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David Arquette Is On a Quest for Professional Wrestling Redemption – GQ

The key to professional wrestling, according to David Arquette, is learning how to take a hit. Which is almost too perfect a metaphor for his wrestling careera fighter who just cant figure out how to go down smoothly. In 2000, Arquette first entered the ring as a publicity stunt to promote a buddy comedy called Ready to Rumble. Less than two weeks later, he found out he was booked to win the heavyweight championship, which he knew would irritate serious fans. Sure enough, ever since he thrust that WCW belt into the air, a pair of low-rise leather pants clinging to his waist and his bruised eyes glazed over in a stupefied grin, hes been ridiculed by fans as one of the biggest punks wrestling has ever seen.
In reality, Arquette says, he had all the respect in the world for wrestling. And so, in an effort to redeem himself in the eyes of a fan base that credits him with tanking the WCW and degrading the integrity of the entire businessand fresh off a heart attack that earned him two stentsthe 46-year-old decided he was getting back in the ring. This time, he would do it right: He headed to Tulum to do yoga with Diamond Dallas Page, then to Tijuana to fight with the Mexican luchadores. He picked up boxing and jiujitsu to learn the instincts he needed. By the time he hit the independent circuit, he was 50 pounds lighter and completely sober.
Arquettes few months back in the ring are chronicled in his new documentary, You Cannot Kill David Arquette, which was set to premiere at SXSW and will now come out in drive-in theaters this Friday. The film culminates in a gory November death match where, after taking a smashed light tube at the wrong angle, Arquette stumbles out of the ring with blood gushing from his neckonly to climb back in and finish up the match once he figures out hes not about to bleed out. The incident put his wrestling career on pause while he recovered, and it brought up another wave of backlash from fans who still saw a half-cocked actor nearly dying because he got in way over his head.
But for Arquette, the minutes he spent thinking he was about to die made him all the more dedicated to learning how to wrestle wellafter all, if hed known how to take that hit, his neck would have stayed intact. Ahead of the documentarys release, Arquette told GQ how he prepared for his shot at wrestling redemption.
When you first entered the ring in 2000, had you trained at all?
I didn't have an opportunity to train. My run there was just a storyline, they didn't really want me involved. I heard there was a big insurance policy on me, so I couldn't get hurt. That also led me to want to properly train and learn how to wrestle so I could do it in the future. I wasn't in great shape back then, to be honest.
And then in 2018, you got serious about returning to wrestling with the proper training. Where did you start?
I started out doing DDPY, which is Diamond Dallas Page's yoga app. It got me ready to start losing weight. It's a form of yoga that involves tensing your muscles up a lot. He's a really inspirational guy. He inspired me as a wrestler, but he also inspired me to get in shape. I went to a retreat he had in Tulum, and I met with him and he inspired me more there.
Then I trained jiu-jitsu with Rigan Machado, an amazing jiu-jitsu champion. I trained with a multi-championship boxer named Ricky Quiles. And then I trained with Peter Avalon, as a wrestler. I did each at least once a week for an hour or two, but wrestling, I probably did two or three times a week.
So, that's tons of cardio. I got into weights too, every day. I don't do heavy weights, I do about a 35 pound barbell. I don't typically work out my legs because I have big legs to start with. I do squats and a lot of bench stuff, lot of curls, lot of pushups, a lot of sit-ups. But Im consistent. And I did a hike every day.
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David Arquette Is On a Quest for Professional Wrestling Redemption - GQ
How to prevent Alzheimer’s, reduce risk with foods and lifestyle – TODAY

About a third of Alzheimer's disease cases may be preventable if people do everything right, experts say.
But what does that actually mean? Many researchers are trying to answer to that question.
One take comes from Dr. Dale Bredesen, a neurologist and author of the new book The End of Alzheimer's Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age. Its a follow-up to his 2017 bestseller, which explained his research identifying 36 factors he believes contribute to cognitive decline.
There is currently no known cure for Alzheimers disease, so the certainty of the books title and Bredesens message that hope has finally come to those with dementia or risk for dementia have attracted vocal critics.
When carefully examined, multiple red flags appear in the scientific studies supporting the Bredesen protocol, warned Dr. Joanna Hellmuth, a neurologist at the University of California, San Francisco Memory and Aging Center, in an editorial in Lancet Neurology in May.
She cited concern about everything from the study design to some of Bredesens papers being published in scientific-sounding publications that hijack the open access model for profit.
Elements of the Bredesen protocol that havent been shown to be effective are the costly regimens of dietary supplements, Hellmuth wrote, noting that to date, the evidence does not support its claim to prevent and reverse cognitive decline.
The Alzheimers Association has seen no rigorous scientific evidence to support the programs claims and cannot recommend anyone adopt this program to try to improve their or a loved ones memory and thinking, it said in a statement to TODAY.
This area of research multi-component lifestyle interventions to treat or prevent dementia is intriguing and hopeful. It may have therapeutic possibilities on its own or in combination with future drug therapies, as we now treat heart disease, the organization added.
