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Global Testosterone Cypionate Injection Market 2020 Top Manufacturers, Latest Trends, Future Prospects and Forecast 2025 – Red & Black Student…

Global Testosterone Cypionate Injection Market Growth 2020-2025is a highly comprehensive research document released by that provides a reliable source of the global Testosterone Cypionate Injection market study. Major players, competitive intelligence, market dynamics and geographic opportunities are discussed in detail in the report. Independent sections cover each of the major regions, as well as the trends for Testosterone Cypionate Injection market products within those regions. The report includes market estimations and trends through the forecast period and analyses market dynamics across the major geographies. The report also discusses recent developments and product portfolios of the key players.
Important Coverage of the Testosterone Cypionate Injection Market Report:
Subcategories within each of these markets are also analysed on the basis of trade data and statistical data. In-depth analysis of the crucial regions is presented, with statistics in exports and imports within the regions. The report features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analysing data gathered from the industrys top analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain. Analysis will include average employee costs; which readers may find useful.
NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.
The economic trends and latest developments are discussed in the report that affect the market most, while most popular applications of the industry are: Hospital, Clinics, Recovery Center,
Further, it moves towards the major drivers and regional dynamics and their current trends within the industry with respect to the most important types, like: 100mg/ml, 200mg/ml,
Other factors that are driving the growth of the market can be the increased number of demands. The Testosterone Cypionate Injection market is expected to propel during the forecast period from 2020 to 2025. The information in this report includes current trends, driving and restraining growth of the market, and factors affecting the future of the industry. The market is segmented in the report on the basis of key players, countries, types and applications. Estimated values are projected by analysing the manufacturers total revenues.
The top global players competing in the Testosterone Cypionate Injection market include: Cipla, Hikma, Pfizer, Sun Pharma, Perrigo, Paddock Laboratories, Genesis Pharmaceuticals, Meditech Pharmaceutical, Perrigo,
The industry has positively impacted the geographical areas covering key regions that involves: Americas (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil), APAC (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia), Middle East & Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, GCC Countries)
The Testosterone Cypionate Injection Market Report Aims to:
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Read More..World Rugby opens a front in the gender wars Monash Lens – Monash Lens

World Rugbys proposed new policy banning transgender women on the basis that their physique, muscle mass and strength poses a safety risk to other (cisgender) female athletes opens a front in the gender wars that have plagued sport, and places World Rugby on a dangerous slippery slope.
Few institutions maintain a binary male-female segregated structure more rigidly than sport. How to accommodate the participation of transgender persons within these segregated structures has been a vexed issuefor some time.
Sports governing bodies that have sought to tackle this difficult issue have invariably done so through the dual prisms of human rights and competitive fairness seeking, on the one hand, to provide an inclusive environment for transgender athletes that gives them the opportunity to compete free from discrimination and, on the other hand, to provide cisgender athletes with an equitable competitive environment. Requiring transgender women to reduce their testosterone level below a predetermined threshold has been key to striking this balance.
World Rugbys examination of the issue through the prism of health and safety is an interesting development in the debate, and one that carries risks for all involved.
It appears illogical to ban only one category of people with certain physical attributes, and not others with the same attributes. To do so is the essence of discrimination.
Testosterone is to sport what climate change is to environmental science. There are those for whom testosterone is a very important determinant of competitive advantage; those who deny or are sceptical of the role it plays; and those who acknowledge its role but differ with respect to its effects.
World Rugby has sought to bypass much of this debate by focusingnot on current testosterone levels, but on what it considers are the "significant"physical advantages transgender women who transition after male puberty retain over cisgender women even after they take steps to lower their testosterone levels.
According to a report prepared for World Rugby, these advantages include being25 to 50% stronger; 30% more powerful; 40% heavier; and 15% faster.
Importantly, these advantages are said to create at least a 20 to 30% greater risk of injury for cisgender female rugby players competing against transgender female players. And it's this safety risk that is the basis of the proposed ban on transgender women.
