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Using Sermorelin and Growth Hormone Secretagogues for GH …

Defy Medical restores optimal levels of Human Growth Hormone using a more effective approach. Upon review of comprehensive blood work, our practitioners determine whether you would be a candidate for Growth Hormone (GH) restoration therapy. They can combine an effective dosage of Sermorelin (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) and Growth Hormone Secretagogues (GHS) like Ipamorelin, with other bio-identical hormones to potentially improve overall health and longevity.
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Defys medical team also utilizes injectable amino acids and peptides to help improve results:Supplemental parental or enteral Arginine has been shown to stimulate secretion of GH, insulin, and prolactin in humans. Several supplement studies have shown both Arginine and Ornithine to promote GH and insulin secretion with anabolic effects in postoperative patients.because Arginine potentiates the release of pituitary hormones (GH), it can be hypothesized that the beneficial effects of pharmacological doses of the amino acid on protein synthesis, wound healing, and immune function may be mediated via a pituitary messenger such as GH. Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete by Dr Mauro DiPasquale.
Patients can expect to see Increasing energy from fat breakdown Increases protein synthesis increases lean muscle Increasing muscle mass through sarcomere hyperplasia (additional division of the contractile unit of a muscle) Decreases body fat and increases Lipolysis (fat burning) Strengthens immune system reduces risk factors for age related diseases Strengthening of joints and connective tissue Increases bone density - Increases calcium retention Stimulates the growth of all internal organs to more a youthful state Improving cognitive abilities
Sermorelin Acetate is a bio-identical hormone that has recently been genetically engineered to stimulate the secretion of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) from the hypothalamus, a gland adjacent to the pituitary gland. GHRH is a peptide that contains the first 29 amino acids of our own GH. These 29 amino acids are the active amino acids of GHRH. It is GHRH that stimulates the pituitary glands to release GH. As we get older, the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary are depleted. It has now been shown that GHRH can restore the GH-RNA to a youthful level causing elevation of levels of IGF-1. It is typically injected subcutaneously every night before bed until positive responses are shown. Thereafter, a titration and maintenance protocol is typically given to the patient.
Growth Hormone Secretagogues are a broad class of compounds, which share a common trait of being able to bind to the Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHS-R) and effect Growth Hormone release. This class of compounds includes synthetic peptides (Ipamorelin, GHRP-2, GHRP-6) and smaller synthetic non-peptide molecular compounds such as Ibutamoren and the natural ligand, Ghrelin. Sermorelin works synergistically with these compounds to stimulate the body to release more growth hormone. Below are details regarding the growth hormone secretagogues currently prescribed through Defy Medical:
Ipamorelin A synthetic peptide typically prescribed in conjunction with Sermorelin to stimulate more growth hormone release than with Sermorelin by itself. Ipamorelin is like GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, but does not cause an increase in hunger, prolactin, or cortisol levels. Typically injected subcutaneously along with Sermorelin administration.
GHRP-2 Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-2 is one of the most potent members of the GHS drug class. It can significantly increase the release of growth hormone, which in turn improves serum concentrations of GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in animals and humans. GHRP-2 amplifies our natural peaks in growth hormone secretion peaks, which are regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Typically administered at bed time with Sermorelin. When prescribed by itself, it will typically be administered 2-3 times per day.
Ibutamoren (aka MK-677) A non-peptidic growth hormone secretagogue which is long acting and orally-active. It can increase the release of plasma levels of GH and IGF-1 (affecting other hormones as well) while also producing a sustained increase for up to 24 hours after a single oral dose.
How do you measure the effectiveness of GH Restoration?
Due to the pulsatile nature of both endogenous HGH and IGF-1, a single blood draw is not sufficient for accurate measurement. Most physicians who prescribe Sermorelin and Growth Hormone Releasing Secretagogues measure effectiveness in patients through symptomology (the study of your symptoms-see benefits); physical appearance and measurements; and blood analysis.
How will I know its working?
Patients usually report improved sleep within the first few weeks of therapy. Of course, this is only noticed in patients who have trouble sleeping in the first place, however most patients at least notice an increase in sleep quality. This is usually concurrent with increased energy levels and improved mood. After 3-6 months of therapy patients start reporting noticeable or significant body changes, such as increase in muscle tone and a leaner physique. Over time patients will also notice a significant improvement in skin tone and health.
