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What Is The Atlantic Diet – Differences Between Atlantic Diet And Mediterranean Diet – Delish

The Mediterranean diet isnt going anywhere; it was just named the top diet again by U.S. News and World Report. But a newcomer called the Atlantic diet, which has a few key differences, is getting buzz following a study published this month in JAMA Network Open. The research suggests you dont have to entirely rule out meat and potatoes in order to keep your waistline, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels in check.
The Atlantic diet comes from traditional eating patterns in the Northwestern Iberian Peninsulaspecifically, northwestern Spain and northern Portugal, explains Kim Yawitz, R.D., a dietitian and gym owner in St. Louis.
Its been compared to the better-known Mediterranean diet, and for good reason, she says. Both diets encourage liberal consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, nuts, and fish and allow moderate wine consumption.
The key difference is that the typical Atlantic diet allows for more beef and pork and tends to be more starch-heavy than the Mediterranean diet.
Heres everything to know about the Atlantic diet, according to dietitians.
Local, fresh foods that are seasonal and minimally processed are the focus of an Atlantic diet.
Staples of the diet include fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, potatoes (often served in stews), beans, olive oil, fish and other seafood, milk and cheese, as well as dried fruits, and nuts, especially chestnuts. The Atlantic diet also allows for moderate amounts of beef, pork, poultry, and wine.
Skip the fried foods, though: The regional cuisine is mostly grilled, broiled, baked, or stewed.
Stewing in particular is a method of slow-cooking that can help retain nutrients and enhance flavors, incorporating ingredients like seafood, lean meats, vegetables, and legumes and reflecting the culinary traditions of regions along the Atlantic coast, says Michelle Routhenstein, M.S. RD., C.D.N., a cardiology dietitian and owner of Entirely Nourished. You can use fresh herbs and spices to amp up the flavor in your stews, she says.
The Atlantic diet is low in saturated fat and rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, points out Yawitz. In the 2024 study that involved 574 participants, those who followed the diet for six months saw significant improvements in waist circumference and HDL (i.e., good) cholesterol, she says.
Other recent studies, Yawitz points out, suggest the Atlantic diet may help reduce depression and boost longevity.
Routhenstein likes that the Atlantic diet focuses on seafood and healthy fats, such as those found in fish and olive oil. This can contribute to improved heart health and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.
A 2022 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that people who ate more than a half teaspoon of olive oil daily had lower rates of premature death from cardiovascular disease compared to those who never or rarely consumed the oil. Dietitians hail extra virgin olive oil as a healthy fat because its rich in antioxidants like oleocanthal, which is known to help fight inflammation. (Chronic inflammation is such a big concern because its linked to an array of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more.)
Much like the Mediterranean diet, the health benefits of the Atlantic diet are largely good for long-term cognitive health, says dietitian Michelle Saari, R.D.N. at EHealth Project. Fresh seafood and olive oil are rich in omega-3 fats, a nutrient linked to brain function.
While the aforementioned studies are promising, the Atlantic diet hasnt been researched extensively, Yawitz says. This is surprising, given that Southern Europeans have been eating this way for centuries.
Based on the available studies and given its similarities to the Mediterranean diet, the diet appears to be pretty healthy overall, she says. That said, the plan is just different enough from the Mediterranean diet to warrant further investigation.
The diet might also pose some challenges for those who live in regions with limited access to fresh seafood, says Routhenstein. Also, some people struggle with constantly preparing fresh meals, and the Atlantic diet heavily encourages people to be cooking from scratch, Saari says.
Starting a new plan can feel overwhelming, but you can ease into the Atlantic diet by making simple changes to your current diet.
For example, you might swap your white bread for whole grain, throw some fish on the grill instead of your usual strip steak, or order vegetable soup rather than broccoli cheddar, Yawitz suggests.
The Atlantic diet is still relatively new on the diet scene so you wont find many recipe books at your local bookstore, she says. You can search the internet for healthy Spanish or Portuguese recipes or look through Mediterranean diet cookbooks if you need inspiration.
Here are a few more tips for starting the Atlantic diet, according to Saari:
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What Is The Atlantic Diet - Differences Between Atlantic Diet And Mediterranean Diet - Delish
Diets that mimic fasting could ‘reverse aging process’, study finds – Yahoo Lifestyle UK

New research has found fast-mimicking diets could slow down ageing. (Getty Images)
Diets that mimic fasting may be able to make a person "two-and-a-half years younger" by reducing their biological age, a new study has suggested.
Researchers found that a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) can lower insulin resistance, reduce liver fat, and slow immune system ageing.
It can also decrease the risks of age-related illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
When these benefits are combined, researchers found this fasting-like diet can result in a lower biological age for humans.
Created by a laboratory at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology in California, a fasting-mimicking diet is a five-day diet which is high in unsaturated fats and low in overall calories, protein, and carbohydrates.
It is designed to mimic the effects of a water-only fast while still providing the necessary nutrients.
The style of fasting is also supposed to make it easier for people to follow and stick to this kind of diet in practice.
"This is the first study to show that a food-based intervention that does not require chronic dietary or other lifestyle changes can make people biologically younger," senior author Professor Valter Longo explains.
