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Sep 2

H.C. Wainwright Reiterated Lipocine Inc. [LPCN]. What else is Wall St. saying? – The DBT News

Lipocine Inc. [NASDAQ: LPCN] stock went on a downward path that fall over -5.41% on Tuesday, amounting to a one-week price decrease of less than -2.78%. The company report on August 28, 2020 that Lipocine Provides Regulatory Update for TLANDO.

Lipocine Inc. (NASDAQ: LPCN), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on metabolic and endocrine disorders, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has informed the Company that it needs additional time to complete its review of TLANDOs New Drug Application (NDA) and is committed to taking action as expeditiously as possible. The anticipated Prescription Drug User Food Act (PDUFA) goal date was August 28, 2020 for TLANDO. Although the FDA did not provide a timeline on a new action date, the FDA informed the Company that the review is expected to be completed in the coming weeks. The FDA has not asked for any additional data and the Company has provided the FDA with all information requested to date.

TLANDO is the Companys oral testosterone product candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in adult males for conditions associated with a deficiency of endogenous testosterone, also known as hypogonadism.

Over the last 12 months, LPCN stock dropped by -55.70%. The average equity rating for LPCN stock is currently 2.50, trading closer to a bullish pattern in the stock market.

The market cap for the stock reached $91.98 million, with 65.69 million shares outstanding and 63.81 million shares in the current float. Compared to the average trading volume of 3.98M shares, LPCN stock reached a trading volume of 3277408 in the most recent trading day, which is why market watchdogs consider the stock to be active.

H.C. Wainwright have made an estimate for Lipocine Inc. shares, keeping their opinion on the stock as Buy, with their previous recommendation back on January 12, 2018. While these analysts kept the previous recommendation, Canaccord Genuity raised their target price from $11 to $2. The new note on the price target was released on January 11, 2018, representing the official price target for Lipocine Inc. stock. Previously, the target price had yet another raise to $10, while H.C. Wainwright analysts kept a Buy rating on LPCN stock.

The Average True Range (ATR) for Lipocine Inc. is set at 0.20, with the Price to Sales ratio for LPCN stock in the period of the last 12 months amounting to 459.90. The Price to Book ratio for the last quarter was 5.38, with the Price to Cash per share for the same quarter was set at 0.28.

Lipocine Inc. [LPCN] fell into the red zone at the end of the last week, falling into a negative trend and dropping by -2.78. With this latest performance, LPCN shares dropped by -18.13% in over the last four-week period, additionally plugging by 142.21% over the last 6 months not to mention a drop of -55.70% in the past year of trading.

Overbought and oversold stocks can be easily traced with the Relative Strength Index (RSI), where an RSI result of over 70 would be overbought, and any rate below 30 would indicate oversold conditions. An RSI rate of 50 would represent a neutral market momentum. The current RSI for LPCN stock in for the last two-week period is set at 38.05, with the RSI for the last a single of trading hit 33.01, and the three-weeks RSI is set at 43.43 for Lipocine Inc. [LPCN]. The present Moving Average for the last 50 days of trading for this stock 1.5779, while it was recorded at 1.5920 for the last single week of trading, and 0.8038 for the last 200 days.

Operating Margin for any stock indicates how profitable investing would be, and Lipocine Inc. [LPCN] shares currently have an operating margin of -7818.83. Lipocine Inc.s Net Margin is presently recorded at -7883.72.

Return on Total Capital for LPCN is now -77.88, given the latest momentum, and Return on Invested Capital for the company is -98.31. Return on Equity for this stock declined to -165.47, with Return on Assets sitting at -64.22. When it comes to the capital structure of this company, Lipocine Inc. [LPCN] has a Total Debt to Total Equity ratio set at 113.68. Additionally, LPCN Total Debt to Total Capital is recorded at 53.20, with Total Debt to Total Assets ending up at 36.36. Long-Term Debt to Equity for the company is recorded at 60.66, with the Long-Term Debt to Total Capital now at 28.39.

Reflecting on the efficiency of the workforce at the company, Lipocine Inc. [LPCN] managed to generate an average of -$1,083,945 per employee. Receivables Turnover for the company is 6.00 with a Total Asset Turnover recorded at a value of 0.01.Lipocine Inc.s liquidity data is similarly interesting compelling, with a Quick Ratio of 5.50 and a Current Ratio set at 5.50.

With the latest financial reports released by the company, Lipocine Inc. posted -0.12/share EPS, while the average EPS was predicted by analysts to be reported at -0.16/share. When compared, the two values demonstrate that the company surpassed the estimates by a Surprise Factor of 25.00%. The progress of the company may be observed through the prism of EPS growth rate, while Wall Street analysts are focusing on predicting the 5-year EPS growth rate for LPCN.

There are presently around $6 million, or 6.60% of LPCN stock, in the hands of institutional investors. The top three institutional holders of LPCN stocks are: VANGUARD GROUP INC with ownership of 1,104,304, which is approximately 3.554% of the companys market cap and around 1.10% of the total institutional ownership; AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL INC, holding 788,500 shares of the stock with an approximate value of $1.1 million in LPCN stocks shares; and BLACKROCK INC., currently with $1.01 million in LPCN stock with ownership of nearly -10.223% of the companys market capitalization.

Positions in Lipocine Inc. stocks held by institutional investors increased at the end of August and at the time of the August reporting period, where 20 institutional holders increased their position in Lipocine Inc. [NASDAQ:LPCN] by around 836,911 shares. Additionally, 9 investors decreased positions by around 171,052 shares, while 12 investors held positions by with 3,319,043 shares. The mentioned changes placed institutional holdings at 4,327,006 shares, according to the latest SEC report filing. LPCN stock had 11 new institutional investments in for a total of 550,302 shares, while 6 institutional investors sold positions of 84,899 shares during the same period.

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H.C. Wainwright Reiterated Lipocine Inc. [LPCN]. What else is Wall St. saying? - The DBT News

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