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Get a six pack in only 5 MINUTES a day with this home workout that uses bodyweight abs exercises only – T3 (Australia)

Want to get a six pack? Step one: do this home workout for six pack abs four to five days per week to build muscles. Step two: follow a low-carb diet and manage your insulin resistance to reveal your abs. Home abs workouts don't get much simpler than this: five abs exercises + one determined individual = sixpack abs heaven.
We all want to have a six pack but haven't got the time to work out. Thanks to this home workout for sixpack abs, all you need is 5 spare minutes a day and a bit of persistence to sculpt those washboard abs. Better still, all of the below abs exercises are bodyweight only, none of the best home gym equipment is required here (although the best dumbbells might come in handy).
Getting a six pack is not just about doing abs home workouts but also following the correct diet plan. Insulin resistance is often the reason why your abs won't show but going on special diet, such as the keto diet and intermittent fasting, can help controlling insulin levels more efficiently.
That said, much like any other muscle in your body, abs need plenty of exercising to grow. You don't need to train abs every day to get a six pack but finding the balance between frequent workouts and rest is key of getting stronger abs.
Abs are part of your core muscles and a strong core can help you lift heavier and also improve posture and therefore comfort levels. To find out more about why training the core is more important, have a look our article on the best core exercises.
SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at Amazon UKSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve a 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so SIXPAD claims. A great alternative to midday runs, using the SIXPAD won't make you sweat but will still provide some degree of muscle stimulation.View Deal
Most people know that protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery but did you know that protein can also help you lose weight? Protein takes longer to break down than carbohydrates, especially when supplied from natural sources, such as lean meat, fish, nuts, leafy greens, eggs etc.
Even for muscle building, you don't necessarily have to chug down gallons of protein shakes a day but supplementing can be a convenient way of getting enough protein in your system without having to cook all the time.
The best protein powders are low on sugar and high in protein and having one after your workout can aid muscle recovery. Same goes for the best protein bars: if you must snack on something, leave the sugary chocolate bars in the supermarket and have a protein bar or the best jerky instead.
Barebells High Protein and Low Carb/Sugar Bar, 12 x 55 (Vegan) | Buy it for 24.20 at AmazonThe Barebells vegan protein bar range that includes two flavours, Hazelnut Nougat and Salty Peanut is high in protein, low on sugar, tastes great and has texture that won't remind you of compressed, oily powder. These bars are also palm-oil free and contain some fibres too.View Deal
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There are five exercises and each should be performed for 40 seconds, followed by a 20 second break. For the duration of each block, go as hard as you can without compromising form. If you notice that your form is falling apart, try slowing down but don't stop until the end of the 40 seconds.
This 5-minute abs workout might be a fast one but in order for it to be effective, we had to include some intermediate and even hard abs exercises. We are not trying to cut corners here: this abs workout might take only five minutes to complete but by the end of it, you will feel all your abs pumping and aching.
This exercise works pretty much your whole body, but especially your abs, obliques, shoulders, arms and basically your whole upper body for stabilisation.
You start off in the standard push up position. To perform a mountain climber, pull your knees up to your chest, one at a time, in quick succession. You want to keep your body in a push up position all the way through the exercise, so don't bob your hips up and down as you tuck your knees in.
Try to do mountain climbers as fast as you can without compromising on technique. It is a high-intensity exercise, after all. You'll see that even 20 seconds of mountain climbers can be very tiring.
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To perform a proper Russian twist, sit down on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Clasp your hand together and lift your feet off the ground, using your core to balance.
Rotate your torso to one side, controlling the movement with your obliques, then back to the other side. Russian twists don't have to be fast; the longer it takes to stay in the rotated position, the longer your obliques are activated.
For added resistance, you can hold either thebest dumbbellor thebest kettlebellin your hands as you twist and lift your legs off the ground. For a lower impact version, leave the feet on the ground and lose the weights.
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Flutter kicks will really work your lower abs. You'll also need your whole core to be engaged to keep your legs up in the air and moving. To perform flutter kicks, you need to lay down on the floor if you are working out on a hard floor, consider using the best yoga mats with your arms extended down the side of your body. Lift both legs up and hover them over the ground just slightly.
Then, start kicking! You need to move your legs up and down simultaneously in a fast but controlled motion without placing them down on the ground again. Pretty much what you would do in the swimming pool doing front crawls but on your back and on dry land. Keep your spine neutral by looking up and not at your legs and keep pushing until the time is up.
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Planks are plenty hard enough for most but this plank variation cranks up the difficulty level even higher. With standard plank, you 'only' have to hold the pose for as long as you can but with hardstyle plank, you need to flex all the muscles in your body, working them way harder than usual.
From an onlookers point of view, hardstyle plank looks similar to standard planks: you go down on your forearms and toes and hold your body straight, parallel to the ground. The difference with hardstyle plank is that you pull your elbows and toes toward the centre of your body, without actually moving them.
Granted, you probably won't be able to hold a hardstyle plank for 40 seconds but what you can do is hold it for 5-10 seconds first then gradually increase the length over time. For the rest of the 40-second block, you can hold the standard plank.
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Starting position is similar to flutter kicks: on your back and arms extended on your side. From here, you want to lift both of your legs up in the air and as you reach the apex of the lift legs are pointing up you want to lift your pelvis off the floor and 'kick up' in the air, contracting all the abs in one move. Lower the leg back down and repeat.
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Get a six pack in only 5 MINUTES a day with this home workout that uses bodyweight abs exercises only - T3 (Australia)
7 Ways to Eat Less Meat to Lose Weight, Lower Heart Disease Risk – The Beet

You always hear about how to eat more plants. But when was the last time somebody talked to you about eating less meat? Granted, moving to a 100 percent whole-food plant-based diet is optimal for your health, and according to the work of Dr. Dean Ornish and other leading heart doctors, the only diet thats been shown to not only prevent but actually reverse heart disease is a whole-food plant-based diet.
