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How To Lose Weight Safely This Summer – The Fashionable …
Unfortunately, a lot of people have problems with overweight, especially after being stuck in quarantine for the last few months. For many people, its challenging to abandon favorite junk food or a comfortable passive lifestyle with no sport.
No doubt, it can be okay for a short period, but what should you do if you gain a lot of extra pounds because of compulsive overeating?
Read some information about the effects of being overweight and ways of losing weight with no risks. If you need someone to list out the pros and cons for you and write a paper on how to lose weight safely, then reach out to academic writing companies. Youll see that being fat is doing more harm than just reducing your self-esteem.
Being overweight can never benefit you! It has only a harmful effect on your physical, mental and emotional health and your self-confidence. If you want to be healthy and full of energy, you must lose weight immediately.
If you have only a few extra pounds, its okay to dive right in and lose the weight quickly. In case your weight is higher on 20% from a healthy weight, you must be super careful and never hurry in its losing.
Now you know, being fat is your biggest enemy. It can seem challenging to lose weight, but it will all be worth it in the end!
Its a well-known fact that people prefer to achieve goals super fast. Unfortunately, in a case with losing weight, it can be even dangerous.
Never try to lose more than 3 pounds a week unless you are significantly overweight. If you drink only water, you will lose 10 pounds in a few days, but its bad for your health! If you lose weight too quickly, all of these pounds will come back to you soon.
If you dont want to feel weakness while losing weight, never reduce your daily calories in one day. Remember, if you ate 2500 calories per day and then decided to cut it to 1000, your body is going to fight back and go into starvation mode. Unfortunately, its significant stress for your body that can worsen health.Instead, try gradually lowering your calorie count or switch to a keto diet.
Yes, exercising is essential to losing weight. An active lifestyle is key to effective weight loss. Im not saying that you must exercise till the death. Make sure you get at least 30 minutes a day of some physical activity even if its just walking. Doing this 3-6 days per week will be simply perfect for those who want to lose weight. In case you dont have time for exercise because of homework, contact the SpeedyPaper company, an assignment writing platform. The Speedy Paper discount will help you to save some time so you can focus on more important things like exercising!
Try to do daily walking. You may go to a park or walk near your house. 1-2 hours will surely bring you some results. Can I ask someone to do my assignment if Im short in time? you might ask. Yes, if you are in a pinch you can pay for someone else to do your homework to allocate some time for yourself to focus on what really matters.
As you know, today, many convenient fitness gadgets help you monitor the progress. They help you to counts daily steps and burned calories. You may buy a smartwatch or download apps for your mobile phone. Do you need a custom essay paper on how gadgets help you to stay healthy? Find a reliable assignment writing company and place an order.
If you have some extra pounds and dont know what to do with them, I have one piece of advice. Never give up on your trying to reach your weight loss goals. I know, thats a long and exhausting process that needs your daily effort and self-control, but you surely can do it. There are a lot of examples that can motivate you, as a million people worldwide have changed their bodies and become healthy.
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How To Lose Weight Safely This Summer - The Fashionable ...
How To Efficiently Lose The Weight You Gained While In …
Unplanned weight gain has been one of the growing issues amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The forced isolation, closing of gyms and limited time to do groceries led many people to an unhealthy lifestyle with poor diet and less exercise.
But many parts of the U.S. and other countries recently started to slowly reopen. That means people can access certain public places, such as restaurants, parks and tourist spots.
Many are excited to meet with families and friends again but are having problems with their lockdown pounds. That leads them to diets that promise to show quick results.
One approach that has been getting attention amid the pandemic is crash dieting. It can cause instant weight loss but health experts warned that this eating plan is unhealthy and not sustainable.
So youve put pounds on during lockdown and you want to get back to your pre-lockdown weight as soon as possible, Hannah Richards, a nutritionist and author of The Best Possible You, told Daily Express. Let me tell you something - crash dieting doesnt work and there always comes a point when the intermittent fasting backfires.
