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‘Walk With Ease’ virtual class now being offered – Newport News Times

The Newport 60+ Activity Center will be offering a six-week virtual class called Walk With Ease.
In partnership with Samaritan Health Services and the National Recreation and Parks Association, this class will begin with an introduction to the virtual format and an overview of the class on Friday, Sept. 11, from 3 to 4 p.m. The class will then meet at 3 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from Sept. 14 through Oct. 19. There will be no class held on Monday, Sept. 28.
The Walk with Ease class is intended to reduce pain, build confidence in being physically active and to improve overall health. No matter your fitness level, this program will help connect you with other community members who want to improve their health.
The Walk with Ease program, developed by the Arthritis Foundation, is proven to help reduce pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and offers benefits for people managing other chronic conditions. Walking is one of the safest and most beneficial forms of exercise for most people with arthritis and other chronic health conditions. It is safer and puts less stress on your body than most other forms of aerobic exercise the kind that builds stamina and boosts cardiovascular fitness. Walking is an especially good exercise choice if you are older or have been less active.
The virtual program will be taught by trained instructors who can provide information and tools that you can use to help manage chronic condition symptoms and improve your quality of life. You will learn the benefits of how small increases in physical activity can result in big benefits to your health.
People can register online for 60+ Activity Center virtual programs at click on the yellow banner and the 60+ Activities Tab to register for virtual sessions. A Zoom link will be provided to those registered prior to the program or class. If you have any questions about Zoom or how to sign up, call the Newport 60+ Activity Center at 541-574-5459.
Read more here:
'Walk With Ease' virtual class now being offered - Newport News Times
Saniona announces that the exercise period of warrants of series TO 2 begins on September 7, 2020 – GlobeNewswire

September 3, 2020
Saniona (OMX: SANION), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on rare diseases, announced today that the exercise period for the warrants of series TO 2 that was issued in connection with Sanionas rights issue and directed issue in the first quarter of 2020 will begin on September 7. The exercise period runs from September 7 until and including September 21, 2020. The holder of warrants of series TO 2 has the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in Saniona for each warrant held at a price of SEK 25.00 per share. The subscription price has been determined within the interval SEK 25.00-30.00 per share in accordance with the warrant terms based on the volume weighted average price of Sanionas share during the period from and including August 20, 2020, to and including September 2, 2020. Upon full exercise of all warrants of series TO 2, Saniona will be allocated approximately SEK 37 million (before issuing costs). The holder of warrants must apply for subscription of new shares, by exercise of warrants, no later than 5:00 p.m. CEST, September 21, 2020, alternatively sell the warrants of series TO 2 no later than September 17, 2020. Folder and information sheet are available as of today on Sanionas ( and Sedermera Fondkommissions ( respective websites.
2020 is shaping up to become a transformational year for Saniona. Despite the turbulent situation across the globe, the company is now in better shape than ever, and with a clear strategy for continued growth, particularly in the important U.S. market, says Rami Levin, President & CEO. We recently were able to raise USD 65 million (approximately SEK 567 million) from renowned institutional investors, which puts us in a very strong financial position to further advance the development of Tesomet for Hypothalamic Obesity and Prader-Willi Syndrome and to build the organization in the US. With funds from the TO 2 warrants, we will be able to take further steps towards becoming a global leader in rare diseases.
Warrants of series TO 2 in brief:
Upon full exercise of all warrants of series TO 2, the number of shares in Saniona will increase by 1,479,742 to 62,523,432 and the share capital will increase by SEK 73,987.10 to SEK 3,126,171,60. This entails a dilution of approximately 2.4 percent based on the number of shares in Saniona after full exercise of all warrants of series TO 2. The warrants of series TO 2 are listed for trading on Nasdaq Stockholm with the short name "SANION TO2" and ISIN SE0013775301.
Important dates for warrants of series TO 2:
Folder and information sheet are available on Sanionas website (, as well as on the website of Sedermera Fondkommission ( The folder will be sent out to most nominee registered warrant holders. Subscription form will be made available from September 7 on Sanionas and Sedermera Fondkommissions respective websites. Subscription form along with the folder will be sent to VP-account holders. Full terms and conditions for the warrants of series TO 2 are provided via Sanionas website.
Action from you as a warrant holder is required how to exercise your warrants of series TO 2:
In order for your warrants not to expire worthless your action is required. You must apply for subscription of new shares, by exercise of warrants, no later than 5:00 p.m. CEST September 21, 2020, alternatively sell your warrants no later than September 17, 2020.
You can have your warrants registered in two ways:
1. In a securities custody account with a bank or other nominee (for example, Avanza or Nordnet), in an investment savings account (Sw. Investeringssparkonto) or endowment account (Sw. Kapitalfrskring). Your warrants are then nominee registered.
2. In a VP-account (a VP-account starts with three zeros). Your warrants are then directly registered.
If your warrants are nominee registered
Subscription and payment of new shares, by exercise of warrants, shall be made to the account-holding bank/nominee with which the warrants are registered. The subscription and payment shall be made in accordance with instructions from each such bank or nominee. Usually, the bank/nominee sends out a digital notice to the account holder, otherwise it is enough to log into the securities custody account from the first day in the exercise period in order to get instructions on how to exercise warrants for subscription of new shares. If you do not find these instructions, please contact your bank or trustee. Please note that banks and other nominees may set different time limits for the last day for subscription, hence it is recommended to contact the account-holding bank/nominee early in the exercise period. Subscribed and payed for shares may be entered as interim shares or IA into your securities custody account until registration of the issue is completed with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, whereby interim shares will automatically be converted to ordinary shares in Saniona.
If your warrants are directly registered
No VP-account statement will be sent out. Subscription of new shares, by exercise of warrants, shall be made by sending a completed subscription form to Sedermera Fondkommission. In conjunction with sending the completed subscription form, payment must be made to Sedermera Fondkommission in accordance to the payment details stated on the subscription form. Completed subscription form and payment must be registered with Sedermera Fondkommission no later than 5:00 p.m. CEST September 21, 2020. Subscribed and payed for shares will be entered as interim shares or IA into your VP-account until registration of the issue is completed with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, whereby interim shares will automatically be converted to ordinary shares in Saniona.
Financial advisor, legal advisor, and issuing agentSedermera Fondkommission is financial advisor and issuing agent and Setterwalls Advokatbyr is legal advisor to Saniona in connection with the issue and exercise of warrants.