"This is based on both changes in risk factors for ageing and disease, and on a validated method developed to assess biological age."
For the research Professor Longo and his team analysed the effects of the FMD in two clinical trial populations each with men and women between the ages of 18 and 70.
Participants underwent three to four monthly cycles of the FMD, during which they adhered to the diet for five days and then ate a normal diet for 25 days.
While sticking to the FMD, they ate things like plant-based soups, energy bars, energy drinks, crisps, and tea all of which were portioned out over the five days.
They were also given a supplement which provided high levels of minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids.
Meanwhile, a control group was instructed to eat either a normal or Mediterranean-style diet which is what the FMD participants ate in their time-off.
Story continues
Results, published in the journal Nature Communications, revealed that those in the FMD group had lower risk factors for diabetes, including less insulin resistance and lower HbA1c levels.
They also had decreased abdominal and liver fat, which is associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, and an increased lymphoid-to-myeloid ratio, which is an indicator of a more youthful immune system.
Further statistical analysis of both clinical studies also showed that the FMD participants had reduced their 'biological age' by two and a half years on average.
Biological age is a measure of how well a persons cells and tissues are functioning, as opposed to chronological age.
"This study has shown for the first time evidence of biological age reduction from two different clinical trials, accompanied by evidence of rejuvenation of metabolic and immune function," Professor Longo explains.
First author Professor Sebastian Brandhorst adds: "Our study also lends more support to the FMDs potential as a short-term, periodic, achievable dietary intervention that can help people lessen their disease risk and improve their health without extensive lifestyle changes."
The research team from USC Leonard Davis hopes that their findings will encourage more doctors across Europe and the US to recommend the FMD to patients with higher disease risk factors, as well as to typically 'healthy' people who may be interested in the other benefits including slowing the ageing process.
Previous research by Prof Longo has indicated that brief, periodic FMD cycles can promote stem cell regeneration and lessen chemotherapy side effects.
Meanwhile, trials on mice have found that the FMD can reduce the signs of dementia.
However, the new study was the first to demonstrate the effects of the FMD on insulin resistance, liver fat, immune system ageing, and biological age.
What is a fasting-mimicking diet?
FMDs, or Fasting Mimicking Diets, are diets designed to mimic the effects of fasting on the body without requiring complete abstinence from food.
"Typically, these diets involve significantly reducing calorie intake for a set period, usually ranging from three to five days, while still providing essential nutrients," explains gut health expert and owner of supplements brand Miracle Leaf, Agnieszka Kozlowska.
"The idea is to trick the body into a fasting state, prompting a range of physiological responses similar to those seen during prolonged fasting."
Kozlowska says one of the key benefits of FMDs is their potential to promote cellular rejuvenation and repair.
"When the body enters a fasting state, it initiates processes such as autophagy, where cells break down and remove damaged components," she explains. "This can help clear out old and dysfunctional cells, making way for new, healthier ones.
"By mimicking fasting, FMDs can stimulate these repair mechanisms, potentially slowing down the ageing process and promoting overall cellular health."
Another area where FMDs show promise is in supporting gut health.
"The gut microbiota, comprised of trillions of microorganisms, plays an essential role in digestion, immune function, and overall health," Kozlowska explains.
"Research suggests that FMDs can help promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria by creating an environment that prevents harmful microbes, promoting the growth of beneficial ones," she continues.
"While more research is needed to fully understand the effects of FMDs, the preliminary evidence is promising."
Additional reporting SWNS.
See the rest here:
Diets that mimic fasting could 'reverse aging process', study finds - Yahoo Lifestyle UK
5 Sneaky Ways Diet Culture Might Still Be Messing With You – Self

So, youve read Intuitive Eating, youve listened to every episode of podcasts like Maintenance Phase and Food Psych, and youve sworn off MyFitnessPal and low-carb diets for life. Youve seen diet culture for what it is: A fatphobic, racist, elitist belief system that thrives off of keeping us all trapped in a cycle of body hate and disordered eating patterns. Thats awesome! Go you!
The thing is, you still live in this world, which means youre still surrounded by the same harmful messages youve come to loathe. And if youve been working toward food and body freedom for long enough, youve probably realized that divesting completely of diet culture isnt as easy as nodding along with your favorite podcasts and giving yourself permission to eat whatever you want.
As a dietitian who specializes in eating disorders, I work with a lot of folks who struggle to fully let go of restrictive food rules and the desire to control their body size. And I also see so many sneaky ways that diet culture can maintain its gripeven when a client is trying their hardest to opt out.
If youre still having a hard time making peace with food and your body, here are some things that might be keeping you stuck, according to dietitians.
Social media can be a very sneaky way for diet culture to continue influencing your life, Jessi Holden, a dietitian who takes a non-diet approach to food on her recipe blog The Kitchen Innovation, tells SELF. Constant exposure to idealized body images, weight change stories, or good/bad language around food, for example, could lead to or worsen body dissatisfaction, Holden says.