To help people shed some extra pounds safely while at home, Richards shared some tips that will require little effort but offer great benefits.
Safe, Healthy Ways To Cut Lockdown Pounds
Eat Natural Diet
Increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables would give you more fiber and other important nutrients that support weight loss and give more energy. Richards suggested focusing on green, starchy and fibrous vegetables to manage appetite and make you feel fuller during the day.
Dont be worried about eating carbohydrates, such as rice, lentils or grains, she said. However, be wary of processed food, alcohol, corn sugar, additives, preservatives, trans fat, hydro go side milk, commercially farmed meat, cheese that has elastic qualities and sweets.
Stay Hydrated
Water can also play an important role in the weight loss process. Drinking water before meals and after may help to make you feel fuller.
That could help reduce food consumption and cause a calorie deficit to shed the extra pounds.
Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Plan your alcohol free days each week. Richards said it could help improve sleep and reduce intake of extra calories and sugar.
She recommended staying alcohol free for five days each week for better weight loss results.
Stop Counting Your Calories
Richards said regularly counting calories can be unhealthy for your mindset. People should pay attention to the quality of the food they eat and not on numbers.
Eating healthy foods could help reduce daily consumption but provide the body with enough nutrients and other sources of energy to support daily functions.
Manage Your Cravings
Listen to your body and always ask yourself if you are really hungry, thirsty or just bored. Richards said diets should focus on feeding your body, not your emotions.
Market intelligence company FMCG Gurus reported in April that 72 percent of shoppers across Europe now prefer more healthy food options because of their COVID-19 experience. Pixabay
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How To Efficiently Lose The Weight You Gained While In ...
How Much Weight Can You Lose In A Month? What Experts Say
Lets be real for a sec: Weight loss isnt always easy. Often times its trial and error to find what sort of diet and exercise plan works best for you. And even once you figure that out, you still might find that your bod just isnt responding to the changes you've made. Thats because the process of shedding weight can depend on several factors, including your metabolic rate, starting weight, sleep schedule, and more.
The most important part of weight lossaside from actually making your own decision to lose weight and doing it for yourselfis to do it in a healthy way (which also leads to a more sustainable weight loss). That means no crash dieting or exercise binging. But here's the million-dollar question: How much weight can you lose in a short amount of time (like a month) and still make sure you're doing it in a healthy way? (Because, yeah, nobody wants to be dieting forever.)
There's not one set number of pounds you might lose, says Christine Santori, RDN, program manager for Center for Weight Management in Northwell Healths Syosset Hospital in Syosset, New York.
The amount of weight one can lose in a monthand still be healthyreally depends on factors, like age, sex, starting weight, caloric intake, caloric deficit, and exercise," says Santori.
It takes 3,500 fewer calories per weekor 500 fewer calories a dayto drop one pound of weight.
These variables all play a role in how quickly you can drop pounds. And in terms of what's safe, Matthew Weiner, MD says it's not so much about the number of pounds lost, but the method used. "I think there are means that people will take to achieve weight loss which are unsafefor instance, consuming 600 or fewer calories a day is very unsafe," Dr. Weiner says.
Not only is a too-low-cal approach unsafe, but people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about one to two pounds per week) are more successful at keeping it off, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That adds up to about four to eight pounds a month. The story's a little different for those looking to lose 100 pounds or morein that case, you can shed up to 20 pounds in one month, though "some of that is just water," notes Santori.
You're going to have to look at your daily calorie intake. In general, you should aim to cut 500 calories out of your daily meal plan to lose a pound each week, says Irene Franowicz, a registered dietitian at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
"It takes 3,500 calories less per weekor 500 less calories a dayto drop one pound of weight in a week," she says. Following that math, to drop two pounds in a week youd have to cut 1,000 calories a day. Thats a big change, Franowicz says, and it may not be the best approach for you. But there are some ways to cut out those calories.