Hellmuth acknowledged some of Bredesens recommendations could be beneficial for brain health, including aerobic exercise, a Mediterranean diet and managing cerebrovascular risk factors.
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Previous research has shown lifestyle changes may protect against, or delay, memory loss. This could be especially important for women, who make up two-thirds of Alzheimers disease cases.
Bredesen himself dismissed the criticism of his approach as typical of any new views in medicine, which doesnt welcome disruption, he said. But the current focus on a drug that would block the production of amyloid plaques clumps of protein seen in the brains of Alzheimers patients as the only solution has to change, he added.
Its not a single thing. There are multiple contributors to the pathology of what we call Alzheimers, Bredesen told TODAY.
It does not comport with the classic view that theres some sort of misfolded protein going on and were going to give a drug to get rid of that. The amyloid is not what causes the disease; its what your body is doing to respond to these various insults.
He tells patients: Imagine you have a roof with 36 holes in it. A drug is an excellent cover for one hole but it doesnt (stop) the other things.
Thats where Bredesen believes Keto/FLEX 12/3 a lifestyle of diet, fasting, exercise and quality sleep is key. He recommends people implement it in their 30s, 40s and 50s to prevent cognitive decline and enhance their cognition.
Keto stands for ketosis, or burning fat instead of blood sugar for energy. Bredesen writes his mildly ketogenic low-carb diet provides excellent fuel for cognition and increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which plays a role in brain development and plasticity.
FLEX refers to the bodys flexibility to metabolize either fat or glucose on this diet, and to the option for people to eat meat or not. This is not your typical bacon-induced ketosis; this is a plant-rich diet that turns out to have the best benefits for cognition, Bredesen said.
12/3 is the number of hours spent fasting: at least 12 hours between the last meal of the day and breakfast; and at least three hours between dinner and bedtime. Fasting leads to a decrease in inflammation and activates autophagy, a mechanism that helps to regenerate cells, he noted.
Bredesen illustrated the basic rules of the Keto/FLEX 12/3 in his brain food pyramid:
After fasting overnight, non-starchy vegetables and good fats like extra virgin olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds support the best cognition and are the base of the diet, he said.
The brain and the gut are connected, so gut health is important. Bredesen advised consuming plenty of prebiotic fiber like mushrooms, onions and garlic; resistant starches that act more like fiber including beans and lentils; and probiotic foods that contain beneficial bacteria such as sauerkraut, pickles and miso.
Fruit and animal protein fall into the choose wisely category on the pyramid. I grew up with the idea that youre supposed to each as much fruit as possible, Bredesen said. The problem is the fruit were now exposed to has all been bred to have extremely high sugar levels. He recommended focusing on berries, which have natural plant chemicals that may protect the brain.
When it comes to the best animal foods for optimal cognition, wild-caught seafood and pastured eggs are the clear winners, Bredesen writes.
The top of the pyramid lists foods that should only be enjoyed occasionally and in small amounts, like red wine and dark chocolate. Bredesen advises eliminating all grains and conventional dairy from your diet.
Being active is the single most important strategy you can employ to prevent and remediate cognitive decline, Bredesen writes in his book. It improves blood flow to the brain, among other benefits. He recommends alternating aerobic exercise with strength training, and working out at least five days a week, for a minimum of 45 minutes per day.
Inversions, like headstand, can also be beneficial: You ultimately want to be able to get blood to places that when youre just sitting on the couch youre not getting a lot of oxygenation and blood flow to the far reaches of the brain, Bredesen said.
Its a badge of courage to not have much sleep and it turns out this is horrible for your cognition, he noted. Bredesen recommends making seven to eight hours of sleep the goal. He calls it the foundation of the Keto/FLEX 12/3 lifestyle.
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How to prevent Alzheimer's, reduce risk with foods and lifestyle - TODAY
Oregon Health & Science University Hands Over Monkey Experiment Videos to PETA – Willamette Week

Last month,Oregon Health& Science University turned over 74 videos of an experimentscientists have been conducting on Japanese macaques at Oregon's National Primate Research Center.
But what do the videos show? PETA has provided them to WWand they can be seen here.
The videosportray an experiment conducted at ONPRC by Dr. Elinor Sullivan since 2011. In Sullivan's experiment, scientistsfeed pregnant Japanese macaques one of two diets.
The control group of mothers is fed "standard monkey chow" while the other group is fed a "Western-style diet designed to mimic the average American diet," according to a statement released this month by OHSU. This diet consists of "ground oat hulls, casein and wheat flour, which contain a higher content of fat and sugar."
Then, when the baby macaques are born, they are testedto see how they respond to humanand nonhuman intruders. Scientists study the monkeys' response to "novel stimuli" and observe their "temperament, anxiety and stress response."
The purpose, according to OHSU, is to better understand "mental health disorders" that can be attributed to an unhealthy maternal diet. Sullivan received $5.2 million in public and private funding for the study between 2011 and 2019.
