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Apr 29

5 Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Fitness – Signals AZ

Brought to you by Beltone - A leader in hearing healthcare.

Many of us have started a fitness journey, but somewhere along the way, we fizzle out. What started as high hopes crashes and burns fairly quickly.

How can you stay motivated in your workouts?

Stop making excuses that you do not have enough time. Schedule your workouts and fitness time as you would lunch with friends or activities with your family. In order to achieve your goals and stick to your physical fitness, make time in your routine.

Carve out time in your week to join a FreedomCore Pilates class, and enjoy your time each week.

You can reward yourself, but only if you meet your goals. If you attend every class this month, hit your mileage goal, or just get in a good workout, treat yourself! But those nice running shoes, new leggings or fancy water bottle, you got this.

Everyone is motivated by financial loss. By committing to a gym membership, regular class, or other financial deposit, you will be more motivated to make that money worth it.

FreedomCore Pilates offers affordable, fun classes that will fit any budget. Commit to your fitness routine and budget with FreedomCore Pilates.

Friends make everything better. By exercising with friends, you will be more likely to follow through, enjoy your time, and look forward to your next workout. Find friends that challenge you and make you meet your fitness goals.

Instead of suffering through a run, a lifting session, or another routine you hate, make your fitness fun! Join a class you love, try a new form of workout, or find a trainer you vibe with. Whatever you choose, love your workout every day!

>>FreedomCore is also offering a FREE introductory class for anyone who is interested! Be sure to visit to book your free session!<<

With a variety of class offerings and membership packages to suit anyone plus a drop-in-class option and even a FREE introductory class, FreedomCore Pilates is perfect for everybody. Visit or check out their Facebook Page to learn more.

Excerpt from:
5 Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Fitness - Signals AZ

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