Yeah, yeah they sound a little eye-rolly and minimal (and you've probably heard of some of these little tricks before!)but little tweaks like these can add up.
Calories burned while exercising can make a difference too, says Franowicz. Remember, calories give your body the energy it needs to function, but they can also be stored as fat when you consume them in excess. To keep that from happening you have to a) reduce your calorie intake or b) increase your physical activity. But if you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time (which you do), you're going to want to do both.
"A great way to achieve the 500-calorie deficit is to divide it in half, maybe cut out 250 calories a day from food and burn an extra 250 more a day through movement to equal 500 calories," she says. That way, says Franowicz, you won't feel deprived because you're making too drastic of a change to your diet that won't be sustainable in the long runbecause the goal isn't just losing weight, but keeping it off.
Something important to remember when it comes to calorie counting and calories burned, however: It varies between people. "The number of calories one needs to maintain weight or promote weight loss is based on height, age, and weight, and is individual to the person," says Santori. That means you may have to experiment to find what works for your body.
Well, it depends on the kind of procedure you had, Dr. Weiner says. With a gastric bypass, most of his patients will lose 10 percent of their total body weight within six weeks after the surgery. With a sleeve gastrectomy, Dr. Weiner says the process takes a little longer, with most patients seeing their 10 percent drop within eight to 10 weeks post-operation.
So what's the difference between the two surgeries? A gastric bypass anatomically changes the shape of your stomach and involves changes to your intestines. A sleeve gastrectomy removes about two-thirds of your stomach, but preserves the natural flow of intestines.
"A gastric bypass results in more powerful hormonal changes than a sleeve," Dr. Weiner says. And the primary determinant that drives weight loss in this case is hormonal. But even after surgery there are uncontrollable variables that will determine a patient's ability to lose weight. Its really genetics that are driving the difference as opposed to lifestyle changes, Dr. Weiner says.
Ultimately over time though, most of Dr. Weiner's patients lose significant weight within the first year of their surgery.
If you have been modifying your diet and exercise, most experts suggest sticking to one to two pounds a week, or four to eight pounds total, unless you have more than 100 pounds to lose, in which case, losing up to 20 in a month is okay. But you don't have to strive for that 20-pound mark (and if you're going over that, talk with your doc). According to Santori, even modest weight loss can produce beneficial results. Weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of total body weight is associated with improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars.
It's also important to watch your calorie count. Franowicz doesn't recommend dipping below 1,200 calories a daythe lowest calorie threshold she recommends. "Very low-calorie diets can result in fatigue and physical activity is such an important part of [weight loss]. If people are too tired to exercise, then this is a sign you are too low in calories," she says.
Another important thing to remember: The number on the scale shouldn't be your main focus. If you're also adding some exercise (through cardio and strength training) to your workouts, you might also see smaller overall weight lossabout half a pound a weekbut how your body looks and feels is a better measure of progress, says Santori. "As we already know, muscle weighs more than fat," she says, adding that you may see inches come off or clothes fit more comfortably as opposed to a major dip on the scale.
The bottom line: For healthy, sustainable weight loss, aim to lose one to two pounds per week, or four to eight pounds per month.
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How Much Weight Can You Lose In A Month? What Experts Say
The Simple Way Khlo Kardashian Helped Rob Kardashian Lose Weight and Maintain His Overall Health – Showbiz Cheat Sheet
In recent years, Rob Kardashian has battled with weight gain and depression, causing him to retreat into the shadows. Though hes tried shedding the pounds, Kardashian has struggled to stay motivated and wasnt seeing the results he so desired that is until Khlo Kardashian stepped in.
Thanks to his older sister, Rob has gotten a lot more serious about his health and is happier than ever now that hes losing some weight. So, how exactly did Khlo help her little brother stay motivated amid his fitness journey? Read on below to find out.