In the videos, caged monkeys are approached by a lab assistant whomakes a variety of threatening moves, testing how the macaques respond to stress. These actions include making eye contact with the monkeysan aggressive gesturefor macaques, according to The Macaque Website managed by the U.K.s National Centre for theReplacement, Refinement and Reductionof Animals in Research. The macaques respond by running around their cage, flinging themselves at the bars, making loud noises, and exhibiting submissive facial expressions. These are understood to be fright responses.
Dr. Alka Chandna,vice president of laboratory investigation cases for PETA, saysthe group became aware of Sullivan's work in the fall of 2017 andhas been fighting forpublic release of video of theexperiment ever since.
"OHSU is a public university, so they are beholden to people who submit public records requests, but they refused to give us the videos," Chandna says.
After Circuit Judge David Rees ordered OHSU to turn over the videos, Chandna says she can see why the universitywanted to keep the footage under wraps.
"ONPRC may be unethical, but they are not stupid," she adds."They realize that this footage is pretty upsetting. The public understands that these monkeys are suffering."
Not true, says OHSU spokeswoman Tamara Hargens-Bradley.
"At OHSU, we employ hundreds of dedicated staff committed to providing humane, respectful treatment and the best possible veterinary care for every animal," Hargens-Bradley tells WW in a statement. "OHSU believes that knowledge gained through biomedical research in relevant animal models is essential to developing new ways to identify, prevent, treat or eradicate disease and to improve human and animal health."
PETA opposesany type of animal testing. The organization is callingforSullivan's experiment to be discontinued and the primate center to beshut down.
Not only does PETA take issue with the way the experiment was conducted and that public money was spent on the experiment, Chandna also disagrees with the purpose of the study.She arguesresearchers have known for a long time that healthy foods are better forpregnant mothers and their unborn fetusesthan unhealthy foods and that mothers-to-be already know their unborn children eat whatever they eat.
"Elinor Sullivan is not adding anything to our understanding of what we should and shouldn't be eating," Chandna says. "What she is doing is adding to the amount of misery in the world, the amount of suffering in the world, causing all manner of pain and taking taxpayer dollars to do that. It is absurd and egotistical for Elinor Sullivan to come skipping alongand say that she has discovered that high-fat diets are bad for you."
Dr. Michelle Sang, a leading Portland obstetrician-gynecologist for Legacy Health, also questionsthe necessity of the experiment: "There is a lot of data in the medical world that would support that a junky diet would affect the health of the mother and has a direct impact on the fetus long term."
But Sang adds that moreresearchis important: "The nutrition knowledge is limited. Our training is not focused on that when we are trained as a physician or as an OB-GYN. Because it's really not possible to do human studies, we have to use animals as a way to at least get an idea of what we might expect."
Dr. Amanda Dettmer, a primatologist at the Yale Child Study Center, has been studying nonhuman primate models for over 20 years. Dettmer emphasized the value of animal research because it allows scientists to study causal outcomes that cannot be studied in humans.As for Sullivan's work, Dettmer said, "we cannot assign random mothers to eat particular diets during pregnancy. This is where the value of studying animals comes in."
In its response, OHSU saysSullivan'sresearch offered key findings.
"Study findings published to date reveal behavioral changes in offspring of mothers that consumed a high-fat diet, including increased anxiety, which is associated with impaired development of the brain's serotonin system, which influences mood and well-being," the university said. "The study also showed that placing the offspring on a healthy diet at an early age failed to reverse the effect."
Elinor Sullivan was not available for comment.
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Oregon Health & Science University Hands Over Monkey Experiment Videos to PETA - Willamette Week
Ensuring future food is healthier and more sustainable with plant proteins, policy changes and insects – FoodIngredientsFirst

20 Aug 2020 --- The need for healthier and sustainable food prevails. On this topic, FoodIngredientsFirstattended British Nutrition Foundation (BNF)s webinar showcasing a variety of emergent alternative protein sources and food technologies with significant potential to reinforce the nutritional profile of F&B offerings. Meanwhile, adequate micronutrient intake has become top of mind for consumers and formulators, as COVID-19 mortalities have been linked to obesity and other diet-related health issues. The experts further explore how F&B reformulations and policy changes can work hand-in-hand to tackle the ubiquitous challenge of nutritional deficiencies.
Presenter Dr. Simon Loveday, Food & Bio-based Products Group, AgResearch and The Riddet Institute, sees potential in the exploration of novel plant proteins helping to address dietary needs. These range from alfalfa leaves to duckweed and algae. Not only do these new food proteins need to be substantiated as safe and legal, but they must also be cost-effective and consistently of high quality to be allowed to market, he notes.
Personally, Im excited about proteins extracted from food materials that would otherwise be wasted. Protein from potato peel is a great example and this has been recently commercialized by Avebe in the Netherlands, Dr. Loveday remarks.
Click to EnlargeDr. Loveday discusses the environmental impact and technical challenges of plant proteins.Despite the massive consumer shift toward meat alternatives and plant proteins, Dr. Loveday argues that his research findings do not suggest that the latter should replace the former entirely. Plant proteins often lack essential amino acids and are difficult to dissolve and purify.