Studies have linked the saturated fat in red meat to heart disease: The fat causes buildup of plaque in yourblood vessels which restricts oxygen and nutrients from getting from your heart to the rest of your bodyorgans, brain, lungswhich is the onset of heart disease.
Studies have also linked plant-based diets, which are higher in fiber,to lowering or controlling blood sugar, which leads to weight loss and the reversal of high blood sugar, as well as pre-diabetes and diabetes in patientswhoditch meat and add more fiber-filled vegetables, fruits, nuts and seedsto their diets.
One study foundthat people who cut out meat lost 4.5 pounds more than people who didnt, over an 18 week period.Dieters who go vegetarian not only lose weight more effectively than those on low-calorie diets but also improve their metabolism by reducing muscle fat, thestudy found.
However, if youve grown up thinking that eating animals isnt only normal but necessary, that kind of wholesale change to eating zero meat can be hard. Yet its possible, and with the strategies experts outline below, you can learn how to eat less meat.
Start by thinking of your favorite foods. Most of them will already have a meatless alternative, says Amy Longard, plant-based chef and registered holistic nutritionist in Ottawa, Ontario. For instance, if you like burritos, swap out the chicken for pinto or refried beans, and skip the sour cream or cheesebut add extra guacamole. Even if you like pizza and burgers, the same thing applies: All of these foods are now available in tasty vegetarian versions and are widely available at restaurants, fast food chains, and well-stocked grocery stores, she adds.
While not ideal for the long-term, these meat alternatives provide a great "bridge" as you transition to a more plant-centric diet. Although its best not to do this as a long-term strategy, theres nothing wrong with using these products as an initial step, says Leslie Elder, M.D., internal medicine physician in Portland, Ore. Fortunately, no matter where you shop or where you live, you can always find plant-based meat alternatives. Even grocery store chains like Kroger are rolling out their own versions.
Most Americans plate their meals with meat as the focus, which means theyre eating bigger portions of meat than even some organizations say is okay. As a result, you consume more saturated fat, cholesterol and other unhealthy things. Instead, to help make this transition easier, think of your meat as a side and not the entre. This can be as satisfying as having a larger amount of meat, Elder says. Plus, with less meat, youll have more room for other things like vegetables, fruit and legumes, and whole grains, or favorites like rice and beans.
When was the last time you pulled over and took a bite out of roadkill? Wouldnt ever consider doing it? Yet chew on this: That meat youre eating is little more than the flesh of a dead animal but because its been heavily seasoned and/or sauced, your tastebuds are turned on. As Elder says, Most people consider the ketchup or barbecue sauce to be more important than the burger. Think of bacon, for instance. If it were served to you as a slab of plain meat and not smoked or salted, you probably wouldnt like it. The upshot? Add spices and sauces to the plant-based foods youre trying, and you may be surprised how much you like them.
This global movement, which got its start in the United States during World War II, and then picked up by Sir Paul McCartney and given a cultural boost as "Meat Free Monday" in honor of his late wife, Linda, encourages people to go meatless every Monday. Try it. Who knows? You might feel so great as a result that you start moving to other days of the week. Have fun with Meatless Taco Tuesdays, trying Impossible versus Beyond or try Gardein versus Dr. Praeger's options, and do a blind taste test with the family. They may be surprised and ask, which one is the meat? You can answer, None of them!
If youre following the standard American diet, youre probably eating animal products with every meal: Eggs and sausage for breakfast, a chicken sandwich or salad for lunch, and a burger at night. Yet by limiting animal foods to lunch alone, youre a step closer to going meatless, and you gain a digestive edge. Meats are heavy foods, and your digestion is naturally strongest in the middle of the day, Elder says. In other words, if you are eating meat, youll do a better job of processing and assimilating it at noon. Of course, this doesnt negate the health consequences of eating meat but try this tactic and youll at least be eating less. This could even inspire you to take the meat out of lunches down the road.
If youre cooking meat-based dishes at home, replace half of the meat in your dish with mushrooms or beans, which in a pasta sauce or burger will add taste, fiber, and nutrients. Studies show that youll be just as satisfied as if you used 100 percent meat, and its yet another way to push the meat out of your diet.
The more plant-based foods you eat, the better for your heart, your weight, and your overall health. For more ways to add plants to your diet, for heart health, weight loss, and the environment, check out The Beet's hundreds of recipes here.
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7 Ways to Eat Less Meat to Lose Weight, Lower Heart Disease Risk - The Beet
Her story will inspire you to lose weight –

GREENSBORO, N.C. Back in 2013 Samantha went to buy a dress for Easter Sunday. When she tried some on she realized that she was now a size 16. That was too much to take. She made a commitment to lose weight.
"I just tried that dress on and almost cried. I said then and there that I will eat healthier and exercise," says Brooks, "It sounds too easy but I just avoided sweets and breads and started exercising. I lost weight very fast in the beginning and there was no fad diet or plan. Just eating smart and exercising."
Brooks says it wasn't easy but when you see results you want to keep going.
"Anytime I got discouraged or felt like running for the sweets I would think back to that dressing room and how I felt. I was diabetic and I was having foot issues. I don't ever want to go back there again," said Brooks.
It is truly inspiring for those who feel like they can't get to that perfect weight.
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Her story will inspire you to lose weight -
Discover: Is intermittent fasting the weight-loss cure people think it is? –

The jurys still deliberating on that question, but the more we study intermittent fasting, the more we learn it doesnt just impact weight
The word fact has been more than a little abused in recent history, but for those who respect the power of the fact, their consistency and dependability can be a balm, a warm hug of stiff impenetrability, a wall against those who would attack you.
Or, they can sit on your chest like a gorilla.
