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Effective Weight Loss Tips on How to Lose Weigh Fast – Chiang Rai Times

When it comes to weight loss, there is no one size fits all solution. What works for one person might not work for others. This is because our bodies respond differently to foods, depending on our genes and other health factors. As such, finding the right method that works best for you will take time. It will require patience, commitment, and experimentation.
Some people respond well to counting calories and restrictive methods. Meanwhile, others have the freedom in planning their programs. As such, dont be discouraged if a diet that works for somebody else doesnt work for you. A diet is right if you can stick with it over time.
Take note that theres no easy fix to losing weight. There are steps that you can try to develop a healthier relationship with food. This will curb your triggers to overeating and achieve a healthier weight.
If you wish to lose weight, you must consider cutting off starch and sugar in your diet. Examples are pasta, bread, and potatoes. New studies provide that on average, low carb is an effective way to lose weight.
With the low-carb diet, you may want to eat less. Even if you dont count calories, you will tend to eat fewer calories if you are on a low-carb diet.
Sugar and starch can increase your hunger. As such, avoiding them will decrease your appetite on a manageable level.
The bottom-line is a low-carb diet can help you reduce your hunger and enable you to eat less. This will also help increase your fat burning capacity even at rest. Studies provide that a low-carb diet works for weight loss. On average, it even improves important health markers. You can alsobuy clenbuterol steroid onlineto lose weight.
Experts agree that you can lose weight if you eat fewer calories than what you burn. This might sound easy but losing weight is very hard.
When you cut calories, you can drop weight in the first few weeks. However, you can eat the same calories but you might not lose weight at all. This is because your metabolism slows and it changes your body. As such, you have to continue cutting calories to continue dropping weight.
Indeed, skipping breakfast will not help you with your weight loss journey. You can miss out on the essential nutrients on your body. As such, you may end up snacking out often throughout the day since you feel hungry. You can alsobuy clenbuterol steroid onlineto lose weight.
Before digging in a bag of potato chips, make sure to drink a glass of water first. Sometimes, people can confuse thirst with hunger. As such, they end up eating calories when all people need is a glass of water. If you dont like drinking plain water, you can make flavored sparkling water, fresh juices, coffee, or herbal tea.
Fiber can be found in healthy foods such as beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Studies show that eating more fiber-rich foods will help you lose weight and keep it off. You can increase your fiber intake by adding beans to your salad or snacking on nuts.
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Effective Weight Loss Tips on How to Lose Weigh Fast - Chiang Rai Times
Weight Loss: 5 Tips For People In Their 30s To Burn Some Calories – NDTV

Weight loss tips: Consume a diet that is sustainable in nature to lose weight effectively in your 30s
Weight loss: If anyone has told you that you cannot lose weight after the age of 30, then it's probably just a myth. There is no age to begin with a healthy lifestyle and get on the path to fitness. While the sooner you do it, the better it is, it is never too late to start getting fitter, leaner and stronger. In this article, we are going to talk about how to lose weight in your 30s. The basics of weight loss remain largely the same, irrespective of your age. Regular exercise, working on building muscles and sleeping well are all of crucial importance if you want to shed off some kilos.
Females, do watch out for this point. Weight training is often taken lightly among females. This kind of exercise routine helps with both fat loss and muscle build-up. After the age of 30, muscle loss becomes more in women. Thus, weight training exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and planks can be beneficial.
Also read:Taking Rest Days Can Keep You From Quitting Exercising- Know How
Sugary drinks are the worst if weight loss is your goal. They are loaded with empty calories and artificial sweeteners that can spike your blood sugar levels and also make you gain weight. Drink plain water or herbal teas like green tea or ginger tea.
Avoid sugary drinks and junk food if you want to lose weightPhoto Credit: iStock
Stress can slow down your weight loss goals. No matter the effort you put in by consuming fewer calories and exercising rigorously. If you are stressed, your weight loss journey is going to be slower and more difficult.
Also read:Relieve Stress For A Healthy Heart: 7 Strategies That Might Help You Beat Stress
You need to consume all food groups if you want to lose weight. Calorie-restrictive diets or diets that are low in carbs or fats, can help you with quick weight loss, but are not sustainable in nature. They can lead to cravings, irritability, mood swings and may even lead to overeating. Consume a healthy and balanced diet, and practice portion control if you want to maintain weight or shed some calories.
Sleeping well is an important part of weight loss regime. Lack of sleep can increase appetite and your overall calorie intake. Get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night if you are in your 30s and want to lose weight.
Also read:4 Changes You Need To Make To Your Night-Time Routine For Better Digestion And Good Sleep
Besides these tips, do get a health check-up done to see if there's any underlying health condition which may be making weight loss difficult. Diabetes, thyroid, PCOD and other hormonal conditions have the tendency to interfere with your weight loss goals.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Weight Loss: 5 Tips For People In Their 30s To Burn Some Calories - NDTV
Participants Boosted Health, Reduced Risk of Severe COVID-19 Outcomes in Free Plant-Based Nutrition Classes – Business Wire

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A free online nutrition course taught by doctors with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is helping people across the country to lose weight, improve their health, and minimize their risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes.
Fight COVID-19 With Food is a free eight-week class series, which teaches participants about the power of a plant-based diet to reduce the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems that have been linked to more severe COVID-19 outcomes. In each class, physicians and community partners provide practical tips, meal planning, and interactive Q&A in each class. The inaugural series just wrapped, and a class survey revealed that within eight weeks:
A plant-based diet is one of the most powerful tools we have in medicine, says Vanita Rahman, MD, class instructor and doctor with the Physicians Committee. Within weeks of making a diet change, class participants saw their blood pressure and blood sugar improve, lost weight, and reported other profound benefits to their health.
Staying as healthy as we possibly can is important now more than ever, says Neal Barnard, MD, class instructor and president of the Physicians Committee. Whether you live or die from COVID-19 often depends on whether you have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and other underlying conditions. A plant-based diet can help tackle these conditions, and our goal is to share this lifesaving information with as many people as we can.
While everyone is welcome and encouraged to join the classes, the Physicians Committee designed the program to reach communities and cities hardest hit by chronic diseases and COVID-19. The Physicians Committee focused outreach on communities of color, who have long experienced unfair health disadvantages, including being disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
The idea for this program came about when we saw the glaring inequities within our own city, Washington, D.C., says Dr. Barnard. D.C.s Black residents make up 46% of the population, but an overwhelming 80% of COVID deaths. Thats unacceptable. While there are many factors involved in health disparities, as doctors, we know that a healthy diet can be an important part of the solution. We want to do everything we can to get this free information into the hands of people who need it.