Many people assume that plant-based means healthy and sustainable. In many cases, thats true, but some plant-based foods are highly processed. We are at the start of the plant-based foods revolution and there are some assumptions about the healthiness and sustainability of plant-based foods that need to be tested on a case-by-case basis. I look forward to the next generation of plant protein ingredients and foods that are healthy, sustainable and delicious, he affirms.
Insects and cellular agricultureThere is a growing consumer population that is looking not to miss out on the animal protein properties discussed in Lovedays presentation, but which still has reservations about the detrimental effect of mass industrial farming on the planet. Professor Julian McClements from the University of Massachusetts Amherst highlights that cellular agriculture, lab-grown meat and insect protein may be propitious to deliver on all of these consumers expectations.
[Insects] are already being accepted by a growing number of people in the developed world. These first-adopters are typically younger socially-conscious individuals. We have a yuck factor about eating a cricket, but not a cow, pig or chicken, which is strange. If you looked at a cow in a farmers field, would you think delicious, I want to eat that? he questions.
Click to EnlargeFor meat alternatives to become accepted mainstream options, Professor McClements highlights taste wont be enough.To make it in the Western food industry, insect protein will have to convince consumers of its environmental benefits compared to meat as well as deliver on affordability and taste. The same applies to cultured meat.
The products will have to eventually get very close to the price of real meat to be competitive, so this is where the industry is aiming. There are still a number of challenges to overcome, especially scaling up and costs, but companies claim they will have products on the market within a few years. These will probably be high-end, high-cost products designed for expensive restaurants where the high price is less of an issue. As prices decrease, then products will be designed for the mass market, Professor McClements predicts.
Tackling reformulation challengesProfessor Judy Buttriss, Director General of the BNF, details that food reformulation can be effective in ensuring a variety of healthier food options for consumers without greatly changing their dietary patterns, but faces a number of practical obstacles.
Compared to sugar reduction in drinks, some foods are difficult to reformulate without affecting taste, consistency or safety. In some cases, the limits of what is possible with reformulation may already have been reached. Also, for some foods, such as chocolate, there are legal compositional constraints or other regulatory constraints that hinder the ability to talk about improvements on pack, she explains.
A reduction of portion sizes is highlighted as another effective pathway to curb overeating. Dr. Buttriss also goes into detail about the positive knock-on effect of subsidizing food instead of medicine to ensure consumers with fewer financial means obtain the correct balance of nutrients in the longterm.
Click to EnlargeThere is a significant relationship between diet-related disease and death from COVID-19. Professor Buttriss details that balanced diets can prevent the link.The voucher scheme for pregnant women and young children is an example of a scheme to subsidize some of the nutritious foods important for these groups, such as milk and vegetables. Another example is the provision of free school meals for children most in need, adds Dr. Buttriss.
Overall, improving the quality of the diet is the best approach for decelerating the downward trend in micronutrient intake, most notably via the five a day method. Average intakes of fruit and vegetables in teenagers are much the same as among toddlers. We need to better understand how to encourage people to take up existing dietary advice, Professor Buttriss emphasizes.
This BNF webinar was hosted ahead of its quarterly Nutrition BulletinSpecial Issue publication. This quarters edition, Food reformulation and innovation: Future solutions for healthier and more sustainable dietswill be published during the last week of August.
By Anni Schleicher
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Ensuring future food is healthier and more sustainable with plant proteins, policy changes and insects - FoodIngredientsFirst
Mayr Method: Registered Dietitians on Rebel Wilson’s Reported Weight Loss Plan – Everyday Health

One of the bigger problems with Mayr is that you're supposed to travel to one of the medical clinics that offer the Mayr method and stay there for some time. That has its own limitations in terms of expense, resources (including time), and the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has created travel concerns and restrictions. It is tempting to think that if you could just go somewhere for a week or two, you might come out of it with your diet and lifestyle habits permanently transformed.
Mayr is one of many strict diets without proven results. These quick-fix ideas are appealing. People are feeling discouraged with their current situation, and having a set of rules or restrictions imposed on you sounds really desirable, says the New York Citybased nutrition and wellness expert Samantha Cassetty, RD, the coauthor of Sugar Shock.
Whats more, other treatments touted by Mayr, including cryotherapy and massage, are unproven to help you lose weight or release toxins, says Rasmussen. And the method as a whole does not have any research behind it, which is another downside.
The Toronto-based registered dietitian Abby Langer writes on her blog that you may even experience serious illness from some of the reported tenets of Mayr, which include bloodletting, severe calorie restriction (600 calories a day), and laxatives. (11)
Beyond these potentially dangerous therapies, a trip to any sort of wellness retreat that touts weight loss as an end goal is not likely to provide sustainable results, says Rasmussen. When you get back to regular life, everyday stresses and being surrounded by fast food, snacks, and processed food will make it really tough to maintain any weight loss. If this center is not just removing stimuli and temptations and is teaching long-term healthy behaviors that you can apply to your life outside, then you may be successful, she says. Put differently, in real life, you wont have a chef make meals for you, a resort that controls everything you eat, and massages at the ready, so its unlikely that youll be able to maintain that brand-new you.
