaster and former tennis pro Patrick McEnroe has been in quarantine in a tennis-tournament bubble. The U.S. Open typically draws massive crowds to Queens just ask any New Yorker who has taken the 7 train in late August. This year, of course, there are no fans. Obviously for the top, top players its got to be weird, for Serena and Djokovic, every time they walk out there theres a huge crowd, McEnroe says. But its still a tennis match. Its not that different when you get between the lines. In the tennis bubble, hes keeping busy studying up on players hes less familiar with, and watching the greats practice. Im sitting in Arthur Ashe Stadium, which normally seats almost 24,000 people, theres maybe at the moment 50 people in here, he tells Grub. Hes also been drinking plenty of La Croix while stuck inside his tennis bubble I am currently obsessed with sparkling water and eating some favorites, like sesame chicken and Coals grilled pizza.
Friday, August 28My day begins with the 9 a.m. morning ESPN production meeting, where we go over the TV schedule and get our stat sheets on all the players and matches for the day. This week, I was covering the Western & Southern Open tournament, normally held in Cincinnati, which is being held this year at the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, the site of the U.S. Open, which Im also covering.
After the meeting, for breakfast I had an egg-white frittata with broccoli, mushrooms, onions and some hot sauce. I like that Cholula. Thats what they bring to us here, Ill take that. I wouldnt say Im a connoisseur of hot sauce, but I have been adding it a little bit more. When I was young I wasnt into spicy foods at all. Its something Ive gotten more into in my later years. Brad Gilbert, my comrade at ESPN, hes a heavy-duty hot-sauce guy. Maybe his influence rubbed off on me a little bit.
Then I prepared to go on air for pre-match commentary about an hour later with my colleagues Chis McKendry and former world No. 4 James Blake (whom I coached when I was captain of the U.S. Davis Cup Team). I try not to eat too much before going on air. I get a little tempted sometimes just to start pounding down sugar.
For lunch I had a Greek quinoa salad with grilled chicken, cucumber, tomato, feta, olives, and pepperoncini. And I am currently obsessed with sparkling water. La Croix is my favorite with all their flavors (passionfruit, key lime, mango, and tangerine in particular). They have an unbelievable supply they have in our commentary booths, various flavors of La Croix. Im sort of the guy who started it, so now everybody drinks it.
When I go to the booth, the stage manager is not allowed to be in the booth with us but is in the outside area. Theyll ask me, What would you like to drink? And I say, Bring me a La Croix. And they say, What flavor? And I say, Surprise me! Cause I love all the flavors and that theyre coming up with something different. I like the plain old lemon and lime, but they have a limoncello one that is new.
I finished my lunch break watching the womens semifinals from the ESPN production booth. The matches were former U.S. Open and Australian Open champion Naomi Osaka of Japan vs. Elise Mertens of Belgium, and two-time Australian Open champion Victoria Azarenka of Belarus vs. Johanna Konta of Great Britain. Then I prepared to go back on air to do live match commentary during the mens semifinals.
For dinner, I ate sesame chicken with peppers, onions, snow peas, sauted bok choy and vegetable fried rice, paired with a beautiful bottle of 2018 Matthiasson Village Cabernet Sauvignon. Oh, man. I love sesame chicken with a really nice fried rice. Thats definitely one of my favorites. I kind of like the little sweetness of it; I have a sweet tooth.
I do love my desserts. Ice cream is my favorite. Ben & Jerrys is usually on site here. But we dont have that this year, so Ive got to try to make do without that. That would be my late-night treat if Im doing a late match, Im getting a little tired, I need that sugar buzz. Im a big cookies and cream guy, and I love the basics, man. I love coffee. If I go for a flavor that has something mixed in I always go for plain vanilla, as well.
Saturday, August 29Before my 9 a.m. production meeting I made a delicious (and healthy!) smoothie with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, almond butter, almond milk, sliced almonds, and some Jarrow Formulas whey protein. I try not to pig out too much.
Following the meeting, I went down to the hotel bubble gym for a morning workout: 20-minute intervals of uphill walks/jog on the treadmill, followed by an upper-body workout with weights for my back and triceps.I got ready to go on air this afternoon on ESPN2. First was some pre-match commentary before the mens final between Novak Djokovic and Milos Raonic, then some live match commentary. After losing the first set, in true Djokovic fashion he came back to win the match, making him the 2020 Western & Southern Open Mens Champion and the favorite to win the U.S. Open (which he has previously won three times).