When Kardashian and her family rose to fame in the 2000s, she immediately faced negative comments about her body.
Since Koko was considerably taller and had a bigger frame than her petite sisters, people began referring to her as the fat sister, which greatly affected her self-esteem.
Though she considered herself to be tough-skinned, Kardashian had no idea how mean online critics could be, and to make the negativity stop, she decided to transform her body.
In 2009, Kardashian tried yo-yo dieting and even became a spokesperson for QuickTrim. Two years later, she took a break from the weight loss program and began upping her exercise regime and eating well.
Following her split from ex-husband Lamar Odom, Kardashian decided to become physically strong, mentally balanced, and all-around healthier by hitting the gym daily. This not only led her to lose significant amounts of weight, but it also tightened and toned her body.
RELATED: Khlo Kardashian Said Shed Rather Gain 10 Pounds Than Eat This Food
By the time she gave birth to her daughter, True, in 2018, Kardashians hardcore workouts had become a part of her daily routine, and she was able to shed her baby weight in no time.
Today, Kardashian continues to maintain her slim figure by working out daily with a personal trainer. Shes even become a fitness enthusiast, launching her own reality show, Revenge Body with Khlo Kardashian, and writing a weight-loss memoir, Strong Looks Better Naked.
Like his sister, Rob Kardashian has also struggled with weight issues in the past.
Though he maintained a fit physique during his days on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Rob started to gain a great deal of weight after sinking into a deep depression in 2014.
Kardashian had become so embarrassed of the weight gain that he skipped out on attending Kim and Kanyes 2014 wedding. He also quit his familys reality show due to his weight swelling and his self-esteem tanking.
In 2016, Kardashian re-emerged from the shadows after getting engaged to Blac Chyna. The pair even landed their own reality series Rob & Chyna, which showcased Kardashians attempts to shed some pounds before the birth of their daughter, Dream Kardashian.
However, after a shortlived romance, Kardashian and Chyna split, causing the reality star to retreat from the spotlight yet again.
Although he tried to maintain a workout regime during that time, it was hard for Kardashian to stay motivated.
It wasnt until October 2019 when Kardashian re-emerged, and fans immediately took notice of his slimmer figure. In the following months, Rob continued shedding the pounds and recently flaunted his incredible weight loss during Khlos 36th birthday party.
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Though Kardashians daughter, Dream, inspired him to transform his body and be the healthiest he can be, one family member, in particular, helped the reality star maintain his healthy lifestyle.
According to HollywoodLife, Khlo Kardashian has been her brothers biggest support system amid his fitness journey.
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Though everyone in the Kardashian clan has been a pillar of support for Rob, Khlo has taken the extra steps to help her brother maintain his overall health by continuing to push him and cheer on his progress.
His mom and sisters are all supportive but Khloe is his number one cheerleader, a source told the outlet. Shes always pushing him and checking on him and is just so proud of him.
Theres nothing like the support of family!
See the rest here:
The Simple Way Khlo Kardashian Helped Rob Kardashian Lose Weight and Maintain His Overall Health - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
‘I’ve Been On My Weight Loss Journey For 1.5 Years, And Using A Food Scale Still Helps Me A Ton’ – Yahoo Lifestyle
Photo credit: Megan Faraday
From Delish
My name is Megan Faraday (@meggsmetamorphosis), and I'm 25 years old. I'm from Ontario, Canada, and I own a sign post installation company. After struggling with my weight and self-esteem for years, I decided to try a version of low-carb dieting called "lazy keto." I've now lost 107 pounds.
I struggled with my weight my whole life. I remember my mom putting me on diets from as early as 10 years old. I was constantly trying to lose weight with no success. I had gotten my weight down in high school for a short period of time but gained it back shortly after. No healthy plan ever stuck, and my weight held me back from experiencing a lot of things in life.