This new angle will pose a challenge for advocates for transgender inclusion. They'll find safety arguments more difficult to counter than arguments based on competitive fairness, positing as it does one human right (the right to equality and freedom from discrimination) against another human right (the right to safety and freedom from harm).
It also raises many questions.
If transgender women are banned because they pose a safety risk to cisgender women, then should not cisgender women with similar physical attributes also be banned? The gender status or identity of an individual does not create any inherent danger or risk to safety. Rather, it's disparities in strength and/or physique that may do so, depending on the sport. It appears illogical to ban only one category of people with certain physical attributes, and not others with the same attributes. To do so is the essence of discrimination.
And if transgender women with these physical attributes are to be banned, then should it not be on a case-by-case basis, rather than through a blanket prohibition? Transgender women, like all women (and men for that matter), come in all shapes, sizes and strengths. Why should all transgender women be banned based on statistical averages of "typical players"?
Here, a comparison with the Australian Football Leagues Gender Diversity Policy is instructive. It requires transgender women seeking to compete in its elite womens competition to, first, maintain their testosterone below a predetermined level, and, second, submit 24 months of physiological data relevant to their strength, stamina and physique. This data is used to determine whether there is a relevant and significant disparity in the transgender womans strength, stamina or physique that may give rise to an unreasonable competitive advantage. However, it could equally be used to determine if the transgender woman poses an unreasonable safety risk.
The AFLs policy has been criticised for its extensive and invasive individual testing, and for failing to provide transgender women athletes with sufficient certainty, as their eligibility is subject to review at any time. However, when compared to World Rugbys proposed blanket ban, it appears far more reasonable.
Further, the proposed World Rugby ban only applies to transgender women competing against other women. It doesn't apply to transgender men competing against other men. According to reports, transgender men will be allowed to play provided they pass a physical assessment and sign a statement accepting the greater physical risks associated with competing against cisgender men. Should transgender men be allowed to choose to accept the higher safety risks that World Rugby feels compelled to remove from womens sport?
The answers to these questions may not be the ones World Rugby expects.
The inclusion of larger and/or stronger transgender women athletes should serve as a proxy for all larger and stronger outliers. To the extent larger and stronger athletes (transgender or cisgender) may pose a safety risk, it's best to address that risk within the general policies and rules of the sport not through blanket bans.
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World Rugby opens a front in the gender wars Monash Lens - Monash Lens
What makes Donald Trump and John Wayne heroes of the Christian Right? – Midland Daily News

Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Calvin University
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)
Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Calvin University
(THE CONVERSATION) The Research Brief is a short take on interesting academic work.
The big idea
White evangelical support for Donald Trump has long puzzled observers. To many, it seems hypocritical that Christians who have long touted family values could rally around a thrice-married man who was accused by several women of sexual assault. Scholars have commented on his crassness, defined by historian Walter G. Moss as a lack refinement, tact, sensitivity, taste or delicacy. Others have observed how he has broken rules of civil political engagement.
But in my research on evangelical masculinity, I have found that Trumps leadership style aligns closely with a rugged ideal of Christian manhood championed by evangelicals for more than half a century.
As I show in my book Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, conservative evangelicals embraced the ideal of a masculine protector in the 1960s and 1970s in order to confront the perceived threats of communism and feminism.
Believing that the feminist rejection of macho masculinity left the nation in peril, conservative white evangelicals promoted a testosterone-fueled vision of Christian manhood. In their view, America needed strong men to defend Christian America on the battlefields of Vietnam and to reassert order on the home front.
Culture has played a critical role in shaping and sustaining this rugged vision of Christian manhood. In fashioning their masculine ideal, evangelicals have drawn liberally on Hollywood heroes on mythologized warriors like Mel Gibsons William Wallace in the movie Braveheart and on the heroic cowboys and soldiers played by John Wayne.
Reflecting the onscreen heroism portrayed by men like Gibson and Wayne, this masculine ideal condoned violence in the pursuit of righteousness and justified a vigorous, even ruthless assertion of power.
