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Aug 5

Testosterone | What is Testosterone and How to Increase …

Testosterone is the primary hormone in men. It regulates several functions in the body and helps overall wellbeing. However, as men age, testosterone levels decrease.

So, lets look at what is testosterone, what are normal levels, high levels and ways to boost testosterone naturally.

Testosterone is a male hormone produced by the Leydig cells of the testes. The primary function of this hormone is to regulate sperm production.

It is also responsible for regulating:

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The hypothalamus detects when the level of testosterone in the blood goes low. The hypothalamus releases gonadotrophin releasing hormone, which triggers the pituitary glands to produce Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Leiutenizing Hormone.

FSH, on reaching the testicles, stimulates the production of sperms while LH stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone.

Charts show the total and the free testosterone levels in blood. Low T levels in females have relatively no effect while high levels can result in manliness characteristics.

However, cases of hypergonadism, or hyperfunction of the gonads, in females are lower.

According to Mayo Clinic Lab, normal T levels in males are as follows:

As a boy grows up, the level of testosterone increases from about 75 nanograms per deciliter to about 1200 ng/DL when they hit 18 years. The average adult male will have between 800 and 1000 nanograms per deciliter, total testosterone.

When the levels of total testosterone fall below 300ng/DL, a man is said to have a low T count. This happens after age 30 where testosterone reduces by 1 percent each year.

Testosterone drops can result from:

Generally, testosterone reduces with age. In some instances, testosterone drops result from genetic causes while in other cases, the cause is unknown.

Low testosterone levels are associated with:

Testosterone is the youth hormone in men and lower levels will lead to aging signs, again, low levels can lead to:

A man with more than 1000ng/dl is considered to have high testosterone levels. These high levels come with confidence, aggressiveness and strength.

Men with high testosterone levels have a higher sex drive, are ambitious, relatively strong, have high metabolic rate, reduced body fat, increased muscle mass and great concentration with lower chances of stress.

However, studies have linked elevated testosterone levels with:

Hypergonadism is the production of an unusually high amount of testosterone. Its caused by over-stimulated Leydig cells. The condition affects 2.5 percent of adult men in the world.

Testosterone deficiency syndrome, TDS, results from a condition referred to as hypogonadism where the testes produce an unusually low testosterone level.

In some cases, testosterone deficiency is not associated with any symptoms, but even then, levels below 250 ng/dl should be treated.

The deficiency is characterized by low libido, depression, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, decline in mental functions and a loss of overall wellbeing.

Your doctor can request a testosterone blood test when you show signs of low or high testosterone levels. This test is carried out on men as well as women.

It involves taking a blood sample to check testosterone level in blood. Readings are given in nanograms per deciliter, ng/dl.

There are many factors that may affect the degree of testosterone in the blood. Granted, your doctor may have to draw more than one blood sample for lab testing.

Samples are normally taken in the morning when the testosterone level is high.

There are also home testosterone kits that use saliva instead of blood. However, these kits are less accurate, especially noting that they are done without the supervision of a doctor.

When a blood test indicates that T levels have dropped significantly, a doctor can prescribe any of the treatments below:

Testosterone levels can be increased naturally. This involves reversing the causes of hypogonadism. Low levels result from obesity, diabetes, infections and cancer of the testes and prostrate. Managing hypogonadism starts with managing the causes. This means seeking treatment for diabetes, cancer and any other infections.

One of the most recommended ways of raising testosterone is exercising and keeping fit. This will help you lose weight and reduce stress, both factors that lead to testosterone deficiency.

Living healthy and eating healthy food will stimulate the production of testosterone.

Ensure you take the following nutrients in your food or as supplements:

Each of the above nutrients help boost the production of testosterone in the testes. Again, avoid sugar, minimize stress and get plenty of rest. There are also natural testosterone boosters you can take. However, be sure to check the organic nature of the testosterone boosters.

In the blood, testosterone occurs as free, which is less than 4 percent, or as protein bound, which makes up to 98 percent of the testosterone in your blood. The latter is bound either to albumin or to sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG.

The bind between albumin and testosterone is not strong and thus, it is referred to as bioavailable testosterone, BAT. BAT, or free testosterone, denotes the testosterone available for use by body cells. It is measured in pictograms per millimeter.

Total testosterone is a measure of all the testosterone in your blood, both free and bound. This is the first test that a doctor will request when you show signs of hypogonadism or hypergonadism.

Medically, testosterone replacement therapy comes in diverse forms. To increase T levels, you can have a skin patch also referred to as transdermal, a mouth patch, a gel you apply on the skin or injections and implants. All these methods are designed to stimulate the production of natural testosterone or to supply testosterone to the body.