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Mayr Method: Registered Dietitians on Rebel Wilson's Reported Weight Loss Plan - Everyday Health
We All Have the Right to Food Grown Without Toxic Pesticides – Food Tank

Last year, I won a monumental lawsuit that shed light on the danger of pesticides to school groundskeepers like me, as well as farmworkers and even home users. I found a direct link to my cancer from a weedkiller called Ranger Pro, the older brother to Roundup, which many people use at home. The company that makes it, Monsanto (now owned by Bayer), was found responsible for my sickness and many others.
Before I got cancer, I never really thought about what I ate or where my food came from, just to not be hungry was enough. Im the fourth of five kids, and my mother struggled plenty to feed us because, just like now, times were hard. I personally remember government issued food like powdered milk, canned meat and other not-so-healthy choices.
But after becoming sick, I heard from so many sources about eating organic. I was even invited to stay at a clinic where you change your whole diet to organic food. I learned that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which regulates pesticide use, knowingly allows a certain amount of harmful chemicals onto most of the food we eat. Organic food is grown without these pesticides.
A new peer-reviewed study from Friends of the Earth shows how switching to an organic diet can decrease levels of pesticides in our bodies. I was interested because they tested for glyphosate, the cancer-causing ingredient in Ranger Pro and Roundup. Glyphosate is the most widely used weedkiller in the world. Along with being used on school grounds, city parks and yards, its used extensively in agriculture. Along with being linked to cancer, research has associated it with kidney and liver toxicity, disruption of our hormones, and reproductive problems.
The researchers tested four diverse American families from Oakland, Minneapolis, Baltimore, and Atlanta. They found glyphosate in everyones bodies, including kids as young as four. When they switched the families to a completely organic diet, levels of glyphosate dropped 70 percent after just six days. This study is part of a comprehensive scientific analysis showing that switching to an organic diet rapidly and dramatically reduces exposure to pesticides.
I truly believe we are what we eat. No one should have to choose between food grown with toxic pesticides or organic food. We should all be eating nothing but organic. One of the major problems is the availability of organic food its often not accessible to poor people and others who cant afford it. In some urban areas, quality food is just not on the shelves. If you dont live in certain cities or live in the right area in your city, your food choices might be limited to corner stores.
When we think about creating a more equal and just food system, expanding access to organic food is a big piece of the puzzle. We all have the right to toxic-free food. And the people who grow the food we eat have the right to not be exposed to chemicals linked to cancer and other serious health problems on the job.
That would take a massive shift in our society, but its possible. We can look to the European Union for leadership. In June, the EU announced plans to halve use of pesticides by 2030 and transition at least 25 percent of agriculture to organic.
In this election year, one way we can make a difference is by voting for people who are willing to put our health above the interests of pesticide companies. And we can join with organizations that are working to create a food system where organic food is for all people.
Photo courtesy of Unsplah, Anaya Katlego
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We All Have the Right to Food Grown Without Toxic Pesticides - Food Tank
How Patriots receiver Mohamed Sanu attacked the offseason with his live-in trainer Drew Lieberman –

While driving through Boston one July afternoon, Patriots wide receiver Mohamed Sanu listened to an audiobook he had started earlier in the summer.
Have the confidence to say when youve screwed up, read the narrator through Sanus car speakers. People will respect you for it. If you did it, own it. If you said it, stand by it. Not just the mistakes, but all your decisions and choices. Thats your reputation. Make it count.
The motivational lines are from Chapter 8 of Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable, a self-help guide by Tim Grover, who has trained Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon, the late Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, and other NBA greats.
Two weeks later, on his morning ride to Gillette Stadium during the first week of training camp, Sanu was still listening to the book, but he had returned to the beginning.
If youre relentless, there is no halfway, read the narrator. Or could or should or maybe. Dont tell me the glass is half-full or half-empty. You either have something in that glass or you dont.
The purpose of Relentless is to teach competitors how to train their minds not only to reach their goals but to achieve even more. Grover breaks down the importance of various mental tactics, such as becoming comfortable, being uncomfortable, and channeling energy instead of emotions. His words resonated with Sanu, who turns 31 Saturday.
It changed my entire mind-set and really sparked the way I attacked this offseason, Sanu said.
So, how did he find out about Grovers book? Sanus trainer, Drew Lieberman, recommended he check it out.
Lieberman, a 2013 Wesleyan graduate with nine years of coaching experience, is living with Sanu in his Boston apartment. They met a couple of years ago via mutual connections from Rutgers, where Sanu played three seasons of football and Lieberman was later on the coaching staff for two years.
After training together a dozen or so times last summer, the pair stayed in close touch. Lieberman would text Sanu throughout the season, sending him feedback on film. Their bond strengthened when Sanu was traded to the Patriots in October because Lieberman, who was working in New Jersey, was able to attend one of his games in Foxborough.
He then attended the next home game and the next game and the one after that.
A few months later, Sanu tapped Lieberman to become his full-time trainer.