For lunch, I had a pesto quinoa salad with walnuts, garlic, sun-dried tomato, and mozzarella and of course some more La Croix sparkling water! The food is being catered by the tournament. Normally there is food everywhere and you can choose. This year because of the strict protocols we have to order our food through the catering three days in advance. They send you an email, and you have to answer what you want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The pesto quinoa salad was tasty I was surprised. Ive really gotten into pesto, though. During quarantine, my wife made an unbelievable fresh pesto sauce a couple times. I never really liked pesto until I went to La Cinque Terre in Italy years ago, before my wife and I had kids. We were relatively newly married and her family has a lot of Italians in their background. We went on sort of a family trip there, and I just fell love in with the pesto sauce.
Growing up I was very basic meat and potatoes, you know my mom used to make a great Bolognese sauce. I feel like Ive branched out a little bit in my adult years. Traveling around the world definitely helped. A lot of the time, when I was on the tour, we were in Asia. Thats when I got into sushi, and some of the Chinese and Korean dishes I like. I love Korean barbecue I used to go down to a couple of the Korean barbecue places down in the Village when my wife and I lived in the city. Id be lying if I said I remembered the name.Hopefully theyre staying in business with this craziness.
My Saturday evening began with an important pre-U.S. Open announcer meeting that lasted about two and a half hours. For afterwards, they were kind enough to bring in some good old-fashioned New Yorkstyle pizza and fresh garden salads for everyone. Ive always loved pizza. When I was on tour, as soon as Id come back to New York, the first Id do is go get a slice. Im not that particular. Over the years Ive grown to like the really thin style, like you get in Italy. But a New York slice is still right up there.
Sunday, August 30For breakfast this morning I made one of my favorites: Fage Greek 2 percent yogurt with fresh blueberries, almonds, and a touch of honey mixed in. Breakfast was followed by my morning production meeting, and then I got ready to go live on air for a special U.S. Open edition of SportsCenter. I was on with my colleagues Chris McKendry, Darren Cahill, and Brad Gilbert, breaking down the mens draw and discussing the first round matches.
Once SportsCenter was done, I had a fresh turkey wrap with cranberries, goat cheese, and baby spinach, which I got to enjoy while watching Serena Williams have a practice session on Arthur Ashe Stadium Court. Its pretty cool to watch these great players practice. Serena tends to focus on a couple little things, Ive noticed, in her practices. Its amazing when you watch someone that good hone in on a couple things.
I had dinner in my hotel bubble room, a few slices of Coals thin-crust, grilled pizza with prosciutto and arugula, along with some roasted Brussels sprouts with walnuts and raisins (in recent years, Brussels sprouts have become one of my absolute favorite things to eat). Its really good, thats become one of my favorite staples up where I live. I was able to get that delivered to me last week at some point.
After dinner I recorded an episode of my podcast Holding Court (which I started earlier this year in quarantine, after testing positive for COVID-19). Normally I would be recording in my studio in the basement of my Westchester home, but my hotel bubble room works out just fine. I previewed the Open, most episodes feature me interviewing special guests/friends from the entertainment and sports worlds. My next guest this month will be tennis icon (and four-time U.S. Open Champion) Martina Navratilova; previous guests this summer have included Alec Baldwin, Ben Stiller, NBA greats Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki, tennis legend and six-time U.S. Open Champion (and my ESPN colleague) Chrissie Evert, and Billions creator and producer Brian Koppelman.
Once I finished taping my podcast episode, I did some U.S. Open prep work for the opening-day matches tomorrow. I then spent the rest of my night chilling with a glass of vino.
Monday, August 31 For breakfast I kept it simple, just a protein bar and coffee before heading to my 10 a.m. ESPN announcer meeting.
Then I did a late morning workout at the hotel bubble gym before heading back to the U.S. Open grounds to get ready to go on air around 1 p.m. for live match commentary with my brother John. But first, I had to pick my outfits for when Im on TV: I decided on a casual look for the day with a blue button-down shirt, and then a more snazzy look for the evening when Ill be back to call the second match of the night on ESPN2. I opted for a pinstripe blazer, a white button-down shirt, and a blue silk tie with white daisies on it.