Throughout the class series, Dr. Rahman and Dr. Barnard presented the science behind a plant-based diet for improved health, while each session also featured special guests. Brooklyn borough president Eric Adamswho once struggled with uncontrolled diabetes and nearly lost his visionshared the powerful story of how a plant-based diet helped him reclaim his health and reverse his diabetes. Other guests included chefs, dietitians, plant-based restaurateurs, cooking instructors, and other experts who shared their experiences, highlighted local resources, provided recipes, and answered frequently asked questions.
I loved the panel and the guests. I loved all the resources. Being new to this transition [to a healthful plant-based diet], it seems like there are so many resources, but they all cost moneymoney that I don't have right now, reported one class participant. I am so very appreciative that this was offered at no charge. This class has probably helped the most and been the most significant thing to keep me on track.
Starting on Aug. 25, the Physicians Committee will launch the next free eight-week series, which will be led by Dr. Rahman, Dr. Barnard, and Jennifer Paul, MPH. For more information and to sign up for the class, visit
Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in education and research.
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Participants Boosted Health, Reduced Risk of Severe COVID-19 Outcomes in Free Plant-Based Nutrition Classes - Business Wire
A new study reveals that losing weight before 45 is the key to a healthy life – Checkersaga

If you are over 45 and obese, it is best to try to lose weight to have a long life: there is more than a 50% chance of premature death.
Although we know that the body can play tricks after a certain age and that we tend to gain weight, diet and physical activity are essential when it comes to maintaining good fitness. Avoiding obesity is not only an important goal for mobility, it is also key to having a superior quality of life and, directly, live more.
A study conducted last year that included 24,205 participants between 40 and 74 years old It shows the differences and medical and vital circumstances that accompany life according to the weight one has. Based on data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, something has come to light that wont surprise too many people, obesity. was significantly related to an increased risk of mortality.
According to statements to Forbes by Wubin Xie, lead author of the study, his research provides important new evidence on the benefit of maintaining a healthy weight throughout lifeThe data that is extracted from the work carried out by this member of the Boston University School of Public Health is very interesting.
This Xiaomi smart bracelet is available in Asia and some Spanish stores, such as Amazon. It comes with better autonomy and more precision in the sensors.
This study has been of long duration and a decade before starting it, the body mass of the participants was taken to relate it to the probabilities of death. A detail that can be considered somewhat macabre but that serves as an example of the problems that some people face.
The first conclusion drawn is that participants whose BMI went from obesity to overweight were 54% less likely to die. But, importantly, there werent too many sequelae to their previous state and overweight people were just as likely regardless of whether they had been obese before.
As was already known, obesity is related to different heart diseases, diabetes or others that can significantly shorten life. A 12.4 of premature deaths in the United States are due to high BMI.
Although the recommendation is to lose weight before a certain age, detected a major problem: weight loss is unusual. Many did diet or physical activity, but eventually returned to their previous state. To achieve a healthy life you need more than a one-off change.
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A new study reveals that losing weight before 45 is the key to a healthy life - Checkersaga
Knowing your body type could help you hit your weight loss goals so what shape are you? – The Sun

HAVE you ever tried the same diet as a friend, but ended up with completely different results?
If you've answered yes, the chances are you both have totally different body types too.
Well, guess what? People come in a variety of shapes and sizes - and it's uniqueness that makes us special.
But it also means that things like diets or fitness regimes might work for one person and not for the other.
Personal trainer and nutritionist Rachael Attard says successful weight loss comes down to knowing our own body shapes.
Generally, we fall in to one of three different types:ectomorph, mesomorph andendomorph.
Rachael says that identifying what shape you are will help you get results, whether it's becoming stronger or shedding the pounds.
She explained: "In a nutshell, endomorph body types are generally shorter and curvier, ectomorph body types are usually tall and slim and mesomorph body types are typically characterised as naturally muscular, with a medium size bone structure, broad shoulders and narrow waists.
"But, unlike body shapes, your body type focuses on how you gain weight and muscle."
Rachael, who has created a quiz to find out what body type you are, said that an ectomorphs generally find it quite difficult to gain weight or muscle but are naturally low in body fat.
Ectomorphs usually look lean and athletic and are usually the envy of their friends as they can eat large amounts of food seemingly without gaining weight.
What exercises should an ectomorph do?
Rachael said that ectomorphs should take part in resistance training around three times a week.
"Since ectomorphs find it quite hard to gain muscle and they lose weight easily they should focus on heavy lifting, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other resistance training workouts."
She said that cardio isn't needed unless you are trying to lose weight - and added that endomorphs should have one rest day a week.
What should ectomorphs eat?
According to Rachael, ectomorphs do better on a high carb diet, she also highlighted that ectomorphs should try and add proteins to every meal.
"Not all carbs are created equal. A few treats here and there are OK.
"But try to avoid sugar and focus on healthy carbs such as fruit, brown rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa and veggies", she added.
Mesomorphs tend to gain muscle easier than others and usually have large bone structures and muscles.
Rachael said people with this body type can often lose and gain weight quickly and often see results from exercise quickly too.
What exercises should a mesomorph do?
Rachael said that mesomorphs should stick to a regular cardio schedule and said weights should be monitored.
"If your goal is to lose weight, stick to body weight or lighter weight (higher rep) workouts.
"High-intensity cardio, such as running on a flat surface and at a steady pace, works best for fat loss. To challenge yourself, make one of your cardio days high intensity", she added.
What should mesomorphs eat?
When it comes to your food, Rachael said mesomorphs should aim for a balance between carbs, proteins, and fats - she said you should try and add these to all of your meals and snacks.
She added that you should watch the calories and focus on whole foods.
"If your body fat is being stubborn or you just need a little kick start, try a low carb and high protein diet for 4 weeks.
"Then switch it back".
According to Rachael, endomorphs can gain muscle very quickly, have great strength and endurance but may find weight loss a little more challenging.
She also said they may have a higher level of body fat.
What exercises should an endomorph do?
Rachael said that endomorphs should run more and should also power walk.
She said you should aim to power walk at least five times a week.
She added that you should also focus on lighter weights.
What should endomorphs eat?
When it comes to what an endomorph should be munching on, Rachael said a low carb diet it best.
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She added that you should also have a diet that is high in fat and proteins.
"Both of them will keep you feeling fuller for longer and will help you burn more calories.
"Think lean meats, oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocado", she added.