I really wanted to get better and invest more in myself and in my game, Sanu said. Drew and I built a great relationship over the last few years, and I really came to trust his knowledge of the details of wide receiver play and football overall.
But mostly, I chose Drew because I can trust him and I know that he will always tell me what I need to hear and not what I want to hear.
Prior to training camp, Sanus typical workday consisted of stretching, running routes, ball drills, pushing through a speed workout, and analyzing film. Mixed in were massages and physical therapy appointments to continue his rehab following offseason surgery to repair a high ankle sprain.
Lieberman also tried to integrate other daily outdoor activities, depending on their location. In Atlanta, they power-walked up Stone Mountain four times a week, sometimes with Sanus former Falcons teammate, Julio Jones. In Los Angeles, they climbed Runyon Canyon. In Wellfleet, Sanu ran routes while at the beach.
Back in Boston, theyve kept mainly to city walks and bike rides, though Blue Hills Reservation is on their radar.
Coming back from an ankle injury, something we focused on a lot was making him work out on different surfaces, whether it be an intense hike or doing a workout in the sand or doing some barefoot stuff on the grass, Lieberman said. Just finding different ways to challenge his ankle to react and respond and cut off of different surfaces.
Lieberman rewatched the 15 games Sanu played last season and created a checklist of focus areas for the offseason. One of the improvements, he says, is the effectiveness of Sanus releases at the line of scrimmage, with his movements becoming more intentional.
When watching Sanu run routes, Lieberman pays close attention to details, whether thats telling him to keep his inside foot more firm or to tighten down certain steps. They record every workout in order to review the footage and coaching points later in the evening, too.
The fixes are very, very, very small, Lieberman said. When you really get into the details, were really trying to perfect every little aspect of it. Theres always plenty that can be fixed.
Perhaps the most noticeable change Sanu has made? Toning his body and increasing his muscle definition, thanks to a combination of work from Lieberman, Sanus speed coach Kyle Meadows, and his chef, Arenthious Baker.
From an explosive standpoint, from an athletic standpoint, he just has completely reinvented his body, Lieberman said. Hes definitely leaned out. We felt as though he had some extra fat that was not doing anything for him other than adding more weight to his height and weight profile. It was not making him a better player.
Often, Sanu is the subject of videos posted on Liebermans instructional channel, The Sideline Hustle. Lieberman showcases some of their ball drills, from juggling two tennis balls and a football to playing catch with two tennis balls and a football, as well as Sanu in action.
Hes constantly finding new ways to challenge me and push me past my limits, Sanu said. We were able to take our work to a totally different level. Film study, field work, ball drills, mental work every single day.
In their downtime, the pair like to spend time reflecting and talking through insecurities, doubts, or whatever may be going on in each others heads. With training camp picking up steam, Lieberman expects his role will revolve less around Sanus physical condition and more around his mind-set.
Despite their busy schedules, the two certainly find time to relax, usually watching TV Sanu enjoys the Japanese series Baki on Netflix or exploring Boston. Recently they went whale watching with Sanus 4-year-old son.
As for what to expect once the season gets underway?
Entering his ninth year in the league, Sanu is looking to bounce back from a season in which he acknowledges he underperformed. While battling an ankle injury, he posted 26 catches for 207 yards in eight games with the Patriots; his worst production since 2015.
But Lieberman emphasizes that its not all about the numbers. Instead, he preaches that production will take care of itself if Sanu minimizes the number of reps he wishes he could have back.
I cant control what people think about me or how they choose to remember me, added Sanu. I know what I think of myself and the standard I hold myself to. I play because I love the game. I love the process, I love the work, I love playing football.
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How Patriots receiver Mohamed Sanu attacked the offseason with his live-in trainer Drew Lieberman -
My View: Nice try, cancer, but I’m still here – Buffalo News

Here I was, home from teaching due to Covid-19, recovering from lung surgery, worried and scared but also overcome with the feeling that I had better give this diet a good college try, and just see. I had three months until my next CT scan, so surely I could do it for three months.
It was not fun, pretty much all fruits and veggies. No dairy, no meat, no eggs, no sugar, no bread, no pasta, nothing processed. Hummus is a friend, and green smoothies, spelt flour, alkaline salts things Ive never heard of became pantry staples. I got used to it after the first few weeks and have felt great. Starved, but great.
I continued my daily 3- to 4-mile walk and positive journal. This past week I went for my scan and the results were good. I said to my loved ones beforehand, I would feel like I won the lottery if they said, "Your scans are clean. We dont see anything to worry about in your lung." Well, guess what? That is just what happened.
I cry when Im happy. Oh, the happy tears! I wanted to shout it from the rooftop of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Institute, EVERYONE GET ON THIS DIET. I sort of did that, on Facebook. Ugly crying face included.
Im not saying Im cancer-free. I say Im doing great. I feel good. Today is a good day and Im cautiously optimistic. I have everything I could want. A world-class cancer hospital right down the road. Fantastic family and friends supporting me. A new year, hopefully with my students starting up soon (I really miss them).