For more information regarding the warrants of series TO 2, please contact Sedermera FondkommissionPhone: +46 40-615 14 10, Email: issuingservices@sedermera.seFor more information about Saniona, please contactRami Levin, President & CEO, Saniona. Mobile: +1 (781) 987 3144. Email:
Anita Milland, Interim CFO & Head of IR. Mobile +45-20163432. Email:
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8 a.m. CEST on September 3, 2020.
About SanionaSaniona is a rare disease biopharmaceutical company focused on research, development and commercialization of treatments for the central nervous system. The company has four programs in clinical development. Saniona intends to develop and commercialize treatments for rare disease indications such as hypothalamic obesity and Prader-Willi syndrome on its own. The research is focused on ion channels and the company has a broad portfolio of research programs. Saniona also has out-licensing agreements with Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Productos Medix, S.A de S.V and Cadent Therapeutics. Saniona is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in Boston, US. The companys shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap (OMX: SANION). Read more at
IMPORTANT INFORMATIONThe information in this press release does not contain or constitute an offer to acquire, subscribe or otherwise trade in shares, warrants or other securities in Saniona. An offer to the persons concerned to subscribe for units consisting of warrants in Saniona has only been made through the prospectus that Saniona published on February 14, 2020.
Read more from the original source:
Saniona announces that the exercise period of warrants of series TO 2 begins on September 7, 2020 - GlobeNewswire
Does yoga reduce the risk of falls in older people? – The BMJ

Exercise programmes that involve balance and functional exercises are effective at preventing falls in older people living in the community
Yoga provides small to moderate improvement in balance and mobility in this population, but there is lack of evidence on effect of yoga on falls
Health professionals can recommend yoga to older people to promote physical function and mental wellbeing if there are no clinical contraindications, but there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend yoga specifically for preventing falls
Nearly a third of people aged over 65 years and over half of people older than 80 have a fall at least once a year.123 Falls and fall related injuries can be life changing and may result in chronic disability, admission to assisted living, or death. A fall can also precipitate a fear of falling, which may lead to restriction of activity and hence physical deconditioning. This in turn increases the risk of future falls.45
Clinical guidelines from several countries recommend multifactorial interventions for preventing falls in older people, with exercise as a key component.367 A recent Cochrane review (108 randomised controlled trials, 23407 participants) concluded there is strong evidence that well designed exercise programmes reduce the number of falls by about a quarter among older people living in the community.8 Such programmes also reduce the number of people experiencing one or more falls. Exercise that mainly involved balance and functional training reduced falls.
Yoga is a mind-body practice that typically involves a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and concentration/meditation. Yoga has become a popular means of promoting physical and mental wellbeing9 and is shown to improve health related quality of life in older people.10 Evidence from observational studies suggests it is an acceptable and attractive form of exercise
See the article here:
Does yoga reduce the risk of falls in older people? - The BMJ
The Benefits of CrossFit for People Age 60 and Above – BarBend

Its never too late to start.
Age is just a number.
These age old (no pun intended) adages are passed around a lot in the fitness community. Although often only meant as a means of inspiration, they may have a lot of truth to them as well, scientifically speaking. When it comes to improving physical and mental health, longevity, and quality of life, fitnessmight be one of the best means to do so. So we decided to do a deep dive on how and why CrossFit training can be a valuable fitness option for people over the age of 60.
Below are some of the major topics we cover:
In addition to better educating about how CrossFittraining can help build a stronger body, mind, and community, this article aims to be a go-to reference for common exercisesand how to get involved in competitive events.
Editors note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it shouldnt take the place of advice and/or supervision from a medical professional. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Speak with your physician if you have any concerns and before starting any new dietary or training regimen.
[Related: The ultimate guide to strength sports for Masters athletes]
Functional fitness is a classification of training that incorporates movements akin to what a person would perform in their day-to-day life. This can include squats, lunges, jumps, pulling movements, and cardio (running, biking, etc.). CrossFitmethodology adds in Olympic weightlifting (snatches and clean & jerks), powerlifting (deadlifts, front and back squats), explosive movements (using medicine balls, kettlebells, etc.), gymnastics, and some specialized movements such as rope climbs, sled work, and rowing.
There are many potential health benefits, so lets dive into what it can specifically offer athletes over the age of 60.
It is important to note the culture of support around the CrossFitcommunity. It is one of the most important means for acquiring new members as well as maintain those who have already been initiated. According to a 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis in theSports Medicine Open, preliminary data has suggested that CrossFit practice is associated with higher levels of sense of community, satisfaction, and motivation. (1)
It is likely the case that one of the biggest draws for anyone thinking of getting into CrossFittraining is improving longevity while maintaining or bettering physical capability. The evidence showing correlations between endurance training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), and high intensity functional training (HIFT) and longevity is pretty extensive.
Fifty-four peer-reviewed publications found considerable support for superior longevity for people involved in endurance related sport. (2) More specifically, a study in the Journal of Aging Research determined a physically active subjects had a higher life expectancy of upwards of 7 years.
A 2013 study in Population Health Managementrecognized that a critical need for senior-oriented programs that improve health and preserve and extend functional capabilities. The relationship between these improvements also led to reduced health care expenditures. (3)
For those who have not had a consistent training program, the intensity that comes along with CrossFit training might be intimidating. Dont worry, there are ways that new trainees can perform workouts without extending past their abilities or what is comfortable for them. One of the major ways is called scaling (more on this later).
Rest assured that the science is behind getting active to improve physical fitness even in the elderly. Progressive strength training in the elderly is an efficient wayto reduce sarcopenia and retain motor function, even at higher intensities, according to a 2011 study in theDeutsches Arzteblatt International.(4)
Furthermore, anyone who may be skeptical about the safety of higher intensity exercise, HIFT is not necessarily any riskier than any other form of exercise at a relatively equal intensity. A 4-year analysis that oversaw3,049 participants completed in 2018 in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicinesuggested that CrossFit training is relatively safe compared with more traditional training modalities. (5)
Not only is getting physically active a smart choice for overall fitness levels, it might actually be better to train more days per week than less. That same 4-year analysis uncovered training for the majority of days per week could lead to fewer injuries. Those at the greatest risk of injury, primarily to their shoulders and back, were the participants who performed less than 3 workouts per week.
For athletes over the age of 60 participating in CrossFittraining for the first time, there should be some comfort knowing that the risk of injuryis similarto other sports according to a 2020 study in theJournal of Human Kinetics.(6) To further reduce the risk of injury, athletes are better off doing an adaptation period with the aim of improving technique. Good news:improving technique is a touchstone of CrossFit methodology.