For lunch, around 1:30 p.m., I had a chicken Caesar salad while calling the afternoon match with John. Its the first mens singles match on Arthur Ashe of the entire tournament featuring Alexander Zverev of Germany vs. Kevin Anderson of South Africa (a U.S. Open finalist in 2017, losing to Rafael Nadal). Zverev won. I like the chicken Caesar, I also like that I know what Im going to get here. That to me is fairly healthy, I go no croutons, the chicken is usually a pretty good quality chicken. The bonus is if I can warm up the chicken. Sometimes I go for a different dressing, like the balsamic vinaigrette. I dont always go for the Caesar. I just love salad, and I love grilled chicken, and I love Parmigiano.
After the match, I had a break before I got ready for Primetime that night. I was on air with Chrissie Evert at the famous Fountain Plaza to do the intro segment before the Opening Ceremony and the night matches. Later in the evening, Chrissie and I called the second match of the night on Arthur Ashe, Naomi Osaka vs. Misaki Doi. Osaka came out with the Breonna Taylor mask in the first round. Its amazing what shes done to put herself out there like that. Its definitely been a topic of discussion for us on air, and its something were continuing to watch. The tournament is going on, as is the NBA, and its been nice to see someone like Naomi step up and be the leader in the tennis world. Theres been a lot of incredible tennis people over the years obviously Billie Jean and Arthur Ashe being the most obvious who have spoken out about social issues and racial injustice. Theres no doubt that Naomi took a major step, stepping into the forefront.
Before I went back on air, for dinner I had sesame chicken again with peppers, onions, snow peas, sauted bok choy, and vegetable fried rice. The Osaka/Doi match started at 10:15 p.m. and finished just before midnight. Osaka pulled through and won it in the third set. But my night was not done one more match was being played, so Chrissie and I finished the night doing commentary for American Ali Riske vs. Germanys Tatjana Maria. Luckily, Riske cruised through the second set to win the match, which ended a few minutes after midnight.
Tuesday, September 1Before my 10 a.m. ESPN meeting, I made a power protein smoothie: spinach, frozen blueberries, bananas, raw almonds, peanut butter, flax seeds, chia seeds, half low fat organic milk/half almond milk, and ice. (I like it to be icy and thick.)
Had a late lunch at 3:50 p.m., a gluten-free chicken teriyaki wrap with cheddar cheese and fire-roasted peppers and onions. The chicken teriyaki wrap, Im not going back to that. Theres not going to be a second round. Normally I like chicken teriyaki if its hot and with rice and theres broccoli and stuff. But the wrap was a mess. I wasnt down with that at all.
It was a light day for me. I had most of the day off, and then did the Venus Williams match at night. That was a pretty good match. She played a seeded player from the Czech Republic, Karolna Muchov, who is a very good player. It was the first time in 22 years that Venus Williams lost in the first round of the U.S. Open. She never has. Its amazing shes still playing at 40. She hasnt been a factor the last few years as far as winning one of these, but the fact that shes still out there playing, and she loves it, is pretty remarkable.
Serena is going to be 39 and shes still a factor to win this. Its just remarkable to consider how they started, and their dad said they were going to retire in their early 20s and do other things. The fact of the matter is they have done other things. I think in a way thats helped them have the longevity to want to keep playing tennis for this long.
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Patrick McEnroe Has Branched Out From His Meat and Potatoes Childhood - Grub Street
Wood storks, the bellwether of Everglades health: They’re surviving on hot dogs and chicken wings – Palm Beach Post

Kimberly Miller|Palm Beach Post
A tragedy of ill-timed rains and human-ruined landscapes led 98.5% of wood stork nests to fail in the Everglades this year with nearly grown chicks starving to death as vultures circled.
But a new Florida Atlantic University study found a nascent trend in urban colonies may assuage down years as the threatened species knots together a life on the periphery of the Everglades and in the trashcans of mankind.
The three-year study discovered that despite a narrowly-evolved diet of fish, wood storks will subsidize their meal plan with fast food favorites such as chicken wings, hot dogs and cold cuts when traditional fare is scarce.
The lanky birds also had a taste for penne pasta, chicken nuggets and pollywogs.
Its maybe not the best food items, but its better than nothing and they end up producing at least one young per pair, said Dale Gawlik, an FAU biology and environmental science professor who co-authored the study. They cant make a go of it just by feeding in urban areas, but its a relief valve when things are really bad.
Betsy Evans, a natural resources specialist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and lead author of the study, said examining the diet of wood storks is relatively easy because they regurgitate when nervous, such as in the presence of humans or predators.