My View: Nice try, cancer, but I'm still here - Buffalo News
Abe returns to work, tries to dispel concerns about health : The Asahi Shimbun – Asahi Shimbun

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe brushed off questions about his health on Aug. 19 as he returned to work after a three-day summer holiday that included a seven-and-a-half-hour visit to a Tokyo hospital.
Both ruling and opposition parties expressed concern over Abe's health following his hospital checkup.
Abe arrived at the prime ministers office shortly after 1:20 p.m. and met briefly with the media.
I earlier received a medical examination to ensure that I can maintain good health, he said, answering a reporter's question. Im returning to work and would like to do my best (in performing my duty).
Other than his roughly 15-second comment, Abe did not respond to other questions. He then departed to carry on his duties, including attending a meeting to discuss measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Abe left the prime minister's office a little past 5:40 p.m. and went straight back to his private residence.
On Aug. 17, Abe stayed at Keio University Hospital in Tokyo for about seven and a half hours to undergo a one-day medical checkup. Hospital sources said it was an additional examination following a complete physical checkup in June.
His recent hospital visit wasabout one and a half hours longer than the one for his June checkup, fueling speculationthat he might not be in good condition raised earlier by a report in a weekly Japanese magazine.
During a TV news program broadcast by BS Nippon Corp. on the evening of Aug. 18, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said he repeatedly urged Abe, who has been overseeing the governments response to the pandemic, to take more days off.
Suga did not go into detail about Abes condition, but said his latest medical examination was nothing unusual because it had been scheduled and was not an emergency examination.
Abe may have become tired because of his pre-existing condition and failed to maintain good health a little bit, Koichi Hagiuda, education minister, told reporters after meeting with Abe at the prime ministers office on Aug. 19. He said he is fine.
But even lawmakers of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party expressed puzzlement over the speculation concerning their party presidents health.
If the health of a leader of the country becomes a matter of concern, it could further cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future course of the governments pandemic response, said a mid-ranking LDP lawmaker.
If we keep saying Abe is tired too much, the public might start thinking he should give up his post if he's tired that much, a young LDP lawmaker said.
The Diet Affairs Committee chairmen of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and other opposition parties also held a meeting at the Diet building on Aug. 19.
Jun Azumi, the Diet Affairs Committee chairman of the CDP, said they also discussed Abes condition and shared the view that he should explain in his own words whether he is fit enough to carry out his duties and respond to questions in the Diet.
Abe needs to provide a proper explanation of all this, including his health condition, as many people have expressed concerns over the matter, said Yukio Edano, the leader of the CDP, at a meeting of party executives the same day.
Abe returns to work, tries to dispel concerns about health : The Asahi Shimbun - Asahi Shimbun
Not All Probiotics Work as Well as They Claim, Says Food Insider – The Beet

Food manufacturers are racing to add probiotics and prebiotics to their labels as consumers are clamoring for more immunity and digestive health from the foods they eat. Do you know the difference? Here's how to choose the right ingredients to boost immunity, improve digestive health, and even promote weight loss.
Prebiotics and probioticsplay very different roles in your body, and both contribute to better gut health. This is especially essential now since research has shownthat over 70% of our bodys immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract.
Probiotics:Living strains of bacteria that add to the population of good bacteria in your digestive system, which help generate antibodies to boost immunity.
Prebiotics:Plant fiber that acts as food for the good bacteria in the gut. Think of it as feeding the good immunity-boosting microbes tohelp them grow and outnumber the bad bacteria.
A huge proportion of your immune system is actually in your GI tract, according to a Johns' Hopkins study. The "good" gut bacteria that grows from eating healthy foods and plants create antibodiesin our intestines, which helps protect us from bad bacteria in the body.
In a survey of consumers interested in health benefits from the foods they eat, 45 percent of said digestive healthwas second only toweight loss or weight management (60 percent) as a priority, according to the International Food Information Council Foundations 2020 Food and Health Survey. The other high priority was energy(55 percent) and while mostpeople(65 percent) said they perceived probiotics as healthy, almost half of them (45 percent) also perceived prebiotics as healthy. So how do you get both? First, read the labels carefully.
The manufacturers have to decide which strain of probiotics to add to foods, and one that can withstand cooking and other processing in the making of your cookies, bars, drinks and other snacks include "Bacillus" species since they have the "broadest range" of resistance to the processing methods (including heat, etc), according to Joanna Wozniak, who works in special projects for Lallemand, in astory published inFood Business News Daily,
Probiotic claims on labels range from improving digestive health and immune health to specific life stages, like children, older consumers, or specific interests, Vanessa Bailey, global marketing lead for DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences, told FBN inan article by Jeff Gelski. Ultimately, probiotic strains that have been studied clinically can be promoted on food and beverage products as beneficial for digestive health regarding basic aspects of the structure or function of the body, Ms. Bailey said.
Don Cox, R&D directorfor the ProActive Health category atKerryIngredients and Flavors, says the best practice is for food companies tolist thespecific strain of probiotic on the label, including its benefits and the research supporting the claim. An impressive 79% of Americans associate probiotics with providing digestive health benefits, according to a Kerry survey, but not all products withstand the test of processing.