Technique, which is defined in theCrossFitlevel 1 training guide as quality of movement, isan intimate part of safety, efficacy, and efficiency. Technique is everything. It is at the heart of our quantification. You will not express power in significant measure without technique.
So how does CrossFittraining adjust for those who have never done it before? They do so through scaling.
Scaling is the process of adjusting a workout or movement to better match the abilities of the person performing it. It is also a way to customize training for a persons needs at any given time. Feeling sore from a previous training session? Scale the workout. Feeling some tenderness in a muscle or joint and are concerned about aggravating it? Scale the workout.
Scaling is very important when learning a new lifting pattern. If someone has never performed a particular movement, it doesnt make much sense to load up a ton of weight and hope for the best. Remembering the importance of technique regardless of age or fitness level is key. CrossFit trainers are generally eager to work with clients to find the right movement patterns for their needs and goals.
As the trainee who will be performing the exercises, be sure to clearly articulate your goals. They can be as simple as wanting to walk up the stairs more efficiently or picking things off the ground without causing back pain. Scaling allows the trainer and the training itself to help further you toward whatever your goals may be.
Training in a group environment makes participants more motivated and more reliable the longer they do it. A 2019 study in thePLoS One(the Public Library of Science) looked into how motives differ by length of participation. They concluded that the enjoyment and challenge of HIFT was a sufficient motivator when beginning, and that this exercise form promotes an increase in those motives with greater length of participation.
The study also concluded that interpersonal motives (representing relatedness) also increase with participation time. (7) A 2017 study inBMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine furtherreinforces these ideas with their findings that group exercise helps participants meet recommended levels of physical activity. (8)
The community aspect of CrossFit enables a higher likelihood that people will exercise and enjoy it the more they do it. A2017 study inBMC Geriatrics concluded thatregular group exercise contributes to balanced health in older adultsand helped them to improve or maintain their functional health and enjoy their lives.(9)
There may be concerns for those above the age of 60 to get involved in any sort of group fitness. However, there are strong arguments to be made about ensuring exercise remains a part of the routine for seniors. In a 2018 study inFrontiers in Immunologythat analyzed exercise-induced immune suppression, scientists found thatleading a physically active lifestyle reduces the incidence of communicable (e.g., bacterial and viral infections) and non-communicable diseases (e.g., cancer), implying that immune competency is enhanced by regular exercise bouts.
They concluded that that leading an active lifestyle is likely to be beneficial, rather than detrimental, to immune function, which may have implications for health and disease in older age. (10)
Exercise has shown to aid other issues such as peripheral arterial diseaseand helpssuppress the most common age-associated chronic conditions.(11)In a 2015 study in Rejuvenation Research, scientists found that physical exercise islargely the answer to attenuate many of its deleterious systemic and cellular effects. (12)
Functional fitness training has potential benefits for physical and mental health, and longevity. But how and where does one sign up?
If youre interested in joining a CrossFit affiliate, youre in luck; as of early 2020, there are14,790 totalCrossFit affiliates globally.You can start by checking out theOfficial CrossFit Affiliate Mapthat can help locate the nearest CrossFit boxes near you.
When beginning, a coach will teach how to do the movements properly and adjust them as needed for your current fitness level (scaling!). has quick tutorials that break down the movements so they can be practiced from home. There are also courses that anyone seeking to improve their health and fitness through effective training and nutritional strategies can take.
Here is a list of guides for the non-bodyweight movements you are likely to encounter that you can refer to:
Here is a list of guides for bodyweight movements:
If you are ever in a position where you dont have access to the requisite equipment, scale it and/or check out our CrossFitters guide to movement substitutions.
[Related: 8 things I wish Id known before starting CrossFit]
Whether youre just starting out in CrossFittraining or are actively looking to compete, being aware or even knowledgable about higher levels of competition cant hurt. It might even provide a means of inspiration. Here is a quick rundown of the pinnacle of CrossFit competition The CrossFit Games and how athletes get there.
It takes place once per year, is broadcast and live-streamed internationally, and features individual, team, and age group competition (teens and Masters divisions). There are four main ways to qualify for the CrossFit Games: Open, Sanctionals, Online Qualifiers, and Invitations.
The Open is a worldwide event that spans five weeks. Each week, a workout is released and participants are allotted four days to record their performance and submit it for review. Upon completion of the Open, the top ranked man and woman using a relative scoring system from each participating country is declared national champion(based on citizenship) and is offered an invite to the Games. In addition to the national champions, the top 20 men and women in the Open worldwide also receive invites.
Athletes results for each workout and their respective rankings are tracked via the CrossFit leaderboard. Leaderboards can be customized to highlight members of a group, profession, location, etc. so even if you dont have interest in higher competition, you can see how you stack up against a particular group.
According to CrossFits website,Sanctionals are independently owned and operated (and CrossFit-licensed) fitness competitions that offer another pathway for top men, women, and team athletes to receive invitations to compete at the CrossFit Games.
There were 28 Sanctionals planned around the globe that fed into the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games. 26 teams (each comprised of 2 men and 2 women), 40 teens, and 120 Masters athletes are invited to the Games under the current format.
In competitive CrossFit, there are six Masters divisions that each span 4 years starting at age 35 up to the age 60+ division.Jarka GiangiulioandPatricia McGillare age 60 and 61, respectively, and are both CrossFit Games athletes.72-year-oldLaura Bruzzonedid not get started in the sport until age 67 and has some valuable advice to offer others who are considering doing the same.Below are their thoughts on CrossFit including their introductions to the sport and what motivates them to continue training.
Giangiulio achieved her firstmuscle-upat age 60 and is capable of deadlifting 285lb. She spent the first half of her life in Slovakia and has since been in the United States and trains atCrossFit Parallax in New Jersey. She placed seventh in the womens 60+ division in the CrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifier to earn a spot at the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games.
She started CrossFit in 2011 after getting her fitness in via aerobics, spin, and bootcamp classes. When asked what drives her to compete, Giangiulio responded:
theres this rush when you compete, and that feeling you get when you finish and you know you did well, its amazing. Its hard to explain. But its just good energy, and everyone is supporting you and cheering for you.
Another big draw to CrossFit is the efficiency of the training.
with CrossFit, theres always room for improvement, always something you can work on. I really like that. And I like that in just seven minutes, you can get a really hard workout and be done with it.