Why it matters
In 2016, exit polls revealed that 81% of white evangelicals voted for Donald Trump, a number higher than any other religious demographic.
I argue that the language evangelicals used to defend their support for Trump suggests that they were not betraying their values, rather that Trump embodied well the rugged and even ruthless ideal of evangelical masculinity.
I want the meanest, toughest son of a you-know-what I can find, explained Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Dallas. In their book The Faith of Donald J. Trump, Trumps evangelical biographers David Brody and Scott Lamb concurred: Trump would protect Christianity; he would be their ultimate fighting champion.
With his poll numbers flagging, maintaining white evangelical support is critical to the presidents reelection efforts.
That support is likely to hinge not on his presumed morality or Christian virtue, but rather on his ability to project rugged strength and masculine power.
[Get the best of The Conversation, every weekend. Sign up for our weekly newsletter.]
How I do my work
As a historian, I approach evangelicalism not as a set of abstract theological beliefs, but rather as a historical and cultural movement.
In order to understand American evangelicalism, I surveyed popular evangelical teachings on masculinity, sexuality and family values as revealed not only through sermons but also through Christian radio, film and the Christian publishing industry.
Collectively, books on Christianmanhood have millions of copies, sending the message of an aggressive, testosterone-driven ideal of Christian manhood and affirming the new evangelical identity.
What still isnt known
The relationship between evangelical consumerism and formal religious authorities is a fruitful area for further research. More work, too, can be done to explore how conflicting ideas of Christian manhood coexist within white evangelical communities and how conceptions of Christian masculinity vary across racial divides.
Whats next
I am beginning work on a project that is in many ways a counterpoint to Jesus and John Wayne, tracing the cultural and political ramifications of evolving ideals of white Christian womanhood.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here:
Read more from the original source:
What makes Donald Trump and John Wayne heroes of the Christian Right? - Midland Daily News
Low calorie meal plans: Suggestions and examples – Medical News Today

People with overweight or obesity may use a low calorie diet to lose weight. A doctor may recommend this for healthy weight loss. However, there some potential risks.
This article will define low calorie diets, outline how many calories are in different foods, and discuss diets that involve intermittent fasting.
It will also include tips for weight loss and low calorie meal suggestions.
The following table details estimated calorie needs per day by age, sex, and physical activity levels, according to Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20152020.
Although this provides a guideline, caloric intake varies from person to person, and other factors such as height, weight, and weight goals can affect how many calories a person should consume.
According to experts, to lose weight safely and successfully, people should:
Learn more about tips for successful weight loss here.
Some low calorie diets limit calories to specific amounts, such as 1,200 or 1,500 per day.
When choosing a low calorie diet to lose weight, a person must make sure that their meals are nutritionally balanced.
There are various meal plans available online. A person should preferably choose a diet that a nutrition professional has designed to ensure that the meals contain vital nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Choosing healthful, unprocessed foods to make up the required number of calories is the best option to ensure adequate nutrition. For example, a large burger meal with fries and soda contains 1,320 calories, but this would not be sufficient to meet a persons key nutrient needs per day.
A very low calorie diet consists of fewer than 800 calories per day. Some very low calorie diets consist of 500 calories per day. A person should not start a very low calorie diet without medical support, as it could be dangerous to their health.
Doctors may consider a very low calorie diet to be appropriate for people with obesity who cannot have bariatric surgery and need to lose weight quickly and safely.
The doctor may give a liquid form of a very low calorie diet for a specified amount of time. The drink will contain vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and fatty acids. They may also monitor weight loss and blood pressure and take blood tests to ensure that the person stays within healthy parameters.
Intermittent fasting is a dietary approach that involves periods of either no food or very low calories and periods of unrestricted eating. There are several different ways to achieve this:
Research into intermittent fasting is controversial, with some sources suggesting that physiological adaptations to calorie restriction may prevent further weight loss.
The number of calories in different foods depends on what macronutrients they contain.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture:
People can find out how many calories are in different foods by using an online calculator or app. Apps often allow people to input meals they regularly eat to calculate how many calories they consume per day.