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Knowing your body type could help you hit your weight loss goals so what shape are you? - The Sun
Onions For Weight Loss: Most Effective Ways to Have This Food to Get Body of Your Dreams –

Do you have excess belly fat? Are you struggling to shed the visceral fat around your mid-section? If yes, this piece of writing is for you. Getting rid of belly fat is not easy and takes time. You need to be vigilant about what to eat and what not to when you are trying to shed those extra kilos. Also Read - Truth vs. Falsehood: Role of Baking Soda in Weight Loss
Did you know that onion, a food item which is used in almost every household on a daily basis can help you lose weight? Yes, you read it right. You must be eating onions daily but not experiencing any change in your overall weight. It is because you are not having them the right way. Also Read - Best Weight Loss Food For Vegetarians: Eat These Homemade Lentils And Bid Adieu to Excess Body Fat
Onions are rich in soluble fibre and that helps in keeping your gut healthy, which is important for effective weight loss. Onions are strong probiotic food that can aid in losing fat quickly if eaten raw. You can also have them by squeezing out its juice. Here we tell you the ideal way to consume onion if you are looking to lose weight. Also Read - Here is How Raw Paneer Helps in Weight Loss
You need 1 bulb of onion and 3 cups of water to prepare onion juice. All you need to do is to boil the water and put onions. Then grind it in a mixer. And, drink the juice.
To make onion soup, you need to chop 6 large onions. Then, heat olive oil in a soup pot and add ginger and garlic to it. Saute them for 2 minutes. Next, add onions and chopped tomatoes, some other vegetables, black pepper, and salt. Stir and cook for 15 minutes. Transfer the prepared soup to a serving bowl and have it.
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Onions For Weight Loss: Most Effective Ways to Have This Food to Get Body of Your Dreams -
Weight loss: Cutting this one food out of your diet could be the key to losing weight – Express

Sugar is also very present in foods that we dont consider to be sweet such as soups, sauces and ready meals.
A third of an average-sized jar of pasta sauce (roughly 150g) can contain more than 13g of sugar, including added sugar.
This is the equivalent of around three teaspoons of sugar.
It is well known that eating sugary foods significantly raises your blood sugar levels which can cause serious harm to your body, including weight gain.
Prolonged elevated blood sugar leads to weight gain because it promotes insulin resistance.
Healthline says: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that moves sugar from your blood into cells, where it can be used for energy.
Insulin resistance is when your cells stop responded properly to insulin, which leads to elevated sugar and insulin levels.
Foods and beverages that are packed with added sugar, such as cakes, ice cream and fizzy drinks tend to be low in or completely lacking in protein, a nutrient essential for blood sugar control that promotes feelings of fullness.
This means that you will often feel hungry after consuming junk food which will lead to overeating and weight gain.
It isnt advised to completely cut this food group out of your diet if youre looking for long-term weight loss but cutting down gradually will be beneficial.
The NHS recommends opting for healthier snack options without added sugar including fruit, unsalted nuts, unsalted rice cakes and plain popcorn.
The website says: If you're not ready to give up your favourite flavours, you could start by having less. Instead of 2 biscuits in 1 sitting, try having 1. If your snack has 2 bars, have 1 and share the other, or save it for another day.
Dried fruit like raisins, dates and apricots are high in sugar and although this is natural it is recommended to keep these types of snacks to a minimum.
One of the worst types of beverages you can drink when on a weight loss journey is fizzy drinks.
A 500ml bottle of cola contains the equivalent of 17 cubes of sugar.
There are now sugar free alternatives on the market or try swapping this for squash which has less sugar in it.
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Weight loss: Cutting this one food out of your diet could be the key to losing weight - Express
Noom vs. Mediterranean Diet: What’s the Difference? – WTOP

Of all the many ways there are to lose weight and maintain health, some are ancient and some are brand
Of all the many ways there are to lose weight and maintain health, some are ancient and some are brand new. Take for example the difference between the Mediterranean diet, a well-established healthy-eating lifestyle rooted in the traditions of people living near the Mediterranean Sea, and Noom, a new app-driven program that combines healthy eating and psychology to help you lose weight without being on a diet per se.
Noom Overview
Noom is a behavior change program that helps people learn about and engage in healthier and sustainable eating and exercise habits, says Andreas Michaelides, a clinical psychologist and chief of psychology at Noom.
Eshani Ewing, a registered dietitian with Orlando Health in Florida, notes that the key interface for Noom is a mobile weight-loss app centered around behavior change. Users can track food, physical activity and body weight using an app that uses push notifications and other digital reminders to keep users engaged.
In addition to the app, Michaelides says users also gain access to:
Nooms curriculum of classes.
A one-to-one human coach.
A recipe database.
A virtual support group with other Noom users.
[READ: Low-Calorie Snacks.]
How Noom Works
Noom uses psychology to help our users identify and understand the why behind the what when it comes to their personal health journey, Michaelides says. This understanding helps people build healthy habits that stick.
The program focuses on more than just tracking calorie intake, he adds, and includes topics such as:
The impact of sleep, stress, exercise and food choices on ones overall health.
Noom helps users expand their view of health and learn about themselves, their behaviors and triggers and how to overcome obstacles specific to their lifestyle, Michaelides explains. This psychological approach is one of the key components to achieving and maintaining sustainable weight loss.
Using cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, Nooms program discusses how thoughts, behaviors and emotions directly relate to food and exercise choices, Michaelides says. This makes the approach completely individualized and customizable, tailored to the users unique needs and goals. Noom meets users where they are in their journey to help each person achieve long-term success, he adds.
The app encourages small, sustainable behavioral changes surrounding food choices, exercise and tracking weight through the use of daily reminders, such as logging more steps or adding what you ate at your last meal to the food diary. The program also includes support from real-life coaches that help build accountability, Michaelides says. Ewing cautions that these coaches may not be registered dietitians.
In addition to the behavioral change component, the system also helps users choose healthier, lower-calorie food options that can result in weight loss or weight management. The system features a color system that places foods into three different categories green, yellow and red based on caloric density, Ewing says. The goal is to consume:
30% green foods, which are the least calorie-dense foods. This includes vegetables and whole grains.
45% yellow foods, including lean meats and starches.
25% red foods, such as red meat and desserts.
To get started with the program, youll download the app to your smartphone, then answer several questions about your weight goals, eating habits, exercise habits and how quickly you want to achieve your goal. The app then crunches this data and spits out a recommended daily calorie allowance so you know how much you can eat each day and still stay on track for meeting your goal.
[Read: We Surveyed People on the Mediterranean Diet. Heres What They Say.]
Mediterranean Diet Overview
Whereas the Noom program has been hailed as a Millennial approach to weight management that relies on digital technology and individualized coaching, the Mediterranean diet is a reliable, old-school approach thats been a favorite of dietitians the world over for many years.
Developed in the 1960s as a means of reducing incidence of heart disease, the Mediterranean diet borrows many principals of eating and living in a sustainable way from several southern European counties that border the Mediterranean including Greece, Spain and Italy.