McGill began training CrossFit in 2013 and was the runner-up at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games in the 60+ division. She then followed it up with a 3rd place finish in theCrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifier last fall. She trains six days a week and even performs workouts in her backyard.
I said to my husband, Honey, if I dig a hole, will you cement a pole so I can practice muscle-ups?
She splits her training between home workouts and sessions at the gym. Her basement is set up with kettlebells, dumbbells, a rowing machine, and the requisite Olympic weightlifting equipment. Her backyard is outfitted with a rope for climbs, a step for wall balls, and the aforementioned pole to support rings to allow for pull-ups and muscle-ups.
When asked what keeps her motivated to train into her 60s, McGill responded:
I just want to be able to continue to do whatever I want for the rest of my life.
The 72-year-old Bruzzone took up CrossFit five years ago after it was recommended to her by a friend. In her interview withGood Morning America, Bruzzone shared some advice for potential fellow Masters athletes:
You certainly shouldnt let age or anything else hold you back. So long as you dont give up and you do something, youre going to get payback, definitely.
Bruzzones training sessions and feats of strength in a CrossFit gym went viral as a means of inspiration for younger athletes. However, Bruzzone found the opposite to be true as she feels younger athletes inspire her:
I see the younger people doing heavier weights and I want to get closer to what theyre doing. Its more motivation for me to push harder.
Although Bruzzone has never competed in the CrossFit Open or at the Games, she still trains at 6am on most days, and only takes a rest day when she feels it necessary. Her fitness goals are positioned to thinklong term.
I have a long range plan. When Im 90, I want to get to the bathroom by myself.
We reached out to two doctors of physical therapy, Dr. Joseph LaVacca and Dr. Eugene Bo Babenko who is also a certified CrossFit trainer. They discussed the benefits and obstacles (both physical and mental), the remedies to those obstacles, personal experiences theyve had with their patients, and advice they would offer those starting out in functional fitness training.
Note: all bolding is done by BarBends editorial team for emphasis.
Functional fitness is the key here YES the way we think about aging is all sorts of messed up.If seniors, or any human of any age, want to be able to use their bodies, then they need to do some type of training to maintain it just like we do maintenance on our cars. While there is a natural degradation that comes with each day/month/year, it is all about managing that damage that allows us to improve healthspan, which implies the ability to be a more robust human for longer. If folks want to live longer and be able to do more things, then they 100% should participate in some kind of training program or movement practice.
Yes, without a doubt.Seniors biggest opportunity as they age is the loss of muscle mass, mainly power, and a narrowing social circle which is actually the number one factor for most of their stress and ailments. CrossFitis the perfect solution to both given classes are guided by coaches who understand the aging process and can be scaled accordingly to fit the capacity of each client.
More and more we are seeing research support the idea that we are not our x-rays or MRIs and a lot of the dysfunction we see with these images can sometimes be nothing more than normal age related changes our bodies go through as we continue to use them.
General de-conditioning is the number one overall ailment many of the cliches come to mind. Do we age because we stop dancing, or do we stop dancing because we get old? You are only as old as your joints feel.
The most common things that put folks in retirement homes or the morgue are a fall and broken hip the best way to combat this is to improve range of motion, proprioception, and strength. Leg strength, grip strength, and VO2 max are all incredible predictors of our mortality and can all be improved with functional training.
[CrossFit] also recently had a huge push for CrossFit Health, where they had seniors as the demo folks in a living room, using water bottles and such this is a great message and speaks to the fact that we all need to be partaking in some version of fitness for our entire lives and the barrier to entry should be very low.
As we age we are typically met with increasing co-morbidities such as weight gain, mental health issues, and changes to our cardiovascular systems (blood pressure/heart rate). I think community outreach and education can be an affective remedy.This population has survived and thrived through a lot of stress and changes in their lives. They very rarely want to be thought of as delicate, old or fragile. Holding 60+ classes to make people fit into a more common group of people, educating primary care physicianson the benefits of exercise as we age.
Aside from reduction in depression, anxiety and improved sleep, exercise has been shown to add years to your life, something that we can all likely agree is the ultimate benefit.
The biggest obstacle is fear/marketing it looks scary usually these CrossFit gyms have only young folks with shirts off huffing and puffing and making very loud noises of all sorts.
Culture seems to be the biggest obstacle for just about everything these days. When you are told that aging population is fragile, or should stop doing certain movements/exercises, or that their joints are bone on bone, those are the kind of thought viruses that spread very quickly,usually promoting fear and avoidance rather than reframing and lateralization.
Most effective remedies I have seen are specific silver sneakers programs specific marketing to get folks to see others in their age range can and are doingthis, and not getting injured. Sometimes its important to connect it to activities that are importantto that population.
I think community outreach and education can be an affective remedy. This population has survived and thrived through a lot of stress and changes in their lives. They very rarely want to be thought of as delicate, old or fragile. Holding 60+ classes to make people fit into a more common group of people, educating primary care physicianson the benefits of exercise as we age. Aside from reduction in depression, anxiety and improved sleep, exercise has been shown to add years to your life, something that we can all likely agree is the ultimate benefit.
Biggest benefits for CrossFit seem to be the increased ability to do the activities that we hold dear and overcome many of the aches and pains that we have built up over time. Another thing that works is one-on-one training with very personalized progressions.It is easier to throw constantly varied workouts at younger folks but as we develop more limitations we require more personalized attention to get better results and avoid injury.
These patients have more lean body mass, recover from injuries quicker, usually have jobs that they find more satisfying, are on little to no medications, and most important can envision their future and can continue to create goals both personally and professionally. One thing that happens as clients get older, retire, watch their kids grow is that they lose a sense of purpose. Those that maintain and active mind and body experience the same stressors but demonstrate more resilience when facing them.
Absolutely, I have worked with a number of folks above 60. Their performance far exceeds anyone in their cohort who does not. They are addressing so many physical factors.I also work as a home health physical therapist and I have seen everything from COVID pneumonia cases, stroke cases, etc., and no matter the age and function, I utilize many of the principles of CrossFit for my patients to help them improve and address their various impairments.
One thing that happens as clients get older, retire, and watch their kids grow is that they lose a sense of purpose. Those that maintain an active mind and body experience the same stressors but demonstrate more resilience when facing them.
Socialization hands down.The communities I have watched grow, and the friendships formed, allows for people to cheer for each other because they truly want what is in the best interest of the other person. CrossFit communities plan nights out, go to each others weddings, and even spend holidays together. As the gym grows, so does your family.