Its not just a matter of unfollowing diet gurus and image-obsessed fitness influencers (which you probably did long ago). Its about making sure youre seeing a diverse range of bodies in your feed, and that the food and nutrition content creators you followif you choose to follow any, which you dont have to, by the way!arent making you feel like the way you eat is somehow less than. Ive had plenty of clients who are deeply impacted by how pretty, colorful, and perfectly plated every food picture on Instagram looks, for example, even if those photos arent showing meals that are overtly diet-y.
The next time you open a social media app, take note of how you feel about your body before you start scrolling, then check in with yourself again afterward. If you notice that you feel worse, make it a point to unapologetically unfollow any accounts that put you in a diet-culture mindset. And while youre at it, try diversifying your feed by following creators in bodies of all different shapes and sizes.
Our food and beverage industry aligns its marketing strategy with timely fads, labeling foods and beverages as low calorie, fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, and more, Amy Goldsmith, RD, the founder of Kindred Nutrition, an eating disorder and sports nutrition practice in Frederick, Maryland, tells SELF. As a result, Its impossible to avoid these terms when youre at the grocery store. Even if youre not explicitly trying to eat lower-fat foods or cut back on sugar, for instance, it can be tough to shake the belief that items with less of certain nutrients (and more of others) are inherently better than their traditional counterparts.
See original here:
5 Sneaky Ways Diet Culture Might Still Be Messing With You - Self
Heart Health 101 – University of Alabama at Birmingham

Written by: Katherine Kirk Media contact: Anna Jones
A healthy lifestyle is about small changes over time that build upon each other.February is American Heart Month, but heart health is important all year round. Elizabeth Jackson, M.D., a cardiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Cardiovascular Institute, says making small lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of heart disease and the use of medications to regulate health.
A healthy lifestyle is about making small changes over time that build upon each other. Jackson says it is never too early to start thinking about heart health.
Data shows that starting a healthy lifestyle at a young age can help reduce heart disease later in life, Jackson said.
Jackson says not every meal has to be perfect. Starting with one meal or one day of healthy eating may help build a healthy dietary pattern over time. Regardless of whether a patient has a history of heart disease, Jackson says, regular checkups and lifestyle changes are important.
Diet and physical activity are foundational to heart health, Jackson said. If medication for heart health is necessary, healthy diet and regular activity can amplify or enhance what your medication is already doing.
Restaurants can be places of anxiety for individuals trying to eat healthy due to a lack of options, portion size and not knowing the foods nutritional facts. Jackson says there are a couple of ways to navigate eating out.
Choose a restaurant that has more options and look at the menu ahead of time, so willpower doesnt always have to be there, Jackson said. In addition to choosing heart-healthy options at restaurants, I also recommend cooking at home to be able to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
When cooking at home, Jackson says, people have more control over which ingredients are included in the dish, and they can adjust these ingredients based on their preferences. Cooking at home also saves money. Each year, UAB Medicine partners with the American Heart Association to develop a heart-healthy recipe book filled with delicious, simple and affordable meals that everyone can make at home.
When it comes to suggesting a diet change for heart health, the Mediterranean diet is often discussed. While the Mediterranean diet is a good heart-healthy option, Jackson says there is no one size fits all type of diet and that it is important to look at the bigger picture to decide what is best for the patient.
Diet is personal, Jackson said. Not every diet aligns with the patients cultural heritage or lifestyle, so our goal as cardiologists is to work with the patient and tailor their diet to meet their specific needs. We also need to work with the patient on a plan for how they can stick to this diet and focus more on how to help them make small changes they can stick to.
Jackson says eating complex carbs and plant-based proteins, limiting red meat, and controlling portion sizes are the best ways to start eating for health. Incorporating these behaviors into at least one day of eating a week can benefit overall health.
Supplements can be a good way to assist individual health by supporting elements of your diet that are missing. However, Jackson says, getting nutrients through ones diet is the best way to get the nutrients the body needs since the supplement industry is not regulated.
Supplements are a billion-dollar industry, and unfortunately, it is not regulated like prescription drugs are, Jackson said.
Jackson recommends getting ones nutrients from their food by using the colorful plate method and making sure ones plate has a colorful pattern of fruits and vegetables.
Make sure your plate is colorful as different colored vegetables contain different nutrients, Jackson said. Vegetables such as carrots contain completely different nutrients than kale, so by trying to incorporate different color patterns into your meals, you can provide your body with a range of nutrients that it needs.
She warns against relying on supplements and powders to get protein since protein powders and bars can be very processed and have added sugars
For some people, multivitamins might be a good idea; but I suggest talking with a health care professional about the specific vitamins you may need, Jackson said.
Two of the scariest words in the realm of dieting are fats and sugar. However, Jackson says, this fear is unwarranted as a healthy amount of fats is needed for the body to run.
When it comes to fats, there are choices individuals can make that will benefit their overall health; Jackson says choosing liquid fats over trans fats is a good place to start. Trans fats were created to extend the shelf life of fats and can have negative effects on the body.
Liquid fats, also known as polyunsaturated fats, are better for you, Jackson said. You really want to stay away from trans fats, because they are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Saturated fats are often found in processed foods, and while Jackson says saturated fats are not as bad for the body as trans fats, people should still try to limit the amount of saturated fats they consume.