The Mediterranean diet encourages consumption of whole grains and legumes, which are important sources of fiber in our diet, says Lindsay Collier, clinical dietitian specialist of Westchester Medical Center. The Mediterranean diet focuses on plant-based proteins with fish, poultry and meats consumed weekly, not daily. It also includes lots of heart-healthy and omega-3 fatty acidrich olive oil.
A pattern of eating that fits into an overall lifestyle rather than a restrictive, short-term diet, the Mediterranean approach is all about moderation. No food is off limits, but dairy, red meat, sweets and processed foods should be limited, Collier says. The Mediterranean diet encourages moderation of dairy but does not encourage restriction and also promotes mindful eating behaviors.
[WATCH: Which Olive Oil Is Best?]
Health Benefits
Ewing says that Noom has been recognized as a lifestyle exchange program by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which are evidence-based solutions that can reduce a persons risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
The program is relatively new, so theres not a lot of independent research into whether it works and if so, how sustainable that weight loss is. But one 2016 study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that about 78% of 35,921 participants who used Noom lost weight while using the app over an 18-month period. And interestingly, the users who most faithfully recorded what they ate for dinner lost more weight than those who didnt.
Another 2016 study looked at Noom in relationship to diabetes prevention. In that small study, (36 overweight or obese participants completed a 24-week virtual Diabetes Prevention Program delivered via Nooms platform), 64% lost more than 5% of their body weight. The study also found that participants were highly engaged with the program, and that added up to the app being effective for prediabetes intervention.
The key with Noom is that focus on behavioral change, which is intended to help users make lasting changes resulting in weight loss. Moderate weight loss has been shown to reduce risks for several chronic adverse health conditions including diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.
Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet has the benefit of being a well-established and widely recommended way of eating. The Mediterranean diet has been researched for over 50 years and is recommended by the American Heart Association, Ewing adds. And a vast number of studies have linked the Mediterranean lifestyle with a range of health benefits including:
Weight loss.
Heart health.
Diabetes prevention and management.
Brain health.
Multiple studies and reviews have been published showing benefits for diabetes, cardiovascular health including stroke prevention, and limited data linking the Mediterranean diet to the prevention of Alzheimers and depression, Collier says. Reduced risk and better management of Type 2 diabetes has also been associated with the Mediterranean diet. Because its high in fiber and limits intake of processed and red meats, the Mediterranean diet has also been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.
Health Risks
Overall, the Noom approach can be done in a healthy way, but Ewing notes that with any weight loss program, its important to consider the individuals needs. Speak with your doctor or registered dietitian before starting any new diets to determine what is best for you.
Michaelides adds, in general, we dont recommend our program for women who are pregnant, and anyone whos underweight or has a history of eating disorders should also steer clear.
Another potential criticism of the Noom app is that it only allows users to record calories. No other nutritional information is captured when users log their meals.
Ewing cautions that the sustainability of the weight loss is up to the individual. The accountability and support from coaches and peers can certainly help you achieve weight loss goals. However, once youve met your goal, its important to ask yourself if this is something you can maintain long-term without the app.
Mediterranean diet
Similarly, the Mediterranean diet is considered a healthy approach that has few, if any, specific health risks. That said, if portions arent controlled, you may not lose weight or could even gain weight while following this lifestyle. Collier also notes that because red wine may be included in some iterations of this diet, that could be an issue for folks who shouldnt be consuming alcohol.
Nooms flagship program, the Healthy Weight Program, costs $59 per month, or $99 every two months. Theres also a free 14-day trial where you can try out the program for free to see if the approach works for you. In addition to the program, youll be buying all the food youll consume while following it.
Mediterranean diet
Its entirely possible to follow a Mediterranean diet while on a budget, and working with a registered dietitian may help you find more economical ways of staying in the guidelines for the plan.
Beans, bulk whole grains and lentils are some of the least expensive items in the grocery store, and because the Mediterranean diet features lots of these plus plenty of fresh, green leafy vegetables and limits intake of expensive cuts of red meat, it may be more economical than some other diets. Still, seafood, which is often a feature of the diet, may be more expensive, so youll need to assess your budget and plan if youre trying to stick to a budget.
Which Is Better?
In terms of which is best, this entirely depends on your goals and needs, Ewing says. There are no food groups that are off limits with either, which is key for compliance and sustainability.
In either case, Ewing says both diets compare favorably to the standard American diet. The standard American diet is highly processed, containing a lot of added sugar and sodium. The Mediterranean diet and Noom both promote inclusion of minimally processed foods, and the two approaches can be combined.
According to U.S. News & World Reports 2020 Best Diet Rankings, the Mediterranean diet ranks no. 1 overall and is tied for no. 15 on the Best Diets for Weight Loss ranking list. Noom is not ranked in the survey.
Lastly, Ewing notes that health and eating choices are very individualized; what works for one person wont always work well for another. Therefore, its important to address all the components that affect your eating habits and opt for something thats realistic and sustainable.
If youre having trouble or feel confused about what approach might work best for you, seek guidance from a registered dietitian, she recommends.
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Noom vs. Mediterranean Diet: Whats the Difference? originally appeared on
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Noom vs. Mediterranean Diet: What's the Difference? - WTOP
Everyone should get flu vaccine this year amid COVID-19 pandemic: WHO – TheHealthSite

Countries around the world are focusing on controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus, which has infected nearly 22 million people globally. In the race for a cure or treatment for the deadly virus, routine health campaigns and vaccinations to protect against other diseases take a back seat. With influenza (flu) season approaching, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stressed the importance of getting flu shot this year amid COVID-19 pandemic. Also Read - Two indigenous COVID-19 vaccines almost complete Phase 2 trials: Will India go for emergency authorization?
During a news briefing in Geneva on Tuesday, WHO senior adviser Bruce Aylward urged the world to administer widespread anti-flu vaccinations, which may also help prevent the risk of coronavirus complications, reported Reuters. Also Read - Obesity increases risk of death from COVID-19 in men: 5 sure shot ways to lose weight
Further stressing the need for getting the flu vaccine this year, WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove added that less than 10 per cent of the population has evidence of antibodies against the novel coronavirus. The experts believe that getting vaccinated against flu will help avert hospital crisis and also offer some protection against severe COVID-19 infection. Also Read - More infectious coronavirus strain found in Malaysia: Will it make people sicker?
Influenza is a serious viral infection that attacks your respiratory system your nose, throat and lungs. In most cases, it resolves on its own in a week or two or can be treated at home. But sometimes it can lead to hospitalisation and even death.
In high-risk people, flu may lead to severe complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma flare-ups, heart problems, ear infections. Pneumonia can be deadly for older adults and people with a chronic illness. According to the WHO, seasonal influenza kills up to 650,000 people every year. Therefore, it is important to get vaccinated against flu every year, especially to protect young children, older people, pregnant women, or those with weakened immune systems.