The following is a 1,200-calorie 1-day meal plan from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The meal plan accounts for a grand total of 1,247 calories. It is based on traditional American cuisine.
It is important to note that the following meal plan is only a suggestion. It does not take any dietary restrictions into account or meet the daily recommended allowance for all nutrients.
Low calorie diets can help people lose weight, but evidence as to their long-term effectiveness is controversial.
People should only use a very low calorie diet if a doctor has recommended this, as the doctor needs to ensure that someone stays healthy while losing weight.
People can use an online meal planner or app to plan their weekly meals and monitor how many calories they consume each day.
In addition to following a healthful diet, people should also incorporate an exercise routine into their day for effective weight loss.
Excerpt from:
Low calorie meal plans: Suggestions and examples - Medical News Today
The 9 healthy diet rules that could help you lose weight revealed but could you stick to them? – The Sun

BRITS who stick to nine healthy diet rules could lose weight and live longer, a new study has revealed.
The Public Health England Eatwell Guide has nine dietary recommendations on the likes of fruit, veg, red meat, fish, fibre and sugar.
Just 0.1 per cent of people meet all targets and 44 per cent three or four, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found.
Those who hit at least five were 7 per cent less likely to die young and had 30 per cent fewer CO2 emissions than those meeting two.
Prof Alan Dangour said: Following the Eatwell Guide would substantially improve human health in the UK and reduce our nations footprint on the planet.
But what are the nine diet rules and could you stick to them in order to shed the pounds?
Low fat food options can help you lose weight as they should contain a lower fat content.
This will usually mean that they are also lower in sugars, which will bring down the calorie count of the food.
The guidelines state that you should opt for low fat dairy options such as cheeses and yogurts.
Oily fish is a great source of vitamin D, protein, some B vitamins and selenium.
It's also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which come with a whole host of health benefits.
The main benefit of oily fish is that it's been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases.
The guidance states that you should have two portions a week and no more than 70g of red or processed meat a day.
By opting for oily fishes you can reduce the sugar levels in meals as oily fish already has a lot of flavour so doesn't usually require further seasonings which sometimes contain added sugars.
Getting your five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is a great way to keep you full while getting your recommended daily allowance.
Experts say that greens help you stay fuller for longer.
A portion of fruit is classed as one apple or banana, while a portion of vegetables is around 80g.
Dietitian Rebecca Hawthorne recommends that half of your plate is made up of colourful vegetables.
It's no surprise that in order to stay healthy and lose weight that you should look to cut down on the amount of chocolate and cakes you consume.
Guidance states that you don't have to cut these out completely, but that you should only have them in small quantities.
Nutritionist Lisa Borgsaid you should avoid sweet treats three hours before you go to bed.
This is due to the fact that sugary treats can spike your blood sugar levels, giving you energy and keeping you awake.
Advice states that you should base your meals on starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes and rice.
Carbs are key for any diet and you should try and consume wholegrain versions of pasta and rice in order to keep you fuller for longer.
Dietitians recommend that a quarter of your plate should be made up of slow burning carbs.
Slow burning carbs are ingredients such as brown rice.
Experts recommend that you should only use unsaturated oils in small amounts when cooking.
Oils such as vegetable, sunflower and rapseed oil can help keep your heart healthy.
These oils are also usually found in fish such as mackerel, pilchards and herring.
Staying hydrated is key and many experts say that if you're feeling hungry - it might be that you are actually just thirsty.
Drinking six to eight glasses of water, milk and other sugar free drinks can help you reach your goal.
Be wary of fruit juices though as these contain natural sugars that can sometimes push you over your recommended daily allowance.
When it comes to how much we are allowed to consume each day the guidance differs for men and women.
To maintain a healthy weight women should stick to 2,000 calories while men need to aim for 2,500.
This is however just a guideline and if you're trying to lose weight then you may want to shave a couple of hundred calories off your allowance.