I would want to make sure they understand what the term CrossFit refers to. I would want them to be an educated consumer and ensure that thecoach/trainer they work with has some experience with similar pops and/or is able to provide them with a personalized plan to keep them safe and still reaping the benefits that the community setting brings.
That is great and I am proud of their decision. I would encourage them to look at their goals:
I would further suggest having a personal trainer that can work with their coach on your team. Where I think the biggest opportunity for community classes of all sorts to continue to evolve is providing information and understanding about each members individual capacity.
I think the concept is phenomenal. Ifell in love with it when I did my first workout and then did the CrossFit Level 1 certification. But since I entered the community in 2010, I have seen many versions of the original message create many watered down versions. It is going through some interesting changes withGlassmanselling the company. It will be interesting to see how it progresses.
In general I have been a huge fan and advocate for CrossFit since I began my career in 2010. Unfortunately the average career of a HIIT or CrossFit athlete (based on memberships) seems to be less than 3 years. This was presented at a Sports Symposium in Philadelphia not too long ago that I was able to attend.
This is the biggest opportunity for HIIT classes. Build consistency. The community is there, but people are scared and think this is not for me or I could never do that. Everyone is waiting to feel better to move or workout, rather than working out to feel better.
In addition, sometimes culture leads us to believe that we need to be emptying the tank all the time. That we need to be pouring sweat, not have an off day, or complete an insane challenge that we are not ready for to fit in. I would love to see more scaling to keep people safe, not just an RX and an alternative with less weight or reps something meaningful where this group can look at each other and say I am here and I am with other people just like me, and I do not have to be forced to do what is on the board.
I do believe that if every gym followed a CrossFit type model in a responsible manner, the world would be a healthier and stronger place.
The science is clear.CrossFittraining can enable people over the age of 60 the ability toimprove their physical fitness, their ability to day-to-day activities more efficiently, and their ability to prevent disease.It can offer a supportive community that can better ensure consistency in the gym and make workouts more enjoyable.
For those above 60 years of age looking to improve their futures, CrossFittrainings focus on individual goals and proper technique might be the way to go. There are CrossFitaffiliates are all over the world that can help you get a foothold in that community and build your body for many years to come.
Brent Hamar, et al. (2013). Impact of a Senior Fitness Program on Measures of Physical and Emotional Health and Functioning.Population Health Management.16(6): 364372.doi:10.1089/pop.2012.0111.
Allyson G. Box, et al. (2019). High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) and competitions: How motives differ by length of participation.PLoS One.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0213812.
Komatsu, H., Yagasaki, K., Saito, al.Regular group exercise contributes to balanced health in older adults in Japan: a qualitative study.BMC Geriatrics17,190 (2017).
Tara L. Haas, et al. (2012). Exercise Training and Peripheral Arterial Disease.Comprehensive Physiology.2933-3017.doi:10.1002/cphy.c110065.
Feature image via Shutterstock/Halfpoint.
Read the rest here:
The Benefits of CrossFit for People Age 60 and Above - BarBend
Church of the week – The Robesonian

September 03, 2020
LUMBERTON The first batch of mail-in absentee ballots are being put into the mail by staff members at the Robeson County.
Yes, theyll start being mailed out Friday, said Tina Bledsoe, Robeson County Board of Elections director.
Sept. 4 is the start date for ballots to be mailed to North Carolina voters who requested them, either because they werent going to be in the state on Election Day, Nov. 3; because they are unable to leave their residence for medical reasons; or because they fear going to a voting site because of COVID-19. The State Board of Elections is warning voters they may not receive their ballots for a week to 10 days.
Bledsoe said county voters should start seeing them Tuesday or a little later even though Monday is a federal holiday, Labor Day, and the U.S. Postal Service wont be delivering mail that day.
County Board of Elections office staffers will stuffing envelopes and putting more than 1,000 ballots in the mail Friday, she said. It was hard to give an exact figure because requests still were coming in Thursday.
The ballots being mailed Friday include those going to local voters and to voters with Robeson County home addresses who live overseas, particularly military members, who requested one, she said.
And theyre from all over the world, Bledsoe said.
Ballots to people overseas will be sent out via email.
But Friday is just the start of the mailing process because ballot requests still are coming in.
So there will be more, Bledsoe said.
After Friday ballots will be mailed out as requests are received, she said.
Ballots mailed back to the county Elections Board will be verified and counted during each of five Board absentee meetings. The meetings are scheduled for Oct. 8, 13, 20, 22 and 27. Each meeting is to start at 6 p.m.
Thats what the Board wants to do, Bledsoe said.
During the meeting the ballots will be verified as acceptable and counted, she said. Elections Board office staffers will check ballot envelopes and ballots to make sure voter information is correct, that the ballots are signed and witnessed, the ballots are marked properly and the voters signature looks the same as the voters signature in the Elections Boards records.
If a staffer sees something irregular or that information is missing, the problem will be presented to the full Board of Elections, and the Board members will decide what action needs to be taken.
We will err on the side of the voter, giving them every opportunity because we want to give everyone a chance to vote, Bledsoe said.
But the actual votes wont be counted before Election Day.
After being accepted, ballots will be inserted into a tabulation machine and the number of ballots inserted will be recorded, Bledsoe said. After the ballots are inserted the machine will be locked in a room at the Elections Board, a room to which few people will have access. The next morning the tabulation number on the machine will be checked again to make sure it has not changed.
That way you know nobody has inserted anything overnight, not that anyone would, Bledsoe said.
The chief judge of the one-stop polling site will sign off each day on the check of the number of ballots inserted into the machine.
It will be a rolling tally, Bledsoe said.
Ballots need to be mailed in by 5 p.m. the Monday before the Nov. 3 election so they can be verified, counted and the votes included in the Election Day results. But if the ballot envelope is postmarked by 5 p.m. Nov. 3 it will be accepted and counted as a supplemental absentee ballot. If a ballot is not received by those deadlines it will be considered invalid.
If a problem with a ballot is discovered the Board can send the voter a cure affidavit, Bledsoe said. That affidavit must be signed by the voter and returned to the Elections Board office by 5 p.m. Nov. 12, otherwise the votes will not be counted.
The election is not over until the results are canvassed, and that will be Nov. 13, Bledsoe said.
Something new this election cycle is voters getting assistance from a multipartisan assistance team, or a team member.
According to information from the State Board of Elections, a MAT is a group appointed by a county board of elections to provide assistance with mail-in absentee voting and other services to voters living at facilities such as hospitals, clinics and nursing homes.