If youre having a piece of toast and you want butter on it, small amounts are OK if the other parts of your diet are more balanced, Jackson said. However, in general we want to try to get away from processed foods that have a lot of saturated fats in them.
Sugary foods and beverages should be minimized for heart health, Jackson said. If you are craving something sweet, having a piece of fruit can help you enjoy something sweet while watching your sugar intake.
Jackson says enjoying some chocolate once in a while is perfectly fine but warns against indulging in sugary drinks and sodas as they are the biggest culprit of sugar overindulgence.
Sugary drinks and sodas are often a major source of sugar and excess calories for people, Jackson said. They are easy to consume without realizing you are overindulging. Be especially careful with children and drinking too much juice.
A common misconception is that caffeine is bad for heart health, but Jackson says that coffee is OK in moderation. However, she recommends avoiding highly caffeinated beverages such as energy drinks.
Energy drinks tend to have a lot more caffeine and sugar and are more processed, Jackson said.
When it comes to drinking alcohol, Jackson says it is important to stick to moderate levels of drinking as heavy drinking is linked to poor health outcomes, including heart conditions. If one does choose to drink, she says it should be done in moderation and in combination with a balanced diet.
Vegetarianism and veganism are seen as very healthy ways of living. A common misconception is that people who are vegetarians and vegans do not get enough protein in their diets to be healthy. However, Jackson says this line of thinking is false. There are many ways to get protein that does not come from meat.
Diet changes should come with an evaluation of nutritional needs and how to keep them met. However, Jackson says there are plenty of ways to get protein from a plant-based diet.
The AHA recommends choosing healthy sources of proteins. Healthy proteins can be found in plant sources such as beans, peas, lentils and nuts.
If you are going to eliminate certain foods, you need to think about how it affects your nutritional composition as a whole, even if you are a meat-eater, Jackson said.
Physical activity is known to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease. Current recommendations for heart health are 100 to 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. However, Jackson says any movement can be beneficial.
Jackson says one of the best ways to incorporate physical activity throughout the week is to start with 10 minutes a day as this can still offer some heart-healthy benefits.
Physical activity does not always mean that you have to go to a gym, Jackson said. Start out with a 10-minute walk, or choose to park a little farther away from the entrance of a store. Maybe the next week, you try to get two 10-minute bouts of exercise in a day, which would give you 20 minutes of exercise, and just continue to gradually work your way up to where you are getting the recommended 150 minutes a week.
She also expressed the importance of physical activity when it comes to healthy aging.
Talk with your physician about what type of exercise is best for you, Jackson said. In addition to aerobic exercises, including exercises that help increase your strength and balance is also important since we lose muscle mass as we age.
Read the original:
Heart Health 101 - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Wolves in Washington State: Where They Live, Risk to Humans, and Diet – AZ Animals

Wolves are powerful apex predators that live in packs with a fascinating social hierarchy. Despite being widespread in the past, wolves were extirpated from many areas. They now inhabit thirteen states within the United States, although the majority of the countrys wolves inhabit Alaska. However, populations are gradually recovering in many areas, including Washington. So, keep reading to learn about wolves in Washington State, including where they live and what they eat.
Washingtons wolf population is steadily increasing.
Armelle LL/
There are currently 216 wolves in Washington State, based on the figures from the latest official wolf count in 2022. These are comprised of 37 different packs, of which 26 feature successful breeding pairs. The figures were released in April 2023, and as of yet, there are no records available from the 2023 survey.
Washingtons wolf population has been increasing for the last fourteen years. The figures from this wolf count are an increase on the previous years, which found a population of 206 wolves that were located within 33 packs and included 19 pairs of breeding animals.
Wolves remain a federally endangered species in the western two-thirds of the state but are no longer federally protected in the remaining area. However, they are still considered to be a state-endangered species across the entire area, making it illegal to kill or harass them.
Wolves are highly adaptable animals and are capable of living in a variety of habitats, although they do tend to prefer to live in forests and mountainous regions. Most of Washingtons wolves live in the north and northeastern regions of the state, although there are a small number of packs in the southern half.
Wolves were once much more widespread across the state but were extirpated from the state by the 1930s. This was largely due to human-wolf conflict and the hunting of wolves over a long period of time. However, after being absent from the state for more than 50 years, wolves returned to the state.
Wolves were never officially reintroduced to Washington but have gradually recolonized in the state, having travelled across the border from neighbouring states. By 2008, it was confirmed that there was a pack in Okanogan County and that they had successfully given birth to cubs. The number of packs and wolves has continued to grow steadily in the state since then, and their range has gradually expanded. In particular, packs have recently recolonized in the South Cascades in the winter of 2022-2023.
Wolves are powerful predators they typically prey on large mammals.
AB Photography/ via Getty Images
Wolves are apex predators, which means that they are at the top of the food chain and have no natural predators. Their diet typically consists of large ungulates, such as moose, deer, and elk. However, if food is scarce then they will turn to smaller animals, such as rabbits, hares, and beavers.