My weight had the biggest effect on me mentally. I had absolutely no self-esteem and had uncontrollable social anxiety. I just felt uncomfortable in my skin 24/7. I would make decisions based on my weight and what people would think of me. People made negative comments to me about my weight my whole life, and it really affected every aspect of my life and the choices I made.
In addition, I really had no energy or desire to do any sort of physical activity and knew that something had to change. Just walking up the stairs would get me winded, and I just thought: Enough is enough. My heaviest weight was 265 pounds at the age of 23. I was ready for a better life.
Story continues
I started that day and never gave up. I had said that same thing to myself a million times over and tried to do it in a million different ways, but something just *felt* different this time. They say that you have to truly want something for yourself first before you can put in the work to get it, and I can tell you that this is 100 percent true.
I decided that I would try something similar by tracking calories and cutting carbs. I started by eating 25 grams of net carbs per day and a calorie count that works for me.
I would make a lot of keto recipes, but I did not follow the standard keto diet exactly to the planI did more of a "lazy keto" diet. I've now started to reintroduce carbohydrates back into my diet, aiming for 75 to 100 grams of carbs per day. This works for me because I am still losing weight, but in a way that I will be able to sustain for the rest of my life.
I was too nervous to go into a gym in the beginning, but my friend Sarah had encouraged me to join her gym, and I started to go with her. Eventually I found the courage to go alone.
I started working out three to five times a week in the gym, doing a mixture of cardio and weight training. I still work out three to five times a week but I am able to do so much more. I can run faster and longer, and I even go for runs outside. This is something I never had the confidence to do in the past.
Exercise is also such a great way to see my progress. It's so motivating and it feels amazing to see myself progressing and conquering personal bests.
Change one: I stopped expecting the scale to go down every week. The first few times I saw the scale at a stand still or even spike up, I panicked. But that is all part of the process! Continue on and stay dedicated to your plan, and it will move.
Change two: I started drinking lots of water. Everyone goes on and on about getting your water in, but it has truly made all the difference on my journey. I drink 100 ounces of water a day, and on the days I don't, I really can feel a negative difference.
Change three: I weighed my food with a food scale. I began using a food scale instead of measuring spoons and cups, and it is so much more accurate when youre tracking. It's so easy to over-scoop and go overboard on portions in the beginning while you're learning portion sizes, so it was really helpful for me to weigh my food. I've been on this journey for 1.5 years and I still do it.
Losing the weight was one of the hardest things I have done and definitely one of my biggest accomplishments. Every hard day that got me to this point was worth it, though. The confidence that I have gained is incredible. My weight no longer holds me back from doing fun things with my family and friends.
I wish I could go back to the woman I was before this journey and tell her to love herself more, wear the cute clothes, and not to miss out on fun things just because of her size. It took me losing over 100 pounds to learn that, but that's okay too! Sometimes we need to do these things for ourselves to appreciate who we are inside and out.
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See the article here:
'I've Been On My Weight Loss Journey For 1.5 Years, And Using A Food Scale Still Helps Me A Ton' - Yahoo Lifestyle
UK PM Warns "Fat" Britons They Must Lose Weight To Fight Virus Better – NDTV
"I have taken a very libertarian stance on obesity," Boris Johnson said.
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is ditching his libertarian instincts and considering state interventions to tackle the U.K.'s high obesity levels.
The coronavirus crisis has persuaded Johnson that ministers have a duty to address excess weight as a major health issue, he told Times Radio on Monday.
The prime minister has previously railed against "nanny state" interventions in the lives of ordinary people, but his -- and the nation's -- battle with coronavirus has changed his views. He described how he lost weight while in intensive care with Covid-19 in April, and said he would be considering how to address the nation's poor record on obesity.
"I have taken a very libertarian stance on obesity," Johnson said. "But actually when you look at the numbers, when you look at the pressure on the NHS, compare, I'm afraid, this wonderful country of ours to other European countries, we are significantly fatter than most."