A MAT includes, at a minimum, two people who have different party affiliations (or, in the alternative, persons who were unanimously appointed by a bipartisan county board of elections). If you request help from a MAT, you should receive impartial, professional assistance. Their job is to help you vote, but your voting choices will remain confidential, the state Boards information reads in part.
Team members are authorized to, with specific legal requirements, help voters register to vote, help voters request an absentee ballot, to serve as an absentee witness, help mark the ballot, help seal the ballot and complete the absentee application, and to deliver the voted absentee ballot to the closest U.S. mail depository or mailbox, if the voter has a disability.
In the event a resident requires the help of a team member with the actual marking of a ballot, the voters selection is kept in strict confidence, the state Boards information reads in part.
We have a MAT team, but we havent used them much, Bledsoe said.
Some long-term care facilities wont let them in, she said.
The team has three members: one each Republican, Democrat and unaffiliated.
And we try to have three or four teams, Bledsoe said.
If a team is allowed to meet with a voter, or voters, at a long-term care facility the team members take the proper precautions so as not the spread or contract COVID-19. They wear gowns, a face mask or shield and use hand sanitizer.
They will meet with a voter outside if that is what the voter wants to do, Bledsoe said.
Robeson County Republican Party Chairman Phillip Stephens isnt concerned about the mail-in absentee voting system being used this election cycle. Its different from the mail-in system that has received so much news media attention in the past few months.
Mail-in absentee voting is not new, he said. It has been a method for years, and controls have been adjusted over time.
But, voters should maintain security of the ballot when filling it out and then mailing it back in accordance with the accompanying directions, Stephens said. Voters also should check their voter registration at
They should not only check to see if the registration is correct, he said. They should also look at the voter history of themselves or family members who generally require assistance to make sure the history is correct in terms of whether they actually voted in the elections listed. Making sure your vote history matches your actual votes is important.
Anyone concerned about sending ballots through the mail can contact the county Board of Elections to arrange submitting it directly, he said.
Stephens did indicate he is concerned the election wont end with the counting of votes. Both major political parties are anticipating lawsuits challenging results and procedures, he said.
It isnt a matter of if a lawsuit is filed, it is really a matter of when, Stephens said.
Robeson County has a bit of experience with legal issues delaying or even overturning an election, he said. The legal fight in 2018 over the N.C. District 9 congressional race left a seat open into the next year.
Imagine the chaos if such challenges were applied nationwide in a presidential election, he said.
Its anyones guess as to whether or not there will be legal challenges this year, Stephens said. While some political observers and political party members fully expect legal objections to occur, the duration of the delays depends on the scale of the challenges.
Our hope is that the race isnt close, he said. Neither side can be accused as much of cheating if you win big.
Church of the week - The Robesonian
Horse in Red Hill tests positive for eastern equine encephalitis – The Robesonian

September 03, 2020
LUMBERTON The first batch of mail-in absentee ballots are being put into the mail by staff members at the Robeson County.
Yes, theyll start being mailed out Friday, said Tina Bledsoe, Robeson County Board of Elections director.
Sept. 4 is the start date for ballots to be mailed to North Carolina voters who requested them, either because they werent going to be in the state on Election Day, Nov. 3; because they are unable to leave their residence for medical reasons; or because they fear going to a voting site because of COVID-19. The State Board of Elections is warning voters they may not receive their ballots for a week to 10 days.
Bledsoe said county voters should start seeing them Tuesday or a little later even though Monday is a federal holiday, Labor Day, and the U.S. Postal Service wont be delivering mail that day.
County Board of Elections office staffers will stuffing envelopes and putting more than 1,000 ballots in the mail Friday, she said. It was hard to give an exact figure because requests still were coming in Thursday.
The ballots being mailed Friday include those going to local voters and to voters with Robeson County home addresses who live overseas, particularly military members, who requested one, she said.
And theyre from all over the world, Bledsoe said.
Ballots to people overseas will be sent out via email.
But Friday is just the start of the mailing process because ballot requests still are coming in.
So there will be more, Bledsoe said.
After Friday ballots will be mailed out as requests are received, she said.
Ballots mailed back to the county Elections Board will be verified and counted during each of five Board absentee meetings. The meetings are scheduled for Oct. 8, 13, 20, 22 and 27. Each meeting is to start at 6 p.m.
Thats what the Board wants to do, Bledsoe said.
During the meeting the ballots will be verified as acceptable and counted, she said. Elections Board office staffers will check ballot envelopes and ballots to make sure voter information is correct, that the ballots are signed and witnessed, the ballots are marked properly and the voters signature looks the same as the voters signature in the Elections Boards records.
If a staffer sees something irregular or that information is missing, the problem will be presented to the full Board of Elections, and the Board members will decide what action needs to be taken.
We will err on the side of the voter, giving them every opportunity because we want to give everyone a chance to vote, Bledsoe said.
But the actual votes wont be counted before Election Day.
After being accepted, ballots will be inserted into a tabulation machine and the number of ballots inserted will be recorded, Bledsoe said. After the ballots are inserted the machine will be locked in a room at the Elections Board, a room to which few people will have access. The next morning the tabulation number on the machine will be checked again to make sure it has not changed.
That way you know nobody has inserted anything overnight, not that anyone would, Bledsoe said.
The chief judge of the one-stop polling site will sign off each day on the check of the number of ballots inserted into the machine.
It will be a rolling tally, Bledsoe said.
Ballots need to be mailed in by 5 p.m. the Monday before the Nov. 3 election so they can be verified, counted and the votes included in the Election Day results. But if the ballot envelope is postmarked by 5 p.m. Nov. 3 it will be accepted and counted as a supplemental absentee ballot. If a ballot is not received by those deadlines it will be considered invalid.
If a problem with a ballot is discovered the Board can send the voter a cure affidavit, Bledsoe said. That affidavit must be signed by the voter and returned to the Elections Board office by 5 p.m. Nov. 12, otherwise the votes will not be counted.
The election is not over until the results are canvassed, and that will be Nov. 13, Bledsoe said.
Something new this election cycle is voters getting assistance from a multipartisan assistance team, or a team member.
According to information from the State Board of Elections, a MAT is a group appointed by a county board of elections to provide assistance with mail-in absentee voting and other services to voters living at facilities such as hospitals, clinics and nursing homes.
A MAT includes, at a minimum, two people who have different party affiliations (or, in the alternative, persons who were unanimously appointed by a bipartisan county board of elections). If you request help from a MAT, you should receive impartial, professional assistance. Their job is to help you vote, but your voting choices will remain confidential, the state Boards information reads in part.