Wolves are pack animals, and the structure of the pack is vitally important when hunting for food. By working together in a pack, wolves are much more likely to have a successful hunt than if they were working alone, particularly when they are hunting a larger animal. When it comes to hunting larger animals, the wolf pack will typically pursue the prey and then spread out to surround it before moving in for the kill.
Although wolves can be considered as having a somewhat opportunistic nature when it comes to their diet, they are actually incredibly important to the ecosystem. This is because they can keep the populations of prey animals in check. This not only helps to maintain an appropriate predator-prey balance, but it can also stop animals such as deer from over-browsing their habitat. This then allows the vegetation to recover and can prevent animals from starving. Additionally, wolves will often prey on sick and injured animals the weakest in the herd which keeps populations healthy and strong.
Wolves are not usually dangerous to humans unless they are threatened in some way.
Holly Kuchera/iStock via Getty Images
Although wolves are powerful predators, they are not typically dangerous to humans. Wolves are very shy and secretive animals and are scared of humans, much preferring to stay out of our way. There are no documented records of any wolf attacking a human in Washington State, and the risk of being attacked by one is very low. However, there are occasions when theres a greater risk of an attack if a wolf is threatened or provoked. Therefore, if you do encounter a wolf, its important to remember to remain calm. Never attempt to run away as the wolf will be more likely to give chase. Instead, you should stand tall but back away slowly.
Although the risk to humans is low, wolves do sometimes prey on livestock. There are several reports of livestock predation in the state, with one ranch reporting approximately 40 animals killed by wolves in a short period of time.
Many farms already try to minimize the risk of a wolf attack by implementing measures to deter them. These include carrying out lambing and calving in barns, using lights or noise to scare away wolves, using livestock guardian animals (dogs, donkeys, alpacas), and not turning out very young calves into the pasture. However, Washington State has just recently approved a pilot scheme which allows the owner of the livestock to shoot the first wolf that returns to the site of a livestock predation without the need for a permit.
The photo featured at the top of this post is slowmotiongli/
Original post:
Wolves in Washington State: Where They Live, Risk to Humans, and Diet - AZ Animals
Revolutionary Study on Fasting-Mimicking Diet for Anti-Aging and Overall Health – Medriva

A revolutionary study led by the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology has made a ground-breaking discovery. It suggests that adopting a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) can effectively reduce signs of immune system aging, insulin resistance, and liver fat in humans. This unique dietary approach could significantly decrease your biological age, making you seem two-and-a-half years younger.
The fasting-mimicking diet is a five-day diet plan that is high in unsaturated fats but low in overall calories, protein, and carbohydrates. It is meticulously designed to mimic the effects of a water-only fast while still providing the necessary nutrients your body requires to function optimally.
The USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology conducted a thorough analysis of the diets effects in two separate clinical trial populations. Participants in the FMD group showed lower risk factors for diabetes, a significant decrease in abdominal and liver fat, and a more youthful immune system. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed that these participants reduced their biological age by an impressive average of 2.5 years.
During the study, participants underwent three to four monthly cycles of the FMD. This involved adhering to the diet for five days, followed by a normal diet for the remaining 25 days of the month. The striking results were evident across all participants, underscoring the potential effectiveness of the FMD as a short-term periodic dietary intervention.
While the reduction of biological age is a significant outcome, the benefits of the FMD dont stop there. The diet has also shown potential in promoting stem cell regeneration and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy. Moreover, it has the potential to reduce disease risk and improve overall health without necessitating extensive lifestyle changes.
The research team is optimistic that their findings will encourage more healthcare professionals to recommend the FMD to patients with higher disease risk factors. They also hope that even those individuals deemed healthy would consider this dietary intervention for its potential health benefits.
In conclusion, the fasting-mimicking diet presents a promising solution for those seeking to reduce their biological age and enhance their overall health. The diets potential to rejuvenate metabolic and immune functions, coupled with its ability to reduce disease risk factors, makes it a viable dietary intervention worth considering. As always, its crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.
Read more:
Revolutionary Study on Fasting-Mimicking Diet for Anti-Aging and Overall Health - Medriva
Rob Lowe Shares His ‘Concern’ with Weight Loss Injections: ‘What’s the Plan for Longevity?’ (Exclusive) – PEOPLE

Rob Lowe is joining the conversation surrounding popular weight loss aids.
The 9-1-1: Lone Star star, 59, recently spoke to PEOPLE about some of the health goals hes hoping to reach ahead of his 60th birthday next month.
Stressing his commitment to overall health and wellness, the actor shares his concern with people relying on weight loss drugs, referring to medications like Ozempic, an FDA-approved prescription medication for people with type 2 diabetes.
It's one of the brand names for semaglutide also known as Wegovy which works in the brain to impact satiety, and is the latest Hollywood weight loss trend.
I see people who are taking all the new weight loss drugs and that's great, and it's really changed their lives. But my concern always is, okay, now what? Lowe tells PEOPLE. Whats the plan for the longevity of everything?
I never ever talk about diets, I talk about lifestyle, he adds.
Lowe is known for keeping a toned physique over the years, but he admits that his weakness tends to be his diet often giving in to his raging sweet tooth.
However, he says reeling in his eating will likely come from moderation rather than cutting out his favorites, giving him a better shot at maintaining the lifestyle change.