The annual influenza vaccine isnt a completely foolproof protection, but its still your best defense against the flu. Getting vaccinated against flu may also help your body to develop antibodies against several strains of the influenza virus. As per experts, influenza viruses are constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly.
Several studies have also indicated that flu vaccines can help reduce the risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and reduce the burden on healthcare system. In a study, Italian researchers suggested that flu vaccine may train a persons immune system to quickly recognise and avoid any harmful organisms invading the lungs.
Certain groups of people are at higher risk of developing flu complications. These include:
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone age 6 months or older. It is best to get vaccinated early in fall, before flu season begins. CDC recommends that getting a flu shot by the end of October. However, getting vaccinated later can still be beneficial.
Published : August 20, 2020 2:11 pm | Updated:August 20, 2020 2:32 pm
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Everyone should get flu vaccine this year amid COVID-19 pandemic: WHO - TheHealthSite
Everything you need to know about balance in tennis – Sportstar

Balance is the key in life, says Novak Djokovic and he definitely applies the philosophical approach to his physical attributes and style of play helping him win 17 Grand Slams.
Footwork is the means to perfect weight control and balance. Bill Tilden, in his 1924 classic, Match Play and the Spin of the Ball.
One of the single biggest causes of errors in tennis is poor balance. Nick Saviano, in his 2003 book, Maximum Tennis.
Strokes and tactics usually dominate the conversation among coaches and teaching pros about what makes elite tennis players. Body balance seldom gets the attention or credit it deserves.
A notable coaching exception was legendary Welby Van Horn, who famously taught only footwork and balance in many a students first lesson. Nowadays, teaching pro Marty Smith, a protege of Van Horn, carries the banner for balance. It sets a foundation from which a swing can be powerful, consistent and done with less effort. It also plays a crucial role in agility and movement, says Smith, a two-time NCAA Southern Conference champion and, for the past 26 years, Director of Tennis at the prestigious New York Athletic Club.
Smiths mission makes eminent sense. Proof of the powerful impact balance has on stroke production is evident in Roger Federers masterful game. His unrivalled body stability and perfect equilibrium contribute greatly to beautifully timed, powerful and precise shots that are effortlessly produced. As tennis shots on every level have become more powerful this century, moving faster has become more important than ever. Indeed, the fleet-footed Bjorn Borg once said, A tennis match is like a thousand little sprints. A typical tournament match also requires hundreds of quick directional changes. It is no coincidence that all-time greats Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Steffi Graf and Justine Henin also have featured blazing speed, uncanny agility and exceptional balance.
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The secrets of these and other stars are analysed in Smiths brilliant 2017 instruction book, Absolute Tennis: The best and next way to play the game (New Chapter Press). No stone is left unturned in this oversized, 319-page tome. Perhaps the most valuable gem is his incisive treatment of balance.
In this comprehensive interview, the 52-year-old, Australian-born Smith summons his vast expertise so players, teaching pros and coaches can learn why and how excellent balance is critical for success in tennis.
Why did you devote an entire chapter of your book, Absolute Tennis, to balance and then emphasise its importance even more by making it your first chapter?
I wanted my book to have a logical progression. Tennis is a very athletic sport, so I felt it made sense to begin the book with chapters on balance, the kinetic chain and movement. I subscribe to the European philosophy of how to develop top tennis players juniors should cross train and play various sports as young kids first to learn balance and movement before spending many hours hitting balls on the practice court later as teenagers. I applied that viewpoint to the structure of the book by starting with the athletic principles, then moving on to the strokes, strategy and finishing with psychology. Without understanding how the body moves, students cannot maximise their potential on their strokes. Poor strokes are going to limit strategic options and without fluent movement, confidence in your strokes and strategic knowledge, your mind will likely be frustrated instead of inspired. My goal was to teach the reader that tennis should be learned sequentially to help them improve their skills quickly and enjoy the game even more.
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Additionally, I wanted to make the first chapter balance, because it is such an important foundation from which successful stroke production and other aspects of the game flow. To use a painting analogy that Welby Van Horn used to tell me; if the stroke is the painting, balance is the paintings frame that enhances the strokes stability and structure. Poor balance inevitably diminishes the strokes power, accuracy and consistency. Balance is also an important factor in movement. Tennis is a game where the ability to change direction quickly has a big influence on a players success and braking fast and then accelerating powerfully is dependent on balancing the body.
Its always been perplexing to me why many other sports especially moving-ball and moving-athlete sports like basketball and soccer emphasise balance, while a multi-skill, highly athletic, fast-paced sport like tennis often does not. If you swing at a moderate speed and you are two degrees off with the racquet face, you will probably lose the point. Tennis is a precise game and balance has a huge impact on your level of precision. Furthermore, better balance can make you a step faster covering the court. So I wanted a logical progression to my book, but primarily I thought by making balance the first chapter, I could highlight an aspect of the game I felt deserved more recognition and appreciation.
What is balance?
In scientific terms, balance is achieved when the centre of gravity is aligned with the middle of the base of support. In the human body, the centre of gravity is located near the navel and the base of support is our legs. Therefore, balance happens for us when our navel is positioned above the middle of our stance. Now, because the head is easier to see than the navel and the head usually follows the direction of the core, coaches often use the head not the navel as a reference point. A common coaching mantra for balance is, Keep your head upright and above the middle of your stance.
Keep in mind, this textbook definition of balance sometimes doesnt align well with tennis players because they frequently load their weight on one leg to hit the ball and push off mostly from one leg to change direction. Tennis involves extreme types of movement and therefore, requires players to shift their centre of gravity far outside their base of support and still maintain body control.
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When I teach, I also pay close attention to the shoulders and back. Your shoulders need to be fairly level to maintain balance. Once your shoulders tilt, your centre of gravity shifts outside your base of support and your equilibrium is lost. And while your back will lean forward slightly into many shots in tennis, you want to swing with good posture to gain the benefits that stem from sturdy balance. Observe the way Novak Djokovic keeps beautiful posture when he swings the racquet. His superb flexibility, strength throughout the core and incredible movement lead him to appear to play with a rod running through the upper half of his body. This posture helps him maximise the benefits derived from superior balance. Djokovic has said, Balance is the key in life and he definitely applies the philosophical approach to his physical attributes and style of play helping him win 17 Grand Slams.
Of course, tennis is a game of near constant movement, so you must learn dynamic balance and acquire skill in establishing balance on the move. Not only are you moving in different directions, speeds and lengths, but you are also receiving balls at different heights and hitting shots with one or two feet on the ground further complicating the very quick computations the brain has to make to maintain balance. It really is amazing how the top tennis players move and sustain body control in the frenzy of an intense point. It is no wonder they are sometimes lauded as the worlds greatest athletes.