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Food labels in supermarkets are easy to follow and most display a traffic light system.
Green means it's fine to consume and is low fat, orange is medium and red means you should have it as an occasional treat.
Some labels will also tell you how much of your daily allowance is in each food portion you will consume.
The experts say you should opt for low fat and low sugar options.
The current Eatwell Guide was published in 2016.
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The 9 healthy diet rules that could help you lose weight revealed but could you stick to them? - The Sun
Constant Dieters Might Be Choosing the Wrong Way to Lose Weight – UPJ Athletics

This article was co-written by Peggy Liu, an assistant professor of business administration and the Ben L. Fryrear Faculty Fellowat Pitt,for The Conversation. Faculty members and researchers who want to learn more about publishing in The Conversation canread about the process here.
Dieters looking for a healthier substitute of their favorite high-fat foodsuch as a bag of potato chipstypically have two choices in the grocery aisle: a smaller package of the exact same food or a larger portion of a light version. In a series of studies, we put this choice to consumers and found that people who frequently try to cut back on their eating or are essentially always on a dietknown as restrained eatersprefer the larger portion size of the light version, even though both contained the exact same number of calories. Participants who indicated that they rarely dieted tended to pick the smaller size with the full flavor.
Our first study involved a vending machine choice between a medium-sized bag of Lays Baked BBQ potato chips and a smaller package of the regular versionboth 150 calories. Participants who took a survey in which they reported frequently trying to cut back on their eatingfor example, by taking smaller servings and skipping mealsopted for the larger bag of baked chips. We got similar results over four additional studies involving other snacks, such as popcorn and cookies.
People tend to want food to be tasty, healthy and filling. Our studys restrained eaters were definitely interested in choosing a snack that seemed healthier, but their choice of the larger size suggested they wanted a snack that they felt would make them feel full as wellpossibly at the expense of taste. Feeling full can help people consume fewer calories overall.
The problem is research suggests eating more of lighter foods might not make people feel full, and this may point to a reason why most diets fail. Some psychologists argue that restrained eaters do not achieve the health and weight outcomes they desire possibly because, in depriving themselves of the fattier, tastier food, they may later engage in binge-eating or overconsume.
By opting for the lighter, less pleasurable food, even in larger packages, restrained eaters might be depriving themselves of the food they actually craveregular chips, buttered popcorn or a sugary cookie.
More research is ultimately needed, however, to test whether the emphasis on increasing the portion sizes that one can eat of light foods, rather than focusing on eating smaller portions of foods that are more satisfying, is a successful long-term strategy. Or, as past research indicates, might it actually backfire and contribute to failed dieting? Its still not entirely clear.
At the moment, we are working on new research examining how people decide what to eat, how much to eat and how frequently to eat it. For example, why do some people decide to try to avoid any treats, whereas others try to seek moderation? If they seek moderation in their diet, would they rather have a small treat every day or have a cheat day on the weekend?
Were also trying to understand whether or not consumers actually feel as full as they think they do by eating more lighter foods rather than less of calorie-dense foods.
We use a variety of approaches in our research on food, including conducting lab and online-based experiments, field studies and exploring existing data sets, such as food diary data. For this particular research, we recruited participants to pick chips out of a vending machine and used online panels to simulate real-world choices.
Read more from the original source:
Constant Dieters Might Be Choosing the Wrong Way to Lose Weight - UPJ Athletics
Rebel Wilson stuns in sexy Instagram shot as she shows off weight loss in skin-tight royal blue dress – The Sun

REBEL Wilson stunned in a sexy Instagram shot as she showed off her weight loss in a skin-tight royal blue dress.
The actress posed with a confident posture and placed her hands behind her back in the snap, which was posted on Wednesday.
She captioned the shot: "Raising money for a good cause today@schoolofstjudewith the help of two hot Jacobs@jacobandreou&@jacobpbusch.
Rebel also credited the team that created her stylish look and wrote: "x Hair & photo:@robertveticaMakeUp:@makeupmatthewStyling:@elizabethstewart1Dress:@alexevenings."