I'm trying to be even more disciplined now as I'm older just because as you get older, you need to watch what you eat even more than when you were younger, he explains. So I tried to cut sugar completely as my new year's resolution. And now I'm figuring, okay, that's not sustainable for me, but how do I really watch my sugar consumption?
Although hes hopeful about making improvements in his diet, Lowe notes that hes never struggled when it comes to having a good grasp on fitness, boasting that he feels better than Ive ever felt.
Tom Cooper/Getty
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The Waynes World star says hes lucky to have natural motivation and is always willing to stay active.
I can't wait to train or to do something physical, he says. I have very good friends and family that have to be dragged into doing something physical that would be super tough to overcome.
I am blessed that I really enjoy physical exertion and adventure, he adds. So if I'm not on a set, I build my entire day around what activity I'm going to do. It might be a paddle in the ocean, a hike, running sprints on the track, pickleball, tennis. I'm pretty much up for anything.
It's a lifestyle, Lowe tells PEOPLE, noting that his latest health goal is trying to find the balance between longevity and consistency and non-injury and pushing myself as hard as I ever did.
The rest is here:
Rob Lowe Shares His 'Concern' with Weight Loss Injections: 'What's the Plan for Longevity?' (Exclusive) - PEOPLE
PhenQ Real Expert Reviews 2024: Is This The Best Weight Loss Pill or Scam? – The Jerusalem Post

One (1) fat burner Five (5) different actions Over one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000+) happy users worldwide | Well, what is PhenQ? (useful information/ pros and cons/active ingredients/dosage) -
Gym Instructor Experts and Dietitians reviewing this mighty Fat Burner!
Getting involved in a weight loss "journey" is a huge decision.
It is no coincidence that usually this decision of yours is postponed continuously, and from Monday to Monday.
This is a long and rough "journey", with many surprises/difficulties/emotional effects/and ups and downs.
In fact, losing fat and getting rid of stubborn fat is a huge achievement requiring time, persistence, patience and dedication.
Scoring results in the process of losing weight does not need "extremes", starvation diets, or exhausting workouts that "destroy" the body.
Losing weight needs a "system".
It is an effort that requires coordination, firm commitment, and certainly knowledge.
What I mean is that, you must know the needs of your body so it remains healthy and fully functional during your "journey" towards weight loss.
This includes a healthy lifestyle, with regular physical exercise, sufficient and quality sleep, a balanced diet and elimination of stress from everyday life.
I understand that all this sounds "too much" and "impossible".
Indeed, it is a painful process for changing and adapting your life to more "healthy" standards.
Anyhow, achieving a healthier and younger body, and the body of your dreams is the "reward".
Therefore, on your "journey" - in order not to get "lost" along the way - it is good to have a trusted "companion" and "ally" to face the upcoming difficulties.
Can the PhenQ diet pill help your weight and body fat loss effort?
Let's get to know it a little better.
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As already mentioned, losing weight is a very difficult journey, however, it leads you to improved health and a better quality of life.
In any case, the truth is that it often takes weeks or even months, before the benefits become visible, a reality that might lead the person to frustration and cancellation of the effort.
Some people even needed years of consistent, coordinated and disciplined effort to reach their goal.
Perseverance and patience are therefore two (2) of the most important virtues if you want to lose weight.
It is no coincidence that now most people (men and women) select a weight loss pill in this effort.
Fat burners are today the most popular nutritional supplement in the entire world, and in fact with millions of sales and thousands of products from different companies and different actions.
It is the "ally" you need in this long and scary journey.
It is the "friend" that stimulates your discipline and persistence (offering you really visible results) and helps you not to give up on your goals prematurely.
Fat burners - especially when they are really effective - are an important help for someone wishing to lose weight, less or more.
They act as a catalyst, accelerating progress and increasing benefits.
When combined with a balanced diet and exercise program... then they can make your organism work like a fat burning "machine".
PhenQ, in particular, is the longest lasting natural fat burner in the world today.
It has managed to attract significant attention and very positive reviews in its over ten (10+) years of existence (so far).
For this reason, we selected in this article to try to "discover" all the pros and weaknesses of this popular pill.
Let's see if PhenQ really is the key to achieving your weight loss goals.
To help you make an informed decision about your own "weight loss journey" .
PhenQ is a natural weight loss product created by a world-renowned and accepted nutritional supplement company.
It is an excellent supplement for fat loss and appetite suppression, which undertakes to help you drastically (by combating at their root all the factors that contribute to weight gain) to achieve your goal.
A dreamy and healthy body.
Created by Wolfson Brands, a UK based health and wellness supplement company with a very strong reputation in the health supplement industry, PhenQ is a safe weight loss proposition.
For PhenQ, its creators selected a powerful blend of seven (7) natural ingredients, clinically tested/safe/and 100% effective.
Even the dosages of the ingredients selected for PhenQ are not random.
They emerged after successive research and tests, and were finalized as the most efficient and at the same time safe.
What you should know (especially if you have never heard of this product before) is that it is a natural supplement created with the aim of achieving the effect of a powerful pharmaceutical fat burner, Phentermine.