These weight loss facts are the latter. Terribly sorry to have to do this to you, gentle readers, but we better just rip the Band-Aid off. If it helps, these come directly from Jeffrey Gagnon, associate professor and chair of the Biology Department at Laurentian University, whose field of study is medical endocrinology (during an interview that was followed directly by the interviewer taking a very long, very brisk walk).
That is to say that successful weight-loss mechanisms, diets really, are measured not by the amount of weight a person loses, but by how long they lose it for. If you are able to maintain that weight loss, it is sustainable for you, then that is a successful diet. What Gagnons quote reveals is that if you are 200 pounds and you lose 20 per cent (or 40 pounds) you are now 160 pounds. If, in five years, you weigh 190 pounds (ten pounds from your old weight, but still five per cent below) you are considered a great weight loss success story.
And of course, many people have stories about neighbours and friends who have lost weight and kept it off because there are always outliers but that could be more about the stories we choose to tell, versus the ones we do not. A classic case of remembering the hits and forgetting the misses.
So now is talk of another diet, one known as intermittent fasting (IF). With all the above caveats in place, it is time to talk about scientific studies, weight loss, glucose metabolism, and how stressful eating can be.
Intermittent fasting is a form of calorie restriction, but instead of a daily reduction in calories as in, you move from eating 2,000 calories per day to 1,500 per day this is a restriction in the time of each day, or each week, that you consume calories. It is a calorie-restricted diet in that you are limiting the hours in which you consume calories.
There are many fasting schedules you can try, but here are the four main ones: 1. Alternate day fasting (consuming no calories whatsoever, every other day, then eating as usual on the non-fasting days); 2. A modification of this wherein participants consume calories on the usual fasting days, but less than 25 per cent of what they normally would; 3. Time-restricted fasting (restricting calories intake to specific times during the day), and; 4. Periodic fasting, a fasting that takes place for one or two days at the participants discretion, often an occasional fast, or a weekly personalised version like five days of eating, two days of fasting.
Time-restricted fasting appears to be the most achievable, and most popular, type of fasting schedule. That said, according to a small and short-term study, there is not really a statistically superior fasting schedule.
And now, to the nitty gritty. While IF is still somewhat new in research circles, it has come to a point that a meta-analysis, published by the open access journal, the Journal of Clinical Medicine, has been created. A study or studies, if you will.
The meta-analysis examined the studies available on intermittent fasting on individuals who had no chronic diseases affecting glucose metabolism (like diabetes) and applied rigorous analysis to the quality of the studies performed so much so that out of the 2,814 studies they found in their search, only 12 studies made the cut.
As well, they add the additional issues that crop up with such studies: dietary studies are notoriously difficult to conduct, with the reliance on self-reporting and adherence to study from participants and often small groups of people over short periods. In fact, the current crop of studies only extended as far as four to 24 weeks.
But even with these challenges, there were remarkable findings. Not so much for weight loss, although there was that, but in the other effects that IF can have on the body.
Yes, studies are showing weight loss while fasting intermittently. Not that much, compared to other diets, and its most likely because participants are consuming fewer calories.
Per the meta-analysis: No significant weight loss was observed in studies that adjusted the fasting time while maintaining total calorie intake. Thus, the main pathophysiologic mechanism of weight loss through an Intermittent Fasting Diet is likely to be a reduction in calories.
As well, this should be considered in addition to the gorilla-sized facts from the beginning of this article.
But the interesting aspects of fasting come from our understanding of the endocrine system (a collection of glands producing hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep and mood), and the stress of consuming calories.
The meta-analysis found that there was an improvement in fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance through IF as compared with a non-fasting control group. To understand why that may be with heavy emphasis on the may we need to understand our stomach, the largest endocrine organ in the body.
The stomach produces our hunger hormone, called ghrelin, and our colon produces most of a hunger-supressing hormone called Glucagon-like Perptide-1 (GLP-1).
Ghrelin is a recent discovery (2000) and is the hormone responsible for your hunger pains, nausea and other you must eat indicators, like hangry.
But unlike sleep, which runs with circadian rhythms, ghrelin begins because that is the time you usually eat. We essentially train our system to tell us when to eat, based on when we ate before. And so, if you dont eat, your body insists upon it, very strongly, with rising levels of ghrelin that can actually be measured in the blood.
When someone restricts their eating periods refusing to listen to the insistent ghrelin, in effect then they can actually begin to blunt its effects, making it slightly easier to fast.
When you do eat, the ghrelin production crashes, and is immediately replaced by GLP-1, an appetite suppressant that shuts off the bodys processes to insist you eat.
Ghrelin was highly researched at first due to its potential for fighting obesity to shut off the hunger hormone. But it didnt work so well (somewhat like those older commercials that mentioned leakage (from a certain area). It is now being pursued as an appetite stimulant for treatment of wasting diseases and cancer.
GLP-1, however, is now a treatment for Type 2 diabetes, and for morbid obesity. And this is perhaps where the influence of intermittent fasting on glucose and insulin could be found. But again, the research is still unclear.
But the stress and no, not just choosing what is for dinner is another avenue of IF worthy of further study as it relates to the oxidization of the body. Free radicals, anyone?
When you ingest calories, particularly fats and energy-dense things like refined sugars and saturated fats, its like throwing a lot of fuel into the furnace, Gagnon said. The wood stove in this metaphor is going to be the mitochondria of your cell from a cell biology background thats like the main furnace in your cells ... thats the thing thats taking all of these fats and carbs and different things and making energy for your body.
To continue the furnace analogy: And so if you jam in a ton of gas-soaked wood, its going to get really, really hot.
This overly-intense mitochondrial stress creates cellular stress, and that cellular stress causes the cells to oxidize. This is the cause of Reactive Oxygen Species: unstable molecules that easily react with other molecules in a cell. Too many of these in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell death. Reactive oxygen species are perhaps more commonly known as free radicals.