The 40-year-old hasn't been shy about flaunting her weight loss on social media and has shared a number of sexy shots of herself recently.
Back in July, Rebel shared a photo of herself rocking a green bikini while taking a dip in the pool.
Many fans left captions on the sexy shot and praised how great she looks.
The Pitch Perfect star has lost over 40 pounds since she began her weight loss journey.
She previously spoke about losing weight and becoming healthier in anexclusive interview with The Sun.
The actress said: "Weirdly this year was always going to be the year of health. I've been naming my years now, and, that's kind of having these resolutions but for the whole year.
"I always thought that I may be psychic and I always felt this year I wasn't really going to work much.
"I turned 40 as well in March and so I thought, this is gonna be it. This is going to be the year for me to just concentrate on the health benefits."
Also during the interview, Rebel revealed that she was paid to remain at a certain weight for different film roles.
She explained: "It's not like I want to lose weight and get to around a certain number.
"It's more than that, it's about dealing mentally with with why I was overeating and I had a job where I was paid a lot of money to be bigger, at times which kind of can mess with your head a bit."
The star added: "So now I'm just trying to work on the mental side and the physical job and doing a lot of personal training and, and on the nutrition side like it's, it's cool.
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"I should probably write a book at some point about it because people seem to be interested."
Rebel concluded: "There's no real simple answer to it. I've been trying a lot of different things and to be healthy."
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Rebel Wilson stuns in sexy Instagram shot as she shows off weight loss in skin-tight royal blue dress - The Sun
Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness Of Los Angeles – And Community Bariatrics Hamilton Of Indianapolis – Encourage Individuals With Obesity To…

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently stated that obesity, defined as a BMI of 30 or above, increases a person's risk of severe illness from COVID-19.i This patient population represents roughly one-third of the U.S. adult population. That's why Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angeles and Community Bariatrics Hamilton of Indianapolis are encouraging individuals with obesity to explore options to reduce the health risks associated with COVID-19.
Recent concerning studies have linked the influence of obesity to COVID-19 cases. In fact, there is a higher prevalence of COVID-19 hospitalizations among those with obesity.ii Research also indicates that people with obesity have worse outcomes with COVID-19 infection, including respiratory failure, need for mechanical ventilation, and higher mortality.iii
"The worldwide novel virus pandemic combined with the global obesity epidemic is a dangerous situation," commented Keith McEwen, M.D., medical director at Community Bariatrics Hamilton, Indianapolis,IN. "Consumers need to have a comprehensive understanding of the link between obesity and the virus. We encourage our patients to take control of their health by taking action now to reduce their risk of developing severe COVID-19 illness. As medical experts warn that a second wave of COVID-19 this fall or winter could be more serious than the first, now is the time for people with obesity to seek surgical options for losing weight."
David Davtyan, M.D., bariatric surgeon at Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angeles said, "We intentionally create personalized programs that include an adjustable and reversible surgery like the Lap-Band Program, combined with support tools and resources to experience long-term weight loss and improved health."
Although the surgical treatment of obesity and its complications has been postponed in many states during the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) states that metabolic and bariatric surgery should be resumed as it is medically necessary and the best treatment for those with the life-threatening and life-limiting disease of severe obesity.iv
The Lap-Band Adjustable Gastric Banding System, manufactured by ReShape Lifesciences, is the only FDA-approved, laparoscopic weight-loss device indicated for a BMI of 30 or higher commercially available in the U.S. The procedure has been performed over 1,000,000 times since 1993 worldwide, it's covered by most insurance companies and backed by over 25 years of clinical evidence. Notably, the Lap-Band is proven to be the safest bariatric procedure available on the market,vbacked by 20 years of clinical data demonstrating lower complication rates compared to other surgical procedures. The Lap-Band provided an average of 46% excess weight loss at one year,vi and if for any reason a Lap-Band needed to be removed, it is easily reversible. In obese and severely obese patients that had less weight to lose (BMI 30-40), percent excess weight loss was significantly higher; ~70%.vii Both Dr. Davtyan and Dr. McEwen report that in their comprehensive programs they commonly see 60-65% excess weight loss at one year. The procedure is typically performed in less than an hour and can be done at an ambulatory surgery center, with patients typically returning home the same day.