More: Why Everglades restoration is losing to sea level rise
She said about 90 percent of the boluses balls of puke found in nests could easily be identified as food items. From 2015 through 2017, 643 boluses were reviewed.
They are really vomity, Evans said about wood storks. In one nest a chick regurgitated a hot dog and the other had the bun.
Two wood stork colonies in natural areas and three urban colonies, including one in Palm Beach County, were involved in the study. In total, 160 nests were studied.
Ballenisles Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens was the home to one of the urban colonies, which nested on an island in a golf course pond. One urban colony was in a Broward County park. Another was behind a car dealership on a spill island in a manmade lake.
Gawlik said its the first study he knows of that looks at the diets of the urbanized wood storks.
Although white ibis have long been city feeders, plucking crickets and worms from front yards, as well as the random parking lot French fry or bread crust, wood storks are more selective.
More: Why a 1950s engineering blunder and rare sparrow are key-arguing pointsThe big birds, which can stand 45 inches tall and weigh as much as 8 pounds, feed by touch, swishing their beaks back and forth in the water and then snapping them shut with a 25-millisecond reflex action when they feel a fish. A pair of nestingwoodstorks needs an ample bounty of fish to raise their chicks and can eat more than 400 pounds during a breeding season.
They also evolved to thrive in the unique environment of the Everglades where wet season deluges spread fish throughout the landscape, which are then consolidated in easy-catch pools when the waters recede during the dry season.
The 2019 rainy season was the shortest in 88 years of records kept by the South Florida Water Management District, with September being the driest on record. That meant no water on the high-ground marl prairies that typically dry down in the fall to provide easy fishing for the storks.
So the wood storks waited until February and March to nest when the deeper Everglades sloughs began to dry.
The delay caused nesting season to bleed into the rainy season, which cut off the wood storks' food supply when the fish spread throughout the landscape again, making them harder to catch. A wood stork's nesting period is about four months.
Parents couldnt feed the fledgling storks that were just weeks from adulthood. Of about 1,360 nests counted by the South Florida Water Management District, 98.5 percent failed. Wood storks are called the bellwether of Everglades health because they prosper when the natural conditions pre-flood control are in place.
More: How this Florida raptor was rescued froman unlikely savior
The urban colonies are essentially cutting down the bust years so instead of boom and bust, its like boom and average, Gawlik said. And thats not a small thing when you think about it generation after generation.
Urban wood storks also fed more on tadpoles, the study found, which were abundant in roadside-created wetlands such as swales, ponds and canals.
Evans said the health of the urban wood storks was not much different than that of the storks in the natural areas.
One characteristic of wood storks that allows them to thrive in urban environments is they can fly long distances up to 50 miles to search for food, which gives them options of traveling to natural marsh areas or supplementing with fast food scraps.
More: The Everglades' wading birds are in peril: The race to save the Rescue Strand
Future studies may look at a specific gene in wood storks that accounts for how daring they are as far as trying different food or being willing to move into urban areas. If bolder birds are more likely to survive because they can expand their range and diet, it could mean an evolutionary tweak in the wood storks behavior.
Its a firehose of change we are throwing at animals, Gawlik said. Over time, if a species isnt adapting or making unconventional choices, then they are gone.
Read more here:
Wood storks, the bellwether of Everglades health: They're surviving on hot dogs and chicken wings - Palm Beach Post
Weight loss diet plan: 2 nutritionists share the ideal Indian diet plan to lose weight – Times of India

With obesity affecting 5 per cent of the country's total population, weight loss is top priority for many. However, we also know that losing weight is no cakewalk. A combination of a healthy diet and regular workout is the key to healthy and sustainable weight loss. Many people have a misconception that losing weight requires them to follow some extreme diet like keto or intermittent, which is wrong. Losing weight requires one to eat a balanced diet with the right proportions of all food groups.In fact, the foods that one has been accustomed to eating since childhood is the best option to lose weight, rather than eating new, expensive and fancy foods. To know if Indian diets can help one lose weight, we talked to two leading nutritionists. Dr Mansi Chatrath, Chief Dietitian and Director, Natural Health Care ClinicAs per Dr Mansi, there are three basic rules to lose weight.