If you reduce that stress with fewer energy-dense (but not necessarily nutrient dense) calories, what happens?
As you reduce oxidative stress in your body from eating, you start to get cell functionality back something like insulin resistance, Gagnon said. Thats a common thing that happens in Type 2 diabetes: you make insulin, but your cells are kind of like yeah, I know its here but I dont really care. Thats partly caused by oxidative stress. So if you take out the stress the reactive oxygen species out of the individual then you might start to get that insulin sensitivity back.
But for all the talk of potential health benefits, fasting isnt easy. It not only requires an overabundance of research, but also requires the faster to overcome a complex wave of redundant systems. Your body wants you to feed it and has multiple mechanism for getting that message across.
If one system in our body fails to stimulate hunger, theres redundancy, Gagnon said. There are many other hormones, there are other pathways that will take over and ensure that you are going to find food, and youre going to drive yourself to go and find food. Even if you block ghrelin, something else is going to pick up the slack.
Additionally, all of modern society, including family and celebratory events and even workplace
schedules, are built around prescribed eating at prescribed times.
But if you are able to overcome the ghrelin and other systems then there could be potential for health benefits in intermittent fasting that extend beyond any short-term weight loss. Do your research, follow the advice of trained professionals, and continue to track the research as it comes available.
But for right now, there isnt much.
There is research, however, into the importance of a holistic approach to the obesity crisis. New
guidelines released by Obesity Canada and the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons advises health care workers that any talk of weight loss needs to focus on root causes, not any pre-conceived notions of fat.
Working with people to understand their context and culture, integrating their root causes, which include biology, genetics, social determinants of health, trauma and mental health issues, are essential to developing personalized plans,said Dr. David Lau, co-lead author of the guidelines and professor at the University of Calgary.
From his point of view, and Gagnons, its about understanding yourself first, and learning to understand your body after.
Get yourself to a place where you feel good; youre healthy, and youre under control, Gagnon said. And if that means you still have a little bit of weight, thats awesome own it. You know that youre healthy, and eventually, the less we stigmatize, maybe society will come around.
And so, once again, the answer to a diet question is: simple, complex, and a good pinch of I dont know.
Jenny Lamothe is a freelance writerand voice actor in Greater Sudbury. Contact her through her website,
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Discover: Is intermittent fasting the weight-loss cure people think it is? -
Tia Mowry lost 68 pounds since giving birth and has a message for moms – TODAY

Tia Mowry is proud that she took her time losing extra weight from her pregnancy.
The former "Sister, Sister" star shared a photo of her slim new look Tuesday on Instagram and in her caption, she revealed she lost 68 pounds since welcoming baby daughter Cairo, 2, in May 2018.
"I've lost to date 68 pounds since giving birth to my daughter. Im very proud that I did it my way and in my time. I didnt feel rushed to snap back. I enjoyed breast feeding and spending quality time with #cairo and my son #cree," wrote Mowry, who posed in denim short shorts and a gray turtleneck.
The 42-year-old actor, who also rocked a few gray curls in her pic, went on to remind new moms to ignore the pressure to lose pregnancy weight quickly.
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"To all the women who are feeling pressured after birth. Do YOU! Do what makes YOU proud and do it in YOUR time. Not anyone elses," she wrote.
Mowry's fans commented to tell her she looked fabulous and to thank her for sharing her post-pregnancy wisdom.
"Exactly, people don't understand it took 9 months to gain the weight gonna take much longer to lose it. You are looking great keep it up!," one wrote.
"You go Tia! Love that you did it for you and on your time!," gushed another.
The "Family Reunion" alum, who also shares a son, Cree, 9, with husband Cory Hardrict, 40, revealed in October 2019 that she was dropping pregnancy pounds on a timeline that worked for her.
"Checking in. #17months post pregnant. I did it my way and in my time. Many women feel the need to #snapback right away after they deliver. That was never the goal for me, she wrote alongside a Instagram photo of herself in a blue unitard.
She also candidly revealed that she was fat-shamed during and after her pregnancy with Cairo.
"I was called #fat during my #pregnancy and I was called #fat after my #pregnancy. Why do we do this to each other? Instead of #love one another other? I will never understand that. I intentionally documented my journey and became vulnerable to show #women that its okay to go at your own pace, it is okay to love yourself no matter where you are in your journey," she wrote.
"Do not fold to societal pressures," she advised mothers everywhere. Mowry ended her post by saying she embraced her body just as it was.
"After hard work with just diet and exercise, today Im closer to my goal," she wrote. "Do I have loose skin and stretch marks? YES. Guess what?? I LOVE all me and I want you to love all of you too."
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Tia Mowry lost 68 pounds since giving birth and has a message for moms - TODAY
7 Mistakes You May Be Making While Trying to Lose Belly Fat – News18

It doesnt matter whether youre a man, a woman, a 30-year-old or a 50-year-old, that accumulation of fat on your abdomen isnt exactly ideal. Not only does a muffin top hinder your movement and flexibility, but visceral fat (also known as belly fat) is also a huge risk factor for metabolic syndrome, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer and Alzheimers. So, losing excess belly fat is of the utmost importance, although doing that may be easier said than done.
This is primarily because while you may pick up a fad diet to lose belly fat, the key to this particular problem lies with your lifestyle. Sure, genetics, age and underlying health conditions may have a role to play in the accumulation but, in most cases, its how you live your life that dictates why you have belly fat. The following are some of the main reasons why you have belly fat and arent able to lose it as quickly as you probably gained it.
1. You love the wrong foods too much
Fried, junk, processed, sugary, cheesy and rich - if thats how you like your food, then thats the primary reason behind your visceral fat. All of these foods are packed with sugar, salt, trans fats and other unhealthy compounds your body finds difficult to metabolize and therefore stores as fat over your abdomen. Your diet should instead have fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts and seeds.