Unfortunately, many products containing probiotics dont live up to the hype, Cox is quoted as saying inFBN. Most consumers dont fully understand the important distinctions between strains."He added thatconsumers and food companies need tounderstand the "value of well-researched ingredients and make choices that support digestive health.
As a spore-forming probiotic, GanedenBC30 is highly resistant to extremes of pH, heat, cold, and pressure, Dr. Cox adds. It can remain viable through shelf life and the low pH of stomach acid, as well as processing conditions like shear and HPP (high-pressure processing) pasteurization. This resilience means it can be used in an extremely wide range of everyday food and beverage categories, including ready meals, snacks, cereals, energy bars, juices, smoothies, and even peanut butter. The application possibilities are virtually endless.
In a July article on whether probiotics in foods do what the labels claim, Eran Elinav, an Israeli expert on the microbiome says: "The public, rather than being advertised for claims that are not substantiated, should be told the truth, which is that these products (probiotics) in most cases are not sufficiently proven." And although probiotics in food are a multibillion-dollar industry, the efficacy of the supplements remains unclear in most cases.
"The only reason we can all consume probiotics is that it is regulated not as a medication as it should be, but as a food supplement, and this enables the industry to bypass any sort of medical and scientific overview," Elinav told Xinhua.The journal added:Elinav is a professor in the department of immunology at the Weizmann Institute of Science, where his team has been working for years to gain a better understanding of what probiotics are doing to the human body.
In one experiment where half of the people consumed probiotics and the other half didn't, those who took the probiotics "saw no colonization in their gut. They just came in from one side and came out from the other side," Elinav said.
In another study, the journal reports, Elinav and his researcherswere surprised to find that, in some cases, probioticsactually hindered the natural recovery of the natural gut microbes after antibiotic treatment.In response to this finding, the International Probiotics Association (IPA), stated: "just because the intervention did not recover the microbiota under the study conditions, does not mean that probiotics as a whole are ineffective."
Elinav added that the results were inconclusive:"I am not saying that probiotics are a bad idea or probiotics may not necessarily work," he added, concludingthat morestudy is needed.
Think of prebiotics as fish food and probiotics as baby fish. The little swimmers need specific fiber in prebiotics to grow and outnumber the bad bacteria in the gut (which grow on animal products and can stimulate the creation of TMAO(orTrimethylamine N-oxide) thought to be a precursor to cardiovascular disease.)Togrow your gut's healthy bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and promote healthy digestion, prebiotics help feed the "good" bacteria.
All fiber is good for you. But "prebiotics' are very specific types of fiber, added to food to help probiotics grow. Arrabina is an ingredient that food makers are adding to boost the fiber contentof processed foods; it is derived from farm leftovers such as stalks, leaves, and hulls. So you're basically eating the stalks of the food that farmers sell to manufacturers. Husks anyone?
Adding just three grams of prebiotic fiber per serving to products allows food and beverage companies to claim the products support the growth of beneficial microbiota (bifidobacteria) in the gut,according to Loula Merkel, vice president of business development for Comet Bio. Arrabina, a soluble powder made by Comet Bio, hasa low viscosity, and up until now, it has been usedin supplements and protein powders.
Merkel said she expects Arrabina to find its way into more food and drink products as consumer awareness about the importance of prebiotics continues to grow.
Prebiotics may be enjoying a surge in popularity but they have been around since the turn of the century: Inulin, a type of fiber from chicory root, became popular in the early part of the 21st century toimprove digestive health, help control diabetes, and promote weight loss.Plants naturally containinulin, and some food companies are adding it to their products.
Studies have shown that 5 grams of chicory root fiber per day not only add fiber... but can also help feed normal beneficial bacteria in the gut, according to Pam Stauffer, global marketing programs manager for Cargill, Minneapolis, as quoted in Food Business News. Consuming at least 5 grams of chicory root fiber per day supports a healthy microflora in the digestive tract.
As more people seek health benefits from every corner due to the current pandemic, companies are eager to meet demand. A survey released in April by FMCG Gurus, a UK market research company, asked 23,000consumers whether theywere more concernedwith the immunity benefits of foods they eat because of COVID-19, and 59 percent of North American respondents said they were.
So if you're most interested in probiotics that get into the gut and do the job you want them to do, bolstering your "good bacteria," the best bet is to eat a whole food plant-based diet and skip the processed foods, since there is no guarantee the probiotics in your foods are surviving the processing methods.
Instead choose foods that have naturally occurring probiotics, such as fermented foods such assauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi,sourdough bread, apple cider vinegar, and some cheeses. For the probiotics in yogurt, kefir, kombucha check the label and look for naturally occurring ones, such asLactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt.
The Beet covered 15 Foods that Naturally Add Probiotics and Prebiotics to Your Diet
(This list is adapted froma list of prebiotic foods that appeared inMedical News Today.)
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Not All Probiotics Work as Well as They Claim, Says Food Insider - The Beet