The Lap-Band features an adjustable gastric band that is placed around the upper stomach to help limit food intake and promote a feeling of fullness. With regular adjustments that help a patient to continue losing weight, the Lap-Band is a long-term tool that gives one more power over hunger and more control over weight loss.
Community Bariatrics Hamilton in Indianapolis offers several weight-loss options to improve health and reduce the health risks associated with COVID-19. Dr. McEwen offers the Lap-Band Program and an Intragastric Balloon.He has performed over 2,000 Lap-Band Procedures.
Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angelesoffers the Lap-Band Program, gastric balloons and gastric sleeve.Dr. Davtyan has performed over 2,000 Lap-Band Procedures. He personally had a Lap-Band in Belgium in 2001 and did the first outpatient Lap-Band Procedure in California.
People interested in learning more about the connection between obesity and COVID-19 and personal options can contact or
Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness of Los Angeles offers a spectrum of medical endoscopic, surgical, and minimally invasive weight-loss procedures with excellent outcomes. The procedures performed include Lap-Band,gastric balloons, andgastric sleeve.All these procedures are performed by Dr. Davtyan at The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles in Beverly Hills, Cedars Sinai Medical Center or Marina Del Rey Hospital.
Community Bariatrics Hamilton of Indianapolis specializes in the Lap-Band Procedure and long-term patient management to help patients take control of their obesity, change their lives, and regain their health. They offer non-surgical outpatient procedures such as intragastric balloons as well.
i CDC. "People of Any Age with Underlying Medical Conditions." Updated June 25, 2020. iii ASMBS. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. "Safer through surgery. American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery statement regarding metabolic and bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic." ASMBS. Bariatric Surgery Procedures. vi O'Brien, Annemarie Hindle, Leah Brennan, Stewart Skinner, Paul Burton, et al. "Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Weight Loss at 10 or More Years for All Bariatric Procedures and a Single-Centre Review of 20-Year Outcomes After Adjustable Gastric Banding." Obesity Surgery. The Journal of Metabolic Surgery and Allied Care. Published online: 06 October 2018. vii JB Dixon, LL Eaton, V Vincent and R Michelson. "LAP-BAND for BMI 30-40: 5-year Health Outcomes from the Multicenter Pivotal Study." International Journal of Obesity. Published 15 September 2015.
SOURCE Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angeles; Community Bariatrics Hamilton of Indianapolis
Read More..John Robertson reveals Caley Thistle signing Shane Sutherland’s drive to lose weight and take full-time chance – Press and Journal

Caley Thistle manager John Robertson says Shane Sutherland has undertaken a rigorous fitness programme with a view to grasping his full-time opportunity.
Former Elgin City forward Sutherland signed a pre-contract to rejoin Inverness for a second spell in January, with his contract at Caledonian Stadium starting in July.
The 29-year-old returns to the club he left in 2013, having spent the last seven years with part-time clubs Elgin and Peterhead.
Despite having not played or trained since March, Robertson revealed Sutherland has lost around 6kg in recent months in a fitness drive geared towards being ready for the Championship campaign.
Robertson said: We spoke to Shane, who had not long come back from an injury he suffered just after we signed him in January.
The players were sending in their weights during lockdown. We were kidding on with Shane at that time that he was probably the heaviest player at the club. He wasnt happy because he thought he was lighter than Mark Ridgers, and we were having a bit of fun about it.
Shane was part-time and coming back from injury, so he was 92kg. The following month he was a shade over 90kg, the following month he was down to 88kg and hes now 86kg. That shows the determination Shane has to hit the ground running.
Sutherland has netted 99 goals across four spells with Elgin, while also scoring 15 goals in two spells which amounted to 18 months with Peterhead. Despite playing at a lower level, Robertson feels Sutherland has developed since his last spell with Caley Jags.