2. You smoke
If you think lighting up gives you better control over your appetite and helps you lose weight, heres some news. Heavy tobacco use has been linked to an increase in visceral adiposity and abdominal obesity by almost all recent studies from around the world. Smoking may reduce your cravings, but it pushes all the fat deposits into the belly, leading to pot bellies.
3. You dont drink enough water
Drinking sufficient amount of water throughout the day is very important for your metabolism. Not only does increased water intake burn calories, but it also flushes out all the toxins in your system. If you have belly fat and dont drink enough water, its likely you wont lose that weight unless you change this habit.
4. You are too stressed
For a lot of people, stress induces overeating - which is a top reason behind a pot belly as well as overall obesity. Increased stress can shoot up the cortisol levels in the body, which in turn can increase abdominal fat deposits. This increase in cortisol and belly fat is especially observed in the case of women.
5. You live without movement
Theres no healthy weight or fat loss without exercise. Its simply not possible to lead a wholly sedentary lifestyle with minimal mobility and not gain a fair amount of fat around the abdomen. If youre inactive then severe abdominal obesity is probably never going to resolve itself.
6. You love drinking beer and sugary drinks
Simple carbs are harmful and can lead to fat gain in the body - you might have heard this basic nutrition mantra, but do you know what it means? It means that excessive beer or sugary drink consumption (including fructose-packed energy drinks or diet soda) will inevitably lead to excess belly fat because these drinks are basically nothing more than simple carbs.
7. You dont get enough sleep
Not only can sleeping less than five hours a day lead to weight gain, but it can also cause lethargy, excess appetite and other causes of visceral fat gain. Untreated sleep disorders are also linked to abdominal fat gain, so get enough sleep every night and consult a doctor if required.
For more information, read our article on How to reduce belly fat and get a flat tummy.
Health articles on News18 are written by, Indias first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.
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7 Mistakes You May Be Making While Trying to Lose Belly Fat - News18
What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates? – MassNews

We all know that carbs get a bad reputation but why? Carbohydrates are an essential part of diets they provide sugar and energy that our body needs in order to function properly. Carbs are what give us fuel to everyday things like walk or pick up a phone. The only thing about carbs is that there are some that are good and some that are bad they are like their own evil twin sibling. The good carbs are called complex and the bad is called simple. Eating both of these types of carbs as part of a balanced diet can be good for your body. Although you want to eat more of the complex carbs because they provide more energy and nutrients that your body needs. Here is why complex carbs are better and what is the difference between simple and complex carbs and why you should avoid slow-digesting carbohydrates.
Understanding carbohydrates: First lets take a look at what carbohydrates are. Carbohydrates are sugar molecules that your body uses for energy. Just like plants need photosynthesis to survive we need carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are what give us fuel and energy to do everyday things like walking and talking. Carbs are separated into two categories simple and complex depending on their chemical structure and how quickly the sugar is digested and absorbed by your body they will be put into simple or complex categories. These two categories of carbs are essential for you to know in order to make the right choices when you eat food. Putting nutritious and healthy food into your body is crucial for you to live a healthy life.
Simple carbs: Even though their name says simple there is nothing simple about these carbs in your body. Simple carbs are digested by your body very easily but these types of carbs can spike up your glucose levels making it harder for your body to maintain a good balance. When simple carbs are being digested by your body they break down into sugar. These carbs create fast and powerful energy that only lasts a short time. Once your body produces that much energy it starts slowing down and you start to get tired. These highly processed carbs you need to stay away as much as possible. Simple carbs include refined sugar, candy, and cakes basically, anything that is processed or refined.
Complex carbs: These types of carbs do the same thing as simple carbs, but the difference is in the timing and how long it takes your body to digest the carbs. Complex carbs are denser with nutrients that are high in fiber. If you are trying to lose weight eating more complex carbs would be ideal. Complex carbs make you feel full for longer periods of time. Complex carbs can also help people manage type 2 diabetes better since the food does not spike up their glucose levels like simple. It also helps people stay more active as the energy they provide is spread out through the day rather than a very quick sugar rush like simple carbs. Foods that are complex carbs are whole grains, broccoli, asparagus, and legumes.
Limit highly processed food: You can eat processed foods your body can take it. You just have to moderate your intake. Ways to help with cutting back processed foods is to cook more at home. You dont need to be a master chef in order to cook great meals all you need it to brush up in your skills and youll be good to go. Another way is to snack smatter. We as humans love to snack and why not right? We recommend for you to eat more nuts, cut up veggies, or fruits that hit your sweet spot. You can prepackage these snacks for later use instead of grabbing your regular bag of chips.
Your body needs carbs in order to function properly as we have already discussed. Carbs also give you that satisfying feeling of being full. You dont crave as much food when you eat complex carbs. When simple carbs are being processed in your bloodstream the process goes very fast, because the sugars in the carbs are refined and dont contain as many nutrients as that are harder to digest by your body. When complex carbs are being digested by your body since they have to break down every single nutrient and molecule that has that carb your body will take longer thus feeling fuller longer. You dont need to eat a lot in order to feel full you just need to eat better food. Snacking smarter is very helpful not only are you putting healthy food into your system you are also turning away from harsh additives and preservatives. So take care of your body and stop spiking up your glucose levels with simple carbs and start giving you body the food it deserves.
Original post:
What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates? - MassNews
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Still Has Room to Grow With Emerging Players 2027 – The Daily Chronicle

(Augest 2020) SMI published a business research report on Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth,Trends, and Forecasts 20202027. Research reportwith 110+ pages on market data Tables, Pie Chat, Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailed analysis. The information is gathered based on modern floats and requests identified with the administrations and items.