- Eating early dinner
- Avoiding sugar
- Avoiding junk
Talking about Indian diet for weight loss, Dr Mansi said Indian food when cooked properly makes for a very balanced meal plan. The good old dals, low-fat paneer, lentils, soya, green vegetables, curd, egg whites, whole grain flours, fish, chicken provide us with all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
While talking about weight loss, Dr Priyanka Rohatgi, Chief clinical Dietician, Apollo hospitals group, Bangalore said quick weight loss is not sustainable, the slower the better. The first mistake people make is of having unrealistic weight-loss expectations, which often disheartens them. Also, many people do the same thing but expect different results. It's important to do exercises that you enjoy, but if you've been doing the same one for months (or years), you've probably reached a weight loss plateau and, even worse, you are completely bored with your workout.
Aim at staying active and not skipping meals. Skipping meals slows your metabolic rate, so try and break your entire day diet into 6-7 small frequent meals.
Do not focus on getting short term results. You have not gained 10 kgs overnight, thus you cannot lose it overnight. Eating the right food and sticking to a fitness plan should be as natural as brushing your teeth. Checking weight too often is not a good idea rather check your portions.
Dr Priyanks also suggests to focus on glycemic index. A medium glycemic index meal keeps you energetic throughout the day, helps maintain weight. Add protein to each meal (by adding a cup of milk, yoghurt, a cup of dal/sambar/sprouts, buttermilk, fish, egg white chicken) to reduce the glycemic index. Eg: choose to eat idlis or dosa with sambar and not just chutney. Hydrate yourself well with at least 2-3 litres of water every day.
Here's is a sample Indian diet plan by Dr PriyankaEarly morning - 1 glass warm water with some herb brewed in it +2-3 soaked almonds
Morning - Lemon tea/ Ginger Tea/Coffee/ milk 1 cup (150 ml)Breakfast - Eggs omelette with spinach and shredded vegetables cooked
OR Idlis / dosa/ Poha/ upma 1 cup cooked
Lunch - Salad with fresh vegetables and curd 1 cup
Dal Palak/ chicken curry/ sambar/ rasam 1 cup
Phulkas ( multigrain ) 1 piece
Rice cup
Cooked vegetables/ greens/ palya 1 cup (150 gms)Evening - 6 pm Fruit/ sprouts/ cucumber carrot slices/ vegetable soupDinner - 7.30 Pm salad with fresh vegetables 1 cup
Methi Dal / sambar/rasam 1 cup
Phulkas ( multigrain ) 1-2 piece
Cooked vegetables/ greens/ palya 1 cup (150 gms)
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Weight loss diet plan: 2 nutritionists share the ideal Indian diet plan to lose weight - Times of India
Should you think twice about picking a diet pack of potato chips? – The Jakarta Post – Jakarta Post

As most dieters tend to cut calories in order to lose weight, manufacturers have come up with various lower-calorie substitutes of our favorite high-fat food.
A recent study, published in the Journal of Marketing Research, examines the perceptions behind these diet options and how we make our food choices, particularly when it comes to restrained eating.
The researchfound that people who frequently try to cut back on their eating tend to buy a large portion of a light substitute of high-calorie food, rather than a smaller package of their favorite indulgent foods.
Participants who indicated that they rarely dieted had the opposite preference, systematically picking out a smaller portion of high-calorie food like potato chips and candy.
These findings prompted researchers to conclude that a larger, lighter version of an indulgent food is perceived as healthier and more filling than the smaller, higher-caloric-density version of the same product.
Researchers have conducted a series of studies to assess how dietary restraint affects the trade-off between caloric density and portion size for consumers.
In one of them, participants were asked to choose between a medium-sized bag of Lays baked low-fat BBQ potato chips and a smaller package of the regular version, both of which have similar total calories.
Most chronic dieters, who often cut back on their eating by skipping meals or eating smaller servings, opted for the larger bag of light baked chips, while unrestrained eaters preferred the smaller package of regular Lays BBQ chips.
Similar experiences were conducted with other high-calorie snacks such as popcorn, cookies, macaroni and cheese and mayonnaise all of which produced similar results.
Additionally, researchers noticed that the larger but lower-caloric-density option was perceived as healthier and more filling, but less tasty than the smaller but higher caloric density option.
Small packages are less likely to be appealing to restrained eaters when positioned as targeted solutions to cut calories. By contrast, unrestrained eaters are likely less concerned with the ability of smaller packages of indulgent foods to be filling, and thus such small packages of indulgent foods may be targeted at unrestrained eaters who want to cut back or just want smaller servings, researchers Peggy J. Liu and Kelly L. Haws wrote in the paper.