Team members are authorized to, with specific legal requirements, help voters register to vote, help voters request an absentee ballot, to serve as an absentee witness, help mark the ballot, help seal the ballot and complete the absentee application, and to deliver the voted absentee ballot to the closest U.S. mail depository or mailbox, if the voter has a disability.
In the event a resident requires the help of a team member with the actual marking of a ballot, the voters selection is kept in strict confidence, the state Boards information reads in part.
We have a MAT team, but we havent used them much, Bledsoe said.
Some long-term care facilities wont let them in, she said.
The team has three members: one each Republican, Democrat and unaffiliated.
And we try to have three or four teams, Bledsoe said.
If a team is allowed to meet with a voter, or voters, at a long-term care facility the team members take the proper precautions so as not the spread or contract COVID-19. They wear gowns, a face mask or shield and use hand sanitizer.
They will meet with a voter outside if that is what the voter wants to do, Bledsoe said.
Robeson County Republican Party Chairman Phillip Stephens isnt concerned about the mail-in absentee voting system being used this election cycle. Its different from the mail-in system that has received so much news media attention in the past few months.
Mail-in absentee voting is not new, he said. It has been a method for years, and controls have been adjusted over time.
But, voters should maintain security of the ballot when filling it out and then mailing it back in accordance with the accompanying directions, Stephens said. Voters also should check their voter registration at
They should not only check to see if the registration is correct, he said. They should also look at the voter history of themselves or family members who generally require assistance to make sure the history is correct in terms of whether they actually voted in the elections listed. Making sure your vote history matches your actual votes is important.
Anyone concerned about sending ballots through the mail can contact the county Board of Elections to arrange submitting it directly, he said.
Stephens did indicate he is concerned the election wont end with the counting of votes. Both major political parties are anticipating lawsuits challenging results and procedures, he said.
It isnt a matter of if a lawsuit is filed, it is really a matter of when, Stephens said.
Robeson County has a bit of experience with legal issues delaying or even overturning an election, he said. The legal fight in 2018 over the N.C. District 9 congressional race left a seat open into the next year.
Imagine the chaos if such challenges were applied nationwide in a presidential election, he said.
Its anyones guess as to whether or not there will be legal challenges this year, Stephens said. While some political observers and political party members fully expect legal objections to occur, the duration of the delays depends on the scale of the challenges.
Our hope is that the race isnt close, he said. Neither side can be accused as much of cheating if you win big.
Originally posted here:
Horse in Red Hill tests positive for eastern equine encephalitis - The Robesonian
Weight Loss: Nutritionist Explains Why A Good Night’s Sleep Is Important For Shedding Calories – NDTV

Sleeping well is important if you want to lose weight
Weight loss tips: Having a good diet not only favours your nutrition, it also helps to sleep well. What you eat effects your sleep. Many people find it difficult to sleep at night. One of the important reasons people wake up at mid-night is the blood sugar crash. Most of us snack on cookies, brownies at evening which results in blood sugar crash at midnight and wakes you up. Getting good sleep is very important for your overall health as it reduces the risk of certain chronic diseases and boost immunity. You might be on the least calorie diet however if you are sleep deprived, it can lead to weight gain leaving you puzzled and grumpy.
It's generally advised to get between 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, though many people struggle to get enough. A lack of sleep in the long term can cause changes in the hormones that regulate appetite and hunger. There are two important hormones - Ghrelin that triggers the feeling of hunger and Leptin which supresses hunger and signals the brain to stop eating once full. Sleep deprivation reduces the level of leptin and ghrelin shoots up. This increases your hunger constantly and causes you to eat more than needed. It also fails to give you a signal when the stomach is full.
To induce sleep, avoiding caffeine or caffeinated drinks 5 hours before sleep time can be the first step you can take. There are mainly four vitamins and minerals which are found in foods and can promote better sleep: calcium, B6, tryptophan and magnesium. These nutrients help the body produce melatonin, the hormone that is responsible for regulating your circadian (sleep/wakeup pattern). The good news is there are certain foods and drinks which naturally have these nutrients that you can consume and get a peaceful, stress free sleep as a reward.
Also read:Weight Loss: 4 Changes You Need To Make To Your Night-Time Routine For Better Digestion And Good Sleep
1. Almonds: are a great source of magnesium and has potential sleep-promoting effects.
Almonds have sleep-promoting effects on the bodyPhoto Credit: iStock
2. Chamomile Tea: known for its content of antioxidants especially apigenin, it promotes sleepiness.
3. Milk or Yogurt: dairy products contain tryptophan, vitamin D and calcium thus can be a relaxing nightly ritual.
4.Tart cherries juice: are a great source of fibre, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, polyphenols, tryptophan making it great source of peaceful sleep.
5. Fatty fish:May help improve sleep because they are a great source of omega3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, folate and calcium.
Also read:5 Nuts And Seeds Loaded With Omega-3 Fatty Acids You Must Add To Your Plant-Based Diet
6. Kiwi: Kiwi is a great fruit for inducing sleep as being rich in melatonin, flavonoids, potassium, folate and calcium.
7.Oatmeal: being the natural source of melatonin, oats are a perfect meal for having great sleep.
8.Bananas: bananas are nature's sedative, as they contain potassium, magnesium and tryptophan which are great for inducing sleep.
It is not just foods, there are many drinks contain essential nutrients that help aid with sleep. These are almond milk, peppermint tea, chamomile tea, passion fruit tea, valerian tea, etc. It is always advised to avoid consuming high caffeine, high fat, high salt or high water foods before going to bed. Thus, the bottom line is getting enough sleep is very important for your health and eating well can really help you reward with great sleep.
Also read:Try These 7 Foods That Have More Potassium Than A Banana To Control High Blood Pressure
(Monisha Ashokan is a nutritionist at Nourish Me)
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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Weight Loss: Nutritionist Explains Why A Good Night's Sleep Is Important For Shedding Calories - NDTV
Global Online Weight Loss Programs Market 2025 Potential Scope for Growth in This Pandamic: Atkins Nutritionals, Kellogg, Nutrisystem, Weight…

Overview and Executive Summary of the Online Weight Loss Programs MarketThis high end strategy based market specific Online Weight Loss Programs Market report presentation renders a thorough presentation of the market, evaluating it in terms of a range of parameters comprising market size and dynamics, dominant and popular trends, market share, investment planning, pricing strategies and driver based review that collectively lead to steady and long term growth in the global Online Weight Loss Programs.