Phentermine is a common prescription anti-obesity drug, used on the order and supervision of a doctor in serious health cases that require an immediate reduction in body weight for health reasons.
It is a specially designed product to target stubborn body fat and "reboot" dormant metabolism.
The natural diet pill PhenQ is a legal and safe alternative to Phentermine.
What makes PhenQ stand out from other diet pills (over-the-counter) is the unique strategy followed to achieve the desired weight loss.
It is a product that ensures five (5) actions together in just one (1) pill.
First, it suppresses the desire to eat.
Second, it boosts physical and mental energy levels.
Third, it stimulates metabolic function and increases fat breakdown in the body.
Fourth, it prevents the creation of new fat cells.
And fifth, it promotes a good sleep/elimination of stress/and good psychology.
With more than one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000) satisfied users around the world, PhenQ has rightfully earned the number one spot today as the "Top Natural Fat Burner".
Click Here to Visit the PhenQ Official Website
Click Here to Visit the PhenQ Official Website
PhenQ - as already mentioned above - is the longest lasting fat burner on the market, and this is not just a coincidence.
It stands out from all other supplements with its unique ingredient formula, which targets five (5) weight loss actions together.
Below, you can see the active ingredients that make PhenQ really effective, almost as effective as the pharmaceutical Phentermine.
PhenQ has a "heavy weapon" in its formula. This important ingredient is called -Lacys Reset and is a specially formulated blend of alpha lipoic acid, cysteine and magnesium.
This mixture has a strengthening effect on the metabolism and enhances the body's thermogenic process (to enhance the burning of calories, day and night).
This proprietary blend has been proven (by numerous tests) to positively contribute to the difficult process of weight loss, and the body's muscle recovery from the wear and tear of physical exercise.
In other words, it helps to reduce stored fat and body weight, while simultaneously protecting lean muscle mass and actively contributing to its reconstruction.
Another key ingredient in PhenQ natural fat burner is Capsimax Powder, a super-active blend containing niacin, bioperine, caffeine and hot pepper extract.
The combination of these powerful thermogenic ingredients of nature created a "bomb" against stubborn fat.
Each of these active ingredients helps increase the body's internal temperature, ultimately leading the body to break down fat (through thermogenesis) and convert it into valuable energy.
This is everything in weight loss.
It promotes lipolysis (and weight loss) without sacrificing muscle mass.
In addition, the Capsimax Powder mixture is also among the most powerful and effective natural appetite suppressants and promotes a healthier diet without effort.
Chromium Picolinate is the next ingredient found in PhenQ, and it is worth understanding its action.
The creators of PhenQ selected to incorporate into their formula another "unique" ingredient, the Chromium Picolinate, a mineral that has the natural ability to regulate blood sugar levels.
This has the effect of drastically helping the user's appetite control and achieving a reduction in their cravings for unhealthy/fattening foods (i.e. bad fats, carbs and sweets).
In addition, Chromium Picolinate is a natural ingredient that - by supporting the function of insulin - promotes the conversion of fat accumulated in the body into useful energy for the body (so the person can use it in the physical and mental activities).
Who doesn't know that caffeine is the most powerful natural stimulant, and the number one choice in natural weight loss supplements?
Surely - as expected - it could not be absent from the formula of the leading fat burner PhenQ.
Those who exercise know very well the positive benefits of caffeine in fat loss...
Nevertheless, how does caffeine work in the organism?
How does it promote the burning of excess body fat and weight loss?
Here everything, in detail.
As is well known, caffeine is a stimulant substance, therefore it helps to boost a person's energy levels and fight fatigue resulting from the weight loss process (diet and exercise).
Caffeine is a powerful fat-dissolving substance. What it does is to help detach/mobilize fat from the body's adipose tissues (so it can eventually be metabolized and turned into energy).
This is done by stimulating the nervous system to send "signals" to fat cells to break down fat.
However, this results from another property of caffeine, to increase the levels of the hormone epinephrine in the blood.
The organism's natural hormone epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) circulates throughout the body through the bloodstream, and eventually reaches the body's fatty tissues.
As it gets there it breaks down the fats and releases them into the blood.
Finally, caffeine (with its stimulating properties) increases the organism's metabolic rate in the short term and activates fat burning in the body.
PhenQ selected to utilize another "treasure" of nature, the Nopal Cactus.
The power of the Nopal cactus rests on its enormous content of beneficial dietary fiber and essential amino acids for the organism, it is - so to speak - a real "health ally", and a unique "weight loss ally".
It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems, but - especially in recent years it is found with increasing frequency in natural health supplements.
The reason lies in the valuable health/wellness/weight loss benefits it provides to organisms.
Therefore, it is no coincidence that the fruit of this cactus (Nopal Cactus) is now also used in dietary supplements for appetite control and weight loss.
Its abundant plant fibers - as they enter the stomach and come into contact with the stomach fluids - swell and create a feeling of satiety in the person (as if a very rich and filling meal preceded it).
In this way, the person achieves better (and more efficient) long-term control of the intake of calories/day.
Certainly, this means a reduction in body weight and fat loss.
L-Carnitine Fumarate is the next powerful fat burner in the PhenQ formula.