Johnson argued it is not "easy" for politicians to solve obesity but said he would be going through the arguments "carefully" on any government interventions that could follow. He declined to comment directly on whether measures would include taxes on sugar or different treatments.
"We will be happier and fitter and more resistant to diseases like Covid if we can tackle obesity," he said. "We certainly must have a care for the health of our population."
The pandemic, which has killed more than 43,000 people in the U.K., "has been a disaster, an absolute nightmare for the country," Johnson said, pledging to learn the lessons from failings in the government's response.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
Originally posted here:
UK PM Warns "Fat" Britons They Must Lose Weight To Fight Virus Better - NDTV
You could get Weight Watchers FREE on the NHS to help you lose weight in PMs obesity crackdown – The Sun
PEOPLE who are trying to lose weight could be prescribed Weight Watchers free on the NHS.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to tackle obesity in the UK after his brush with Covid-19 convinced him to shed the pounds.
Mr Johnson has suggested the severe symptoms he endured were partly down to his weight.
It comes after various studies have flagged obesity as one of the major reisk factors for severe Covid-19 and death from the disease.
Mr Johnson weighed 17 stone 7lbs when he was admitted to St Thomas Hospital in London with the virus in April.
It is thought he has lost at least a stone since recovering.
At present doctors are able to refer patients who need to lose weight to the Weight Watchers (WW) scheme if they are at risk of type 2 diabetes.
Those who are referred get nine months of the plan subsidised.
Downing Street is currently discussing how to put more of the population on a diet and it is thought that an increase in referrals to the Weight Watchers programme may be on the cards.
Plans from the government are believed to focus on pushing people to slim down and to follow exercise programmes.
The Daily Mail reported that the plan is still in its early stages but that the Department for Health has been asked to submit proposals to the Prime Minister.
Other projects could include the end of buy-one-get-one free advertisements as well as a pre-9pm ban on junk food advertisements.
Speaking on Times Radio Mr Johnson said: I have taken a very libertarian stance on obesity.
When you look at the pressure on the NHS, and compare, I'm afraid, this wonderful country of ours to other European countries, we are significantly fatter than most.
The WW programme is clinically-proven to support weight loss and improvement in blood sugar control in those diagnosed with pre-diabetes.
As well as helping members lose weight, WW helps people change their habits to make healthy eating and physical activity a part of their daily lives.
Those referred by their GP or nurse will get access to the full range of WW tools, including coaching and workshops, face-to-face meetings, recipe ideas and activity and wellness inspiration, as well as support on the WW app.
The collaboration is part of the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, working with NHS England, Public Health England and Diabetes UK.
Other measures such as sugar taxes have been discussed but it is thought that Mr Johnson would rather gently nudge people in the right direction with exercise and diet plans.
Papers published by NHS England in May state that there were 876,000 hospital admissions with obesity as a factor over the last year.
It also found that 67 per cent of men were overweight or obese along with 60 per cent of women.
Shockingly the statistics also showed that 20 per cent of year 6 children are classed as obese.
As well as this obesity has also been flagged as one of the main risk factors for Covid-19.
Researchers previously found that people who are obese have a 37 per cent higher risk of dying.
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The government already has a number of weight loss referral schemes in place up and down the country.
Group sessions are run in local areas by qualified nutritionists.
The sessions guide those who have been referred by their GP through the different food groups and how to make better choices.
Some even offer subsidised gym plans and free exercise classes.
Read the original post:
You could get Weight Watchers FREE on the NHS to help you lose weight in PMs obesity crackdown - The Sun
Exercising On An Empty Stomach: What Experts Think – Medical Daily
Intermittent fasting is all the rage these days as more and more celebrities have sworn by this diet. It also helps that some research has already established its health benefits and its positive effect on weight management. However, diet alone is not the secret to fitness. It should always be coupled with regular exercise.
Interestingly, some think that fasting before a workout is a good way to easily shed pounds. But does exercising on an empty stomach really benefit the body?