Read also: Five science-backed diet changes to make for better health
Low-fat doesnt necessarily equate to fewer calories
Researchers have long been studying the impact of packaged low-fat snacks on normal-weight and overweight people.
A study, conducted in 2006 by researchers at Cornell University, showed that overweight people consume up to 50 percent more calories when they eat diet versions of snack foods than when they eat the regular versions.
At the time, researchers also found that many low-fat-labeled foods have only about 30 percent fewer calories than their regular counterparts.
Low-fat labels trick people into eating more than regular labels. But the cruel twist is that these labels have an even more dramatic impact on those who are overweight. They are at danger for really overindulging when they see something with a low-fat label. If we are looking for an excuse to eat, low-fat labels give it to us, said Brian Wansink, the John S. Dyson Professor of Marketing and of Applied Economics at Cornell.
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Should you think twice about picking a diet pack of potato chips? - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post
Hemp-CBD dietary supplement bill introduced in the House –

The Act directs the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use its authority and resources to set a clear regulatory framework for hemp and hemp derived CBD and assure consumer protection.
The legislation would allow hemp and hemp-derived CBD to be legally marketed in dietary supplements so long as manufacturers comply with new dietary ingredient requirements and other Food and Drug Act dietary supplement policies.
The announcement was welcomed by the dietary supplement and hemp industries. In a joint statement, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) noted: While the 2018 Farm Bill changed the law to allow hemp farming, regulatory uncertainty remains about the inclusion of hemp and hemp derived CBD in dietary supplements. This lack of regulatory clarity along with insufficient oversight around hemp and hemp derived CBD exposes consumers to potentially unsafe products and lack of consistency in product quality.
Recognizing the urgent need to address confusion around the legal status of hemp and hemp derived CBD, [we] have been calling on Congress to provide FDA statutory authority and additional resources to regulate hemp and hemp derived CBD as a dietary supplement.
Todays legislation would allow hemp and hemp derived CBD to be legally marketed in dietary supplements so long as manufacturers comply with new dietary ingredient requirements and other Food and Drug Act dietary supplement policies. This pathway for hemp and hemp derived CBD products to be legally marketed, would put in place necessary safeguards to protect public health. A legal hemp and hemp derived CBD pathway would also provide much needed certainty to hemp farmers.
In separate comments, Julia Gustafson, CRNs VP of government relations, said it is critical that FDA allows a legal pathway to market for CBD dietary supplements for the benefit of the agency, industry, retailers, and ultimately, consumers.
Over one year has passed since FDA held its public meeting to better understand hemp-derived substances, and almost two years have passed since the Farm Bill was enacted, legalizing hemp-derived CBD, said Gustafson.
During this time, the agency has taken no action to legalize this ingredient, facilitating an unregulated marketplace. CRN urges Congress to pass this critical legislation and open the marketplace to CBD dietary supplements, providing FDA enforcement authority over the category to assure consumers have access to safe and beneficial products to support their health and wellness.
So, what are the chances of relatively quick passage of a bill introduced in September of an election year? Jonathan Miller, general counsel for the US Hemp Roundtable, told us that his organization is realistic about the bills prospects, and intends to use the coming months to build additional bipartisan support and attract more sponsors to the bill. There is also the possibility a hemp-CBD bill will be attached to must-pass legislation later in the year, he said.
We see a Senate bill in the next few months, and we believe that will include food and beverage, he added.
Ben Witte, founder and CEO of hemp-infused beverage brand Recess, called the announcement a monumental day for the hemp industry capped off by over a year of intense advocacy efforts by the entire hemp industry.
This legislation demonstrates that there is significant bi-partisan support in Congress to formally regulate the use of hemp CBD in various products to protect consumers from bad actors and unsafe products currently on the market, while enabling the hemp farming and processing industry to thrive.
Witte added that the Schrader-Griffith bill is just the beginning of the process and we will now be advocating over the coming weeks for the addition of food and beverage as the process matures, which is ultimately where the largest opportunity lies for the Hemp and CPG industries, Witte told us.
Given that the CBD beverage category is already established, its critical that we now formally regulate the category in order to protect consumers.
According to the American Botanical Councils annual Herbal Supplements Market report, sales of herbal supplements made with derivatives of Cannabis sativa totaled $35.9 million in 2019 in the mainstream channel and $90.7 million in the natural and health food store channel. (Herbalgram #127)
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Hemp-CBD dietary supplement bill introduced in the House -