Roger Federers unrivalled body stability and perfect equilibrium contribute greatly to beautifully timed, powerful and precise shots that are effortlessly produced.
How do you move your body to maintain balance?
Players who have good balance have a malleable body. They are loose, agile and fluid in their movement. They glide low to the ground in a relaxed manner like a panther, not high above the ground and stiff like a giraffe. And they know how to adjust their torso and move their limbs effectively. For example, after running to hit a difficult wide ball, they tilt their torso against the direction they were moving, widen their stance and spread their arms to quickly get balanced. This allows them to stop and recover fast for their opponents next shot.
They also know how to adjust their legs and arms during the swing to maintain equilibrium. The best leg positioning for balance depends in large part on the height of the ball. The lower the ball, the wider your stroke stance should be. As you widen your stance, you lower your centre of gravity and your base of support becomes larger and stronger. On high balls hit above your head, the opposite should occur and your stroke stance should narrow. Bending your knees is also important for balance on low balls. If you dont bend your knees and instead bend at the waist, your centre of gravity will move in front of your legs causing you to tilt forward and stumble.
Keep in mind, your right and left leg will take on different roles during the swing to improve equilibrium. Many shots in tennis require one leg to anchor the stroke while the other leg pivots for balance. For example, on most right-handed backhand groundstrokes, the right leg will anchor the body while the left leg moves around to the left during the forward swing to balance the body and allow the weight transfer to happen fluently.
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Just as tightrope walkers use their arms for balance, so too should tennis players. On the one-handed backhand, as you swing forward with the right arm, the left arm moves backward to equalise the bodys weight distribution and improve posture. Watch Stan Wawrinka crush his one-handed backhand. Even as hard as Wawrinka swings, his left arms dual purpose of assisting balance and stabilising the hips helps him hit his powerful backhand in a controlled and consistent manner. During the forehand backswing, the left arm separates from the right arm and straightens to equalise weight distribution and provide anchoring counterpoint strength. On the serve, the left arm goes up straight and the right arm bends in the trophy position and then the right arm goes up straight and the left arm bends as you reach up to hit the ball. Again, the arms work as a team to balance the body and support each other.
Therefore, you have four levers two legs and two arms to keep the less mobile and heavy torso upright. Agile players know how to manipulate these levers to establish good posture.
Now what are these four levers joined to? Your core. Being a good athlete demands a strong and stable core all the muscles of your torso and pelvis that support your spine. Like a trunk of a tree supporting its branches, these muscles provide a powerful foundation for your legs and arms to help stabilise your body as it moves and assists your balance.
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In Absolute Tennis, you point out that balance impacts your game in five critical ways. Would you please explain each of them.
The biggest impact balance has on tennis is the way it affects racquet control. The dimensions of the court, the height of the net, the design of the tennis racquet and the size and weight of the ball make the game one of exactness especially at the higher levels. If players lack of balance causes them to tilt the racquet slightly up or down more than intended, there is a good chance they will miss the shot. When you lean, the angle of your hand in the grip stays consistent, but the angle of the racquet relation to the ground changes. Therefore, if you lean backwards the racquet face will tend to open, often causing the ball to sail long. Or, if you lean forward the racquet face will close, often sending the ball into the net.
Similarly, tilting your shoulders to the right or left can make the ball veer in that direction. For example, a right-handed player positioned too close to the ball on a forehand will pull that shot to the left, while being too far away from the ball will drift the shot to the right. Last, when you are off-balance, your body weight shifts in unintended directions, a change that must be taken into account and adjusted for during the swing in order to salvage the shot. Lurching forward suddenly adds power to the swing and often pushes the shot past the baseline, while falling back usually results in a short ball that your opponent can pounce on.
Second, balance has a large impact on racquet speed. You need to be balanced to use the whole body effectively and maximise kinetic chain power. On the two most important shots of tennis the serve and the forehand a significant amount of the power in those shots is derived from the legs pushing from the ground and the hips rotating. If you were to serve or hit a forehand by just moving your arm, you would hit a mediocre shot. The power in these shots starts with the legs bending, straightening to different degrees and then pushing up from the ground, creating a ground force reaction. If you are off balance, you cant set your feet and dig into the court to produce this ground force reaction. Also, your hips wont rotate well if you are swinging with poor posture.
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Ash Bartys power on her serve and forehand is a great example of how a champion player connects balance with efficient use of the legs and hips and therefore, produce tremendous racquet speed. Barty is a fantastic athlete. She moves low to the ground with excellent body control, widens and narrows her stance appropriately and uses her arms well to balance the body. She plays her serve and forehand with a deep knee bend and aggressive hip rotation resulting in her body often lifting high above the ground during the follow through of these shots. Her athleticism and balance allow her to increase racquet speed in this vigorous way while not sacrificing control on her strokes.
Third, good balance speeds up the recovery process. Tennis is a game centered on movement and time management. The more balanced you are during the follow through, the better you will be at resisting the forces of momentum created from moving to the ball and swinging the racquet. This allows you to change direction and recover more quickly for the next shot. For example, leaning to the right while finishing a wide forehand, instead of being balanced and having your body weight neutral, will slow down your movement to the left back toward the middle of the court.
Fourth, good balance makes your head steady and upright, which improves visual tracking. If your head tilts from being off balance, it can cause a miscalculation of the speed and distance of the incoming ball and hurt your ability to position yourself well and time your swing. Watch how top players keep their head steady and upright when preparing for shots. This head position assists their vision and judgment, helping them establish correct positioning to the ball and good timing on their swing.
Fifth, the degree of balance you and your opponent have while hitting the ball will largely determine who is winning the rally. Your main strategy in tennis is to move your opponents around the court and force them to hit rushed and off-balance, while you hit in a poised position and control the point. Thats tennis tactics in a nutshell. It primarily revolves around time, but balance is intertwined with it.
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Would you please describe the best ready position for balance.
The ready position places each foot several inches outside the shoulders with the legs slightly bent so you stand about six to eight inches lower than your natural height. In this crouched position, you lean slightly forward with your upper body, but with hips back and back fairly straight. The ready position lowers your centre of gravity and moves some of your body weight from the legs up towards the hips. This lightens the body and assists you in reacting quickly to your opponents shot.
The arms are extended forward with the elbows slightly bent. The left arm and hand are largely responsible for holding the racquet to assist quick grip changes and allow the right arm to relax. The strings of the racquet should be around chest high and tilt slightly to the left if you are right-handed.