Mindbodygreen recently went out of its way to find the answer to the question. And after speaking with experts in sports dietetics and exercise physiology, it has found out that this setup is not actually that beneficial.
Per the experts, fasted cardio or exercising on an empty stomach could really burn a lot of calories. However, since one would feel the urge to eat a meal after an intense exercise, that person could end up eating calorie-loaded meals.
For instance, one person may burn up to 300 calories of fat when exercising in a fasted state. But when that person comes home and eat an 800-calorie meal, he or she would defeat the purpose of doing fasted cardio to lose weight.
Burning fat does not equate to losing body fat, Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD, author of The Sports Nutrition Guidebook, said. She added that while many people believe that working out while fasting could help decrease body fat efficiently, that is actually not the case in most cases.
Nevertheless, exercise physiologist John Ivy, PhD, said that there is indeed an advantage to doing fasted cardio and it has something to do with the hormonal changes that happen during the early hours of the day.
The low insulin levels and elevated testosterone levels during the early hours could help burn solid fat. Clark also pointed out that this is why athletes do fasted cardio a few times in a week.
The experts noted that fasted cardio can be effective for those who really want to burn fat and lose weight. But it wont be more effective than exercising after being fed. Both ways may lead to the same amount of weight loss. However, the latter is still more recommended by experts since fasting on an empty stomach could lead to concentration problems because the brain is deprived of energy. Concentration problems could then lead to accidents and injuries.
Woman in face mask exercising with dumbbells outdoors. Pexels
Go here to read the rest:
Exercising On An Empty Stomach: What Experts Think - Medical Daily
Apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss here’s what the research says – Business Insider India
Apple cider vinegar is more than just a tangy salad dressing ingredient. It has been found to have some health benefits for weight loss, gut health, and blood sugar. Here's what the research says about the benefits of apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is made from apples using a three-step process:
According to a series of small, preliminary studies, apple cider vinegar may help you lose weight.
For example, a study published in 2009 in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry followed 175 participants who went about their usual diet and exercise patterns for 12 weeks, but added a drink of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in 250 ml of liquid twice per day one dose after breakfast and the other after dinner. The researchers found that people who drank the vinegar solutions lost on average 4.5 pounds by the end of those 12 weeks.
However, if you are looking to lose weight, apple cider vinegar probably won't be enough on its own, Shibeeb says. In order to get the best results from apple cider vinegar, you should combine it with exercise and lower calorie intake.
The type of apple cider vinegar you buy determines whether or not it will contain probiotics, live microorganisms that may support gut health.
Experts believe that the probiotics in apple cider vinegar may be beneficial for gut health, but this has not been researched.
Early studies suggest that drinking apple cider vinegar after a meal can help control blood sugar for people with diabetes.
Researchers believe that apple cider vinegar helps control blood sugar because it makes your body more sensitive to insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels. This is important because over time, people with diabetes can lose sensitivity to insulin, making it harder for their bodies to balance blood sugar after a high-carb meal.
Drinking too much apple cider vinegar can have negative consequences.
Apple cider vinegar generally comes in liquid form, but you can find apple cider vinegar tablets. However, there is little research on whether these tablets provide any health benefits.
In order to avoid health risks and negative side effects, Shibeeb says that you should drink no more than 2 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 12 oz glass of water each day.
See the original post:
Apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss here's what the research says - Business Insider India
Straight facts about Splenda and its affect on health – Insider – INSIDER
Many people turn to artificial sweeteners in an attempt to cut calories from sugar out of their diets and lose weight. However, some of these sugar substitutes have been controversial for decades.
One sweetener, Splenda, has even raised concerns for causing cancer, though there's no substantial proof. Here's what researchers have actually found so far on Splenda's health effects.