There are oral testosterone pills, but these are believed to cause a problem to the liver. Other methods mentioned above bypass the liver and move to the blood directly.

Testosterone drugs are in many forms including liquid/gel applications, pellets and powder. Some of the drugs can be bought over the counter while some have to be prescribed. However, given the side effects of the drugs, it is always important to seek a physicians input. With any of these drugs, side effects can be expected including:

Men use testosterone supplements such as Pronabolin to build their body. Testosterone improves metabolism, turning most of the food eaten into use.

Again, it regulates bone and muscle mass creation, thereby, enhancing weight gain. On the other hand, low testosterone causes increased fat gain and, thereby, leading to obesity.

Exercise increases testosterone levels for a short period. Theres a direct link between short-termexercise and the increase in testosterone levels.

However, an exercise routine will lead to weight loss and fitness. A healthy body promotes general well being, which can raise testosterone to required levels.

Testosterone injections are never the first form of treatment that you receive. This comes when other forms of treatment wont work. Injections are preferred because they offer high absorption. When testosterone or any other testosterone stimulating drug is injected, it goes straight to the blood.

Shots are relatively cheap and with relatively less side effects. hCG is a typical testosterone booster on the market.

Injections are titrated much easier compared to other forms of medication, making them much safer. Seeing that the doses will be administered after every two to ten weeks, a small needle, no more than a mosquito proboscis, is recommended to ensure there are no long-term scars.

Injections increase the risk of having blood clots that may lead to stroke. This is especially true when they are done at home. There are also some uncommon side effects with injections including:

When care is not taken, a small needle wound can cause second infections. However, most of the side effects stop when the treatment is stopped.

Testosterone Gel is one of the many forms of low T level medication. True to its name, you apply the gel on your skin. The gel is absorbed in about four hours.

The gel can have the following side effects:

Testosterone cream is similar to a gel. You apply it on specific parts of your skin as instructed by the manufacturer and your physician. It is a prescription drug. Like the gel, this cream is absorbed in about four hours. Testosterone cream side effects include:

If you suffer from diabetes, allergies, heart disease and prostate cancer, it is advisable you notify your doctor before beginning treatment.

Implants supply your body with the needed testosterone continuously. Unlike drugs, implants are done less frequently; they work for up to 6 months before a replacement is needed. The pellets are small measuring 3 by 9 mm.

They can be implanted in any part of the skin. The procedure is short and done in a doctors office. This is usually done near the hip.

The process is simple. A small incision is made after the skin has been anesthetized and between 10 and 12 pills implanted. The main drawbacks of this form of medication include:

The powders are made of crushed herbs and their side effects are relatively low. They are made of Tribulus Terrestris, DHEA, Creatine, HMB and L-arginine.

Some side effects include:

A testosterone diet stimulates the production of natural testosterone. Unlike medication, a diet takes longer to bring results.

This diet aims to reduce weight by using low carbs and concentrating healthy fats, proteins and vegetables. This diet also lowers the cortisol levels, which may affect the T levels.

The natural way of boosting testosterone is eating food rich in a number of nutrients. In most cases, what your body needs is vitamin D3 and zinc. While there are several food and drugs designed to stimulate the production of testosterone, the results will depend on your overall health. Some of the foods known to boost the production of testosterone include:

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics including growth of hair, deepening of the voice and production of sperm. This hormone regulates sex drive in men. With low levels of testosterone, an individual suffers erectile dysfunction and produces less sperms which is a turn off when it comes to sex.

Low testosterone is associated with erectile dysfunction, a condition also referred to as impotence in men. Here, the penis cannot get a full erection. However, there is no evidence that links low testosterone levels to erectile dysfunction directly. Low t-levels aid atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arteries harden.

Again, with low T levels, a low number of sperm is produced, or no sperm are produced at all, and this may result to infertility.

Testosterone is involved directly in the production of facial and chest hair in men and women. With increased metabolism, more blood is supplied to the skin and this results in skin health, which leads to faster hair growth.

Theres also a link to hair loss. Baldness affects about 30 percent of men. The hormone causing baldness is known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is created from testosterone by enzyme 5-alpha reductase. DHT increases the sensitivity of hair follicles, which them leads to hair loss.

High or low levels of testosterone in the body lead to a number of side effects. Naturally, testosterone levels will go down with age. The good thing, a boost in testosterone is possible either naturally or medically.

Originally posted here:
Testosterone | What is Testosterone and How to Increase ...

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