On the pro tour, you will see a variety of ready positions on the return of serve, but when the ball is struck, all the players are in a traditional split step position. For example, Kei Nishikori sets up with his feet at a 45-degree angle as his opponent starts his serve and then as his opponent tosses the ball, he takes a step forward. After the step forward, as the server hits the ball, he split steps with his chest facing his opponent in the same position as his peers.
What is the connection the split step has with balance?
The split step is done by hopping with both feet above the ground and opening the legs wider an instant before your opponent hits the ball. The split step lifts the heels off the ground, activates the quad muscles and lowers your centre of gravity. A helpful car analogy in regards to the split step involves the design of Formula 1 racing cars. These cars have a wide wheel base and a low centre of gravity, allowing them to move and change directions quickly.
The purpose of the split step is to help you get a quick reaction to your opponents shot. The faster your reaction is to your opponents shot, the more time you will have to execute the footwork needed to get balanced for your swing. A quarter of a second is a lot of time in tennis and losing that amount of time due to a weak split step will have a big impact on your balance.
The touring pros all split step, but some do it better than others. Steffi Graf had the best split step Ive ever seen. What made it so good was not just the timing of her split step, but how high she would lift above the ground. The higher off the ground you split step, the greater force you can apply to the court surface when you land and the more explosive the first step will be. Only superior athletes like Graf can do the split step this way because it requires more complicated timing and greater spring in the legs. In todays game, Stefanos Tsitsipas and Simona Halep have outstanding split steps and this feature in their game plays an important role in their exceptional court coverage.
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Why is it important to keep your head still when you run and stroke the ball?
It is important to keep your head still when you run for the ball so you can correctly read the speed, depth, direction and trajectory of the incoming ball. If your head is bouncing, your vision is compromised and you wont read the flight of ball well. This leads to a mistimed stroke and incorrect spacing from the ball.
It is also important to keep your head still as you stroke the ball. First, keeping the head still and looking at the back of the strings at contact, which indicates a high level of concentration, improves the chances of a well-timed shot. Federer is the gold standard in freezing the head at contact. His impeccable timing can partly be attributed to his tremendous ball focus and quiet body during the strike zone.
Second, when you lift your head, you move your shoulders and change the swing path and that decreases the likelihood of hitting the sweet spot of the racquet. For example, if you are right-handed and lift your head on the forehand, the racquet moves to the left and youll often hit the ball in the top part of the string bed, or worse. Keep in mind, missing the sweet spot by three inches results in more than 30 percent less power.
The shot where I find recreational players lift their head the most is the volley. No shot in tennis is more target-oriented and that makes it a prime candidate for volleyers to take their eye off the ball to peek at the balls intended destination. Plus, playing the net is an adrenalised situation and that extra level of excitement can cause players to look anxiously ahead.
Rafael Nadal is the master at improvising quickly and successfully before and after the swing to regain balance.
Third, jerking the head can cause a loss of balance. The inner ear is the headquarters for balance. When the head moves suddenly, our brain instructs some muscles in the body to focus on attaining balance instead of performing the swing. This leads to sub-optimal stroke execution.
Positioning yourself too far from or too close to the oncoming ball can ruin your balance. How do you avoid or overcome these two problems?
You can often avoid these two problems with good footwork. Stay light on your feet as the ball approaches, so if you misjudge the incoming ball, or the wind moves the ball, you can adjust and get correctly positioned for the swing.
You also have to take steps in the right direction. A common mistake I see recreational players make on the volley is that their front foot steps in the same direction despite the ball being hit to them in different locations. For example, the classic footwork on the right-handed backhand volley is done with the right leg stepping forward toward an 11 oclock direction. However, if ball comes at your stomach, the right leg should step in a 1 oclock direction. In this case, if you do the 11 oclock step, you will be too close to the ball and lose your balance. Or if the ball is wide, the right leg should move in a 9 oclock direction. Here, if you do the 11 oclock step, you will be too far away from the ball and lurch awkwardly as you volley. Tennis is dynamic game and the direction of your forward step must change with the circumstances.
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Your arm positioning also plays a role in establishing correct spacing to the ball. During the forehand backswing, your left arm straightens and moves parallel to the baseline. The left arm works as a spatial reference to help determine the correct distance from the ball to hit a balanced stroke. Sometimes Ive adjusted a students arm positioning on the follow through to improve spacing. A student who crowds the ball at contact on the forehand and finishes by wrapping the racquet close to the body can improve spacing by simply catching the racquet with the left hand away from the body on the follow through. Our brain likes our hands to work as a team the right hand will follow where the left hand leads it. Therefore, when the left hand creates space on the follow through, it often leads to more space created for the right hand at contact.
Additionally, the alignment of your arm can hinder or help your positioning to the ball. For example, if players hit their forehand with wrist bent forward too much, they will swing forward in an incorrect outside-inside swing path (not inside-outside) and crowd the ball. Improved footwork isnt going to remedy the players spacing problem. However, once players with a hook wrist issue learn to lay their wrist back, they immediately hit the ball farther in front and away from the body and the problem of being too close to ball is fixed.
How can you quickly regain your balance if you find yourself off-balance either just before hitting a shot or just after hitting a shot?
Regaining your balance just before the swing can be done by taking a small adjustment step away from, or closer to, the ball. Regaining your balance after the swing can be done largely through the legs, too. On most shots in tennis, you have one leg anchor the swing to establish a base while the other leg pivots to balance the body, rotate the hips and transfer body weight. After hitting the shot, you can move your pivot foot to regain your balance. Shifting your arms to equalise weight distribution and moving the torso to straighten the back will also help you balance the body during the strokes follow through.
Nadal is the master at improvising quickly and successfully before and after the swing to regain balance. If he finds himself too close to the ball before the swing, he often uses a quick backward cha-cha move to create space and stabilise the body. While after the ball is struck, the Spaniard is renowned for his assortment of unique follow-throughs, often with his racquet high above his head and slightly backwards posture. These racquet and body positions help him balance the body and enable him to hit a powerful shot even when under pressure during a difficult rally.
Is it possible to be balanced for a groundstroke if you hit a ball outside of your strike zone either above the chest or below the knees? If so, please explain how.
Yes, balance is improved on high balls by narrowing your stance and on low balls by widening your stance and bending your knees. However, there is an important additional point to be made here in regard to balance and stances that is under-appreciated and under-taught by coaches. If you receive a high ball during a baseline rally, you should use an open stance on the forehand and sometimes on the two-handed backhand. If you receive a low ball, you should use a neutral or closed stance on your groundstrokes. Using these stances on the high and low balls will help your balance and improve stroke power and control.
Watch the touring pros play. They hit the ball fast so they use the quicker open stances most of the time. However, when they receive a slice shot that moves slower and bounces lower, they often use a neutral or closed stance.