How long does it take to work?Just like most HGH medications, there is usually a loading period of 3-6 months before full effects are noticed. Once taken, both Sermorelin and other peptide compounds are eliminated from then body very quickly, therefore they need to be administered frequently. Its actions are dependent on a chain reaction of biological processes which result in elevated and sustained HGH and growth factors. It takes some time for levels to become optimal and initiate the benefits we are seeking to achieve.
Do I need to take these medications forever to continue seeing results?
Interestingly, no. Sermorelin has an ongoing effect in which optimal HGH levels can be sustained long after the last injection. Just like synthetic HGH, Sermorelin initially must be injected every day. Unlike synthetic HGH, once optimal levels are sustained with Sermorelin injection frequencies can be decreased or stopped altogether. Once results are achieved, patients are then switched to a maintenance protocol eliminating the need for ongoing daily injections and reducing the total cost of therapy!
Find out why these treatments are a more effective Anti-Aging treatment than synthetic HGH.
Sermorelin is superior when it comes to decreasing body fat
Lipodystrophy is a medical condition that defines the rapid accumulation of adipose tissue (body fat) usually unevenly distributed in certain areas of the body (legs, hips, stomach, lower back). In basic concept, lipodystrophy is very similar to the increase in body fat experienced as we age, accumulating unevenly in different areas of our body. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in 2008 of the effects Sermorelin had on HIV positive men suffering from lipodystrophy.
The study concluded that patients provided the Sermorelin lost adipose (fat) and increased lean muscle, significantly improving total body composition. Conclusion: GHRH was well tolerated and effectively increased levels of IGF-1 in HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy. Total and regional body composition improved in response to GHRH, with increased lean mass and reduced truncal and visceral fat. Use of GHRH may potentially be a beneficial treatment strategy for this population. JAMA. 2004;292:210-218
Dr Rand McClain has observed patients lose significant adipose tissue using Sermorelin. Athletes have long used Sermorelin (GHrh) and similar peptides to decrease body fat and sustain lean muscle. In addition, Sermorelin (just like HGH) plays a significant role in exercise recovery.
Using Synthetic Human Growth Hormone (rHGH) Decreases your Lifespan
Patients who take Human Growth Hormone may actually decrease their total lifespan, which is counterproductive to Anti-Aging. When taken, Synthetic HGH medications bypass the pituitary axis going directly to the liver. The result is a surge of Insulin-Like-Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) which remains elevated far above physiological range for a long time. Persistently elevated IGF-1 is detrimental to health and can lead to disease.Many attribute the wonderful effects of Human Growth Hormone to the action of its analogue, IGF-1, however this is simply false- Studies show that the best environment for promoting longevity and increasing positive health is to have optimal levels of endogenous (naturally produced) Growth Hormone, and growth hormone reserves, along with a pulsing IGF-1. Pulsing IGF-1 simply means that it fluctuates throughout the day, or levels having high peaks and low valleys in succession. Since IGF-1 is a very powerful growth factor, one of many that are produced from HGH, it is very important that ones body maintains control at all times, utilizing IGF-1 when needed. In addition, it was recently found in a local clinical observation that some of the effects falsely attributed to IGF-1, such as extreme fat loss and gain of lean muscle, are actually the direct results of elevated HGH or endogenous Growth Hormone itself-not IGF-1.
Using Sermorelin Acetate will promote longevity and lifespan by increasing both production of Human Growth Hormone and increasing pituitary reserves of HGH. Sermorelin does not bypass the pituitary-GH axis therefore allowing control of IGF-1- fluctuating levels as needed to preserve health.
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone, called Sermorelin - may provide a superior product for endogenous production of hGH. Unlike exogenous recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH)that causes production of the bioactive hormone IGF-1 from the liver, sermorelin stimulates the patients own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors to increase production and secretion of endogenous hGH.- Dr . Rand McClain, Sports Medicine Physician LA.
*NOTE: Genuine GHRH, GHRP combinations, and HGH must be prescribed by a physician. Stay away from over-the-counter supplements that claim to boost HGH, known as HGH precursors. The amino acid chains that make up peptides such as Sermorelin or synthetic HGH are very delicate and must be compounded or synthesized under extremely sterile conditions. These bio-identicals cannot survive your digestive enzymes therefore cannot be ingested.
All Peptides and Secretagogues prescribed by Defy Medical is independently tested by a lab for purity, potency, and endotoxins.
Contact our clinic today if you are interested in becoming a candidate for Growth Hormone Replacement therapy!
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