Key players are expected to enhance their marketing capabilities over the forecast period owing to certain market conditions. The report presents certain elements that will reflect whats and hows of such changes in the market. Further, the report studies various aspects of the global market such as upstream raw materials, downstream demand, and production value of leading players subject to market growth.
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Geographical segmentation of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market involves the regional outlook which further covers the United States, China, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and Middle East & Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and applications.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market: Competitive Landscape
Leading players operating in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales market include AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Kyowa Kirin, Acerus Pharmaceuticals.
Scope of the Report:
The key features of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market report 2020-2027 are the organization, extensive amount of analysis and data from previous and current years as well as forecast data for the next five years. Most of the report is made up of tables, charts, and figures that give our clients a clear picture of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market. The structure of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market by identifying its various segments and sub-segments to help to understand the report.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market is growing at a High CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2026. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is the major reason for the expansion of this market.
As the report proceeds further, it covers the analysis of key market participants paired with development plans and policies, production techniques, price structure of the market. The report also identifies the other essential elements such as product overview, supply chain relationship, raw material supply and demand statistics, expected developments, profit and consumption ratio.
Is something restraining your companys growth in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market? Ask for the Free sample report here-
Important Data Available In This Report:
An Overview of the Impact of COVID-19 on this Market:
The pandemic of COVID-19 continues to expand and impact over 175 countries and territories. Although the outbreak appears to have slowed in China, COVID-19 has impacted globally. The pandemic could affect three main aspects of the global economy: production, supply chain, and firms, and financial markets. National governments have announced largely uncoordinated, country-specific responses to the virus.
Customer Experience Analysis:
The study offers an in-depth assessment of various customers journeys pertinent to the market and its segments. It offers various customer impressions about products and service use. The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints. The consultation and business intelligence solutions will help interested stakeholders, including CXOs, define customer experience maps tailored to their needs. This will help them aim at boosting customer engagement with their brands.
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Related Blogs:Shubham
Original post:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sales Market Still Has Room to Grow With Emerging Players 2027 - The Daily Chronicle
Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Growth Analysis, Opportunities, Revenue and sales, Trends and Developments, Forecast by 2025 – Red… has newly added a new research report titled Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 which is known to provide comprehensive and detailed information about the market for the projected period from 2020 to 2025. The report inspects the crucial data related to the market. The report focuses on different components of the market including market trends, regional outlook, competitive landscape, key players, business approaches. The report determines the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market growth and market share for the estimated forecast period. The research report has made through several data exploratory techniques which include primary and secondary research.
The reports objective is to show the development in key regions. The global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is a database mechanism developed for analysis and access to a large volume of unstructured data. The study analyzes market drivers, challenges, standardization, regulatory landscape, deployment models, operator case studies, opportunities, future roadmap, value chain, player profiles. The research report investigates the whole growth dynamics of the industry as well as market evaluation, manufacturing approach across distinct topologies and competitive landscape analysis.
NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.
Market Segmentation:
The global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is analyzed for different segments to arrive at an insightful analysis. Such segmentation has been done based on type, application, and region.
The study encompasses profiles of major companies operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include: AbbVie, Teva, Pfizer, Endo International, Novartis, Eli lilly, Upsher-Smith, Bayer, Actavis (Allergan), Mylan, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Kyowa Kirin, Acerus Pharmaceuticals
The report provides in-depth comprehensive analysis for regional segments that covers North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Australia), South America (Brazil, Argentina), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and South Africa) in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy report with market definitions, classifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, development policies, and plans.
Market segment by type, the product can be split into: Gels, Injections, Patches, Other
Market segment by regions/countries, this report covers: Hospitals, Clinics, Others
Moreover in the report, other data models include vendor positioning grid, market timeline analysis, global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market overview, and guide, company positioning grid, company market share analysis, standards of measurement, top to bottom analysis and vendor share analysis. Market players can effortlessly implement strategies with all the data provided to gain a dominant position and beat the competition in the market.
Questions Answered By The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report With Regards To The Geographical Spectrum of The Market:
Customization of the Report:
This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team (, who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1-201-465-4211 to share your research requirements.
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Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020 Growth Analysis, Opportunities, Revenue and sales, Trends and Developments, Forecast by 2025 - Red...
LPCN: Tlando: Target Action Date This Friday – Zacks Small Cap Research

By John Vandermosten
Up and Coming Milestones
Tlando PDUFA date August 28, 2020
Primary endpoint results for LiFT (LPCN 1144) 4Q:20
Patent Infringement trial February 2021
Complete Phase II LiFT (LPCN 1144) 2Q:21
Second Quarter 2020 Operational and Financial Results
On August 6, 2020 Lipocine (NASDAQ:LPCN) filed its second quarter 2020 10-Q and posted its earnings release for the three month period ending June 30, 2020. The company reported zero revenues and a net loss per share of ($0.13) compared to prior year revenues of zero and loss of ($0.14) per share. Activity during the second quarter revolved around several items including presentation at the American Urological Association (AUA) conference, demonstration of treatment potential for LPCN 1144, investigational new drug clearance for LPCN 1148, affirmation of the USPTO decision and the dismissal of a shareholder lawsuit. The companys shares also exceeded $1.00 in June, and have remained above this level, allowing Lipocine to regain compliance with NASDAQ minimum bid requirements. The most important item on the calendar is the FDAs response to Tlandos NDA submission, which is expected on or before August 28th.
We anticipate that upon approval, Lipocine will find a partner to commercialize Tlando and use associated upfront and milestone payments to further develop the existing portfolio, especially LPCN 1144 and LPCN 1148. Potential licensees are waiting until approval is granted before performing their due diligence. This suggests that a deal would be announced in the fourth quarter of 2020 rather than in the weeks following an assumed approval.