At the recreational level, I find players are often too one-dimensional in their footwork. On the forehand, its either all open stance or all neutral or closed stances. There are many stances and some are hit off one leg. An important fundamental in establishing balance on all the different ball heights is being flexible with your footwork and understanding which stance is the best one for the different situations.
Think of the ball as your dance partner and because tennis is such a random, dynamic game, its a dance partner that has had some fun at the bar. You must be adept at many different and unpredictable moves that can occur during a rally. Players who have footwork adaptability, or, in dancing terms, the dancers that change with the beat, are the ones who attain the best positioning and balance for their swings.
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How do you remedy the common balance problem of hitting groundstrokes off the back foot?
Welby showed me a valuable teaching tool that highlights and helps correct poor balance the freeze technique. The freeze technique asks students to end the swing and hold, or freeze, for three seconds. In this motionless position, I can analyse balance and explain what needs to be rectified to improve it. If students are wobbly during the freeze, I will pay close attention to the feet, back and shoulders and provide a remedy for their instability.
When players hit groundstrokes off the back foot and freeze, the heel of their back foot will be flat on the ground instead of being correctly off the ground. I like to ask players with this issue to freeze and then tap the toes of the back foot on the ground. This checkpoint will guarantee they transferred their body weight forward during the swing and ended it with their weight over on their front foot.
Of course, hitting off the back foot could stem from other things like late racquet preparation or incorrect wrist alignment. But I usually start with the freeze technique and work my way forward from there to find a solution.
What are the main reasons players lose their balance when they hit overheads? And what are the corrective techniques for this problem?
Players lose their balance on their overhead usually because they dont go back far enough so they can push forward into the swing. This often occurs because their footwork is wrong. From the ready position, the correct overhead footwork begins with the feet moving into the neutral stance. Then its generally one or two crossover steps backwards, followed by skipping steps before the feet plant and body pushes forward into the shot. Many recreational players face the net and run backward with little steps and thus, they cover little ground and fail to establish the solid base needed to hit a strong overhead.
Another reason players hit the overhead off the back foot is because they mistakenly think the contact point on the overhead is the same as the serve. However, unless the overhead is hit from deep in the court, the overhead contact point is farther in front of the body than the serve and therefore, requires a deeper court positioning than many players anticipate.
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A good drill to help players improve their balance on the overhead is to have them catch a lobbed ball after one bounce with their left hand as they prepare to hit a mock overhead. This will help the student understand the footwork and positioning needed to hit a balanced overhead as well as highlight the left arms important role as a spatial guide. After several catches, I will have the students hit the bounce overhead and then freeze after the follow through to critique their balance. The next progression is to have them catch the lobbed ball in the air and then hit the overhead in the air followed by a freeze and critique.
In my coaching, I often use Nadal as a role model on the overhead. Ive seen him play many matches and I dont remember him missing one. His early racquet preparation, footwork and timing make it a very reliable and powerful shot. I especially enjoy watching the way he moves his feet on the bounce overhead. There is nothing casual about the way he prepares to play, what is for him, a relatively easy shot. He treats every ball with respect, regardless of its degree of difficulty.
On a high lob that he allows to bounce, Nadal can take as many as 15 steps tracking the ball backwards, stop and then take several steps forward, using a longer run up than most to add speed to his overhead. He is exemplary in his determination to establish deep court positioning, so the ball is well in front of him when he hits his overhead.
In todays game, Simona Halep has outstanding split steps and this feature in her game plays an important role in her exceptional court coverage.
What are key elements and patterns of confusing and disrupting the balance of your opponent?
The element of surprise plays an important role in disrupting the balance of your opponent. For example, disguising a drop shot by first setting up like you are going to unload on a power forehand will have your opponent leaning back in the ready position anticipating a defensive situation is about to unfurl. Then, when the drop shot happens, because your opponents were leaning back, they will lose their balance and stumble when they realise they need to run forward quickly to reach the drop shot.
Federers superb disguise on his forehand often causes his opponents to be flat-footed when reacting to his drop shot. First, he pauses the racquet in forehand unit turn, allowing him a split second of extra time to determine if the next ball is the right time to play the drop shot or unleash a big forehand. Second, his mild forehand grip means he has only a tiny grip change to perform to execute the drop shot further adding to the disguise of the shot.
Federers backhand drop shot is even better-concealed. Unlike most players, he often plays his backhand drop shot with a full wind-up, setting up for the drop shot in the same way as he does to play his regular slice backhand groundstroke. Federers ability to camouflage his drop shot intentions upsets his opponents balance out of the split step and has won him countless points over his brilliant career.
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Also, surprising your opponent by mixing up the placement, speed, spin and height of your shots can disrupt balance. Mixing up your shot selection in these ways increases the chances your opponents will end up too close or too far away from the ball, or mistime their swing, leading them to jolt forward or fall back during their stroke.
This is why Bianca Andreescus dizzying variety of shots makes her such a very dangerous and frustrating competitor. Ive watched her hit the rarely seen side-spin, slice forehand short in the court, followed by an 85-mile-an-hour backhand deep in the corner and then a drop shot. This variety wreaks havoc with her opponents balance and timing and was a major factor in her winning last years Canadian Open and US Open as a 19-year-old.
You can also disrupt the balance of your opponents by surprising them with infrequently used shot patterns. If you have consistently hit your backhand return of serve on the deuce side down the line and then, unexpectedly, hit that same return cross court, you will likely catch your opponents leaning in the wrong direction. Leaning in the wrong direction, instead of having their body weight neutral, will result in a weak first step and a much greater likelihood your opponents hit their shot stretching and off kilter.
Are there certain kinds of injuries that diminish a players balance?
Yes, injuries are going to diminish a players balance especially injuries to the legs, hips and back. For example, if you have an injured knee, you are going to move slower and have less time to set your feet and get balanced for the swing. You are also going to be reluctant to bend your knees or widen your stance on low balls and detrimentally shift your centre of gravity outside your base of support.
If your hips are sore, you are going to hesitate to put weight on your side when playing a wide ball, causing your shoulders to tilt. That imbalance hurts your stroke and slows down your recovery back toward the middle of the court.
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Hip injuries are brutal for tennis players, just ask Andy Murray. After doing his hip surgery, he said his chances of competing in the top 10 were unlikely, so he set his goals to return to the top 100, or possibly top 50 players, in the world. He understood that he would return to the ATP Tour with slightly slower foot speed and at the elite level of the game, that reduced court coverage will result in him losing to players he used to defeat.
Finally, attaining balance comes from having a malleable body and flexible back. Obviously, playing with a stiff back will hamper your ability to balance the body during stroke production and accelerate and decelerate around the court.
Does excellent balance help prevent injuries? And, if so, how?
The rest is here:
Everything you need to know about balance in tennis - Sportstar