Splenda is one of the brand names for sucralose-based artificial sweeteners. Other brands include Sukrana, SucraPlus, and Nevella. Sucralose was first approved as a general-purpose sweetener in 1999 by the FDA.
The Splenda-making process starts with sucrose, also known as table sugar. The chemical structure of sucrose is then altered into a new compound called sucralose, from which the human body cannot absorb any calories.
This result is an artificial sweetener that is extremely sweet 600 times sweeter than regular sugar and low-cal. One packet of Splenda contains 3.36 calories.
The FDA says that sucralose is safe capping the recommended maximum intake at 23 packets a day, or about the equivalent of 5.5 teaspoons. However, some nutritionists disagree with the FDA.
Danica Cowan, MS, RD, a dietitian at UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, strongly advises against using any chemical artificial sweeteners, not just Splenda. Cowan says that until we have unequivocal proof that chemically-altered artificial sweeteners are not harmful, everyone should err on the side of caution.
In fact, most of the research points to potentially adverse health effects. Here's what some of the research has uncovered, so far:
A study published in Cell Metabolism in 2020 found that consistently eating sucralose and carbs together for 10 consecutive days decreased insulin sensitivity in otherwise healthy adults. In other words, it's possible that consuming too much sucralose-based sweeteners may cause you to have higher blood sugar, which can increase your risk of prediabetes. However, this research is relatively new, and there are no other studies to confirm its conclusions.
There's talk that artificial sweeteners may have a negative impact on gut health. However, so far, the only studies on this effect have been done in animals and there's no proof that the results apply to human health.
That said, artificial sweeteners including mannitol and sorbitol have been shown to cause GI issues like diarrhea. Whether this has any long-term adverse effects on gut health, though, is unknown.
In 2016, a study published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health made media headlines for its supposed link between Splenda and an increased risk of cancer.
However, the study was performed in mice and the researchers reportedly fed the rodents at least 12 times more sucralose than what's recommended for human consumption. The mice were eating this amount every day until they died.
Later in 2016, a different group of researchers published an extensive review in the Journal Nutrition and Cancer concluding that, "sucralose does not demonstrate carcinogenic activity even when exposure levels are several orders of magnitude greater than the range of anticipated daily ingestion levels."
Artificial sweeteners, in general, can actually backfire for those who are trying to lose weight. According to a 2010 mini-review, artificial sweeteners affect the brain differently than true sugar, leaving it less satisfied which can spark additional sweet cravings.
When we eat sugar, reward pathways in our brain are activated, and they release hormones that make us feel good, which explains why we love sweets so much. On the other hand, when artificial sweeteners are consumed, those same pathways are activated only partially since they don't contain calories, meaning they can't be broken down into energy for the body. This can lead you to crave more, eat more, and possibly gain weight.
There is a deficit of studies that investigate the long-term health effects of Splenda consumption. From what researchers have found, Splenda isn't horrible for you, but it also isn't necessarily good for you, either. And it definitely doesn't add any nutritional value.
Cowan says that if you want to reduce your sugar intake, then start by cutting back slowly and steadily. "If you just begin to cut back on sugar and sweets in general, your body adjusts. Your taste buds adjust, and you crave sweets less and I think that's very beneficial."
If you have intense sugar cravings and aren't ready to cut back on traditional sweets just yet, Cowan says artificial sweeteners can have a place. But she suggests trying healthier sugar substitutes instead of Splenda. She highly recommends using Stevia or Monk Fruit, which are more natural than Splenda. Both of these sweeteners come from plants and are not artificially derived from other substances or chemicals.
Lastly, if you're trying to lose weight, take a hard look at your overall diet. Weight loss and health are about way more than just using an artificial sweetener or not. Cowan recommends focusing on having a healthy balanced diet of whole foods, and avoiding highly-processed foods.
For help with weight loss check out our guide on how to lose weight safely. You can also consult a doctor or dietitian for guidance.
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Straight facts about Splenda and its affect on health - Insider - INSIDER