Robertson added: He has scored goals for this club before. He has been here, Elgin, Peterhead, Elgin, Peterhead, Elgin and back to here, and if you look at his record he has scored goals for everybody.
Its a lower level, but if you are a goalscorer you are a goalscorer. We are hopeful Shane can keep up his percentage of goals.
Robertson hopes Sutherland can be one of many goalscoring outlets this season, with the boss still hoping to add to his frontline. He added: Shane brings great competition. He can play as a striker, off the front or wide right coming off the left.
We hope Aaron Doran and James Keatings continue to chip in with close to double figures, while Miles Storey has shown he can play out wide or as a striker and Nikolay Todorov got seven goals from not many appearances.
If we can get Roddy MacGregor and Daniel MacKay firing and hopefully add one more, we have great flexibility in the front men and good competition.
Read the rest here:
John Robertson reveals Caley Thistle signing Shane Sutherland's drive to lose weight and take full-time chance - Press and Journal
Birdsall: Being thoughtless finally pays off – Huron Daily Tribune

Birdsall: Being thoughtless finally pays off
I had a doctors appointment earlier this week. Every visit starts the same way: Im led back to an exam room and immediately told to step onto a scale. This weeks visit was no different.
What was different this week was what the nurse said to me when she came in to take my blood pressure and temperature. She mentioned happily that I had lost eight pounds since my last visit a month ago. I scratched my head a little and said, Uh, thats great!
I knew I had lost a couple of pounds because I vaguely remembered how much I tipped the scales when I was weighed at the end of last month, but I was surprised because I really had made no concerted effort to exercise more in that short period of time. I knew my eating habits had changed a little over the summer. In simple terms, I hadnt been eating as much as I normally did, and I didnt eat as often. I had also covered several assignments for the paper during which I walked around quite a bit.
Like most Americans, I had been under standing orders from my doctor to lose weight, so my achievement prompted the nurse to check my records to see how much I weighed during an appointment I had on June 1. The nurse immediately spun her laptop around and started pointing to a list that showed my weight over the past six months. Somehow, between June 1 and this week, I had shed a total of 30 pounds. And I hadnt even realized it.
At first I thought, Uh oh. Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of a serious health problem. But I dismissed that idea, despite my tendency to think like a hypochondriac. Over the past couple of months, I had undergone some scans and a number of blood tests during a biannual checkup on a health condition I have. Things had checked out OK, and the more I thought about what and how much I had been eating lately, it started to add up.
For most of my life, I have been one those people who never met a carb he didnt like. Sweets, potato chips, bread it doesnt matter, I loved it and would eat a lot of it. But over the past few months, something changed. I didnt find myself craving that stuff so much. Combine that with the fact I had been going grocery shopping less frequently, and thus had fewer opportunities to buy junk food, and I had inadvertently started eating a somewhat healthier diet and one that included much fewer calories. I was happy with the result of my new eating habits, but since I had expended little or no effort, I couldnt take too much pride in my accomplishment. But I decided I wouldnt let it go to waste and committed myself to carry on with what I was doing, and more importantly what I wasnt doing, which was eating a bunch of garbage.
After my appointment, I messaged a friend and told him what had happened at the doctors office. He replied, So, youve been intermittent fasting. He explained what that meant (basically, you eat one meal a day 24 hours apart) and that he had been doing it himself since hed become a father a couple of years back. He has a sedentary lifestyle (hes a journalist, too) and is currently enjoying the benefits of married life. He offered some advice and encouragement, and I promised I would try to keep up what I was doing, whatever that was.
Ive still got a long road ahead of me to reach a healthy, ideal weight. I know if I live like a responsible adult (which isnt always easy for me), Ill get there one day. Its going to be a gradual process, and Ill need my doctors advice and guidance. Im just not going to overthink it, since being thoughtless seems to have gotten me this far.
View original post here:
Birdsall: Being thoughtless finally pays off - Huron Daily Tribune