Operational expenses for 2Q:20 were $4.2 million, up 26% and net loss totaled ($6.4) million or ($0.13) per share. Research and development expenses totaled $2.5 million. The 16% rise over prior year amounts reflects increased costs related to the LiFT study and higher personnel expenditures offset by a decrease in amounts related to the ABPM study, lower spend on the Tlando XR program and a fall in manufacturing costs for LPCN 1107. General and administrative costs rose 41% over last years second quarter to $2.0 million on an expansion in legal expenditures related to the Clarus dispute and an increase in personnel costs offset by lower marketing expenses, administrative travel and other expenses. A rise in the share price increased the warrant liability and required the recognition of a $2.1 million non-cash loss in other income.
Cash and marketable securities balance was $18.2 million as of June 30, 2020. There is another $5 million of restricted1 cash which will remain on hold until Tlando is approved. Current and non-current debt is carried on the balance sheet at $6.3 million. Cash burn for 2Q:20 was approximately ($4.1) million and net cash provided by financing was $11.7 million representing a stock offering and warrant proceeds partially offset by a small amount of debt repayment.
On November 11 of last year, Lipocine announced that it had received a complete response letter (CRL) for Tlando. The CRL identified one deficiency stating that the trial did not meet one of the three secondary endpoints for maximal testosterone concentrations (Cmax). No deficiencies related to chemistry, manufacturing and controls were noted. FDA guidelines call for 85% of subjects to achieve a Cmax below 1500 ng/dL and no more than 5% of subjects presenting a Cmax between 1800 ng/dL and 2500 ng/dL and 0% above 2500 ng/dL. In the most recent dosing validation (DV) study, 85% of subjects were below 1500 ng/dL and 7% were between 1800 ng/dL and 2500 ng/dL. Although there were small variations from the FDA guidelines in the original SOAR study for subjects above 2500 ng/dL, the FDA did not identify these as a deficiency during the original New Drug Application (NDA) submission.
Following the Post Action meeting with the FDA, Lipocine was advised to address the outstanding deficiencies with a reanalysis of existing data. This recommendation relieved Lipocine of the time and cost of an additional trial and also allowed the resubmission of the Tlando NDA in February. A target action date of August 28th was provided. While the resubmission is a positive, Tlando has faced significant hurdles gaining the favor of the FDA. We published a note on February 25th that discussed details regarding the resubmission.
LPCN 1144
Lipocine announced in August 2018 the pursuit of a new indication in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). We discuss the indication and Lipocines efforts in an earlier piece that can be accessed here. Full enrollment of 36 subjects was achieved in November 2018.
In January 2019, Lipocine announced meaningful liver fat reduction in patients participating in its Liver Fat Study and informed investors that the company had filed an investigational new drug (IND) application to begin a Phase II study for NASH. Since LPCN 1144 is the same molecule as TLANDO, for which there were numerous safety studies completed, LPCN was allowed to perform a proof of concept (POC) clinical study under the original IND to assess liver fat changes. This 36-person study was conducted in hypogonadal men at risk of developing non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and results were measured using the magnetic resonance imaging proton density fat fraction (MRI-PDFF) technique. Topline results were announced in 1Q:19 demonstrating a 4.0% to 8.2% percentage point reduction in liver fat depending on baseline liver fat category. We discussed the results in further detail in our NASH Topline article.
Lipocine launched its Phase II clinical study for LPCN 1144 and dosed its first patient last September. Prior to the start of the trial, Lipocine announced that the FDA would allow the Phase II LiFT trial to enroll eugonadal patients in addition to the NASH patients that were initially targeted. This expansion was based on research that we discussed in a July 29th note. The study is anticipated to last for 18 months and cost approximately $8 million.
LiFT, an acronym of Liver Fat intervention with oral Testosterone, is a paired biopsy Phase II study in NASH subjects. The study design will employ a three-arm, double-blind, placebo-controlled structure and enroll approximately 75 biopsy confirmed male NASH subjects with a NAS2 score of greater or equal to four. The primary endpoint for the study is 12-week MRI-PDFF liver fat reduction and the first patient was enrolled in 3Q:19. As for the anticipated timeline, Lipocine expects top line liver fat reduction data in 4Q:20 as measured by MRI-PDFF at 12 weeks. Biopsy data at 36 weeks is expected to be available in the second quarter of 2021.
Exhibit I LiFT Study Timeline3
NASH Environment
A lot has happened in the NASH space in 2020. Genfit (GNFT) announced that it will halt development of elafibranor after it failed to distinguish itself compared to placebo earlier this year. CymaBay (CBAY) announced that the FDA had lifted the hold on seladelpars Phase II study last month. No evidence was found for liver injury for the drug and the trial is expected to resume. Intercepts (ICPT) OCA received a complete response letter from the FDA in late June noting that the agency remains uncertain that the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks. Viking (VKTX) is conducting the Phase IIb VOYAGE trial for VK2809 which is still ongoing. A bright spot in the space has been results from Akeros (AKRO) Phase IIb trial for efruxifermin in NASH which were announced June 30. The study found that 48% of patients had fibrosis improvement of at least one stage with a 62% response rate. Fibrosis improved by at least two stages for 28% of the group with a 38% response rate and 48% experienced NASH resolution without worsening of fibrosis across all dose groups.
LPCN 1148
Lipocine is preparing to develop its testosterone molecule to treat NASH cirrhosis patients. While the target market is smaller than that of pre-cirrhotic NASH, there are no other FDA approved products available. The inverse relationship between testosterone and sarcopenia and the increased risks of advancing NASH cirrhosis validates this pursuit. Pending funding, Lipocine plans to initiate a proof of concept trial to evaluate the potential of this candidate. The companys Investigational New Drug (IND) application was cleared by the FDA in May 2020. We anticipate Lipocine will launch the Phase II trial after the start of commercialization of Tlando and upon availability of sufficient capital to fund it. Management has guided to a 4Q:20 or 1Q:21 start.