It is an amino acid playing a vital role in fat breakdown and energy production.
Its action is found in the transfer of fatty acids to the mitochondria, a process that ultimately results in stored fat being converted into available energy for the body to use in its daily activities.
In addition, PhenQ helps fight fatigue (physical and mental) and contributes to an improved physical condition and a more "elevated" performance in physical exercise.
Innoslim is another patented mixture found in the renewed formula of the leading fat burner PhenQ.
This blend consists of ginseng and astragalus, two (2) very beneficial natural ingredients proven to contribute drastically to weight loss by stimulating the release of powerful "fat-burning" hormones.
With Innoslim in its formula, PhenQ reduces the absorption of carbohydrates as they are digested in the gut, resulting in fewer calories being taken in from meals.
PhenQ Real Expert Reviews 2024: Is This The Best Weight Loss Pill or Scam? - The Jerusalem Post
Whitney Way Thore Responds to Weight Loss Comments in Candid Post – Prevention Magazine

For years, intimate scenes from Whitney Way Thores life have been chronicled on her TLC reality show, My Big Fat Fabulous Life. That publicity seems to make some people feel comfortable commenting on her body and her weight. On a recent Instagram post, the 39-year-old was inundated with commenters asking if she had
The post was a casual outfit video that shared the theme of her dads birthday celebration: Mardi Gras. Can anyone guess what were doing to celebrate Dads birthday? , her original caption read. She later edited the post to address the influx of weight loss comments.
I hate addressing this, but no, I have not had medical intervention to lose weight, she wrote. In 2015 (season 1), I weighed 385 pounds. In 2018, I lost 50 pounds. When my mom got sick and eventually died, I lost 50 more. I weigh 285 pounds and I have been this weight for almost a year now. This is the second time in my life Ive lost 100 pounds. Im still very fat.
She continued: Thank you for the compliments, but I really dont like obsessing over my body and I dont like it when others do it either.
Thores mom, Barbara Babs Thore, died in December 2022 of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, a complex cerebrovascular disorder, per People. As shown on her show, Thore cared for Babs until her final days, and was hit hard with griefa significant contributor to her weight loss, she previously told Entertainment Tonight.
I think its obvious that I have lost some weight and that is true. And people say, like, Is it surgery? and Im like, No, its grief, but thanks, she told the outlet in September 2023. On the show, Ill talk about my weight more, but in my personal life, I dont really find it necessary to talk about how much I weigh. Its just not something that I care to focus on and talk about.
When the show premiered in 2015, it set out to document Thores experience with weight gain after she was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, an endocrine disorder that impacts hormonal production, reception, and transportation. The series specifically aimed to capture Thores thriving life as a dancer, despite her weight gain. Although she says she has not opted to undergo surgery or use weight loss injections like Ozempicwhich some have also accused her of doingshe isnt one to judge those that do.
Ive been fat now for 20 years and fat in the public eye. I know how hard it is and I do not ever judge a fat person for doing anything that makes their lives easier. I am not that fat person thats gonna say, Oh my gosh, why are they on Ozempic? Why are they losing weight? Theyre betraying me. Its their body. It has nothing to do with me and its hard out here for a blimp, she told ET. It is really difficult to live in bodies like this and there is no judgment from me.
Its clear Thore doesnt like to obsess over her body, and she doesnt think anyone else should either.
Kayla Blanton is a freelance writer-editor who covers health, nutrition, and lifestyle topics for various publications including Prevention, Everyday Health, SELF, People, and more. Shes always open to conversations about fueling up with flavorful dishes, busting beauty standards, and finding new, gentle ways to care for our bodies. She earned a bachelors degree in journalism from Ohio University with specializations in women, gender, and sexuality studies and public health, and is a born-and-raised midwesterner living in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and two spoiled kitties.
See the original post here:
Whitney Way Thore Responds to Weight Loss Comments in Candid Post - Prevention Magazine
Kelly Osbourne Shares Why She Supports the Ozempic Trend – E! NEWS

Ozempic is no laughing matter for the comedian. Handler revealed her "anti-aging doctor" prescribed her the medication without realizing what the drug was.
"I didn't even know I was on it," she said during the Jan. 25, 2023 episode ofCall Her Daddy. "She said, 'If you ever want to drop five pounds,this is good.'"
But while she tried the drug, Handler noted that she didn't like how it made her feel.
"I came back from a vacation and I injected myself with it," she recalled. "I went to lunch with a girlfriend a few days later, and she was like, 'I'm not really eating anything. I'm so nauseous, I'm on Ozempic.' And I was like, 'I'm kind of nauseous too.' But I had just come back from Spain and was jet-lagged."
Ultimately, Handler stopped using the drugbecause it wasn't medically necessary for her, adding thatshe gave away the remaining doses to friends.
"I've injected about four or five of my friends with Ozempic, because I realized I didn't want to use it because it was silly," she said. "It's for heavy people. I have people coming over to my house, and I'm like, 'OK, I can see you at 1, I can see you at 2.'"
Go here to read the rest:
Kelly Osbourne Shares Why She Supports the Ozempic Trend - E! NEWS