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This high end strategy based market specific Online Weight Loss Programs market report presentation renders a thorough presentation of the market, evaluating it in terms of a range of parameters comprising market size and dynamics, dominant and popular trends, market share, investment planning, pricing strategies and driver based review that collectively lead to steady and long term growth in the global Online Weight Loss Programs market.
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Regional Analysis Of Market
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Read More..Diabetes: Is Weight Loss Surgery Effective Than Dieting? Or Do Both Offer Similar Benefits? – Health Writeups

According to a new study, bariatric surgery and weight loss via calorie deficit support similar metabolic improvements in obese diabetic people. The findings of the study, Effects of Diet versus Gastric Bypass on Metabolic Function in Diabetes, appears in theNew England Journal of Medicine.
Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine conducted a small study of 22 people to evaluate the benefits of calorie deficit dieting in the diabetics.
Eleven participants shed fat through dieting, while the other half recently had a weight loss through Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Both groups reported significant success in weight loss by 18%.
The analysis of the results was done after six months. The study showed calorie deficit dieting had similar benefits in improving insulin sensitivity, beta-cell role, and insulin levels. They also found significant improvements in the 24-hour plasma glucose count.
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Hailey Crean, MS, RD, CDCES, a certified dietician and endocrinologist in Newton, Massachusetts, did not take part in the study. However, she shares how the results are surprising for everyone, especially the medical community. They first used to believe Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery to play an independent role in improving metabolism in obese diabetics.
It is a common fact that a healthy physique reduces the risk of type II diabetes; some weight loss techniques offer more than that.
As per a 2012 study, people implanted with duodenal-jejunal bypass liner showed a significant reduction in type II diabetes.
In medical science, up to this date, weight loss surgery, including bariatric surgery that works on the small intestine and stomach, was considered as the best therapies in medicine to treat type II diabetes. Research proves those therapies more effective, which bypasses through gastrointestinal areas for relief in type II diabetes than the ones, which do not.
Despite the existing research, the researchers wondered if the shedding pounds with calorie-cutting would help improve metabolic conditions or not.
Research shows that even though a calorie-restricted diet does not involve any bypassing, it was able to serve similar benefits. Withal this research is small-based; it holds immense importance as it highlights the potency of weight loss in reducing the risk of diabetes, irrespective of the method used.
Understanding the fact that different weight loss techniques can work to give the same benefits, many people can choose and reconsider their decisions about managing their diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association confirms the greater prevalence of type II diabetes in obese people. In addition, obesity also poses a risk to other health areas like the heart. It increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, myocardial infarction, and hypertension.
However, the fun fact is that some determination and hard work can help reverse the condition effectively. Brittany Scanniello, RD, a certified dietician in Denver, Colorado, explains how only a small weight loss can show a significant reduction in the risk of type II diabetes.
ALSO READ:Weight Loss: Brief Summary of a 1500 Calorie Diet
She asserts that people with slow and steady progress may get similar positive changes like, with a rapid weight loss by bariatric surgery or a calorie deficit diet. Creen seconds her by highlighting how only a 5 to 7% weight loss can bring significant changes to metabolic syndrome.
Along with this, she also mentions dieting as insufficient for long-term weight loss. For its maintenance, it is important to address the concerns that lead to weight gain at the beginning. The feelings for food, things that prevent one from exercising, and weight fluctuations are other concerns to look over.
Read more here:
Diabetes: Is Weight Loss Surgery Effective Than Dieting? Or Do Both Offer Similar Benefits? - Health Writeups
NHS soup and shake diet: What is the NHS diet for diabetics? – Express

As of 2019, Diabetes UK estimates 3.9 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in the UK. The condition is a major risk factor for coronavirus, and according to Public Health England (PHE) one-third of people who died in hospital from COVID-19 had diabetes.
A new diet is now being offered on the NHS, which will first be rolled out to some 5,000 people suffering from the condition.
The new diet plan has shown promising results in trials, with NHS England stating almost half of the people who embarked on the diet saw their type 2 diabetes go into remission after a year.
Patients who are given access to the diet programme will be encouraged to follow a weight-loss plan based on soups and shakes.
READ MORE:Type 2 diabetes symptoms: The serious sign in your mouth
Patients who have been diagnosed with the condition in the last six years and meet other eligibility criteria will be given the diet products, and they will also receive support to increase their exercise levels.
However, the initiative will only be available in 10 areas of England to begin with.
Professor Jonathan Valabhji, NHS national clinical director for diabetes and obesity, said: "This is the latest example of how the NHS, through our Long-Term Plan, is rapidly adopting the latest evidence-based treatments to help people stay well, maintain a healthy weight and avoid major diseases.
"There has never been a more important time to lose weight and put their type 2 diabetes into remission, so it's good news for thousands of people across the country that practical, supportive measures like this are increasingly available on the NHS."
Bridget Turner, director of policy campaigns and improvement at Diabetes UK, said the charity is so pleased more people will have the opportunity to put their diabetes into remission.
She said: "We know that some people with type 2 diabetes want and need support from healthcare professionals to lose weight effectively, and now as these programmes are piloted across the NHS they will.
"People with type 2 diabetes who have put their diabetes into remission frequently tell us how it has changed their lives.
"We are so pleased to see that others will now have the same opportunity and hope that it won't be too long before more remission programmes are rolled out across the country."
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The rise of type 2 diabetes is a major cause for concern in the UK, costing the NHS some 8.8billion a year in treatments - which is nine percent of the NHS annual budget.
Millions are also thought to be at risk of developing the condition in the future.
Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is often preventable by adapting behavioural changes.
The condition is often linked with being overweight or inactive. But in some cases, it can be developed due to a family history of the disease.
The condition causes the level of glucose in the blood to become too high, and can cause symptoms such as excessive thirst, needing to urinate a lot and tiredness.
In some cases, diabetes can cause serious complications, such as problems with the eyes, heart and nerves.
And in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, those with diabetes are identified as clinically vulnerable by the NHS, meaning sufferers are at higher risk if they catch the virus.
The announcement of the new diabetes diet comes after the NHS announced its new Better Health campaign earlier this year.
The scheme aims to encourage people to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, to help tackle the current obesity crisis in the UK.
The NHS also offers a programme tailored to help those who are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is called the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP).
For those interested in getting involved in your local scheme, contact your GP.
See the rest here:
NHS soup and shake diet: What is the NHS diet for diabetics? - Express