Exhibit II Lipocine Pipeline4
Markman Hearing
On March 26th, Lipocine announced the outcome of the Markman Hearing, also known as a claim construction hearing. This meeting is an important precursor to a patent infringement lawsuit and provides the definitions of terms critical for a jurys determination on whether or not a patent has value. A patent should not be too specific, as it provides insufficient protection to an invention, or too broad, in which case a court may rule it indefinite. In the hearing order5, Judge Bryson did not agree with most of Clarus claims and sided with Lipocine on the majority of definitions and clarifications. While the terms and definitions are subject to an evolving construction, the order is favorable to Lipocines dispute against Clarus. While this order could be appealed again, it is unlikely in the opinion of Lipocines counsel. Lipocine and Clarus are currently engaged in the fact discovery phase of the lawsuit and the jury trial is anticipated to take place in February 2021. Lipocine need only prevail on one claim to merit damages, which places them in a strong position to succeed in the trial or provide incentive for Clarus to settle.
USPTO Decision Affirmed
The US Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the USPTO in April 2020 to grant Lipocines Priority Motion in the interference case that cancelled Clarus claims to the 428 patent in January 2019. The USPTO, through its Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), had granted Lipocines priority motion in the related interference case and entered adverse judgment against Clarus. As we have previously shared, this outcome was expected as it is rare for a federal court to overturn a USPTO ruling. As a reminder, in 2Q:19 Lipocinefiled suitagainst Clarus alleging that Jatenzo infringed on six of Lipocines patents. The injunction filing may slow down commercialization of Jatenzo and force Clarus to come to the table to negotiate a settlement. While the cost of pursuing such legal action could be high, we anticipate by the time the case works its way through the courts, cash flow from Tlando could be sufficient to support the legal efforts.
Publications and Abstracts
Results from Lipocines Liver Fat Study were published in Hepatology Communications in an article entitled LPCN 1144 Resolves Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease In Hypogonadal Males." The study served to identify the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in hypogonadal males and quantify the beneficial impact of LPCN 1144 on hypogonadism. 36 hypogonadal males were evaluated using MRI-PDFF measurements for liver fat. 81% of those with baseline liver fat equal to or greater than 5% showed improvement in liver fat content and NAFLD resolved in one-third of the group at six weeks and 48% after 16 weeks. The paper concluded that treatment with LPCN 1144 resolved NAFLD in about half of affected patients without any safety signals.
Lipocine submitted several abstracts to the American Urological Association (AUA) Virtual Experience, which took place from May 15 to 17, 2020. Three titles were presented.
Impact of a new oral testosterone undecanoate on blood pressure and cardiovascular risk was presented by Dr. Mohit Khera which investigated the chronic use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on cardiovascular risk. Jatenzo, Xyosted and Tlando were assessed in their impact on blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in hypogonadal men. Marginal increases in blood pressure were observed and no meaningful impact on cardiovascular risk was noted.
A novel oral testosterone therapy restores testosterone to eugonadal levels without dose titration was presented by Dr. Martin Miner and highlights the shortcomings of dose titration when prescribing TRT. The abstract concluded that fixed dose Tlando normalizes testosterone levels in hypogonadal patients while avoiding the potential problems associated with titrated TRT.
Effects of a new oral testosterone undecanoate (TLANDO) therapy on liver was presented by Dr. Irwin Goldstein and compares oral methyltestosterone (MT) with TRT in males deficient in endogenous testosterone. The study results suggested that unlike MT, Tlando has no adverse effects on liver and can be used for an extended period to potentially reduce liver fat.
Tlando CRL November 9, 2019
Tlando FDA post action meeting January 2020
Resubmission of Tlando NDA February 2020
Investigational New Drug (IND) clearance for LPCN 1148 May 2020
Wajda v. Patel shareholder suit dismissed July 2020
Tlando PDUFA date August 28, 2020
Primary endpoint results for LiFT (LPCN 1144) 4Q:20
Patent Infringement trial February 2021
Complete Phase II LiFT (LPCN 1144) 2Q:21
Since our previous update, Lipocine has participated in scientific conferences, published an article in the journal Hepatology Communications and advanced several months towards the upcoming August 28 PDUFA date for Tlando. Assuming a favorable outcome for the application, Lipocine will seek a commercialization partner and should receive upfront and milestone proceeds in conjunction with a deal. The Phase II LiFT trial continues to be a bright spot for the company and is potentially able to address a large unmet need in NASH patients in contrast to other programs which have met with difficulty. Management has guided towards a year-end readout of LiFT trial results. Lipocine is also developing LPCN 1148 for cirrhosis patients which was recently given clearance to begin a Phase II study. While we do not see this program entering the clinic until sufficient capital is available, we do think it will advance if Phase II data for LPCN 1144 are positive.
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DISCLOSURE: Zacks SCR has received compensation from the issuer directly, from an investment manager, or from an investor relations consulting firm, engaged by the issuer, for providing research coverage for a period of no less than one year. Research articles, as seen here, are part of the service Zacks provides and Zacks receives quarterly payments totaling a maximum fee of $40,000 annually for these services. Full Disclaimer HERE.
1. Tlando was not approved by the FDA by May 31, 2018, and therefore Lipocine is required to maintain $5.0 million of cash collateral at Silicon Valley Bank (the lender) until such time as it is approved by the FDA.
2. NAS: NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) Activity Score. Discussion of the metric can be found here.
3. Source: Lipocine Corporate Presentation May 2020.
4. Source: Lipocine Corporate Presentation July 2020.
5. A link to the Markman Hearing Order can be found on this page:
See the original post here:
LPCN: Tlando: Target Action Date This Friday - Zacks Small Cap Research